1.Introduction . page 1
1.1 β– D – fructofuranosidase . page 1
1.1.1 Catalytic mechanism . page 1
1.1.2 Soluble β– D – fructofuranosidase. page 1
1.1.3 Immobilized β– D – fructofuranosidase . page 2
1.2 Fructooligosacharides (FOS) . page 5
1.2.1 Occurrence . page 5
1.2.2 Chemical structure . page 7
1.2.3 Enzyme mechanisms. page 9
1.2.4 Physicochemical properties . page 10
2. β-D-Fructofuranosidase production . page 11
2.1 Material . page 12
2.2 Production line . page 13
2.2.1 Process discription . page 13
2.2.2 Factors effecting fermentation . page 16 Time . page 16 pH. page 17 others factors. page 19
3. Fructooligosaccharides production . page 21
3.1 Process. page 21
3.1.1 Enzyme production. page 22
3.1.2 Enzyme extraction . page 22
3.1.3 Substrates . page 22
3.1.4 Cell immobilization . page 23
3.1.5 Enzyme immobilization . page 24
3.1.6 Fructooligosaccharides syntheisis. page 26
3.1.7 Fructooligosaccharide purification . page 28
3.1.8 Concentration . page 28
3.1.9 Sterilization . page 28
3.2 Equipment diagram . page 29
3.2.1 Laboratorial scale . page 29
3.2.2 Industrial scale . page 30
4. Application . page 30
4.1 β-frucofuranosidase . page 30
4.2 FOS . page 31
4.2.1 Apllication. page 31
4.2.2 Market trend . page 31
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Although many articles on FOSs have been published so far, the extensive data on
the physicochemical properties are scarcely available. Gross, 1962 reported chemical
properties of ome kestosides such as 1-kestose, 6-kestose, and neokestose. The specific
rotation ([α]D20 ) and melting temperature of 1-kestose are 28.5 and 199-200°C
respectively. It forms fine white crystals fairly rapidly. The relative sweetness of 1-
kestose, nystose, and 1F-fructofuranosyl nystose to 10% sucrose solution are 31, 22, and
16%, respectively. Indeed, FOSs have a nice, clean sweet taste typically 0.3–0.6 times as
sweet as sucrose depending on the chain length – sweetness decreases with increasing
chain length.
FOSs are highly hygroscopic; it is difficult to keep the lyophilized products stable
under atmospheric conditions for prolonged periods. The solubility of FOSs is rarely
higher (up to 80% in water at room temperature copared to inulin, just 35%, Douwina
Bosscher, 2008). The viscosity of an FOS solution is relatively higher than that of sucrose
when at the same concentration, and the thermal stability is also higher than that of
sucrose (Neosugar User’s guide, Meiji Seika Co., Kawasaki- shi, Japan, 1982).
FOSs are highly stable in the normal pH range for food (5.0-10.0) and at
refrigerated temperatures over one year. Nevertheless, as a whole, when the pH falls
below 4.0 and treatment temperature is high, they can be hydrolyzed.
There have been few published studies comparing the physicochemical properties
of FOSs from sucrose, there is a strong indication that FOSs resemble sucrose in many
properties such as solubility, freezing and boiling points, crystal data, etc.
FOSs can also be used to alter the freezing temperature of frozen food to control
the intensity of browing due to the Maillard reaction in heat-processed food. They also
provide high moisture retaining activity preventing excessive drying (Mussato and
Mancilha, 2007).
The caloric value of value of purified fructooligosaccharides (%Sc-FOS > 95%)
has been estimated to be 1.5–2.0 kCal/g. This is approximately 40–50% the caloric value
of digestible carbohydrates such as sucrose.
