I. Overview about sanitation in food plant . 6
1. Sanitation . 6
2. Importance of sanitation: . 6
2.1. General food plant: . 6
2.2. Dairy plant: . 8
II. Sanitation in dairy plant . 8
1. Personel: . 8
1.1. Personal hygiene: . 9
1.2. Hand washing: . 10
2. Sanitation agents . 15
2.1. Thermal . 15
2.2. Steam . 15
2.3. Hot water . 15
2.4. Radiation . 16
2.5. Chemical Satizers . 17
2.6. Enzymatic cleaning . 21
3. Equipment . 22
3.1. Mechanical Abrasives . 23
3.2. Water Hoses . 23
3.3. Brushes . 23
3.4. Scrapers, Sponges, and Squeegees . 24
3.5. High-Pressure Water Pumps . 24
3.6. Low-Pressure, High-Temperature Spray Units . 24
3.7. High-Pressure Hot-Water Units . 25
3.8. Steam Guns . 25
3.9. Portable High-Pressure, Low-Volume Cleaning Equipment . 25
4. Sanitation methods . 27
4.1. Regulation and process of cleaning and disinfecting . 27
4.2. Cleaning process in the dairy plant’s areas: . 31
5. Biofilms, formation, developemt, and control . 40
5.1. Introduction . 40
5.2. Bacterial biofilm development . 41
5.3. Detection . 42
5.4. Treatment options . 43
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cult to clean
areas and to compensate for the natural dilution that may occur because of the presence
of condensation or residual rinse water from cleaning.
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The growth rate of the microorganisms and the death rate due to chemical application
will increase as temperature elevates. A higher temperature generally lowers surface
tension, increases pH, decreases viscosity, and creates other changes that may help
bactericidal action. An exception is the iodophors that vaporize above 50°C. These
chemicals are more aggressive to surfaces, especially elastomers and gasketing materials,
as the temperature rises. Thus, chemical sanitizers should be applied at ambient
temperatures, ideally 21 to 38°C. Generally, the degree of sanitation greatly exceeds the
growth rate of the bacteria, so that the final effect of increasing temperature is to enhance
the rate of destruction of the microorganisms.
Increased sanitizer concentration enhances the rate of destruction of the
The activity of antimicrobial agents occurring as different species within a pH range
may be dramatically influenced by relatively small changes in the pH of the medium.
Chlorine and iodine compounds generally decrease in effectiveness with an increase in
Desired Sanitizer Properties
The ideal sanitizer should have the following properties:
● Microbial destruction properties of uniform, broad-spectrum activity against vegetative
bacteria, yeasts, and molds to produce rapid kill.
● Environmental resistance (effective in the presence of organic matter [soil load],
detergent and soap residues, and water hardness and pH variability)
● Good cleaning properties
● Nontoxic and nonirritating properties
● Water solubility in all proportions
● Acceptability of odor or no odor
● Stability in concentrated and use dilution
● Ease of use
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● Ready availability
● Inexpensive
● Ease of measurement in use solution
A standard chemical sanitizer cannot be effectively utilized for all sanitizing
requirements. The chemical selected as a sanitizer should pass the Chambers test (also
referred to as the sanitizer efficiency test):Sanitizers should produce 99.999% kill of75
million to 125 million Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus within 30 seconds
after application at 20°C.The pH at which the compound is applied can influence the
effectiveness of the sanitizer. Chemical sanitizers are normally divided according to the
agent that kills the microorganisms.
Chemical sanitizers are often used in dairy plant such as:
Chlorine Compounds,
Iodine Compounds,
Bromine Compounds,
Acid Sanitizers,
Peroxy Acid Sanitizers,
Acid Anionic Sanitizers,
Hydrogen Peroxide,
Ozone, a molecule comprised of three oxygen atoms, is naturally occurring in the
earth’s upper atmosphere. It acts as a powerful and nonselective oxidant and
disinfectant,(which indicates that it will attack any organic material that it contacts) and
may control microbial and chemical hazards. Common by-products of ozonation are
molecular oxygen, acids, aldehydes, and ketones. This sanitizer does not cause a harmful
residue or contaminated flavor.
This sanitizer is a more powerful disinfectant than chlorine. It has been used safely
and effectively in water treatment and is approved in the United States as Generally
Regarded as Safe (GRAS) for treatment of bottled water and has been applied in the food
Industry in Europe during the past. It has a broad spectrum of germicidal activity.
