Selling activities of Ha Trung Plastic Technology JSC

Table of content


Chapter1. Theoretical and practical background

I. Theoretical background .2

 1/ Selling .2

 2/ Selling process .4

 3/ Practical background of VietNam Platic Industry.6

Chapter2. The situation and selling of Ha Trung plastic technology joint stock company

 I. The outlines of Ha Trung Plastic Technology JSC

 1. The history of Ha Trung JSC .10

 2. Management and organization structure .

 II. Business actives of Ha Trung plastic joint stock company .

 1. Business activities in Ha Trung Company JSC

 2. Production Process and Facilities .18

 3 Process of work.24

 Chapter3. Direction and principle measures to extend selling channel of Ha Trung

1. The advantages and disadvantages of Ha Trung JSC .

 2. Solutions to improve selling activities of Ha Trung JSC.





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nds to be highly labor intensive.  A survey in 2004 revealed that 70% of the labor force in the Vietnamese plastic industry is unskilled, seven times higher than the combined average of other sectors. Most plastics companies employ between 10 and 50 people. The average monthly salary for a plastics industry employee is just under 2 million VND, with a large degree of variation depending on whether the company is foreign or locally owned and dependent on location of the factory facility. The development strategy of Vietnam's plastics industry to 2010 has stated that the industry will need investment of US$ 3 billion to achieve industry goals. The plan outlines an integrated plastics industry where raw materials would be almost exclusively supplied by in-country resources and product is both used for domestic selling and export. By 2005, 30% of the industry's demand on materials should be supplied domestically, lessening its heavy dependence on imports. The industry will focus on replacing and upgrading machinery and equipment for raw material production and hi-tech products such as construction materials, parts for the auto, motorcycle, and refrigeration equipment industries... The Vietnamese plastics industry is highly dependent on imports. Currently the Vietnamese plastic industry must import about 1.5 - 2 million tons of raw materials annually, plus hundreds of auxiliary chemicals used in the plastics industry.  Domestic raw materials can meet only 30 percent of the country’s demand. In 2004 Vietnam was Asia’s second largest importer of plastics materials. The Vietnamese government is attempting to promote import substitution by helping to finance several domestic production facilities but the government forecasts that Vietnam will still have to import roughly half of the resins it needs after these production facilities are completed in 2010. Vietnam is dependent upon polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride E (PVCE) and polyvinyl styrene (PS) imported from abroad. Vietnam is less dependent upon imports of B oriented polypropylene (BOPP), polyvinyl chloride S (PVCS) and dioctyl phthalate (DOP) resins as growing amounts of this are being produced domestically - supply is still inadequate to meet demand. The major plastic exporters to Vietnam are regional countries such as China, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. In 2005, Vietnam imported 1,147 MT of both raw materials and finished products. The plastic import value was $1,426mil, equal to four times of export value of $350 in 2005. In 2004, Vietnam exported only 10 percent of total output, i.e. 90 percent for domestic demand (VPA). Vietnamese plastics products have been shipped to many countries, such as Cambodia, Laos, India, Sri Lanka, Japan, China, the EU, Taiwan and the US. Investment opportunities exist in the packaging field, plastics machinery production, plastics resin production and waste plastics reprocessing sub-sectors.  Chapter2. the situation and selling of hatrung plastic technology joint stock company I. The outlines of HaTrung JSC 1. The history of Ha Trung JSC HaTrung company is based in 551 Nguyen Van Cu, Long Bien district, Ha Noi, is a joint stock company which started on 1/6/1994 with business registration number 0103004549. Company provides a broad range of plastic bags, packaging supplies and poly tubing, food services and industrial packaging markets, nylons and super market bags, goods relate plastic...Plastic goods comes up to the standard ISO 4427 : 1996, TCVN 7305 : 2003 , BS 3505:1968, AS/NZS 1477:1996,.. Being one of a few known plastics company in Vietnam having in-line a mold design and manufacture site and workshops with blow and injection molding technology. Ha Trung is always committed to right timing and good control of quality products. Applying the quality control system ISO 9001 helps Ha Trung to make good control of the process and ensure customers’ satisfaction. Ha Trung’s factory is equipped with modern machines and tools, and they are always upgraded annually by famous providers as K Krauss-Maffei, Cincinnati, Corma,... In parallel, Ha Trung’s engineers and staffs are well and professionally trained. With these advantages, products of Ha Trung and precision molds always are the first choice of customers in the Vietnamese market. 