CHAPTER 1. An introduction into MISA JSC 2
I. An overview about MISA JSC 2
II. History of development 2
III. An overview about products 3
IV. Organizational structure 5
V. Vision and mission 6
CHAPTER 2. Strategies of human resource management and development of MISA JSC 7
I.Activities of human resource development of MISA JSC 7
II. Results of performing strategies of human resource development 15
III. Assessment of the work of human resource development of MISA JSC 18
CHAPTER 3. Recommendations for motivating human resource development of MISA 21
I. Enhancing ability and awareness for managers and officials about human resource issue 21
II. Identifying long-term strategy about human resource issue 22
III. Investing logically for strategy of human resource development 22
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prises and organizations. It shows a relatively comprehensive solution about administrative work and accounting work by information technology. In all MISA’s products, MISA takes full advantage Microsoft’s strength to develop new useful features for users. For over 16 years of development, MISA’s products have been selected as reliable information technology product and won many prestigious IT wards. In addition, MISA won ICT Cup Awards for enterprise that create software and services best in Vietnam, top 5 of software units in Vietnam, certificate of merit from the Prime Minister, 11 BIT Cup Gold Cup, 06 Sao Khue prizes, 12 Vietnam ICT gold medals, and a lot of certificate of merit from Minister of Finance, Minister of Education and Training, Minister of Information and Communication, Chairman of Accounting and Auditing of Vietnam, etc are clear proofs for exertion of MISA.
MISA’s software is used popularly in the whole country with the different products in accordance with the need of every company: For MISA SME.NET 2010 – business accounting software when using this software, managers can monitor all aspects of finance and business situation of subsidiaries and units directly under company. For MISA Mimosa.NET 2012- business administrative accounting software, company’s finance is managed concentrative to helps managers get a good hold of finance situation of their company in anywhere. It takes a comprehensive effect towards accounting and financing job of statistic industry. For MISA CRM.NET 2008 – client relation management software this is to enhance mutual benefits by strengthens and upholds relations with clients; it supports the working process from marketing, sales to after-sales support. All these stages are coordinated closely to create a perfect client- management system. For MISA HRM.NET 2012 – human resource management software which has automation from the stage of human resource planning, recruitment management, personnel records management, training and assessment to the stage of timekeeping, payment of wages, taxes, insurance and reporting, etc. This is completely online software; thus, managers can monitor human resource effectively in anywhere and grasp the company’s human resource situation to make timely and efficient decisions and policies.
Organizational structure
Organizational structure of MISA JSC
(Source: Administration Department - 2010)
The model of organizational structure of MISA JSC is functional style. All those who relate to functional operations are classified as the same department. Management apparatus consist of 6 people; CEO is Mr. Lu Thanh Long who holds the most stocks of the company (3.100.000 stocks, make up 62% the total of stocks of the company). Every department undertakes their professional duty, software development center includes software development office in charge of researching, creating and develop new products and quality supervision office in charge of supervising and assessing new products, offices directly under regions that include Hanoi business office and representative offices in HCM city, Da Nang, Buon Ma Thuoy in charge of business and l market potential exploitation, the office of head of company specializes in PR, consultancy and support for client, accounting finance and organizational administration.
Vision and mission
With efforts and creativity in science and technology, MISA desires to become the software company that is used most popularly in the country, contributing to Vietnam to become a nation that achieve a high rank about IT in the world. MISA’s mission is to support and provide customers with the best software, the best solution with the most reasonable price in order to contribute global information technology in general, and popularity of the MISA software in particular.
MISA always aims at 3 essential values: First, MISA always puts customers in center for all its activities, products, services always aims at customers’ need. Second, employees are the biggest property; therefore, MISA is concerned about creating a good motivation for employees to maximize the ability of each person. Third, knowledge for community – MISA is ready to bring its knowledge to share with community, and bring practical knowledge for students, and strongly participate in the work socializing education. For new-formed enterprises; medium and small enterprises, MISA always has products for free in order to support these enterprises. This is also a social responsibility that MISA desires to share with.
For MISA JSC, “Human Resource” is the highest value that MISA is proud of because human resource is key element that leads to success. MISA has built employee staffs with high qualifications and enthusiasm. MISA’s products are crystallization of intelligence and enthusiasm of youth. MISA’s achievement is efforts of group of officials and staff who strive for company’s development.
