Bài giảng tiếng anh 10 unit 4: special education


1. Warm-up:

- Ask Ss to read these sentences:

Ex: 1. Laura’s daughter bought a horse and called it Laura.

2. John wants to watch Walter wash the dog.

- Lead in new lesson.

2. Presentation:

- Demonstrate the sounds /o/ and /o: / by pronouncing them clearly and slowly.

- Explain to Ss the position of the lips, tongue and the open of the mouth.

- Ask Ss to pronounce and repeat the sound several times.

3. Practice:

- Read the words, ask Ss to repeat.

- Read the sentences.

- Ask Ss to underline the words containing the sounds /e/ or /oe/

- Tell Ss to practice in pairs and correct their friends’ mistakes.

- Tell some Ss to read the words and the sentences loudly, correct their pronunciation


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Date: Week: 7 Period: 19 Unit 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION A. READING I. Aims: - Educational aim: Ss know something about the special education and that they will be sympathized to the disabled people. - Knowledge: Ss know the Braille Alphabet and understand about the special education. - Skill: reading for matching and for multiple choice. +extensive reading: gap-fill II. Teaching aids: posters, textbooks III. Procedure: Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities I. Warm-up: - Ask Ss to work in groups and make a list of the activities that blind and deaf people have difficulty doing - Gather ideas and introduce the topic of the lesson: “special education and Braille” II. Pre-reading: * Work with a partner: - Ask Ss to work in pairs: look at the Braille Alphabet and work out the message that follows. @ Answer: We Are The World * Pre-teach Vocabulary: - Introduce some new words - proper schooling: enough and good study - opposition: opposing ideas, disagreeing ideas - to make effort: to try, to attempt - to be proud of: to take pride on - Help Ss to pronounce the words in textbook and given by teacher. * Checking: Rub out and Remember III. While- Reading: *Task 1: - Ask Ss to do the task individually to do the task, try to guess the meaning of the words in context. - Tell S to check their answer with a partner - Call some Ss to read their answer in class - Give the correct answers and explain the words carefully to make sure that Ss understand the meaning of the new words * Task 2: - Tell Ss to read the passage again more carefully and complete the sentences by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. - Ask Ss to give explanation for their choice. - Give feedback and give correct answers IV. Post- Reading: - Ask S to work in pairs and read the summary of the text carefully, encourage Ss to guess the missing words. - Have Ss to complete the summary in pairs. - Call some Ss to read the completed summary aloud in class. - Feedback and give the correct answers: V. Homework: - Do exercises in Workbook - work in groups, make a list - Listen to T - Work in pairs, look at the Braille Alphabet and work out the message - Listen to T, say the meaning if they know. - Take notes. - Listen and repeat - Work individually, match the two columns, try to guess the meaning - Check the answer with a partner - Read the answer 1- C 2 – E 3 – A 4 – B 5 - D - Read the passage and do the task individually. - Explain for their answer. Answer Key: 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D - Take notes. - Work in pairs, complete the summary. Answer key (1) disabled (2) read (3) write (4) efforts (5) opposition (6) time-consuming (7) Maths (8) arms (9) fingers (10) proud - Read the summary in class IV. Feedback: Date: Week: 7 Period: 20 Unit 4: SPECIAL EDUCATIOPN E. LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + pronounce the sound /o/ and /o:/ correctly. + use “the + adj” as a noun, combine two sentences with “which” and review “used to + infinitive” II. Teaching aids: poster, textbooks. III. Procedure: Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities I. PRONUNCIATION: 1. Warm-up: - Ask Ss to read these sentences: Ex: 1. Laura’s daughter bought a horse and called it Laura. 2. John wants to watch Walter wash the dog. - Lead in new lesson. 2. Presentation: - Demonstrate the sounds /o/ and /o: / by pronouncing them clearly and slowly. - Explain to Ss the position of the lips, tongue and the open of the mouth. - Ask Ss to pronounce and repeat the sound several times. 3. Practice: - Read the words, ask Ss to repeat. - Read the sentences. - Ask Ss to underline the words containing the sounds /e/ or /oe/ - Tell Ss to practice in pairs and correct their friends’ mistakes. - Tell some Ss to read the words and the sentences loudly, correct their pronunciation. II. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: 1. THE + ADJ: - Explicit the use of “the + adj” by the example Ex: The rich = rich people. - Give comments. * Exercise 1: - Ask Ss to wok individually and complete the sentences by using “the + adj” - Call on some Ss to read their sentences. - Feedback and give correct answers. 