2. Management and organization structure Ha Trung company’s organization has line-functional structure. With this structure, company has a clear line or chain of command running down from highest passions to lowest positions. All people in the organization know what decisions they are able to make, who their superior( or boss) is ( to whom they report), and who their immediate subordinates are( to whom they can give instructions). Chart3: The company organizational structure Board of director Agency management depart Production depart Accounting depart Marketing department a.Board of director: (CEO and Deputy Directorare responsible for setting sales and profit goals for every year that are elaborated into specific goals for each lower level . - The chief executive officer and his Deputy is the most important role in the management of an organization. + They are leaders of company, always give advises the board + Advocates / promotes organization and stakeholder change related to organization mission + Supports motivation of employees in organization products/ programs and operations - They have a visionary and give information bearer: + Ensures staff and Board have sufficient and up-to-date information + Looks to the future for change opportunities + Interfaces between Board and employees + Interfaces between organization and community - And they are decision marker: + Formulates policies and planning recommendations to the Board + Decides or guides courses of action in operations by staff - They are managers in the company: + Oversees operations of organization + Implements plans + Manages human resources of organization + Manages financial and physical resource - They are a board developer: + Assists in the selection and evaluation of board members + Makes recommendations, supports Board during orientation and self-evaluation + Supports Board's evaluation of Chief Executive b. The Marketing Department + The marketing organization consists of functional specialists: geographic area, product or customer markets ( such as the sales manager and marketing research manager) who report to a marketing vice president, who coordinate their activities. They research market and give tactics, strategies to compete. + Managers finds market, makes relationship with customers, solving and customer care, increasingly please regional and local sale group, understand and deal with individual customers rather with the mass market or even market segments. + Examining whether the planned results are being achieve. Marketers study strategies, strength and weak of product to compete with competitor’s . + Marketers today are showing a growing interest in developing better marketing metrics for measuring marketing performance. c. Production department Production is the functional area responsible for turning inputs into finished outputs through a series of production processes. The Production Manager is responsible for making sure that raw materials are provided and made into finished goods effectively. He or she must make sure that work is carried out smoothly, and must supervise procedures for making work more efficient and more enjoyable. In a manufacturing company the production function may be split into five sub-functions: 1. The production and planning section will set standards and targets for each section of the production process. The quantity and quality of products coming off a production line will be closely monitored. In businesses focusing on lean production, quality will be monitored by all employees at every stage of production, rather than at the end as is the case for businesses using a quality control approach. 2. The purchasing section will be responsible for providing the materials, components and equipment required to keep the production process running smoothly. A vital aspect of this role is ensuring stocks arrive on time and to the right quality. 3. The stores section will be responsible for stocking all the necessary tools, spares, raw materials and equipment required to service the manufacturing process. Where sourcing is unreliable, buffer stocks will need to be kept and the use of computerized stock control systems helps keep stocks at a minimal but necessary level for production to continue unhindered. 4. The design and technical support section will be responsible for researching new products or modifications to existing ones, estimating costs for producing in different quantities and by using different methods. It will also be responsible for the design and testing of new product processes and product types, together with the development of prototypes through to the final product. The technical support department may also be responsible for work study and suggestions as to how working practices can be improved. 