CHAPTER 2. Strategies of human resource management and development of MISA JSC
Activities of human resource development of MISA JSC
Strategies of human resource development
Strategies of human resource development play an important role in long-term strategy of MISA. The company takes advantage maximally of human resource in business production and enhances competitive position in the software market. Strategies of the company consist of the following ways: First, attracting talents with treatment policy and business strategy. Second, recruiting human resource reasonably: internal human resource recruitment, recruitment through the newspaper, recruitment through universities and colleges; or recruitment through the questionnaire. Third, upholding current human resource and encouraging talents by reward policy, promotion, insurance, benefits, etc. Last, organizing training and upgrading human resources continuously according to periodic plan and the needs of human resource development.
In short, strategies of human resource developmet of MISA JSC aim at developing powerful human resource and creating competitive advantage for the company.
2. Strategic planning methods
Foundation of strategic planning
MISA will carry out human resource strategic planning in long term (about 5 years), for example, quality and quantity of human resources of 2008 that will be forecasted; and in 2003-2004 or 2008 that will forecast human resources of 2012. The difference of quality and quantity of HR compared with estimation is quite little, except in case market changes so highly or there is a special policy, for instance, government has launched MISA Bamboo.NET 2008, thus, MISA have to coordinate more a large amount of human resources to deploy this project.
Human resource planning is part of the main tasks of the manager, the human resource department; the planning was implemented in details, it based on the following main contents:
Based on business strategies of the company: Long-term HR strategy will be based on business strategy: in the next stage, MISA expects to penetrate deeply into the development of optimal software for private enterprises after WTO integration, research on new software versions which are more useful and suitable. The recruitment as well as HR development of the company focused heavily on software development center, because here is place where researches and offers new software based on the fluctuation of market.
Product process of MISA software
(Source: Business Department – MISA JSC 2010)
Based on market demand: The market demand in the business block is relatively large, more than 70% of enterprises do not use accounting software - a huge potential for the company. According to the strategy of the company, accounting software will become an essential part of all companies, MISA will minimize the cost price of a software unit so that many companies can use software best (they are potential clients of the company when they need to use other software for production or business purposes). In addition, the company also provides many different kinds of software in accordance with the needs for use of every firm, such as HR management software; client relation management software, etc. Therefore, the company’s amount of employees will considerably increase in 5 years later, especially is business Department’s employees.
Based on the needs and capabilities of the company: According to business strategy of the company, the needs of the market and the abilities of the company that will clearly identify the needs of the company about the number of employees for each of department, or how to recruit in the near future. Creating equilibrium between supply and demand for labor so that efficiency in human resource is the highest.
Steps for strategic planning
Before conducting human resource planning, Administrative Organization Department and HR Department that need to recruit more staff has to study plans and strategies in details, and combines with the whole company's plans to put forth a logical human resource policy. Human resource planning of MISA JSC includes 4 steps:
Step 1: Propose the needs of human resource
Based on business strategy, assess market needs and the ability to meet of the company and some experience to a report about human resource needs at present. First, research on the number of human resources that meet the current needs, the numbers of employees are working, and the numbers of employee missing in the position? Second, the level of quality which human resources need to achieve. Third, plans; quantity and quality of human resources in the future (based on market fluctuation, production plans, and future business). Then, research on ability to meet the needs of the company about finance, departments, etc. Last, concretize the number of human resources for recruitment.
Step 2: Propose human resource plans
HR plans are proposed in the long term (from 5 to 10 years) and in the short term (quarter, half year or a year). After conducting human resource demand forecasts by the comparison of the market demand (the ability to develop markets in the short term), the demand of the company (there is a campaign of product or not), and the ability is of the company. Management board and human resource Department are responsible for providing a HR plan report in short and long term.
Step 3: Implement human resource planning
Policies and plans are implemented by the HR Department and direct-relating Department. The HR department in charge of recruitment, training, business and software development Department directly train and receive new employees.
Step 4: Assess the performance and the effectiveness of plans.Check the numbers of recruited staff are sufficient or not? Quality meets the demand or not? Human resource strategy is in accordance with the strategy of the company or not? There is a need to adjust if the performance are not in accordance with the target (the target and strategy of the company is to put human resource in center; thus, all issues have to aim at people, put people in essence of value and development).After assessing the finished goals and plans, they have to learn from experience to achieve better results in the next plans and strategies.
Recruitment management
Base on process of identifying the need of human resources, the company can determine clearly about amount of employees need to recruit. There are 2 ways to recruit employees:
Recruiting internal HR: If there has missing position in the company such as leadership positions, manager, or team leader, the company will promote at first those who gain achievements in work.