2. β-D-Fructofuranosidase production
Yeast FFase have been widely studied in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Taussig and
Carlson, 1983; Reddy and Maley, 1990,1996), Schwanniomyces occidentailis (Miguel
Alvoro-Benito, 2007), Aspergillus niger (Ashok Kuman Balasub ramaniem, 2001),
Aspergillus japonicus (S.I Mussatto, 2009), Aspergillus aculeatus (Iraj Ghazi,
2005),…Among of them, S.cerevisiae is considered as the organism of choice for FFase
production because of its hight sucrose fermentability (Rouwen horst et at., 1991). A
mutant with improved FFase production and the provision of appropriate fermentation
conditions are required for better yield of enzyme (Gomez et al., 2000; ShaWq et al.,
2004). Furthermore, immobilized cells are also a good choice for the production of high
yield of FFase due to they promote an increase in fermentor cell density that
consequently contribute to increased productivity.
The production level of FFase depends to a great extent on the microorganism,
basal substrate and microbial production process. Moreover, the fermentation operation
mode also influences the efficency of the process. Submerged fermentation has been
preferred over the solid-state for FFase production as it is inviromentally friendly,
requires less manpower and give higher yields (Koo et at., 1988). For this reason, most
researches these days concentrate on submerged fermentation for FFase production.
Moreover, Compared with the traditional batch operation, repeated batch, fed-batch, or
continuous operating modes often improve the efficiency of the fermentation process
(Liu Y, Liu D, 2004). Repeated batch cultivation is a well-known method for enhancing
the productivity of microbial cultures because it skips the turnaround time and the lag
phase, thus increasing the process productivity (Radmann EM, 2007; Huang W-C, 2008).
In addition, cell immobilization is particularly feasible for repeated batch fermentation
because the process is characterized by its easy operation, convenient separation of cells
from the broth, and high density of cells (Liu Y, Liu D, 2004). Furthermore, fermentation
with immobilized cells is a convenient manner to reduce the fermentation time during
repeated batch fermentation due to the elimination of the time needed for cell growth
(Yang X, 2005). S.I.Mussatto, 2009 also studied a system by using A.japonicus
immobilized in vegetable fibe as a feasible operation strategy to increase the process
yield. With these recent achievement, this report will represent the production of FFase
by using submerged fermentation with some new methods to increase the yield of
2.1 Material
Material for the production of FFas are microorganism and nutrient.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae: is oftens isolated from different soil samples and fruits
such as plum, peach, banana, mango,… S.cerevisiae best grows in yeast peptone sugar
agar (YPSA) medium containing (g/l): yeast extract 3.0, peptone 5.0, sucrose 20.0 and
sugar 20.0 at pH 6.0 and room temperature (Ikram ul – Haq, 2006). In order to increase
the yield of obtained, some workers mutated S.cerevisiae by different methods such as
UV irradiation or chemical mutagenesis,… (Ginka et at, 2004; Ikram ul – Haq, 2006).
Subsequently, mutant S.cerevisiae is cultured in YPSA medium, harvested during the
exponential phase growth (about 1.6.106 cells/ml), wash with distilled water and plated
on suitable medium before fermentation. Medium for the production of FFase by
S.cerevisiae was improved by many authors. In general, medium have to contain sucrose
or raffinose which known as the best carbon sourse to get the highest yield of FFase. For
instance, S.cerevisiae which mutated by UV irradiation was inoculated in sterilized
medium containing (mg/ml): yeast extract 3.0, peptone 5.0, raffinose 20.0, agar 20.0 and
2-deoxy-D-glucose 0.02-0.10 (Ikram ul – Haq, 2006).
Aspergillus japonicus is also considered as a potential source for FFase
production. There have been so many research on the production of FFase by
As.japonicus such as Wen Chang chen, 1997; Ching-shan chien, 2001; S.I Mussatto,
2009;… As.japonicus can produce both intra- and extracellular FFase. As.japonicus is
maintained on potato dextro agar (PDA) medium at 40C and spores are maintained by
mixing with glycerine solution in ultrafreeze at -800C. Spores are produced by growing
the strain on PDA medium at 300C for 7-8 days. The best culture for the fermentation
containing (mg/ml): sucrose 20.0, yeast extract 2.75, NaNO3 0.2, K2HPO4 0.5,
MgSO4.7H2O 0.05 and KCl 0.05 (S.I. Mussatto, 2009). Before use, the medium is
sterilized at 1210C for 20min. Spore suspension used in the fermentation contains around
1.8.107 spore/ml.