5. The works section will be concerned with the manufacture of products. This will include the maintenance of the production line and other necessary repairs. The works department may also have responsibility for quality control and inspection. Marketing is concerned with knowing and understanding the requirements of customers, so that Production can provide the market led products that are required. This also requires excellent communication systems to be in place. d. The Accounting department - Accounting is a process of measuring, recording, classifying, and summarizing financial data that will be useful for CEO decides in making economic plans. - The Accounting Department is in charge of the finance management for company, notice to board of management on assets and liabilities, debts, submit suggestion to make prices for product... owners of the business, creditors that have loaned money to the entity, labor unions, and taxing authorities. e. Agencies Management Department - Managing wholesale and retail sale agencies, showrooms. _ Collecting market information directly, opinion of customers to help company making competition strategies. All departments are connected each other and created a union organization which provides information which helps Management Board control annual plan of company and development strategies, II. Business activities of Hatrung JSC 1.Business activities a/ Materials: Company searches material resources itself, Hatrung usually imports material for production of customer goods from domestic companies such as HaNoi Plastic Company, Tien Phong Plastic Company, Binh Minh Company.... and Company imports PVC, PP, Dor for production of nylon bags, kinds of film, food services and industrial packaging material from foreign companies of Japan, Thailand, China, Taiwan ,... and plastic suppliers in Hung yen, Phu Ly, Hai Duong.... b/ Sales revenue and profit chart 03: result of business activities Norms 2004 2005 Disparity 2005/2004 Absolutely figure (+) (-) % turnover 3.849.188,497 5.581.834.797 + 1.732.646.300 + 45,01 expensive 2.781.713.202 4.046.545.004 + 1.264.831.802 + 45,41 Total profit 1,245.672.604 1.782.792.954 + 537.120.350 + 43,12 Tax 341,592.094 491.292.733 + 149.700.639 + 43,82 average income per person 679.274 911.919 + 232.645 + 34,25 invested capital 3.585.530.340 3.650.803.711 + 170.945.371 + 4,91 Fixed capital 1,945.434.375 1.862.073.511 - 83.360.864 - 4,28 floating capital 1,640.095.965 1.788.730.200 + 254.306.235 + 16,57 original price of fixed assets 2.324.581.809 2.353.581.809 + 29.000.000 + 1,24 After many years in business activity, Ha Trung has developed very fast. Development of company through follow figures : As you can see, goods sales are rising rapidly. Comparing 2005 to 2006, we can see good image of Ha Trung company *turnover 2006 / 2005 increase 45,01% this is largely due to improved tactics and methods in business activities which make employees concentrated on producing *total profit has increased for 43,12%. It showed that selling activity is pretty good and favors. This is a result of trying employees’ best. It proved that the capital resource of company is always stable and can ensure of business activity next year. Beside of production, HaTrung takes apart on other activities such as: confinement for other companies, importing for them and receiving commission. Commission depends on value of contract (0,9% for contract under 100.000 USD). Although this activity doesn’t bring a big profit but it’s pretty stable to increase yearly revenue and brings good relationship with other companies c/ Labor force: Labor force has an importance role in the company. They are the factor which can ensure quality, quantities of product for company. They are a main force during selling process. Chart 4: labour force Norms Unit 2004 2005 Disparity I Total of employee person 520 570 50 1. Full-time Part-time person 490 30 535 35 45 5 2. Skilled - Undergraduated High-school Tech- worker Other person 16 305 18 171 16 316 23 215 - 11 5 44 II. Salary Total of salary Avarage Income/person VN§ VN§ 475.785.337 679.274 571.773.279 911.919 95.987.942 232.645 d/ Customer market: Ha Trung’s main consumption market is HaNoi, and subordinate markets are in Vinh Phuc, Phu Ly,.... Hanoi is a large and attractive market for business investors. Similar products with good quality, attractive model, special smuggle goods with cheap prices from China appear everywhere. Customers have many chances for their selection so their needs is difficult to please. Because of this reason, Ha Trung plastic makes competition strategies, tactics to open selling channel and compete with other enterprise. Ha Trung builds long- term, profitable customer relationships by focusing on its most profitable customers, products, and channels. Managers are also shifting from making a profit on each sale to making profits by managing customer lifetime value. Customers see a provider with a full product suite with long-term staying power and commitment to the marketplace even in difficult consumer environments. e/ Types of selling To excuse strategies plan, selling plan was done as following: + Periodic purchase contract/wholesaling This way is applied with state and private enterprise what has large needs, regular visitors. They involved in selling goods or services to those