Moät vaøi ví duï khaùc :
+ (a) simple present : [Subject+ am / is / are + P.P ]
- Mr.Green teaches history.
History is taught by Mr.Green.
+ (b) present perfect : [ S + has / have + been + p.p ]
-He has just done his homework.
His homework has just been done by him.
+ (c) present continuous : [ S + am / is / are / + being + p.p]
- She is cleaning the windows.
The windows are being cleaned by her.
+ (d) simple past : [ S + was / were + p.p]
- The boss sacked ten workers.
Ten workers were sacked by the boss.
+ (e) past perfect : [ S + had been + p.p]
- Mary had written the letter.28
The letter had been written by Mary.
+ (f) Past continuous : [ S + was / were + being + p.p]
- The police were questioning Tom.
Tom was being questioned by the police.
+ (g) simple future: [ S + will / shall + be + p.p]
- John will deliver the letter.
The letter will be delivered by John.
+ (h) Modal verbs : [ S + must / can / may + be + p.p]
- He must do it right now.
It must be done by him right now.
108 trang |
Chia sẻ: trungkhoi17 | Lượt xem: 650 | Lượt tải: 3
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8/ The day was sunny. She arrived on that day.
- ________________________________________________
9/ I know the woman. You bought the car from her son.
- ________________________________________________
10/ Are you the man ? The man won the first prize.
- ________________________________________________
Coù hai caùch thuaät laïi lôøi moät ngöôøi khaùc noiù: caùch tröïc tieáp vaø caùch giaùn tieáp.
Trong caâu tröïc tieápâ ï áâ ï áâ ï á (direct speech), ta nhaéc laïi nguyeân vaên lôøi ngöôøi ñaõ noùi.
- He said : “I have lost my pen.”
Trong caâu giaùn tieâ ùâ ùâ ù ápááá (indrect speech) hay caâu töôøng thuaätâ ø äâ ø äâ ø ä (reported speech), ta dieãn
taû tö töôûng trong caâu ngöôøi khaùc noùi maø khoâng caàn laäp laïi nguyeân vaên caâu noùi cuûa hoï.
- He said that he had lost his pen.
A. Caâu phaùt bieåu.â ù åâ ù åâ ù å (statements in reported speech)
1/ Ví duï :ïïï
- He said : “ I have lost my pen this morning.”
He said that he had lost his pen that morning.
- She said to him: “I will go with you tomorrow.”
She told him that she would go with him the next day.
2/ Ghi nhôù :ùùù muoán ñoåi moät caâu tröïc tieáp sang caâu giaùn tieáp, ta phaûi :
+ Giöõ nguyeân ñoäng töø giôùi thieäu said hoaëc ñoåi said to thaønh told neáu coù tuùc töø.
+ Boû daáu hai chaám (:) vaø ngoaëc keùp (“”) roài theâm lieân töø that.
+ Thay ñoåi ñaïi töø nhaân xöng, tính töø sôû höõu theo qui taéc sau : Ngoâi thöù 1 ñoåi
thaønh ngoâi thöù nhö chuû töø ôû meänh ñeà chính. Ngoâi thöù 2 ñoåi thaønh ngoâi thöù cuûa tuùc töø.
Ngoâi thöù 3 giöõ nguyeân khoâng ñoåi.
+ Thay ñoåi thì cuûa ñoäng töø trong caâu tröïc tieáp baèng caùch cho luøi veà quaù khöù moät
baäc. Cuï theå nhö sau :
Direct speech Reported speech
- simple present - simple past
- present continuous - past continuous
- present perfect - past perfect
- simple past - past perfect
- past continuous - past perfect continuous
- present perfect cont - past perfect continuous
- simple future - present conditional (should/would)
- past perfect - unchanged (khoâng ñoåi)
- perfect conditional - unchanged
+ Thay ñoåi moät soá töø chæ thôøi gian vaø nôi choán.
- now - then
- today / tonight - that day / that night
- tomorrow - the following day / the next day
- yesterday - the previous day / the day before
- next week / month - the following week / month
- last week /month - the week before /the month before
- the day before yesterday - two days before
- the day after tomorrow - in two days’ time
- ago - before
- tomorrow morning - the following morning
- last Tuesday - the Tuesday before
- right now - at once
- here - there
- this / these - that / those
- He said : “ I’ll come here to take this book.”
