There are five contents in the point of view of developing high –
tech agriculture. The key matter is the development of high – tech
agriculture creating multi – level economy model according to closed cycle,
minimalizing the waste into environment, waste of production step or this
production is input material of other step of other industry, and make
increase the effectiveness for economy, creating new jobs, against the waste
of material resource and against polution and environmental protection
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nological science, especially
it is 4.0 Industrial Revolution and role of objects in high – tech agriculture,
especially, the role of enterprise which link with small production farmers
with high – tech to development of agriculture and sustainable
5.2 . About reality
- The thesis has analyzed, assessed the reality of developing high – tech
agriculture and high – tech application agriculture in Kon Tum, the achievement,
limits, weakness, challenges and issues need to be restructured agricultural
industry of Kon Tum.
- The thesis has proposed points of view and solution of developing high
– tech agriculture in Kon Tum to improve the effectiveness and sustainable
development of agriculture of Kon Tum.
- The research result of the thesis is useful science basis for policy
planners, state management offices about developing high – tech agriculture;
simultaneously its referent document for offices to do research and teach about
high – tech agriculture.
6. Structure of the thesis.
Out of introduction, conclusion, list of reference document, content of the
thesis includes 4 chapters:
Chapter 1: Overview about research works related to the thesis
Chapter 2: Theoretical basis and real experience about developing high –
tech agriculture
Chapter 3: The reality of developing high –tech agriculture in Kon Tum
Chapter 4: Orientation and solution of developing high –tech agriculture in
Kon Tum.
Chapter 1
1.1. The situation of research in foreign countries:
About high – tech agriculture in the world with many researches,
especially in the circumstance of 4.0 Industrial Revolution, almost
researches reflect that applying high – tech into agricultural production
has become trend, most concerned and paid attention by many countries.
Specifically its Israel, almost farms, net houses are applied high – tech,
equipped with system of digital control with auto control and induction.
Thailand is also country mastering well the chance of 4.0 Industrial
Revolution and has renovation policy, high – tech application in
agricultural and food production; building action program for developing
high – tech agriculture for each area with specific agricultural goods and
China also builds program of 4.0 agriculture with making priority of
choosing to apply high – tech for developing agriculture and logistics
Typically is below researches:
Daniel Walker in research work-“High-tech agricultural development
options in Australia and Vietnam”
Research work about Holland “One small country but poor of natural
resources has built agricultural industry with high competition, sustainable
development and the most effective in the world” by author Nguyen Cong
Researcg work of authors PhiLip KotLer, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan
Stiawan “Marketing 4.0 moves from tradition to digital technology”
Asean Development Bank “Commercializing agriculture, value chain
and porvety reduction”
Gunter Pauli “The Blue Economy -10 years - 100 Innovations - 100
million jobs” The age Publisher, 2014.
1.2 The situation of domestic research
There are works divided into below groups:
1.2.1 Group of research works about developing high – tech agriculture
related to movement of agricultural economy structure
1.2.2. Research works related to the development of high – tech
agriculture upon the trend of market demand
1.2.3. Research works about developing high – tech agriculture related
to sustainable agriculture development, adapting with climate change.
1.2.4. Research works related to the development of high – tech
1.2.5. Research works related to the development of high – tech
agriculture according to value chain of agricultural products.
1.2.6 Research works related to the development of high – tech
agriculture attaching to industry linking, area linking.
1.3. Common assessment about researches related to the development
of high – tech agriculture and matters to be continuing to be
researched by the thesis.
1.3.1. Common assessment about researches related to the thesis
From overview of domestic and foreign research works related to
the development of high – tech agriculture, the author sees that some
matters about theoretical issues have been basically solved, the reality about
the development of high – tech agriculture are:
Firstly, works have focused on explaining theoretical issues about
the development of agriculture upon trend of industrializing, modernizing
rural area, agriculture in suburban; smart agriculture, green growth and
sustainability. Determining the necessity of developing high – tech
agriculture to increase capacity, agricultural products, reduce price, enhance
competition, solve job, and minimize bad impact to environment and
sustainable development.
Secondly, having issuing some mechanism and policies to develop
high – tech agriculture related to plan, land, technological science
application; linking upon chain of agricultural product value chain; strongly
promoting industrial and area linkage.
Thirdly, developing agriculture bases on priority of comparision of
each nation, each area; specializing , strongly mechanizing in agricultural
production; moving structure of plants, animals with priority, attaching with
processing and market connection
1.3.2. Spaces need to be researched: The author realizes that there are five
groups of issues needed to be researched.