who buy for resale or business use. Wholesaling also called distributor differ from retailers in a numbers of ways. Beside, company is applied with wholesales organization what has capacity on financial and has high prestige with company. On 2007, company has made 28 contracts which value appreciated 50billion. One of them is regular customer and is big partner of company. Company will have a price reduction to those buyers who buy large volume” $10 per unit for less than 100 units;$9 per unit for 100 or more units” Quantity discount must be offer equally to all customers and must not exceed the cost saving to the seller associated with selling large quantities. They can be offered on a noncumulative basic( on each order placed) or a cumulative basic ( on the number of units ordered over a given period) + Retail sales: this is direct sales channel. It consist of selling directly or intermediary to the final customer through stores which are placed at retail stores system of company. Stores provide many kinds of products not only product of Hatrung company but also other one of companies which is arranged attractively. All customers are introduced by sellers. This way will help monetary turnover faster and sellers can know needs and interested of customers faster. As the result, company can control product better. + Sales through agencies: it’s short channel. Company-agency-customer. Agencies consist of individuals who has strong financial, want to become providers for company at other areas. Agencies will receive bonus about 2% or 4% from price table of each product which they brought f. Selling channel management: With the produce new growth of customer segments and channel possibilities, more companies have adopted multichannel marketing. Multichannel marketing will help company gain three benefits. The first is increased market coverage-companies often add a channel to reach a customer segment that its current channel cannot reach. The second is lower channel cost- companies may add a new channel to lower the cost of selling to an existing customer group( selling by phone rather personally visiting small customer). The third is more customized selling- companies may add a channel whose selling feature fit customer requirements better( adding a technical sales force to sell more complex equipment). g. Selling policy + Adapting the price: Hatrung has strategies: retail and wholesales price, geographical pricing, price discounts and allowances, promotional pricing, discriminatory pricing, and product mix pricing... + Payment: Company gives many ways of paying: cash, irrevocable letter of credit, ...Customers (wholesales, agencies) can cash and carry, progress payment, lump-sum payment... Payment deadline depends on each kind of customer. A cash discount is a price reduction to buyer who pay their bills promptly. A typical examples “2/10, net 20” which means the payment is due within 30 days and that the buyer can deduct 2% by paying the bill within 10 days. Such discount is customary in many industries. chart 5: discount policy Discount (wholesales/agencies) Small quantity Big quantity 1. payment in advance 1% 1,2% 2. payment on delivery 1,3 % 1,5% 3. late payment 2,3% 2,5% + Transportation fee: Company can discount transportation fee to different customers in different locations and countries. For example, should the company charge distant customer more to cover higher shipping cost or set a lower price. + Guarantee: all of products are guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction in everyway. Return anything purchased from them at anytime if they are mistaken by company. They will replace it and refund customer’s purchase price or credit your credit card. It’s proved through the selling result table of company on 2006 and first half of 2007. 2. Production Process and Facilities a/ Production Process: Ha Trung’s factory is equipped with modern machines and tools, and they are always upgraded annually by famous providers as K Krauss- Maffei, Cincinnati, Corma,... There are 3 key stages: heating, shaping, cooling and 4 period in plastic process such as processing thermoplastic, processing thermoses, secondary processing, last is recycling. Processing selection depends on many factors including quality and production rate and detail of the product, Size of final product, dimensional accuracy and surface finish, nature of material. An example, Nylon is formed by two methods. Dual numbers arise from the first; a condensation reaction between diamines and dibasic acids produces a nylon salt. The first number of the nylon type refers to the number of carbon atoms in the diamante, the second number is the quantity in the acid (e.g. nylon 6,12 or nylon 6,6). The second process involves opening up a monomer containing both amine and acid groups known as a lactam ring. The nylon identity is based on the number of atoms in the lactam monomer (e.g. nylon 6 or nylon 12 etc). Nylon films is used for food packaging, offering toughness and low gas permeability, and coupled with its temperature resistance, for boil-in-the-bag food packaging. Molding