He said that he would come there to take that book.
- They said to us : “You must do this work right now.”
They told us that we had to do that work at once.
Chuù yù ù ùù ùù ù :
* Khi caâu tröïc tieáp bieåu thò moät taäp quaùn, moät söï thaät hay moät chaân lyù thì khi ñoåi
sang caâu giaùn tieáp thì cuûa ñoäng töø khoâng thay ñoåi.
- The lecturer said : “The earth moves round the sun.”
The lecturer said that the earth moves round the sun.
- The teacher said to them : “The Second World War ended in 1945.”
The teacher told them that the Second World War ended in 1945.
* Khi caâu ñoäng töø giôùi thieäu ôû hieän taïi ñôn, thì cuûa ñoäng töø trong caâu giaùn tieáp
khoâng ñoåi vaø caùc töø chæ thôøi gian hoaëc nôi choán vaãn giöõ nguyeân.
- The doctor says to her : “You will have to stay here until tomorrow.”
The doctor tells her that she will have to stay here until tomorrow.
B. CAÂU HOÛIÂ ÛÂ ÛÂ Û . (Questions in reported speech)
1/ Ví duï :ïïï
- She said to me : “Do you like swimming ?”
She asked me if I liked swimming.
- Tom said : “Has she finished her home work ?”
Tom wanted to know if she had finished her homework.
- He asked me : “Why did you come home so late last night?”
He asked me why I had come home so late the night before.
- Mary said : “ What’s he doing now?”
Mary wondered what he was doing then.
2/ Ghi nhôù :ùùù
+ Ñoåi said thaønh asked (coù hoaëc khoâng tuùc töø theo sau), wondered hay wanted to
know (khoâng coù tuùc töø).
+ Boû daáu hai chaám (:), daáu ngoaëc keùp (“”) vaø daáu chaám hoûi (?) vaø giöõ laïi question-
word (nhö what, where, how) neáu laø caâu hoûi noäi dung (Wh-questions) hoaëc theâm if
(hay whether) neáu caâu hoûi coù hay khoâng (Yes-no questions).
C. CAÂU MEÄNH Â ÄÂ ÄÂ Ä LEÄNHÄÄÄ . (Commands in reported speech)
1/ Ví duï :ïïï
- The teacher said : “Go to the blackboard, John.”
The teacher told John to go to the blackboard.
- He said to them : “Don’t be late tomorrow.”
He told them not to be late the next day.
2/ Ghi nhôù :ùùù
+ Ñoåi said hay said to thaønh told hay asked vaø buoäc phaûi coù tuùc töø theo sau.
+ Duøng to ñeå thay theá cho daáu hai chaám vaø ngoaëc keùp khi laø caâu meänh leänh xaùc
ñònh vaø duøng not to khi laø caâu meänh leänh phuû ñònh.
Toùm taétù éù éù é Caâu giaùn tieápâ ù áâ ù áâ ù á (reported speech)
(Caâu phaùt bieåu)
* S + said + (that) + clause
* S + told + O + (that) + clause
(Caâu meänh leänh)
* S + told + O + to infinitive
* S + told + O + not + to infinitive
(Caâu hoûi noäi dung)
* S + asked + (O) + wh- + clause
* S + wondered + wh- + clause
* S + wanted to know + wh- + clause
Yes-no questions
(Caâu hoûi coù khoâng)
* S + asked + (O) + if / whether + clause
* S + wondered + if /whether + clause
* S + wanted to know + if / whether + clause
EXERCISE I : Put into the reported speech :
1/ Tom said : “I want to buy a pocket calculator for my father.”
- _________________________________________________________
2/ She said : “I once spent a summer in this village.”
- _________________________________________________________
3/ The nurse said : “The patient in this room didn’t obey your orders, Doctor.”
- _________________________________________________________
4/ They said to me : “You taught us English last year.”
- _________________________________________________________
5/ Mr.Brown said : “Our trip cost us two thousand dollars.”
- _________________________________________________________
6/ He said to her : “ I can’t find my hat anywhere in this room.”
- _________________________________________________________
7/ My father said to them : “My secretary is going to finish this job.”
- _________________________________________________________
8/ They said : “We can’t meet you here either today or tomorrow.”
