Descriptive results of the value of observed variables in dependent variable are
presented in Table 4.7 and Table 4.9, displaying the mean value of the observed
variables in dependent variables in the range of 2, 6 to 3.8. This shows the differences in
assessment level about quality of financial reporting information of listed companies on
the SMVN and the standard deviation of observed variables <1.2 indicating the
Most observed variables of independent factors have quite similar mean values.
At the same time, the standard deviation of observed variables ranged from 0.5 to
<1.2, indicating the concentration of answer. The observed variables have a mean
value ranging from 2.8 to 4.5, which shows that there are differences in assessment
level about quality of financial reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN
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proach about FS is according to the concept of IASB (2018) as
Vietnam is currently on a roadmap to gradually integrate with international
accounting and step by step apply IFRS in listed companies with a view to
compulsory application for all listed companies by 2025. According to this approach,
financial statements are reports on the situation of assets, capital, revenue, expenses,
business results and financial relations of companies at a specific point of time after
an operation period. Financial statement users
The thesis' viewpoint is to consider the users of financial statements according
to the approach of IFRS with priority given to investors and capital providers who
have less information on production, business and financial situation of companies.
2.2.2. Information quality of financial statement Information quality
In brief, information includes signals that are received, perceived and useful for
users during the decision-making process.
Due to the above-mentioned reason, the thesis chooses the approach according
to the viewpoint about information quality of professional accounting organizations
such as FASB, Vietnamese Accounting Standards, and the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB) to analyze and choose the most suitable standards of quality
of financial reporting information . Quality information of financial statements
a. Basic characteristics
Relevance, faithful representation
b. Advanced characteristics
Comparability, understandability, timeliness
2.3. Theories about the relation among factors affecting information
quality of financial statements
2.3.1. Contingency theory
Theoretical application in this study:
Contingency theory shows that there is no optimal organizational structure for
listed companies on the SMVN. There are many factors affecting the effectiveness of
the organizations in general and the quality of financial reporting information of
these companies in particular. That helped the author form the idea about the impact
of factors of company size, corporate culture, quick solvency, financial leverage,
commitment to business ethics, business characteristics on quality of financial
reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN.
2.3.2. Agency theory
Theoretical application for quality of financial reporting information of listed
companies on the SMVN
The agency theory is used to explain managerial behavior in providing
information in the financial statements to ensure reliability for the benefit of the
owner or to maximize the benefits of the principal. In the event that the contract
between the owner and the manager is effective and the interests of the executives
are guaranteed, they will act entirely in the interests of the principal, disclose a lot
of information with high quality and reliability in the FS and vice versa. From
that, the author has realized that executives can perform earning management
activities to maximize their by providing information on the FS, especially for
listed companies in case the management rights and ownership rights are separate.
Or there is a relation between earning management behaviour and quality of
financial reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN. Therefore, the
thesis continues to explore the relationship of these two factors. Based on the
analysis of this theory, the author has studied the relation among the factors of the
effectiveness of internal control, independent audit quality, regulatory role of SSC,
dispersion level of shareholders, competency of accountants, professional ethics of
accountants, earning management behavior regarding quality of financial reporting
information of listed companies on the SMVN.
2.3.3. Stakeholder theory
This theory helped the author form the idea that the dispersion level of
shareholders has a negative impact on the quality of financial reporting information.
The SSC's regulatory role has a positive impact on the quality of financial reporting
information of listed companies on the SMVN. When regulators commit to business
ethics, it shows that the company wishes to treat all parties with related interests in a
fair manner. The regulatory role of the SSC is to ensure fairness for parties,
especially shareholders and capital providers who are provided with information that
are truthful, objective, accurate, transparent, easy to understand and timely in the FS.
Based on the application of this theory, the author has built the basis for
recommendation that the regulatory role of the SSC and the application of
international financial reporting standards affect quality of financial reporting
information of listed companies on the SMVN.
2.4. Planned research model from theoretical basis
2.4.1. Planned research model from theoretical basis
From the results of the research overview and the theoretical basis, the author
has compiled factors affecting the quality of financial reporting information of listed
companies on the SMVN and proposed the planned research model from the
theoretical basis presented in diagram 2.3
2.4.2. Research hypotheses from theoretical basis
Based on the research overview and the theoretical basis of the thesis, the
author proposes the research hypotheses presented in Table 2.3.
3.1. Research process
3.2. Qualitative research method
In the thesis, the author used the qualitative research method to accomplish the
main objectives of identifying factors affecting quality of financial reporting
information of listed companies on the SMVN and building a scale of factors
including independent and dependent variables. This is the first step in the
preliminary study of the thesis; qualitative research results serve as the scientific
basis for the author to build a questionnaire for the survey in quantitative research.