Generally, ozone is a more effective bactericide and virucide than chlorine and chlorine
dioxide. Ozone is being evaluated as a chlorine substitute. Because it oxidizes rapidly, it
poses less environmental impact than some compounds.
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Ozone is expensive, unstable, corrosive, temperature sensitive, very reactive, and
should be generated as needed at the site of application. It is produced commercially
through the incorporation of an ozone generator that uses electricity to generate the gas
and ozone. The ozone is used as a gas or is contacted with water for application. A high
voltage, alternating electric discharge is passed through a gas stream (dry air or oxygen).
To control the electrical discharge and maintain a corona, a dielectric space or discharge
gap is formed using a dielectric material such as ceramic or glass. A grounded electrode
that is usually produced from stainless steel acts as a boundary to the discharge space.
The most common shape for ozone generators is a cylinder, which is the most space-
efficient, economic form .Care must be taken to ventilate the equipment properly as
released ozone can be irritating to workers. Ozone is very unstable at a high as well as at
a low pH. Ozone is most effective at a pH range of 6.0 to 8.5. As water temperature
increases, the solubility of ozone decreases. It dissipates almost immediately at 40°C.
Ozone is a broad-spectrum germicide which is effective against food pathogens, yeasts,
and molds, and viruses and protozoa. It has been used to sanitize dairy equipment and to
disinfect water, including pools, spas, and cooling towers and for algae control in water
and wastewater treatment plants. It is not tolerant of organic soil. The probable mode of
action of ozone is through the attack on the cell membrane, rupturing and killing the cell.
Another application is to release gaseous ozone in cold storage rooms to control molds
and eliminate ethylene, which can accelerate ripening in fruits and vegetables. Ozone is
more stable in the gas phase and in an aqueous phase.
The use of ozone presents safety issues. It is a powerful irritant to the respiratory
tract and a cellular poison that interferes with the ability of lungs to fight infectious
agents. Ozone, as chlorine dioxide, has been found to produce brominated organic
compounds that are alleged potential carcinogens. Furthermore, there is a high capital
cost associated with the use of ozone including the need for generators at point of use as
well as the energy costs to operate them. Also, ozone is corrosive to soft metals and mild
steel as well as rubber and some plastics.
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Table 1: Specific Areas or Conditions where Particular Sanitizers are Recommended
2.6. Enzymatic cleaning
It is known that monocomponent enzymes can be used for biofilm removal. The
heterogenicity of the biofilm matrix limits the potential of these enzymes for use in
effective cleaning. The proteinase samples, e.g. chemotrypsin were shown to be effective
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in reducing and inactivating pure-culture biofilms, but when milk residues were present
no effect of the proteinases could be observed. The different enzymatic cleaning
procedures tested were also shown to be ineffective in inhibiting growth and metabolic
activities of bacterial strains isolated from dairies. Based on the varying results obtained
for removal and inactivation of microbes on surfaces by enzyme preparates, one
possibility could therefore be to combine various types of enzymes to attain efficient
cleaning. The use of enzymes is also limited due to the lack of techniques for quantitative
evaluation of the enzymatic effects and the accessibility of the different enzymatic
activities. The results showed that the resazurin-based fluorometric assay tested during
that part of the project performed at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University
of Helsinki can be used for estimating the enzymatic activities on process surfaces. This
method can be recommended especially when a rapid, high-throughput capacity system is
needed (Mikkola, 1999; Augustin, 2000).
Table 2: Optimal Cleaning Guides for Dairy Processing Equipment
3. Equipment
Cleaning is generally accomplished by manual labor with basic supplies and
equipment or by the use of mechanized equipment that applies the cleaning medium
(usually water),cleaning compound, and sanitizer. The cleaning crew should be provided
with the tools and equipment needed to accomplish the cleanup with minimal effort and
time. Storage space should be provided for chemicals, tools, and portable equipment.
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3.1. Mechanical Abrasives
Although abrasives such as steel, wool, and copper chore balls, can effectively
remove soil when manual labor is used, these cleaning aids should not be used on any
surface that has direct contact with food. Small pieces of these scouring pads may
become embedded in the construction material of the equipment and cause pit corrosion
(especially on stainless steel) or may be picked up by the food, resulting in consumer
complaints and even consumer damage suits. Wiping cloths should not be used as a
substitute for abrasives or for general purposes because they spread molds and bacteria. If
cloths are necessary, they should be boiled and sanitized before use.