- _________________________________________________________
9/ My mother said : “I think it won’t rain tomorrow.”
- _________________________________________________________
10/ He said : “Your car has been stolen, John.”
- _________________________________________________________
11/ They said : “The river is rising early this year.”
- _________________________________________________________
12/ He said : “I’ll expect her to come soon.”
- _________________________________________________________
13/ Our teacher said : “ World War II broke out in 1939.”
- _________________________________________________________
14/ The students said : “ We’ll be sitting for our next exam next Monday.”
- _________________________________________________________
15/ He said : “ I’m going to finish this work.”
- _________________________________________________________
EXERCISE II : Change to the reported speech:
1/ Mr. Smith said : “Where are you going on your vacation this year ?”
- _________________________________________________________
2/ She said : “Did the mechanis finish repairing your car ?”
- _________________________________________________________
3/ She said : “Why has David been looking so miserable lately ?”
- _________________________________________________________
4/ I asked my friend : “Was anyone hurt in the car accident last month ?”
- _________________________________________________________
5/ She asked me : “How old are you now ?”
- _________________________________________________________
6/ He said to her : “Have you been to town today ?”
- _________________________________________________________
7/ John said : “How long does it take you to get to London, Mary ?”
- _________________________________________________________
8/ The policeman asked the little girl : “What’s your name ?”
- _________________________________________________________
9/ Mr. Green said to his secretary : “Who did you talk to a few minutes ago ?”
- _________________________________________________________
10/ Paul said : “Can you swim, Mary ?”
- _________________________________________________________
11/ He said : “Where can I find her in this town ?”
- _________________________________________________________
12/ She asked her son : “Do you know which is the cup you used ?”
- _________________________________________________________
13/ Helen said : “What did you say, Jack ?”
- _________________________________________________________
14/ She said to him : “ Why didn’t you get up early this morning ?”
- _________________________________________________________
15/ He said : “Will it rain tonight ?”
- _________________________________________________________
EXERCISE III : Turn into the reported speech:
1/ The manager said : “ Come into my office, please.”
- _________________________________________________________
2/ The teacher said ro us : “Don’t make so much noise.”
- _________________________________________________________
3/ Mr.Green said : “Please come to our dinner tonight, Bill.”
- _________________________________________________________
4/ Susan said to Tom : “Don’t call me again at this late hour.”
- _________________________________________________________
5/ She said to the boy : “Show me what you have in your hand.”
- _________________________________________________________
6/ The policeman ordered : “Stay where you are and don’t touch anything.”
- _________________________________________________________
7/ The old lady said : “Will you please water these flowers for me.”
- _________________________________________________________
8/ She said : “Don’t leave your coat on this chair.”
- _________________________________________________________
9/ She said to him : “Don’t speak to me like that and behave yourself.”
- _________________________________________________________
10/ Peter said : “Would you mind lending me your dictionary till next
- _________________________________________________________
EXERCISE IV : Rewrite the following sentences:
1/ The flight attendant said : “Don’t forget to fasten your seat belts.”
The flight attendant reminded _________________________________
2/ The policeman said to her : “Show me your driving licence.”
The policeman ordered ____________________________________
3/ He said : “Did you see Mary yesterday ?”
He wanted to know ______________________________________
4/ He said : “Would you mind telling me the time ?”
He told _______________________________________________
5/ I said to my friend : “When did you buy your new car ?
I asked ________________________________________________
6/ My friend said to me : “We have known everything about that.”
My friend told ___________________________________________
7/ I wondered why there were so many people at the station that day.
I said : “__________________________________________________
8/ The teacher asked whether we had found the solution to the problem yet.
The teacher asked us: “_______________________________________
9/ He ordered us not to touch anything in that room.
He said : “_________________________________________________
Danh ñoäng töø coù caáu truùc gioáng nhö hieän taïi phaân töø ( töùc laø ñoäng töø theâm ING) :
talking, learning, cutting, lying
Danh ñoäng töø, nhö teân goïi, laø ñoäng töø duøng nhö danh töø. Danh ñoäng töø chuû yeáu ñöùng
ôû vò trí, vaø thöïc hieän chöùc naêng, cuûa moät danh töø trong caâu. Noù thöôøng ñöôïc :
1/ Duøng laøm chuû töø :ø ø û øø ø û øø ø û ø (subject)
- Swimming is good for our health.