Besides S.cerevisiae and As.japonicus, some other microorganism such as
Schwaniomyces occidentialis (Miguel Alvaro Benito, 2007); Bifidobacterium lactis
(Carolina Janer, 2004); Aspergillus aculaeatus (Iraj Ghazi, 2005);… were disicribed as a
good souce for FFas production. Table 3 shows the microorganism and the medium for
the production of FFase which have been researched recently.
Table 3: Microorganism and medium for the production of FFase
Microorganism Medium Author
Sch.occidentalis YEPD (1%, w/v, yeast extract, 2%, w/v, peptone,
2%, w/v, glucose) or Lactose Medium (0.3%,
w/v, yeast extract from Difco, 0.35%, w/v,
bactopeptone, 0.5%, w/v, KH2PO4, 0.1%, w/v,
MgSO4·7H2O, 0.1%, w/v, (NH4)SO2, 2%, w/v,
Miguel A´ lvaro-
Benito, 2007
S.cerevisiae (mg/ml) yeast extract 3.0, peptone 5.0, raYnose
20.0, agar 20.0 and 2-deoxy-D-glucose 0.02–0.10
Ikram ul-Haq,
(% w/v) sucrose 20.0, yeast extract 2.75, NaNO3
0.2, K2HPO4 0.5, MgSO4. 7H2O 0.05, and KCl
S. I. Mussatto,
As. japonicus
20% sucrose, 2% yeast extract (Difco), 2%
NaNO3, 0.05% MgSO4-7H20, and 0.5% K2HPO4.
Wen-Chang Chen,
As. niger (g/l): (NH4)2SO4-45; KH2PO4-23; FeSO4-0.1;
MgSO4 · 7H2O-7; sucrose-50; urea-11 and yeast
extract-5, initial pH 5.
Ashok Kumar
2.2 Production line
2.2.1 Process discription
Microorganism preparation was described above. After inoculating, the
fermentation experiment is carried out in a fermentor. In laboratory scale operation,
microorganism is cultivated in flasks. The flasks are cultivated in a rotary shaking
inoculator at 30°C for 48 h. The agitation rate is often kept at 200 revolutions per minute.
On the other hand, in large scale operation, the fermentation process is taken place in a
dadecated fermentor with contains drive motor, heaters, pumps, gas control, vessel,
intrumenstation and sensors. These base components combine to perform some important
functions such as: maintain a specific temperature, provide adequate mixing and aeration,
allow monitoring and/or control of dissolved oxygen, allow feeding of nutrient solutions
and reagents,… The production medium is sterilized by heating it to 121ºC at a pressure
of 1.2 Kgf/cm2
and maintaining those conditions for 30 minutes. Heat is supplied by
circulating steam through the fermenter jacket. Air is filtered by passing it through
polypropylene filter. Cold water is then circulated through the fermenter’s jacket and the
broth is cooled to about 30 ºC. The production line of FFase production is shown below:
Purify and concentrate
Fig 8: β-D-Fructofuranosidase production line
The process is monitored continuously through periodic measurement of the
following parameters: temperature, pH, activity,… When the peak activity is reached, the
batch (crude enzyme) is harverted. The crude enzyme is purified by different methods
such as: ultrafiltration, gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography,…Ultrafiltration is
used to separate the biomass from the culture fluid, which is later used as a source of
fructosyltransferase for the production of FOS. For commercial FFase, purified FFase is
dried by spray drier or freeze drier to obtain powder product.
To determine the highest yield of FFas in the process, the activity is examed
during the operation. Depending on the authors, FFase activity is defined by different
ways. For instance, one FFase activity unit is defined as the amount of enzyme which
released 1.0 mg of sucrose in 5 min at 350C and pH 5.5 (Ikram ul-Haq, 2007). In most
experiments, FFase activity is measured by exame the amount of glucose released in the
whole time of the reaction. The mount of glucose is measured by determining color
intensity by a UV/Vis spectrophoto meter after glucose reacts with DNS reagent.
Fig 9: FFase production diagram
2.2.2 Factors effecting fermentation Time
In batch fermentation, enzyme submerged culture production begin after a lag
phase of approximately 8-12h and reached a maximum at the onset of stationary phase.