3.2. Water Hoses
Hoses should be long enough to reach all areas to be cleaned, but should be no longer
than required. For rapid and effective cleanup, it is important to have hoses equipped with
nozzles designed to produce a spray that will cover the areas being cleaned. Nozzles with
rapid-type connectors should be provided for each hose. Fan-type nozzles give better
coverage for large surfaces in a minimum amount of time. Debris lodged in deep cracks
or crevices is dislodged most effectively through small, straight jets. Bent type nozzles
are beneficial for cleaning, around and under equipment. For a combination of washing
and brushing, a sprayhead brush is needed. Cleanup hoses, unless connected to steam
lines, should have an automatic shut off valve on the operator’s end to conserve water,
reduce splashing, and facilitate exchange of nozzles. Hoses should be removed from food
production areas after cleanup, and it is necessary to clean, sanitize, and store them on
hooks off of the floor. This precaution is especially important in the control of Listeria
3.3. Brushes
Brushes used for manual or mechanical cleaning should fit the contour of the surface
being cleaned. Those equipped with spray heads between the bristles are satisfactory for
cleaning screens and other surfaces in small operations where a combination of water
spray and brushing is necessary. Bristles should be as harsh as possible without creating
surface damage. Rotary hydraulic and power-driven brushes for cleaning pipes aid in
cleaning lines that transport liquids and heat exchanger tubes.
Brushes are manufactured from a variety of materials horse-hair, hog bristles, fiber,
and nylon but are usually nylon. Bassine, a coarse-textured fiber, is suitable for heavy-
duty scrubbing. Palmetto fiber brushes are less coarse and are effective for scrubbing
with medium soil, such as metal equipment and walls. Tampico brushes are fine fibered
and well adapted for cleaning light soil that requires only gentle brushing pressure. All
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nylon brushes have strong and flexible fibers that are uniform in diameter, durable, and
do not absorb water. Most power-driven brushes are equipped with nylon bristles.
Brushes made of absorbent materials should not be used.
3.4. Scrapers, Sponges, and Squeegees
Sometimes scrapers are needed to remove tenacious deposits, especially in small
operations. Sponges and squeegees are most effectively used for cleaning product storage
tanks when the operation has insufficient volume to justify mechanized cleaning.
3.5. High-Pressure Water Pumps
High-pressure water pumps may be portable or stationary, depending on the volume
and needs of the individual plant. Portable units are usually smaller than centralized
installations. The capacity of portable units is from 40 to 75 L/minute, with operating
pressures of up to 41.5 kg/cm2. Portable units may include solution tanks for mixing of
cleaning compounds and sanitizers. Stationary units have capacities ranging from 55 to
475 L/min. Piston-type pumps deliver up to 300 L/min, and multistage turbines have
capacities of up to 475 L/min, with operating pressures of upto 61.5 kg/cm2.The capacity
and pressure of these units vary from one manufacturer to another.
In a centralized unit, the high-pressure water is piped throughout the plant, and outlets
are placed for convenient access to areas to be cleaned. The pipes, fittings, and hoses
must be capable of withstanding the water pressure, and all of the equipment should be
made of corrosion-resistant materials. The choice of a stationary or portable unit depends
on the desired volume of high-pressure water and the ease with which a portable unit can
be moved close to areas being cleaned. Other uses of high-pressure water in the plant can
also determine whether a stationary unit is warranted.
High-pressure, high-volume water pumps have been used primarily when
supplementary hot, high-pressure water is desired. Because this equipment uses a large
volume of water and cleaning compounds, it is frequently considered inefficient. This
concept has been applied to portable and centralized high-pressure, low-volume
equipment that blends cleaning compounds for dispensing in areas to be cleaned. With a
lower volume and water temperature, it is a more efficient approach that can effectively
clean areas that are difficult to reach and penetrate.
3.6. Low-Pressure, High-Temperature Spray Units
This equipment may be portable or stationary. The portable units generally consist of
a lightweight hose, adjustable nozzles, steam-heated detergent tank, and pump. Operating
pressures are generally less than 35 kg/cm2. Stationary units may operate at the main hot
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water supply pressure or may use a pump. These units are used because no free steam or
environment fogging is present, splashing during the cleaning operation is minimal,
soaking operations are impractical and hand brushing is difficult and time-consuming,
and the detergent stream is easily directed onto the soiled surface.