- Being friendly will bring you friends.
2/ Duøng laøm tuùc töø cho ñoänø ø ù ø äø ø ù ø äø ø ù ø ä g töø :øøø (object of a verb)
- These boys like swimming.
- My brother practises speaking English every day.
3/ Duøng laøm boå ngöõ cho chuû töø :ø ø å õ û øø ø å õ û øø ø å õ û ø (subject complement)
- My hobby is swimming.
- Seeing is believing.
4/ Duøng laøm tuùc töø cho giôùi töø :ø ø ù ø ù øø ø ù ø ù øø ø ù ø ù ø (object of a preposition)
- He is fond of swimming.
- She is interested in learning English.
5/ Duøng trong caâu ngaên caám ngaénø â ê á éø â ê á éø â ê á é (short prohibition) hoaëc ñeå thaønh laäp danhë å ø äë å ø äë å ø ä töø keùpø ùø ùø ù
(compound noun)
- No smoking.
- No talking, please.
- a swimming pool.
- a dining room.
- a washing machine.
6/ Duøng sau tính töø sôû höõu :ø ø û õø ø û õø ø û õ
- Please forgive my coming late.
- His driving carelessly often causes accidents.
7/ Duøng sau moät soá ñoäng töø vaø moät soá caùch dieãn ñaït nhaát ñònh nhöø ä á ä ø ø ä á ù ã ï áø ä á ä ø ø ä á ù ã ï áø ä á ä ø ø ä á ù ã ï á : admit, advise,
avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, finish, hate, keep, like, mind, practise,
postpone, quit, risk, suggest, can’t help, can’t bear, can’t stand, be worth, be busy,
it’s no use, there’s no
- We enjoy listening to music.
- I can’t help laughing when she makes jokes.
Ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu thöôøng coù giôùi töø to ñöùng tröôùc (to do, to learn, to help, to
advise) vaø ñöôïc duøng trong nhöõng tröôøng hôïp sau :
1/ Laøm chuû töøø û øø û øø û ø (subject), tuùc töøù øù øù ø (object) hoaëc bëëë oå ngöõå õå õå õ (complement) trong caâu :âââ
- To conceal the truth from her was foolish.
- He wanted to become a spaceman.
- What he asked for is to be left alone.
2/ Laøm tính töø boå nghóa cho danh töø :ø ø å øø ø å øø ø å ø
- He was the first man to leave the room.
- English is an important language to master.
3/ Laøm traïng töø dieãn taû caùc noäi dung sau :ø ï ø ã û ù äø ï ø ã û ù äø ï ø ã û ù ä
* Muïc ñích cuûa haønh ñoäng.
- He went to the station to meet her.
- He bought a dictionary to study English.
* Keát quaû, haäu quaû. (sau TOO +Adj / Adv)
- She is too tired to go for a walk.
- The box was too heavy for her to carry.
* Hieäu quaû. (sau Adj / Adv + ENOUGH)
- I’m strong enough to carry that heavy box.
- He isn’t rich enough to travel everywhere by taxi.
4/ Duøng sau moät soá ñoäng töø nhaát ñònh nhö :ø ä á ä ø áø ä á ä ø áø ä á ä ø á afford, agree, arrange, decide, demand,
expect, fail, hope, intend, learn, manage, need, offer, plan, pretend,
promise,refuse, threaten, want, wish, would like
- They promised to come back soon.
- He can’t afford to take a taxi.
vaø duøng sau moät soá ñoäng töø coø ø ä á ä øø ø ä á ä øø ø ä á ä ø ù tuùc töø (verb + obj + to inf) nhö ù ù øù ù øù ù ø : advise, allow, ask,
beg, encourage, expect, forbid, force, help, invite, order, permit, persuade, prefer,
remind, teach, tell, want, warn
- They don’t allow us to smoke in the office.
- I taught myself to play the guitar.
+ Chuù yù :ù ùù ùù ù Moät soá ñoäng töø coù theå theo sau bôûi danh ñoäng töø hoaëc ñoäng töø nguyeân
maãu nhöng coù söï khaùc bieät veà nghóa trong caâu.
(*) Remember + gerund : nhôù laïi vieäc ñaõ thöïc hieän.
- I remember posting the letter.
Remember + to infinitive : nhôù ñeå thöïc hieän.