Afterwards, enzyme productivity declined sharply possibly due to the decrease in nutrient
avaiblability in the medium or carbon catabolite repression, and the expression of FFase
in yeast is repressed by monosaccharides such as glucose and fructose (,
2001). Therefore, the
growth stage of a
culture is a critical
factor for the optimal
enzyme production.
IKram ul.Hag, 2008
studied mutant
S.cerevisiae to
improved the
production of FFase
by submerged
fermentation. Time
course profiles for
FFase production by
wildstyle S.cerevisiae
IS-14 and mutan
S.cerevisiae UMF are
shown in fig 10. As
the result, maximum
FFase production by
mutant S.cerevisiae
(34.72±2.6U/ml with
17.05±1.2 g/L sugar
and 7.85±1.8 g/L dry
cell mass) was
48 h after the onset of
incubation. Therefore
rate of volumetric
productivity was
31-fold over the
parental strain. Longer
times did not increase FFase production possibly due to the
Fig 10. FFase production in submerged culture by
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. IS-14 (top) and mutant UME-2
(bottom), sucrose concentration 30 g/ L, temperature 30 °C,
initial pH 6.0, agitation rate 200 revolutions per minute. Y-error
bars indicate standard deviation among three parallel replicates.
decrease in available nitrogen, the age of the cells, inhibitors produced by yeast itself and
protease production. Other workers have reported maximum FFase production by S.
cerevisiae incubated for 48 (Barlikova et al., 1991; Gomez et al., 2000). Not only
S.cerevisiae but also a mould, aspergillus japonicus can produce FFase with hight
activity. The same as the S.cerevisiae, the maximum enzyme productivity was obtained at
48h after inocubation (Wen-chang chen, 1997; S.I.Mussatto, 2009). There are few reports
on the medium improvement of the production of FFase. But incrase level by medium
improvement is not high as the increasae level by immobilized cells. Recently,
S.I.Mussatto, 2009 studied a system using As.japonicus immobilized in vegetal fiber as a
feasible operation strategy to increase the yield of the process. The maximum jield
obtained also at 48h. Fig 11 showns the FFase activity during the repeated batch
fermentation of sucrese by As.japonicus immobilized in vegetal fiber. As can se, in the
subsequence seven cycle, enzyme production remain almost satble at 40.6U/ml and this
value decreased (22%) only at the end of the eighth cycle. This is an interesting result
because demonstrates an important increase in the productivity of the process to obtain a
higer yield of FFase.
Fig 11. β-Fructofuranosidase (FFase) activity
during repeated batch fermentation of sucrose by
Aspergillus japonicus immobilized in vegetal fiber pH
The production of FFase is largely dependent on the initial pH of medium. The
effect of initial pH on enzyme production by S.cerevisiae UME-3 is shown in Fig12.
Maximum production of FFase was obtained when the pH of the medium was 6.5 (IKram
ul-Hag, 2006). Similar result was abtained by Silveira et at (1996) who also observed
maximum FFasae production by yeast at pH 6.5. For As.japonicus, the FFase production
and growth was maximum at pH 5.5, being restrained at acidic conditions or pH greater
than 5.5. According to S.I.Mussatto, 2009 who research the FFase production by
As.japonicus immobilized on lignocellulosic material, the pH of media was set at 7.0
before inoculation and was not controlled during the experiment, being gradually
decrease during the cultivation (Fig 13).
Fig12. Effect of initial pH on the FFase production in
submerged culture by the mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiae
UME-2. Incubation period 48 h, sucrose concentration 5.0 g/L,
temperature 30 °C, agitation rate 200 revolutions per minute. Y-
error bars indicate standard deviation among three parallel
As can see in Fig13, the final pH of the fermented media was just around 5.5. This fac
could explain the hight activity (48.81U/ml) obtained at the fermentation’s end. Similar
result was obtained by R.C.FErnadez, 2007; L.L.Hocine, 2000 who also investigated the
FFas production by using cells immobilized on corn cobs and the final pH obtained was
near to 6.0 , value close to the one reported as optima for the FFase activity by others
fungus strain. Some others research on the production of FFase by A.niger also showed
that the highest level of FFase obtain at pH around 5.5.