3.7. High-Pressure Hot-Water Units
This equipment utilizes steam at 3.5 to 8.5 kg/cm2 and unheated water at any pressure
above 1 kg/cm2. These units convert the high-velocity energy of steam into pressure in
the delivery line. The cleaning compound is simultaneously drawn from the tank and
mixed in desired proportions with hot water. Pressure at the nozzle is a function of the
steam pressure in the line; for example, at 40kg of steam pressure, the jet pressure is
approximately 14 kg/cm2. This equipment is easy to operate and maintain but has the
same inefficiency as the high-pressure, high-volume water pumps.
3.8. Steam Guns
Various brands of steam guns are available that mix steam with water and/or cleaning
compounds by aspiration. The most satisfactory units are those that use sufficient water
and are properly adjusted to prevent a steam fog around the nozzle. Although this
equipment has applications, it is a high-energy-consuming method of cleaning. It also
reduces safety through fog formation and increases moisture condensation, sometimes
resulting in mold growth on walls and ceilings, and increased potential for the growth of
L.monocytogenes. High-pressure, low-volume equipment is generally as effective as
steam guns if appropriate cleaning compounds are incorporated.
3.9. Portable High-Pressure, Low-Volume Cleaning Equipment
A portable high-pressure, low-volume unit contains an air- or motor-driven high-
pressure pump, a storage container for the cleaning compound, and a high-pressure
delivery line and nozzle (Figure 6).The self-contained pump provides the required
pressure to the delivery line, and the nozzle regulates pressure and volume. This portable
unit simultaneously meters the predetermined amount of cleaning compound from the
storage container and mixes it in the desired proportion of water as the pump delivers the
desired pressure. The ideal high-pressure, low-volume unit delivers the cleaning solution
at approximately 55ºC with 20 to 85 kg/cm2 pressure and 8 to 12 L/minute, depending on
equipment specifications and nozzle design. However, low-pressure, medium-pressure
(boosted pressure),and high-pressure equipment exists. Although high pressure is
effective in removing heavy soils, it can create too much atomization. Therefore, the food
industry has evolved primarily to medium (boosted) pressure. The high-pressure cleaning
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principle is based on automation of the cleaning compound through a high-pressure spray
The high-pressure spray
provides the cleaning medium
for application of the cleaning
compound. The velocity, or
force, of the cleaning solution
against the surface is the major
factor that contributes to
cleaning effectiveness. High-
pressure, low-volume
equipment is necessary to
reduce water and cleaning
compound consumption. This
equipment conserves water and
cleaning compounds, and it is
less hazardous than high-pressure, high-volume equipment because the low volume
results in reduced force as distance from the nozzle increases.
Portable high-pressure, low-volume equipment is relatively inexpensive and
quickly connected to existing utilities. Some suppliers of cleaning compounds provide
these units at little or no rent to customers who agree to purchase their products
exclusively. These units do require more labor than does centralized equipment because
transportation throughout the cleaning operation is necessary and because less automation
can be provided without a centralized system. Portable equipment is not as durable and
can require an excessive amount of maintenance. High-temperature sprays tend to bake
the soil to the surface being cleaned, providing the optimum temperature for microbial
This hydraulic cleaning equipment is beneficial for small plants because the portable
units can be moved through the facility. Portable equipment can be utilized for cleaning
parts of equipment and building surfaces, and is especially effective for conveyors and
processing equipment where soaking operations are impractical and hand brushing is
difficult and time-consuming. It appears that this method of cleaning may receive more
attention in the future because it may be more effective in the removal of L.monocyto-
genes from areas that are difficult to clean with less labor-intensive equipment such as
Figure 6 A portable high-pressure, low-volume
cleaning unit that is used where a centralized system
does not exist.
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foam-dispensing units. A trend exists toward centrally installed equipment because of the
potential labor savings and reduced maintenance.
4. Sanitation methods
4.1. Regulation and process of cleaning and disinfecting
The design of modern dairy equipment allows cleaning and disinfecting to take place
without the equipment having to be taken apart, i.e, cleaning-in-place (CIP). This means
that the processing equipment must be made of materials (eg, stainless steel) that are
resistant to the corroding effects of the cleaning agents. The processing equipment must
also be designed in such way that all surfaces in contact with the product can be cleaned.
