Luận văn Statnamic testing of piles in clay
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES xi NOTATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS xxiii CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Research objectives 2 1.3 Outline of thesis . 2 CHAPTER 2 - LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Static load testing methods .5 2.2.1 Maintained load test .5 2.2.2 Constant rate of penetration test .6 2.2.3 Osterberg load cell test .7 2.3 Rate effects .8 2.3.1 Rate effect studies using triaxial tests and torsion tests .9 2.3.2 Rate effect studies using direct shear tests .11 2.3.3 Rate effect studies using penetrometer and shear vane tests .13 2.3.4 Rate effect using a model instrumented pile in a clay bed .15 2.3.5 Results from field studies .16 2.4 Dynamic pile load tests .18 2.4.1 The stress wave propagation equation .19 2.4.2 Pile dynamic resistance 20 2.4.3 Static pile capacity .22 Case method of analysis . 23 Signal matching method .23 2.4.4 Dynamic load test advantages and disadvantages 26 2.5 Statnamic load test 26 2.6 Statnamic data interpretation 28 2.7 Quake values for shaft and toe resistances and the softening effect .32 2.8 The changes of pore water pressure during pile installation and the subsequent loading stages . . .37 2.9 Summary .40 CHAPTER 3 - TESTING EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES 3.1 Introduction .56 3.2 The calibration chamber .57 3.3 Boundary effects .58 3.4 Bed preparation .60 3.4.1 Clay slurry preparation .60 3.4.2 Consolidometer 61 3.4.3 Clay bed instrumentation .62 3.4.4 1-D consolidation .63 3.4.5 Triaxial consolidation .65 3.4.6 Pile installation .68 3.5 Instrumented model pile .69 3.5.1 Pile tip component .69 3.5.2 Pile shaft sleeve component . .71 3.5.3 Actuator - Pile connection 72 3.5.4 Pile shaft load cell performance . 73 3.6 Servo-hydraulic loading system .73 3.7 Logging and control system .75 3.8 Instrumentation calibration .76 3.9 Testing procedure .78 3.9.1 Constant rate of penetration tests .78 3.9.2 Statnamic tests .79 3.9.3 Maintained load tests .80 3.10 Bed dismantling .80 CHAPTER 4 - TESTING PROGRAMME 4.1 Introduction 101 4.2 Clay bed preparation and transducer locations .102 4.3 Constant rate of penetration tests (CRP tests) 103 4.4 Statnamic tests (STN tests) .104 4.5 Maintained load tests (ML tests) . 105 CHAPTER 5 - BED PROPERTIES 5.1 Introduction 114 5.2 Clay bed 1-D consolidation 114 5.3 Clay bed isotropic triaxial consolidation. 117 5.4 Performance of the calibration chamber during the pile load tests 117 5.5 Bed properties after the testing programme 119 CHAPTER 6 – PILE TEST DATA AND DISCUSSION 6.1 Introduction 139 6.2 Typical results of the pile load tests .139 6.3 Pile shaft resistance results and models for the pile shaft resistance .140 6.3.1 Non-linear models .141 6.3.2 A new non-linear model for pileshaft rate effects .145 6.3.3 Pile shaft softening effect .150 6.3.4 Repeatability of the static pile shaft resistances .152 6.4 Pile tip resistance results .153 6.5 Application of the proportional exponent model to the pile total load .157 6.6 A simple theoretical approach for the load transfer mechanism 158 6.6.1 Available models for load transfer .158 6.6.2 Modifications to the existing modelsfor load transfer for static pile load tests and a new model for rapid load pile tests . .160 6.6.3 Application of the models to static pile load tests. 167 6.6.4 Application of the models to rapid load pile tests . 168 6.6.5 Quake value for the pile shaft resistance of a rapid load test .170 6.7 A comparison between maintained load tests and CRP tests .172 6.8 Pore water pressures around the pile during pile load tests 173 6.8.1 Pore water pressures during CRP tests at a rate of 0.01mm/s 174 Pore water pressures at the pile shaft 174 Pore water pressures around the pile shaft 175 Pore water pressures at the pile tip 176 Pore water pressures below the pile tip .176 6.8.2 Pore water pressures during maintained pile load tests .177 6.8.3 Pore water pressure regime during rapid load pile tests 178 Pore water pressures at the pile shaft 178 Pore water pressures around the pile shaft 178 Pore water pressures at the pile tip 179 Pore water pressures below of the pile tip .179 6.9 Clay bed inertial behavior .179 CHAPTER 7 - FIELD LOAD TESTS 7.1 Introduction . .254 7.2 Ground conditions . . .254 7.3 Pile tests . 255 7.4 Prediction of the pile static capacity using the Unloading Point Method .255 7.5 Application of the analyses to field tests . . .257 CHAPTER 8 - CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER WORK 8.1 Introduction . .269 8.2 Main conclusions . .269 8.3 Recommendations for further studies . .273 REFERENCES .275
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