When internal human resources do not meet the need of the company, it will implement external recruitment.
Recruiting external HR: Put recruiting information in newspapers, website, magazines, or contact with job-introducing centers; organize to recruit directly at job fairs, recruiting contacts with colleges and universities by collaborating on training and scholarships
Process of recruitment – MISA JSC
Supplementary research
for HR of Departments
Proposing recruitment
Approval of director
Building recruitment plans
Informing for recruitment
Receiving employees’ record
Period of probation
Receiving new employees
Rejecting candidates
(Source: HR Department- MISA JSC 2010)
Outline above is to summarize completely steps in process of recruitment of MISA JSC (the company can remove some above steps -- depending on work position).
After identifying the need of recruitment and recruiting proposal, the company will put a recruiting notice on newspapers, websites because it is popular and in accordance with different levels of human resources. The next step is to receive employees’ records. The company has not carried out rejecting directly employees’ records to make more opportunities for candidates and to ensure that the company will recruit the most talents. Interview and test candidates’ level are two steps that reject the most candidates. After passing the interview, candidates are considered they pass recruiting course and have to go to have a physical check-up to ensure for the need of work. Last, candidates will experience two-month period of probation, in probation process, candidates will be learned about rules and workplace culture of the company. In this period of probation, the company evaluates candidates that mainly based on sense of responsibility and inquiring mind of them. In this step, the company still can reject candidates who are not in accordance with targets and essence value that the company aims at.
Training and developing human resource
Training and cultivating plays an important role in the development of human resources in company in general and MISA JSC in particular. For the company, regular training for staff personnel is very important in the development strategy. In the period of international economic integration; the period of information technology and knowledge, technology, new inventions constantly increase, especially in the field that the company are operating. Thus, training to update skills and knowledge, enhance professional qualifications are essential. Designing plans, strategies, training objectives need to be careful, specific, and clear and strategies have to be conducted seriously with diversified training for all officials and employees. From professional-skilled training to personal-skilled training to provide social knowledge; law, and training to enhance a sense of community. The training programs are very useful because it enhances in both professional skills and cohesive team, makes a connection between company’s members together, and increases solidarity striving for personal goals and objectives of the company. Furthermore, in the training programs, there are often overall training, meetings of the whole company, thus, employees not only can improve their professional knowledge but also can understand more about professional knowledge of others, that leads to the increase in coordination of work (people understand and help each other to complete the work, empathy for the job and duties of other members)
Summary of training courses and objectives
Courses- Frequency
The whole company, twice per year
All members of the company build and strengthen workplace culture
Creating family culture with high organizational model
Professional skill training -12
Enhance professional skills
Work more effectively
Leadership training-1
Conduct strategies
Achieve the target
(Source: Human Resource Department – MISA JSC 2010)
Methods of training: the company organizes courses of training with method “study-exchanges-entertainment”
With overall course: the company holds for all members of the company with main purpose is to consolidate the solidarity between members, strengthen cultural value for the company. The main training method is a collective activity in twice per year: First was held at the beginning of the year to summarize old-year, propose target and orientations in New Year. Second was held in vacation period.
With professional skill training course: the source aims at increase professional knowledge, increase uniformity of members working in the same Department, providing new knowledge and skills in the period of integration. When internal training about professional skills, the former members who has longtime experience can share experiences, working methods with new members. Specifically, Departments has different training ways and time. Business Department often organizes training for staff when there has a new product campaign, so that employees can learn more about key product in this period. Software Development Department organizes training for programming staff at the end of a product campaign to continue research on new product, or develop line of old products. Especially, in the software development Department, members regularly exchange ideas and experience with each other. For other Departments, due to training costs are still limited, training in the form of internal training that has cost savings but effect is not high, less new ideas and creativity.
With senior management training course: Participants in training course are as the General Director, Vice President, and Director of Software Development, Business Manager, Finance Director and Managers. They will be trained once per year with the form of training is to hire foreign experts. This is an innovation of the company, there are no small and medium firms which have held separately a summit conference and invited foreign experts to consult, train.
- The company built a workplace culture with essence of value is human-- human beings are the leading factor for development. Therefore, training HR is a very important and regular work of the company. Training has to follow a process, there is a need to assess and consider results after training process, developing training model which is effective and finding solutions to get over disadvantages.