Careful cleaning in dairy plant is very important because milk components are
excellent substrates for microorganisms. This does not alone apply to the parts in contact
with the product, but also to the external parts and rooms etc…
4.1.1. The effectiveness of the cleaning is determined by the following four
The chemical factor is determined by the cleaning agent and the concentration in
which it is used.
The cleaning agent is chosen according to the type of pollution to be removed, in
this way:
Table 3: The cleaning agent is chosen according to the type of pollution to be removed
The functions of the cleaning agents are:
- To loosen the pollution
- To keep the impurities dissolved in the cleaning solutions to prevent them from
precipitation on the cleaned surfaces
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- To prevent sedimentation of lactic salts.
Guiding concentrations: Acid (HNO3) 0.8-1.2%, and lye (NaOH) 0.8-1.5%.
The mechanical factor is determined by the speed of the liquid over the surfaces.
The faster the liquid moves, the more efficient the cleaning will be. It is important that
the movement of the liquid is turbulent, i.e. that the liquid parts continuously change
place mutually. Consequently, the pump speeds are considerably higher during CIP
than during production.
The cleaning turbines in the tanks make up an effective mechanical factory, but
partial blockings of the turbines may appear. In consequence, the turbines should
be inspected regularly.
The thermal factor (the temperature) is very important.
Within chemistry it is said that the reaction speed is doubled if the temperature is
increased by 10
C. However, a too high temperature also presents disadvantages, as
residues of proteins and lactic salts are precipitated at too high temperatures, and the
solubility of the salts in the water is reduced.
Guiding temperatures: Lye solution 70 – 750C and acid solution 60 – 650C.
The time factor is important to the softening and solution part of the pollution.
In the program survey, approximate periods for the single steps in the programs are
indicated. The indicated periods should only be regarded as a broad guidance, as there
may be considerable differences between the single routes, both as regards equipment
to be cleaned and the fouling degree.
4.1.2. Disinfection
The purpose of a disinfection is to kill the largest possible number of bacteria to
avoid an infection of the products. Heat in the form of steam or especially hot water is the
most used form of disinfection. The central CIP plant includes programs for sterilisation
with hot water, and the return temperature is set to 85 – 900C.
Cleaning of dairy equipment is carried out as follows: Pre-rinse
The processing equipment is rinsed with cold or warm water. The object is to remove any
possible product residue before cleaning. The rinsing water containing the product
residue should be led to suitable reception facilities in order to minimise pollution. Cleaning with sodium hydroxide
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The process equipment is cleaned by means of circulation of a hot sodium hydroxide
cleaning solution. Today, special cleaning agents are commonly used instead of sodium
hydroxide. After cleaning, the cleaning solution is collected and re-used. Re-use should
not take place before the concentration of the returning solution (%) has been checked
and adjusted accordingly. Intermediate rinse
Any remaining cleaning solution is flushed out with either collected rinse water or fresh
water. Cleaning with nitric acid
The process equipment is cleaned by means of circulation of a hot nitric acid cleaning
solution. Today, special cleaning agents are commonly used instead of nitric acid.
After cleaning, the cleaning solution is collected and reused. Re-use should not take place
before the concentration of the returning solution (%) has been checked and adjusted
accordingly. Final rinse
Any remaining cleaning solution is flushed out with either cold or hot water. Chemical
free water is collected and used for pre-rinse. Disinfection
This is carried out immediately before the product plant is put into operation.
Disinfection can be carried out thermally or chemically. The CIP plant is normally
designed to allow for disinfection by circulation of either hot water at 90-95°C or a
solution of e.g. hydrogen peroxide. Today special agents for disinfection is widely used
in place of hydrogen peroxide. Disinfection must always be followed by a rinse with
clean and drinkable water.
4.1.3. Cleaning Methods Cleaning agents:
The following cleaning agents can be used for CIP-cleaning.
Lye, NaOH, Sodium hydroxide:
- 30% concentrated solution.
Acid, HNO3,Nitric acid:
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- 30% concentrated solution.
- 62% concentrated solution.
Hydrochloric acid, (HCl), and/or chlorine-containing cleaning agents, (Cl ), must
never be used.
4.1.4. General maintenance of CIP plant:
Daily check: Cont
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