- I remember to post the letter.
(*) Stop + gerund : ngöng thöïc hieän vieäc ñang laøm.
- She stopped mending the dress.
Stop + to infinitive : ngöng laøm moät vieäc gì khaùc ñeå laøm vieäc naøy.
- He stopped to have a drink.
(*) Try + gerund : thöû laøm vieäc gì .
- I try writing in blue ink to see if my handwriting is better.
Try + to infinitive : coá gaéng laøm vieäc gì.
- They tried to work as hard as they could.
(*) Mean + gerund : mang yù nghóa.
- Failure in the exam means having to learn one more year.
Mean + to infinitive : döï ñònh laøm vieäc gì.
- He means to take the coming exam.
(*) Forget + gerund : queân ñieàu gì ñaõ xaûy ra.
- I forgot telling her this story.
Forget + to infinitive : queân laøm ñieàu gì.
- I forgot to tell her about this.
(*) Regret + gerund : hoái tieác vieäc ñaõ xaûy ra.
- She regrets going to a village school.
Regret + to infinitive : hoái tieác seõ laøm vieäc gì.
- The party was great. He regretted not to go there.
Ñaây laø ñoäng töø nguyeân theå khoâng ñi keøm vôùi to (infinitive without to) vaø ñöôïc söû
duïng trong caùc tröôøng hôïp sau :
1/ Duøng sau caùc ñoäng töø khieám khuyeát (Modal verbs) nhö :ø ù ä ø á áø ù ä ø á áø ù ä ø á á can, could, may, might,
must, ought to
- You may go now.
- They must finish the work by now.
2/ Duøng sau caùc ñoäng töø : HAVE, LET, MAKE, HELPø ù ä øø ù ä øø ù ä ø
- I helped the child tidy his desk.
- He had a painter paint the gate.
- They let him enter the room without a ticket.
- My parents make me go to bed early.
3/ Duøng sau BUT, EXCEPT vôùi nghóa “ngoaïi tröø”ø ù ï øø ù ï øø ù ï ø
- Why don’t you do anything but complain?
- She agreed to do everything but help him with the homework.
4/ Duøng sau caùc ñoäng töø chæ giaùc quan nhö : see, watch, hear, notice, obserø ù ä ø ùø ù ä ø ùø ù ä ø ù ve, spot
- We heard them sing all morning.
- He saw the thief enter the hall.
Chuù yù :ù ùù ùù ù nhö ta ñaõ bieát hieän taïi phaân töø (present participle) coù theå ñöôïc duøng cho caùc
ñoäng töø treân ñeå dieãn taû haønh ñoäng ñang tieáp dieãn. Coøn ñoäng töø nguyeân theå duøng trong
tröôøng hôïp naøy chæ haønh ñoäng ñaõ hoaøn taát.
- I watched them playing football for a while. (traän ñaáu vaãn ñang tieáp dieãn)
- I watched them play football yesterday afternoon. (xem toaøn boä traän ñaáu)
EXERCISE I : Supply the correct form of the verbs :
1/ Could I (see) _________ Mr. Brown, please ?
2/ He told me (try) _________ (come) _________ early.
3/ I wanted her (learn) _________ English.
4/ Will you (help) _________ me (move) _________ this desk ?
5/ Please (let) _________ me (know) _________ your opinion.
6/ Would you like (paint) _________ your bike or should I (have) _________ a
(do) _________ it for you ?
7/ He warned me (not come) _________ late.
8/ There’s no (tell) _________ what might (happen) _________.
9/ Did you (see) _________ Tom (try) _________ (reach) _________ the top of
the dresser ?
- He’s too short (reach) _________ it.
10/ We had to (ask) _________ the students (stop) _________ (make)
_________ so much noise.
11/ I can’t understand his (want) _________ (buy) _________ such an
expensive car.
12/ I couldn’t stand (be) _________ alone in the dark room.
13/ They don’t want us (mention) _________ their (come) _________ late.
14/ You must remember (lock) _________ the door before (leave) _________
the house.
15/ After (get) _________ (know) _________ her at school, he finished by
(ask) _________ her address.
EXERCISE II : Use the correct verb form :
1/ The children are busy (collect) _________ shells on the beach.