Chapter 2
2.1. Concepts and theories about developing high – tech agriculture
2.1.1. Concept about developing high – tech agriculture (High – tech,
modern agriculture, high – tech agriculture, the development of high –
tech agriculture)
- Concept about high – tech and high – tech agriculture, modern
agriculture and the development of high – tech agriculture
+ Concept about high – tech, modern agriculture:
- Modern agriculture: according to Nawaraj Kumar Mahato Pankaj
Verma in the book (Modern Agricultural Practices). Modern agriculture is:
large and focal production agriculture basing on high – tech science
foundation, production process and the management of advance,
modernization, saving resources, adapting with climate change and demand
of market on the basis of improving capacity, quality, added value,
international competition capacity and sustainable development.
- About developing high – tech agriculture as below: The author
has given out the concept of developing high – tech agriculture as below:
“Developing high – tech agriculture is process of developing agriculture
basing on foundation of technical science and high – tech, process of
advanced and modern production; aiming at creating big agriculture
products with high quality meeting the demand and trend of market, having
large production scale, creating added value and highly competitive
capacity; adapting with climate change and sustainable development of
both economy, society and ecological environment”.
2.1.2 Some theories and main characters of high – tech
- Theory about agricultural development:
+ Rostow model of American economist Walter Tostow
+ Dualism by American author Arthur Lewis and John Fei và
Gustar Rainis.
- Development theory depends on resources.
+ Douglass C.North (1998), in the work “Institution, institutional
change and economic performance”
+ Solow scientist built model of growth basing on Cobb-Douglas.
+ Model Lukas has explained process of economic growth under
endogenous factors, especially from the aspect of ensuring technological
progress by increasing human capital.
+ Romer (1990) took the role of technical advance as endogenous
origin of growth..
Economist Joost Platje (2008) gave out concept “Institutional
capital” when making analysis of factors impacted to sustainable
In the research of Jonathan Coulter and his partners (1977) pointed
out the cooperation between farmers with farmers who used to operate the
best when team farmers were connected with input market and output
market via linking.
- Theory of agricultural development upon market orientation. In
the research “Choosing policy of developing agriculture of countries in
group OECD" by author J.Brooks (2010).
In the research of FAO "Rapid growth of selected Asian economies
lesson and implications for agriculture and food security China and India".
- Theory of agricultural development upon high – tech agriculture.
+ Theory of J.H. von Thunew, Kunznet
+ Developing high – tech agriculture upon production chain and
chain of agricultural product value: Researchers Stamm & Christian in the
research ILO “Developing value chain: Method of approaching and
activities of seven United Nations offices and chances for interdisciplinary
2.2. Characters and the necessity of developing high – tech agriculture
Developing high – tech agriculture is objective necessity of process
of moving technical, technological structure and restructuring agriculture;
being necessary trend under the impact of developing production force that
the direct is the development of technological science; development of
market economy and trend of globalization, regionalization. During process
of development, global economy has experienced three periods of
development from lower to higher, in which including agriculture.
With strong development of technological science, 4.0 Industrial
Revolution has created condition for agriculture of many countries to
develop and get many important achievements. Vietnam is not out of this
Benefits from high – tech agriculture production are : creating large
products, high capacity, good quality and hospitability with environment;
helping farmers to be active in production, reducing the dependence on
weather and climate so production scale is expended; helping reduce
production cost, verifying brand and better competition in the market .
2.3 Major features of high – tech agriculture
High – tech agriculture has 8 major features
2.4. Content, appearance and target of assessing the development of
high – tech agriculture
2.4.1. Content of developing high – tech agriculture
- Promoting advanced application of technological science, high –
tech in agricultural production is one of important content of developing
high – tech agriculture.
- Product of high – tech agriculture is goods with features of its
own ecological region attaching with market development.
- Renovating production organization and managing agricultural
development upon modern trend.
- Forming value chain and closely linking between objects in
agricultural production.
2.4.2 Form of developing high – tech agriculture: There are below
- Enterprise of high – tech agricultural application.
- High – tech agricultural zone
- High – tech agricultural region: Being a region of focal
agriculture production with large scale which is produced basing on
foundation of advanced technical science and high – tech in agriculture to
produce one or some agricultural products for strategical export.
- Project, methods of doing business production applying high –
2.4.3. Target of assessing the development of high – tech agriculture Qualitative target to assess high – tech agriculture: About
science and technology; about economy; about society and enviroment . Quantitative target
2.5. Factors impacted to the development of high – tech agriculture
2.5.1 Internal factor of objects in high – tech agricultural application.
- Natural condition and land resource
- Human resources
- Financial ability
- Application of technological science
2.5.2 Macro factors impacted to the development of high – tech
Agricultural product consumption market; Legal environment;
Business investment environment.
2.6. Experience of developing high – tech agriculture and the lesson.
2.6.1. Developing high – tech agriculture in some countries
- Experience from Israel; Experience from Holland; Experience
from China; Experience from Thailand..