Based on the literature review of previous studies, the author then interviewed experts
and proposed research models and research hypotheses.
3.3. Quantitative research method
3.3.1. Building a measurement scale of variables
10 Measurement scale of dependent variables
Dependent variables of quality of financial reporting information are measured
through 6 observed variables: Relevance, faithful representation, comparability,
understandability, verifiability, timeliness. Measurement scale of independent variables
a. Competency of accountants:
The factor of competency of accountant is measured and quantified as the
mean value of 5 observed variables from NL1 to NL5.
b. Professional ethics of accountants
This factor is quantified as the mean value of 5 observed variables DD1 to
c. Effectiveness of internal control
This factor is quantified as the mean value of 5 observed variables KS1 to KS5.
d. Application of the International Financial Reporting Standards
The IFRS is a set of accounting standards that are created and developed by
the IASB. This factor is quantified as the mean value of 5 observed variables AC1 to
e. Earning management behaviour
This factor is quantified as the mean value of 5 observed variables HQ1 to
f. Independent audit quality
This factor is quantified as the mean value of 7 observed variables KT1 to
g. Regulatory role of the State Securities Commission
This factor is quantified as the mean value of 3 observed variables UB1 to
The thesis uses a 5-level Likert scale to find out whether these factors affect
qthe uality of financial reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN.
3.4.2. Questionnaire design and trial survey
3.4.3. Official survey
Sample survey
The author conducted a large-scale survey and distribution of
questionnaires. After unusable survey slips were removed, the number of survey
slips used for analysis was 350 which were sufficient for Exploratory Factor
Analysis (EFA) and regression analysis.
Data processing method
The author examined all the obtained survey slips. Out of 764 survey slips sent,
author collected 368 survey slips with 18 being invalid. In the end, the author had 350
survey slips used in this study. The author then proceeded to process the data; for direct
survey cases, the author entered data into the survey slips and the answer was
automatically updated in the software. Afterwards, the author used the SPSS 22.0
software to perform the next quantitative research steps
Test of the measurement scale’s quality (Cronbach's Alpha test)
Kaiser - Meyer - Olkin
Barlett’s test
Total Variance Explained
Factor loading
Pearson's Correlation Test and multiple linear regression analysis
Pearson's Correlation Test
Multiple linear regression analysis
4.1. Overview of listed companies in the Vietnamese stock market
4.1.1. The establishment and development of the Vietnamese stock market
4.1.2. Realiy of information quality of financial statements of listed
companies in the Vietnamese stock market
4.2. Impact levels of factors on the information quality of financial
statements of listed companies in the Vietnamese stock market
4.2.1. Qualitative research results
Based on the research data gathered from group discussions, the author has built a
theoretical research model including 7 factors affecting quality of financial reporting
information and developed observed variables to measure independent factors as
described in Chapter 3.
After having quantitative research results, the author continued to conduct in-
depth interviews with a group of experts to discuss research results in Chapter 5.
4.2.2. Quantitative research results
Descriptive results of the value of observed variables in dependent variable are
presented in Table 4.7 and Table 4.9, displaying the mean value of the observed
variables in dependent variables in the range of 2, 6 to 3.8. This shows the differences in
assessment level about quality of financial reporting information of listed companies on
the SMVN and the standard deviation of observed variables <1.2 indicating the
Most observed variables of independent factors have quite similar mean values.
At the same time, the standard deviation of observed variables ranged from 0.5 to
<1.2, indicating the concentration of answer. The observed variables have a mean
value ranging from 2.8 to 4.5, which shows that there are differences in assessment
level about quality of financial reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN
4.2.3. Assessing the reliability of the scale
The reliability of all measurement factors are assessed by Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient. Cronbach’s alpha results in this study are as follows:
All Cronbach's alpha coefficients of the independent and dependent variables
that reflect the quality of financial reporting information as well as factors affecting
the quality of financial reporting information have the Cronbach's alpha value > 0.6;
therefore they ae qualified to be included in factor analysis. At the same time, the
coefficient of correlation of total observed variables meet the requirements of> 0.3,
ensuring the given scales have statistical significance.
4.2.4. Checking the convergence of the quality of financial reporting
The variable of quality of financial reporting information includes 32
observations. To see if these observations are converged, the author put all observed
variables of the dependent variable into analysis through KMO and Bartlett's Test
tests. The observed variables of the dependent variables all converge.
Table 4.12. KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. ,865
Bartlett's Test of
Approx, Chi-Square 11474,995
Df 496
Sig, ,000
Source: The thesis’s research
EFA analysis in Table 4.12 shows that KMO coefficient> 0.5, eligible to
conduct factor analysis, and sig is 0.000, indicating that the observed variables are
correlated with each other in the factor. The author then conducted the analysis via
perpendicular rotation.