2/ The teacher promised (help) _________ us (prepare) _________ for the
3/ We regret (say) _________ that the lecture was dull and wasn’t worth
(listen) _________ to.
4/ There’s no (deny) _________ that he enjoys (listen) _________ to his own
5/ Is (boil) _________ or (fry) _________ the best way of (cook) _________
this fish ?
6/ It’s no use your (ask) _________ him (lend) _________ you any money.
7/ Can you manage(finish) _________ (write) _________ these reports by
yourself ?
8/ He advised me( consider) _________ all the facts before (decide)
_________ (accept) _________ the job.
9/ They refused (allow) _______ us (go) _______ in without (sign) _______ the
10/ My uncle used to (show) _________ me where (go) _________ and what
(buy) ________.
11/ There’s nothing like (walk) _________ as a means of (keep) _________ fit.
12/ Your doctor advised (go) _________ to bed early, so I really can’t
understand your (want) _________ (stay) _________ up late.
13/ We considered (give) _________ her a dress for her birthday, but couldn’t
help (buy) _________ her some flowers, too.
14/ There’s nothing (be) _________ done about it now except (tell) _________
the police the truth.
15/ I remember (hear) ________ him (say) ________ the grass needed (cut)
16/ Would you mind (keep) _________ quiet for a moment ? I’m trying (fill)
_________ in a form.
- It’s no use (ask) _________ children (keep) _________ quiet. They can’t help
(make) _________ noise.
17/ The miser spent all his time (count) _________ his money and (think)
_________ up new hiding places. He kept (move) _________ it about because he was
terrified of (be) _________ robbed. He used to (get) _________ up at night (make)
_________ sure it was still there.
18/ They don’t allow (smoke) _________ in the auditorium; they don’t want
(risk) _________ (set) _________ it on fire.
19/ Would you like me (turn) _________ down the radio a bit ?
- No, it’s all right. I’m used to (work) _________ with the radio on.
20/ We couldn’t help (laugh) ________ when he was making fun of himself.
EXERCISE III : Rewrite the following sentences.
1/ Would you close the door, please ?
- Would you mind _______________________________________ ?
2/ They didn’t allow us to smoke in here.
- They didn’t let _____________________________________________.
3/ My teacher advised buying that book.
- My teacher advised us _______________________________________.
4/ The thief forced the bank manager to lie on the ground.
- The thief made _____________________________________________.
5/ He has studied English for six years.
- He began __________________________________________________.
6/ It is necessary to master English.
- Mastering __________________________________________________.
7/ He spent two hours writing the essay.
- It took _____________________________________________________.
8/ He is too young to ride a motorbike.
- He isn’t ____________________________________________________.
9/ The bag was so heavy that she couldn’t carry it upstairs.
- The bag was too _____________________________________________.
10/ He expects to hear from her as soon as possible.
- He is looking forward _________________________________________.
Ñeå nhaán maïnh ñoäng töø trong caâu xaùc ñònh, ta ñaët DO hoaëc DOES (neáu ôû thì hieän taïi
ñôn) vaø DID (neáu ôû quaù khöù ñôn) tröôùc caùc ñoäng töø ôû daïng nguyeân maãu khoâng coù TO.
- I did see him at the airport yesterday.
- I know that you don’t expect me to go; but I do go.
- He does wish he could speak English fluently.
Ñeå cho caâu meänh leänh trôû neân lòch söï hôn hoaëc thuyeát phuïc hôn, ta duøng DO tröôùc
caùc caâu meänh leänh.
- Do help me, please.
- Do be careful when you cross the road.
Trong caâu phuû ñònh, ta ñaët NOT sau ñoäng töø hoaëc duøng NEVER tröôùc DO, DOES,
- I know not anything about that.
- They succeeded not in their scheme although they tried very hard.
- She never does help her friends.
- I never did hear anything like that before.
Trong caâu meänh leänh phuû ñònh, ta ñaët YOU giöõa DON’T vaø ñoäng töø.
- Don’t you forget it.
- Don’t you speak to me like that.
Ta duøng caáu truùc “It + is / was + + that” ñeå nhaán maïnh moät töø (word), moät
cuïm töø (phrase) hay moät meänh ñeà (clause). Neáu meänh ñeà chính ôû hieän taïi, ta duøng “It
is . that”; coøn neáu meänh ñeà chính ôû quaù khöù, ta duøng “
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