2.6.2. Developing high – tech agriculture in some provinces and cities
- Experience from Lam Dong Province: Experience of developing
high – tech agriculture, building zones and regions of high – tech
agriculture in Lam Dong shows that out of investing into infrastructure,
mechanism and policies of encouraging the development of high – tech
agriculture require the links upon production chain and effectively
agricultural product value chain; key factors (enterprises, cooperatives,
farm); having certain potentiality about finance, technological science and
being clues to distribute and consumpt.
- Experience from An Giang province: An Giang pays attention to
develop high quality human resources, improve qualification of
technologial technique, develop scientifically intellectual resource, high –
tech, modern technology to bring technological science to become
motivation for the demand of developing agriculture in An Giang to be
deserve to postion of leading economy of province.
- Experience from Son La province: In order to develop fruits
applying high – tech, Son La has determined priority of each subarea,
focusing on land scale, building large field, cultivating in fruits; arranging
state budget to invest into doing research technological science, registering
trademark, food traceability, building brand for products; supporting the
development of agricultural cooperatives in order to promote fruit
development production upon value chain and support cooperatives to link
with enterprises for consumption and connect with domestic and oversea
2.6.3. Lessons for Vietnam in general and Kon Tum in particular
From domestic and foreign experience and success above, it can be
taken the lesson for Vietnam and Kon Tum about developing high – tech
Chapter 3
3.1. Natural, socio – economic condition impacted to the development
of high – tech agriculture
3.1.1. Factors of natural condition impacted to the development of high
– tech agriculture Economic positoin:
Kon Tum is a moutainous and border province lying in the North
pole of Highland, the West abuts with Laos and Cambodia; the North abuts
with Quang Nam province, the East abuts with Quang Ngai province, the
South abuts with Gia Lai province, it is the place of connecting economic,
cultural and social development between Highland with coastal provinces
of the Middle.
14 Weather and climate
Kon Tum has highland moonson tropical climate; average
temperature 22-23°C, daily temperature 8-9°C, divided into rainy and dry
seasons; there are two subareas with temperate and tropical climate Water resource and hydrological regime
- Surface water resource
- Underground water resource
Water resource in Kon Tum basically meets the demand of
developing high – tech agriculture, especially in the regions of the East and
the Northeast of province with full water resource, good quality of water for
the development of agriculture. Land resource and forest ecology
Kon Tum has natural area of 9.674,2 km
, land resource is divided
into 5 groups with 17 main types of land; agricultural land in Kon Tum is
874.614,57ha accounting for 90,41% natural area.
3.1.2. Technical and social infrastruture impacted to the development
of high – tech agriculture Basis infrastructure serving for agricultural production:
- Transport system: Having routines connecting with central coast
region, regions in East – West economic corridor line.
- Power system: Basically meeting the demand of serving
production of high – tech agriculture; having potentiality of developing
fresh energy, renewable energy, hydroelectric dam.
- Informatics system: Internet and informatics systems have
developed equally with good quality, meeting the demand of serving the
development of economy, society, culture and the development of high –
tech agriculture.
- Irrigation system: Having system of dense rivers and streams,
large underground water system are favorable for developing high – tech
agriculture. Character of population and human resource
Kon Tum has small scale of population, 2019 has average
population of 540.438 people; population during gold time; However,
population distribution in rural areas and mountainous areas is sparse and
not concentrative...
3.2. Economic structure and the reality of developing agriculture in
Kon Tum
3.2.1. Economic structure, growth and movement of agricultural
- About economic structure and growth: in 2018: economic
structure moved upon positive direction: Agro – forestry fishery account for
24,3%, Industry – Construction account for 27,25%, Trade – Service
account for 48,45%; Economic growth speed increases 7,7%
- Movement of agro – forestry fishery structure
Generally the development of agriculture in Kon Tum is unequal to
the advantage of local, agricultural products, endemic pharmacognosy,
animal, seafood with low quality and is not built its own brand for
agricultural products for Kon Tum.
3.2.2 The reality of growth and movement of plants, animals in Kon
- The movement of agricultural structure
- Plant structure
- Animal structure
3.3. The reality of developing high – tech agriculture in Kon Tum
3.3.1. Exploring natural and social elements for developing high –
tech agriculture
3.3.2. The reality of researching tranformation, application of
technological science in developing high – tech agriculture The reality of applying hihg – tech in hybridizaiton and
selection with high quality productivity to plant and animal. The reality of applying high – tech in cultivation and
feeding: Assessing the reality of applying high – tech in cultivation and
feeding as: using greenhouse technology, net house, technology of doing
soil, irrigation, technology of auto information collection,
16 The reality of collecting technology and preservation after
collection The reality of process technology
Developing high – tech agriculture has formed some models of
applying synchronous high – tech in feeding goat for milk, chicken and pig;
cultivation has formed some models like vegetable and flower in
greenhouse applying synchronous high – tech but not popular; the rest is
applied high – tech in each step in production like applying seed of high
quality productivity/ applying technology of sprinkler irrigation, drop
irrigation/ technology of processing green core coffee/ technology of dry...,
developing high – tech agriculture in Kon Tum does not form production
chain and agro value chain.