Fig13. Kinetic behavior of pH during the sucrose
fermentation by A. japonicus immo-or not in different
lignocellulosic materials. Others factors: not the same as pH, the temperature of the medium is controlled
during the cultivation to ensure that the obtained yield is maximum. In general, the
optimal pH for yeast and fungi is from 28 to 300 and bacterium is around 370C. Table 4
shows the optimal pH and temperature that have been reported recently
Table 4: optimal pH and temperature for microbial FFase fermentation
Microorganism Temperature
pH Authors
S.cerevisiae 30 6.5 Ikram ul-Haq, 2006
28 5.0 (initial pH) S.I. Mussatto, 2009 As.japonicus
28 5.5 (initial pH) Wen chang chen, 1997
30 5.0 (initial pH) A.K.Balasubramaniem,2001As.niger
28 6.5 (initial pH) Quang D. Nguyen, 2004
Bifidobacterium lactis 37 6.4 (initial pH) Carolina Janer, 2004
30 6.0 (initial pH) Yoshiaki hatakey ama, 1996
Beside time, pH and temperature, subtrate concentration is one of the most important
factors that affects the enzyme production. In FFase production the effect of sucrose
concentration must be observed. Depending on the microorganic strain, suitable amount
of sucrose should be used. According to Ikram ul – Haq 2006, maximum FFase activity
produced by S.cerevisiae obtained at a sucrose concentration of 5.0g/l. Sucrose
concentrations higher than 5.0g/l caused an increase in sugar consumption and cells
biomass but there was no net increase in FFase productivity (Fig 14). The reason may be
the generation of invertase sugar in the medium at a leval that results in glucose-induced
repression of FFase. At the concentration of sucrose less than 5.0g/l, enzyme production
was significantly less. As sucrose is the carbon source in the medium, lower
concentrations might limit growth of yeast, resulting in a lower yield of FFase (Arifi et
at., 2003). In FFase production by As.jaonicus IIT-90076, the optimal enzyme production
occurred at 25% sucrose concentration (Wen chang chen, 1996). According to Wen
chang chen,
optimal cells mass
resulted from 10%
sucrose. The
results suggest
that a sucrose
below 10% means
that large portion
of carbon source
is metabolized for
supporting cell
growth but when
concentration is
higher, substrate
inhibitor of cell
growth occure;
however, more
inducer may
induce mor
enzyme expected.
Therefore, one of
the most important
factors in the
production of
FFase from
A.japonicus is not
final cell mass but
sucrose concentration (Wen chang chen, 1996).
Fig 14. Effect of sucrose concentration on the FFase
production in submerged culture by the mutant
Saccharomyces cerevisiae UME-2. Incubation period 48 h,
temperature 30 °C, initial pH 6.0, agitation rate 200
revolutions per minute. Y-error bars indicate standard
deviation among three parallel replicates.
3. Fructooligosaccharides production
3.1 Process
Recent developments in industrial enzymology have made possible the largescale
production of Sc-FOS by enzymatic synthesis. It appears that industrial production of Sc-
FOS by enzymatic synthesis can be divided into two types of processes. The first one is
the batch system using soluble or immobilized enzyme and the second one the continuous
process using immobilized enzyme or whole cells.
FOS syrup
Sucrose syrup
Extract enzyme
Immobilize enzyme
Immobilize cell
Batch systhesize Continious reactor
Systhesize FOS
Final FOS>=95%
Industrial processes for the synthesis of fructooligosaccharides were studied using
enzymes with high transfructosylating activity. The best enzymes described were from
fungi such as Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus japonicus and Aureobasidium pullulans. The
industrial processes for fructooligosaccharide synthesis are schematized in Figure 15. The
steps are described in detail below.
Enzyme production
(cell culture)
Fig 15: Flow chart of typical process of Sc-FOS production, by free enzyme,
immobilized enzyme orimmobilized cells (Pierre F. Monsan, 2008).