According to the results, it is possible to draw from 32 observations and the
total variance extracted is 73.999%. The results show that the observed variables
have factor loadings larger than the standard (0.40) and the difference in factor
loading of an observed variable among factors>0.3. No observed variable is removed.
4.2.5. Checking the convergence of observed variables of the independent
variables by EFA analysis
After analyzing the Cronbach's alpha, the scales were further evaluated by
EFA, using the Principal Axis Factoring method with Promax rotation (Gerbing and
Anderson, 1988) and stop point for extracted factors when Eigenvalue >1.
Observed variables of influencing factors were included in factor analysis.
The result shows that KMO = 0.864 which satisfied KMO condition> 0.5 (Kaiser,
1974). Thus, it can be concluded that EFA is appropriate with the existing data.
Similarly, the Barlett test result of <0.05 means that the variables are related to each
other and are eligible for factor analysis by EFA test. The results of the test show
that there are six extracted factors with Eigenvalues> 1.00; 35 observed variables
are grouped into six factors; the total extracted variance is 70,970 indicating that
these six factors are explained 71,001% the variation of observed variables. Most
observed variables have factor loading> 0.5 but 2 observed variables, KS4 and KS5,
have factor loading <0.5 so they will be removed for further analysis of factors.
The results show that KMO = 0.860 satisfying KMO condition> 0.5 (Kaiser,
1974). Thus, it can be concluded that factor analysis is appropriate with the existing
data. Similarly, the Barlett = 0.00 <0.05 means that the variables are related to each
other and are eligible for factor analysis by EFA test.
The results of the EFA show that there are six extracted factors with
Eigenvalues> 1.00; 33 observed variables are grouped into six factors, the total
extracted variance is 72,528, indicating that these 6 factors explained 72,528% of
the variation of observed variables. Observed variables of all factors have factor
loading greater than 0.5. Thus, all scales selected for variables in the model met the
requiements and can be used in subsequent analyzes.
Through the factor analysis process, the hypotheses are reset.
H1: The competence and professional ethics of accountants positively affect
the quality of financial reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN.
H2: The effectiveness of internal control positively affects the quality of
financial reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN.
H3: The application of the IFRS positively affects the quality of financial
reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN
H4: Earning management behaviour negatively affects the quality of financial
reporting information of listed companies on SMVN.
H5: Independent audit quality positively affects the quality of financial
reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN.
H6: The regulatory role of the SSC has the same impact direction on the
quality of financial reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN.
The variables are encrypted and renamed as follows:
NV: Accountant (Competency and ethics)
KT: Independent audit quality
HQ: Earning management behaviour
KS: Effectiveness of internal control
UB: Regulatory role of the SSC
AC: Applications of IFRS
The official research model is as follows:
Diagram 4.4: Official research model
Source: The thesis’s research
Quality of
Effectiveness of
internal control
Applications of
financial reporting
Independent audit
Regulatory role of
the State
4.2.6. Testing correlation coefficient
Table 4.14: Diagram of correlation coefficient of factors
coefficient r
1 ,620** ,451** ,366** ,566** ,703** ,802**
Significance level ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000
coefficient r 1 ,452
,229** ,665** ,626** ,649**
Significance level ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000
coefficient r
1 ,219** ,396** ,502** ,470**
Significance level ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000
coefficient r 1 ,325
,330** ,445**
Significance level ,000 ,000 ,000
coefficient r
1 ,512** ,654**
Significance level ,000 ,000
coefficient r 1 ,681
Significance level ,000
coefficient r
Significance level
**. p<0.05 (2-tailed).
Source: The thesis’s research
From the data in the table, it can be seen that the factors NV; KT; KS; UB; AC
have a positive relationship with the quality of financial reporting information. Observed
significance levels of these factors are all less than 0.05 and have a linear correlation
coefficient of 0.802; 0.664; 0.470; 0.445; 0.665; 0.681, respectively, showing a fair
degree of mutual influence between factors and that they have practical significance.
Results of correlation analysis show variables are eligible to be put into regression
4.2.7. Linear regression model analysis
After several times of processing regression model by different methods,
the author chooses the Enter method (including all variables in the regression
equation) to give the best regression model results as below. The author uses
multivariate regression model that has the following form:
Quality of financial reporting information = bο + b1* NV + b2*KT + b3* HQ + b4*
AC + b5* KS + b6* UB + ε
Testing the suitability of the model
Table 4.15. Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 ,857a ,734 ,729 ,38419
a. Predictors: (Constant), UB, KS, HQ, AC, KT, NV
Source: The thesis’s research
Table 4.16. ANOVA table a
Model Sum of
Df Mean
F Sig.