3.3.3. The reality of human resource for developing high – tech
Assessing, analyzing the reality of labor force in working age;
cultural qualification, specialized qualification and management,
occupational qualification; human resource training places, team of
scientific research. In general, human resource of Kon Tum is missing and
weak both in quality and quantity without catching up with the requirement
of development during process of integration, the boom development of 4.0
industrial revolution.
3.3.4. The reality of agricultural production organization and high
tech agriculture: There are forms of production as below:
- Household economy
- Farmy economy
- Cooperative economy:
- Agricultural enterprise
- High – tech agricultural Areas, regions
Household is the most popular way of production with rag scale
and missing of link.
3.3.5. The reality of chain link in developing high – tech agriculture
Kon Tum province developing agriculture in general and high –
tech agriculture are retail and small without scattering strongly upon chain
of value link.
3.3.6. Market of agro – consumption of Kon Tum
Assessing and analysing market of agricaultural consumption of
Kon Tum including: Domestic market, export market: Having expanded to
some foreign markets out of traditional market, China, however, export
market is very limited compared to countries that Vietnam signed trade
agreement cooperation.
3.3.7. Impact of policies and capital for developing high – tech
agriculture in Kon Tum
The thesis focuses on analysing the impact of Government and
local policy, in general, there is positive impact creating legal basis,
supporting much for development of high – tech agriculture. However,
some policies are not suitable and uneffective with many difficulties for
beneficiary objects (government policy); and are not strong enough to
promote the development of high – tech agriculture (local policy)
3.4. General assessment on achievement, difficulties and limits about
the development of high – tech agriculture in Kon Tum
3.4.1 Achievements: Developing high – tech agriculture in Kon Tum
has gotten some first results creating the premise for promoting
strongly in the next coming.
3.4.2 Limits and weakness of developing high – tech agriculture in Kon
There are seven existing matters needed to have right policy and
solution to recover in time for breakthrough development of high – tech
agricultura in Kon Tum.
3.4.3. Difficulties, challenges to the development of high – tech
agricultura in Kon Tum
There are many challenges as lack of wáter; the level of full
compared to criteria about high – tech agriculture region, high – tech state
Enterprise, high – tech agricultura Project in Kon Tum are quite low; ability
of capturing high – tech of Enterprise is low; difficulty in finance and human
resource; infrastructure is low with the most difficult in transport
infrastructure, service of high – tech agricultura, logistics are not developed
3.4.4. Cause of limits, weakness and challenges for the development of
high – tech agriculture in Kon Tum Objective cause Subjective cause
3.5. Challenges to the development of high – tech agriculture in Kon
The reality shows that some necessary elements for the
development of high – tech agriculture with impossible mising elements
like: Infrastructure, capital, land, human resource, technological science,
mechanism and policy, linking upon production chain and supply value
chain... However, resource elements are difficult with much challenge in
Kon Tum currently.
Chapter 4
4.1. International, domestic circumstance and predicting elements
impacted to the development of high – tech agriculture in Kon Tum
4.1.1 Domestic and international circumstance impacted to the
development of high – tech agriculture in Kon Tum
4.1.2 International integration opens market of agricultural product
consumption for Vietnam and Kon Tum. Predicting market of consumpting some agricultural
products Chances, challenges thanks to international economy
4.1.3 Advocate of developing high – tech agrỉculture in Vietnam brings
chance for developing high – tech agriculture of Kon Tum
Vietnam is having advocate of promoting agricultural structure,
many advocates, policies supporting to promote the development of high –
tech agriculture, exploring and promoting the advantage of tropical
agriculture, developing agriculture of goods with large scale upon
modernization, high quality goods cultivation region and sharp
4.1.4. Assessing strong and weak points impacted to the development of
high – tech agriculture (SWOT analysis)
Being province with difficult socio – economy but with advantage of
geographical position, natural condition and the concern about high – tech
agricultural application of provincial authority shows that potentiality about high
– tech agriculture in Kon Tum is very large. Kon Tum has many advantages but
not less difficulties and challenges.
4.2. Point of view and orientation of developing high – tech agriculture
in Kon Tum
4.2.1. Point of view about developing high – tech agriculture in Kon
There are five contents in the point of view of developing high –
tech agriculture. The key matter is the development of high – tech
agriculture creating multi – level economy model according to closed cycle,
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