and extrusion compounds find many applications as replacements for metal parts, for instance in car engine components. Intake manifolds in nylon are tough, corrosion resistant, lighter and cheaper than aluminum (once tooling costs are covered) and offer better air flow due to a smooth internal bore instead of a rough cast one. Its self-lubricating properties make it useful for gears and bearings. Electrical insulation, corrosion resistance and toughness make nylon a good choice for high load parts in electrical applications as insulators, switch housings and the ubiquitous cable ties. Another major application is for power tool housing Process of product is a continuous process. Product has many adjust periods, but it’s a short period and is done in a enclosing process at the factory. Thus, it’s an advantage for rotation speed of funds. Although, product of company is various of plastic so technology process is same as. The Ha Trung plastics machinery sector is typified by efficient, innovative and flexible companies that are operating at the cutting-edge of technology.  As such they are able to respond quickly to their customers’ new requirements and ensure that they remain highly competitive in the global market.  b/ Technique and Facilities: There are 3 modern mix- machines from Italy which can mix and control materials automatically. These products are very suitable to environment’s condition in Vietnam. Companies such as MCP are providing all electric mini- molding machines that rival the best in the world, while the innovative processing of composite materials is supported by Pastiche Thermoses Tectonics. Viet Nam companies are renowned for many ancillary innovations that are driving improvement in plastics processing.  Firms such as Cinpres Gas Injection lead the world in the application of assisted molding technology - an important technique that is driving plastics into new areas.  Test equipment companies have excellent reputations in providing accurate measurement of the physical properties of plastics products down to very precise detail.  UK specialists also lead the world in the development of new testing methods at ISO and ASTM standards as well as providing engineering, service, training and front-line support - Each year, enterprise has to build a detail on selling such as material plan, manufacturing and labor enlarge plan, profit detail plan..... Annual plan controls aims to ensure that the company achieves the sales, profit and other goals established in its annual plan. The heart of annual –plan control is the four step management by objectives process in which management sets monthly or quarterly goals, monitors the company ‘s marketplace performance, determines the causes of serious performance deviations. This control model applies to all levels of the organization. Top management sets sales and profit goal for the year that ate elaborated into specific levels of sales and costs, each regional district and sale representative also commits to specific goals. Marketers today are showing a growing interest in developing better marketing metrics for measuring marketing performance. Managers use five tools to check on plan performance: sales analysis, market-share analysis, marketing expense-to-sales analysis, financial analysis, and market-based scorecard analysis. Once marketers have estimated company demand, they next choose a level of marketing effort to produce expected level sales. The company sales forecast is the expected level of company sales based on a chosen marketing plan and an assumed marketing environment. The company sales forecast is graphed with company sales on the vertical axis and company marketing effort on the horizontal axis. - Based on 2006 plan table, Ha Trung’s managers has combined selling quantities, price tables, revenue to adjust a new plan for 2007 plan. - Marketers will estimate current demand. Marketing executives want to estimate total market potential, area market potential, total industry sales, and market shares. This most difficult component to estimate is the number of buyers for the specific product or market. They estimate total market potential is to estimate the potential number of buyers multiplied by the average quantity purchased buy a buyer for the price. As the result, managers will count on prevision revenue on 2007. This year Hatrung ‘s target will compete to achieve 20% total revenue to 2006. - Ha Trung will continue to focus on targeted market segments for a growing international portfolio of customers – primarily in the wire and cable, pipe, automotive and advanced packaging industries. The curiosity and thrill of innovation must charge the entire company, not just our bright sparks in R&D. Ha Trung needs to focus on embedding innovative thinking along the value chain with our customers as we aim, from being a leader to the leader in providing innovative plastics solutions. Additionally, Ha Trung must drive cost competitiveness throughout the chain from feed stocks to customers. - Ha Trung will continue to focus on listening

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