Regression 139,515 6 23,252 157,531 ,000b
Residual 50,629 343 ,148
Total 190,143 349
a. Dependent Variable: CLBCTC
b. Predictors: (Constant), UB, KS, HQ, AC, KT, NV
Source: The thesis’s research
There exists a linear relationship between the quality of financial reporting
information and at least one of the following factors: Accounting staff; KT:
Independent audit quality; HQ: Earning management behaviour; AC: Application
of the IFRS, KS: Internal control, UB: Regulatory role of the SSC or all factors.
Therefore the analyzed model is suitable for the observed data and can be
generalized to the whole.
Multicollinearity test: With tolerance coefficients <1 and VIF coefficients <3,
it shows that independent variables do not have multi-collinear phenomena.
Linear regression equation:
Therefore, the following hypotheses are accepted:
H1: The competence and professional ethics of accountants positively affect
the quality of financial reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN.
H2: The effectiveness of internal control positively affects the quality of
financial reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN.
H3: The application of the international financial reporting standards positively
affects the quality of financial reporting information of listed companies on the
H5: Independent audit quality positively affects the quality of financial
reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN.
H6: The regulatory role of the SSC has the same impact direction on the
quality of financial reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN
The linear model shows the impact of factors on the quality of financial
reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN:
Quality of financial reporting information = 3,364 + 0,359* NV + 0,93*KT -
0,032* HQ + 0,066* AC + 0,120* KS + 0,136* UB
4.2.8. Assessing the quality of financial statements and the factors affecting
the groups of financial statement makers and users
According to the survey results, the group of FS makers has 243 people
including accounting staff, chief accountant, director, and financial director in listed
companies. The group of FS users consists of 107 investors, researchers and auditors.
ANOVA Independent Samples Test analysis results show that most of the
factors have differences between the two groups of FS makers and users. Only two
factors, namely KT and AC, have not shown a statistically significant difference.
5.1. Discussion of research results
5.1.1. Discussion on the reality of the quality of financial reporting
information of listed companies in the Vietnamese stock market.
Quality of financial reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN:
According to the descriptive analysis and EFA results for the measurement
scale of quality of financial reporting information, the value of quality of financial
reporting information is determined by the mean value of the observed variables and
this value is equal to 3.4/5. Based on the results of this study, the quality of financial
reporting information of listed companies on the SMVN is reliable. The calculation
of this mean value is done according to Beest et al (2013) and Pham Quoc Thuan
This component is measured by 8 observed variables with the value of 3,23/5
point, showing that the FS of listed companies on the SMVN ensure relevance at a
relatively fair level. The derminination of R value is done according to Beest et al (2009)
and Pham Quoc Thuan (2016).
Faithful representation
According to research results, FS of listed companies are created and presented
at a relatively fair level of 3,2/5 point. The determination of the mean value is done
according to Beest et al (2009) and Pham Quoc Thuan (2016).
According to research results, FS of listed companies are considered
understandable at a relatively level of 3,60/5 point.
According to research results, basically, FS of listed companies meet the
comparability requirement at a relatively high level of 3,36/5 point; this is presented in
Diagram 5.5. The determination of the mean value is done according to Beest et al
(2009) vand Pham Quoc Thuan (2016).
For listed companies, the preservation and storage of accounting vouchers
which serve as the basis for verification are assessed at a high level of 3.7943/5
point. In addition, the inventory of assets and liabilities is conducted regularly.
According to the research results, the timeliness of the financial statements is
assessed to meet the requirements of information users at 3.56145 /5 point.
5.1.2. Discussion on factors affecting the quality of financial reporting
information of listed companies in the Vietnamese stock market
The proposed research model from the initial theoretical basis of the author
based on the overview of the study includes 14 factors affecting the quality of
financial reporting information of listed companies on SMVN. The results of
qualitative research have seven factors that are included in the expected research
model for quantitative research: Competence of accountant, professional ethics of
accountantKT, efficiency of internal control, application of IFRS, earning
management behavior, regulatory role of the SSC, independent audit quality.
When conducting EFA analysis, the regression model identified six factors
affecting the quality of financial reporting information of listed companies on
SMVN: efficiency of internal control, application of IFRS, earning management
behavior, regulatory role of the SSC, independent audit quality.
The test results of the research hypotheses show that there are five factors
affecting the quality of financial reporting information of listed companies on the
SMVN with observed significance levels less than 0.05 with decreasing impact
levels, namely: accountant, application of IFR, regulatory role of the SSC,
independent audit quality and earning management behaviour. The efficiency of
internal control and earning management behaviour factors have opposite impact with
significant level of less than 10%. The results of this research are comple
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