The process of training of MISA
Identify the need
Set up training plans
Organizing training
Save candidates’ records
Monitor and assess
(Source: Administration Department – MISA JSC 2010)
Results of performing strategies of human resource development
Human resource structure: before learning about HR structure, we need to take an overview of the company's human resources
Quantity of employees in the company
Quantity of employees / person
Control of quality
Software development
Human resource
(Source from HR Department – MISA JSC 2010)
The quantity of employees in branches at HCM city and Buon Ma Thuot are 45 people. Thus, total of MISA’s employees now are 139 employees and 10 leaders.
After the strategies of HR development, human resource structure of MISA has achieved certain results. According to level of employees, the company's human resources have high professional skill. Employees who have university degree account for 81% of total employees of the company.
Along with high-qualified HR structure is young human resource structure. Youth is synonymous with the enthusiasm, creativity, the company with its human resource strategy that has attracted employees for the firm development for future: young human resource, high knowledge.
Employees fewer than ages of 27 MISA account for 59% -- more than half of employee total of the company. Estimating employees under age of 34 accounted for 95% of employees’ total. With figures about HR structure above, taking full advantages of human resources will help the company develop quickly.
Assessment of the work of human resource development of MISA JSC
During the development of human resource, MISA has achieved the following advantages:
There conduct completely policies, strategies and plans, there has orientation for long-term development of company in general and of human resource in particular. These strategies and policies reflected the target and mission of company “Put people in firm foundation of development”
There organizes regularly courses of recruitment in order to ensure the needs for human resource development of the company. On the other hands, the company also held contacts with universities and colleges to recruit the number of excellent-graduating students
Finally, the company clearly identified the target “put people in the center for development” that are both the most important factor for strong development and the key factor for human resource development of the company.
Disadvantages and main causes
Young leaders lack experience to build effectively model of human resource. Managers has recognized the importance of human resource but has not invested properly, without specific and clear plans (human resource plans has mentioned commonly without take specific figures and make subordinates understand and apply.
There is irrelevance in the arrangement the work of employees in the same offices, there are people who do little works, or who do a lot of works (PR office often does quite little compared to their ability, software development office divided works irregularly, when running projects, they have to work day and night, when they have so little works to do). In short, there has weakness in the analysis of works and logical human resource arrangement for works
In human resource planning: The company has had a clear foundation about the model of human resource planning, however, not carry out in details that make the planning ineffective, not identify overall target, proposed planning for recruitment come from the departmental needs.
In recruitment work: Recruitment is very strict, but there is no recruiting board that has professional to choose the best candidates. Recruitment of the company conducted only in new recruitment but do not apply for recruitment purifying current human resources (recruitment to replace those who do not meet job requirements). Recruitment process is not methodical (there is no exam question-banking system in interview). The company only focused on recruiting employees but not recruit executive positions or senior executives.
In attracting talents: The Company only focused on attracting talents who are students at universities and colleges, less focused on talents who can be used immediately, such as people has good professional skill, good managers, highly experienced people. On the other hand, when attracting talented students, the company does not have commitment papers.
In existing human resource development: The Company needs to organize more concentrated-training courses for the whole company and hire companies that specialize in organizing events and training. In addition, professional Departments need to hold activities regularly for members to learn, share experiences to each other, to motivate the company’s development.
Main causes of disadvantages
The cause of all causes is limited expenditure. The company recognizes the development of human resources is very important, but limited expenditure that restricts the program for the development of human resources, such as hiring companies to organize large events and regularly training for the whole company. In addition, there are also other causes such as the leaders’ awareness of development of human resources is not still relevant, there are no major investment decisions in the development of human resources, ability of managing human resources is still low, HR Department’s structure is not strong and clear.
With disadvantages about strategic planning in developing human resources that have been mentioned above, I would like to provide several recommendations for motivating human resource development of MISA JSC.
CHAPTER 3. Recommendations for motivating human resource development of MISA
I. Enhancing ability and awareness for managers and officials about human resource issue
In any organization, the ability of managers always profoundly influences on strategies and operations of enterprises. An enterprise which has good and visionary leaders, understand their staff will achieve success in the future. Thus, enhancing the capacity for managers is essential; we improve not only professional skills, leadership skill but also personal skills of a leader. Leadership team of MISA has had the good awareness of human resource management in organizations, however, management board need to have training courses of personnel, HR management. Specifically, the company can invite HR management experts, or professors of universities on the talk. If the above solution is applied, it will bring leadership team a new professional perspective on personnel issue, leading to decisions to develop human resources best and the
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