3.1.1 Enzyme production
For some fungal strains, production of fructosyl transferase can be by aerobic
submerged culture, by fluid-bed culture, culture broth or semi-solid culture medium.
Fermentation parameters (temperature, pH, aeration, agitation) should be established for
each microorganism. Generally, sucrose is the best carbon source for both cell growth
and enzyme activity production. The optimum temperature for growth is often around
300C and the pH above 5.5.
The enzymes thus obtained are cell bound and require complex operations for
separating the enzyme from themycelium. At the end of the culture period, cells are
easily harvested by a basket or continuous centrifuge, and the enzyme extracted. Cells
can also be directly immobilized for Sc-FOS production. Non cell-bound enzyme can be
obtained using semi-solid Aspergillus niger 489 culture medium, with the addition of
cereal bran. The enzyme thus obtained was easily separated from the cells without any
extraction step (Park and Pastore, 1998). The example of Aspergillus oryzae grown in
liquid medium with sucrose and yeast extract was also described (Rao et al., 2005) for
soluble extracellular enzyme production – a process that is easy to carry out and that is of
low cost.
Using an optimized medium, Aspergillus oryzae produces round pellets which
were stable during the fermentation period (Sangeetha et al., 2005a) or industrial scale
fermentation, these pellets consisting of compact masses of hyphae are advantageous,
since the filamentous form of fungi may wrap around the impeller and damage the
agitator blade. Also pellet formation makes downstream processing easier in industrial
The enzyme production was also described in details above (at II part).
3.1.2 Enzyme extraction
At the end of the log-phase period, cells are collected by centrifugation and
washed twice with deionized water, physiological saline solution or buffer. For
mycelium-bound enzyme, washed cells are resuspended in water or buffer before enzyme
Different methods can be used for enzyme extraction:
Cell grinding
An additional centrifugation or filtration step is then needed to produce clear
supernatant containing free enzyme. In some cases (Yun and Song, 1999), the enzyme
solution thus obtained required an additional concentration step by ultrafiltration or
dialysis (molecular weight cutoff 10 KDa). The resulting enzyme is used crude without
further purification.
3.1.3 Substrates
Sucrose is the natural substrate of fructosyl transferase. The effect of the sucrose
concentration was investigated to minimize the hydrolysis reaction. The maximum yield
of Sc-FOS is currently obtained with an initial sucrose concentration of 55 Brix.
Moreover, there is a consensus that a high concentration of commercial food grade
sucrose syrup (60–70 Brix) should be used for both the batch and continuous process of
fructooligosaccharide production. At such high concentrations, sucrose syrups have the
benefit of a low water activity reducing the risk of contamination during the enzymatic
synthesis step and reducing the final evaporation costs (Pierre F. Monsan, 2008).
Commercial food grade Sc-FOS is being produced from pure food grade sucrose.
In order to use Sc-FOS as animal feed additive, it would be necessary to reduce
production costs. With batch production based on free enzyme or cells, the use of
molasses was described to produce 166 g/l fructooligosaccharides from 360 g/l molasses
sugar (Shin et al., 2004). Raw sugar can also be used.
3.1.4 Cell immobilization
When enzymes are cell-bound, a method in which microorganisms are directly
immobilized on a carrier can be used for Sc-FOS synthesis. This method does not require
separation of enzyme from cells and can prevent the reduction of enzyme activity during
the extraction step.
Meiji Seika Co., which was the first to produce Sc-FOSs, used initially a
continuous process involving immobilized Aspergillus niger cells entrapped in calcium
alginate beads. Yun and Song (1999) described Aureobasidium pullulans cell
immobilization with calcium alginate. Cells were suspended with 3% sodium alginate
solution and extruded through syringe needles to form small beads dropping into calcium
chloride solution.
Cheil Foods and Chemicals Co. also developed a continuous process using
immobilized cells of Aureobasidium pullulans entrapped in calcium alginate beads. Two
one-cubic meter packed bed reactors have been in commercial operation since 1990.
With concentrated sucrose as substrate, the stability of the immobilized cells is about 3
months at 500C (Yun, 1996).
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