2. USED TO: - Review the use of “used to + infinitive” Ex: When I was a child, I used to go on holiday to the seaside. Where did you use to go? We didn’t use to go to Dalat. - Call Ss to give more examples. - Give some notes *Exercise 2: - Ask Ss to work in pairs, complete the sentences with used to + a suitable verb - Check the answer as the whole class. 3. WHICH AS CONNECTOR - Review the use of which. Ex: She arrived on time, which amazed everybody. Sheila couldn’t come to the party, which was a pity - State the ways to combine the sentences with “which” Ex: He can’t come. This makes me bored. He can’t come which makes me bored. * Exercise 3: - Review the use of which. - Ask Ss to work in pairs: join a sentence from A with one from B to make a new sentence using which. - Call some Ss to read their sentences. HOMEWORK: - Do exercise in Workbook. - Read sentences. - Listen to T - Repeat. - Repeat. - Read stns. - Underline the words. - Work in pairs. - Read aloud in class. - Listen to T. - Take notes. - “The + adj” is used to describe a group of people as a whole (followed by a plural verbs) - Give more examples. - Present the use of “the Adj” - Do exercise individually. * Exercise 1: Answer key: 2. the injured 3. the unemployed 4. the sick 5. the rich – the poor -Listen to T. - Copy down. * USED TO + V DIDN’T USE TO + V DID……..USE TO + V? * We use used to + infinitive to express a past action or state. - Write their examples. Notes: - Be used to + V-ing: - Get used to + V-ing Become familiar with - Get acquainted with + Ving - Use something: - Take notes *Exercise 2: - Work in pairs. - Read the answer. Answer key: 2. used to have 3. used to live 4. used to eat 5. used to be 6. used to take 7.used to be 8.did you use to go * Which can be used in a relative clause to refer to the earlier clause. - Take notes. - Read the answer. Answer keys: 2. Jill isn’t on the phone, which makes it difficult to contact her. 3. Neil has passed his examinations, which is good news. 4. Our flight was delayed, which meant we had to wait. 5. Ann offered to let me stay in her house, which was very nice of her. 6. The street I live in is very noisy at night, which makes it difficult to sleep. 7. Our car has broken down, which means we can’t go away tomorrow. IV. Feedback Date: Week: 7 Period: 21 Unit 4: SPECIAL EDUCATIOPN B. SPEAKING I. Aims: - Educational aim: Ss will be able to talk about the school life of a student. - Knowledge: Information about schooling. - Skill: interviewing and speaking. II. Teaching aids: handout, poster, textbooks. III. Procedure: Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities I. Warm-up: * Matching: - Ask Ss to match the subjects and the topics 1. maths a. plant and animals 2. physics b. gymnastics 3. history c. 25x2-3x + 10 = 0 4. geography d. e = mc2 5. physical education e. H2O 6. English f. the countries of the world 7. chemistry g. the 2nd world war 8. biology h. computer and their applications 9. information technology i. reading, writing and spelling * Questions: - Ask Ss these questions: + What are your favorite subjects? + Which one didn’t you like? + How much time do you prepare your lesson everyday? II. Pre-Speaking: *Task 1: - Have Ss study the questions in the interview carefully. - Ask Ss to work with a partner and fill in the blanks with the right questions. - Call Ss to read the answers before deciding the best question in the blanks. - Tell Ss to practice the conversation in pairs. then? III. While speaking: *Task 2: - Ask Ss to work in pairs, interview their partner, using the questions in Task 1 - Suggest Ss to use their own information to answer the questions. - Go around and help when necessary. IV. Post- speaking: - Call Ss to use the information in the interview to make a short presentation about their partner. - Tell other Ss to comment on their friends’, presentation. - Make necessary correction. V. Homework: - Write a short paragraph about their schooling at school. - Look at the poster and match the two columns. - Give the answers. Answers: 1.c 2d 3g 4f 5b 6i 7e 8a 9h - Answer T’s questions - Study the questions. - Work with a partner, fill in the blanks. Answer Key: (A).4. Which lower-secondary school did you go to? (B) 1. What were your subjects then? (C) 2. What was your timetable? (D) 6. Can you tell me about the test and the examination at your school then? (E) 3. What about homework? (F) 5. What part of the school life didn’t you like then? (G) 7. What did you like best about your school - Practice the conversation in pairs. - Work in pairs, interview the partner - Practice in front of class. - Present in class, telling about the partner they have just interviewed. - Take notes. IV. Feedback: Date: Group leader’s signature Date: Week: 8 Period: 22 Unit 4: SPECIAL EDUCATIOPN C. LISTENING I. Aims: -- Ss will be able to listen for specific information -- Knowledge: some information about a special class for disabled children. -- Skills: listening for specific information about a special class for disabled children II. Teaching aids: poster, textbooks, cassette. III. Procedure: Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities I. Warm-up: - Ask Ss to give the words that can be derived from the word “photo” - Tell Ss to give the grammatical function of these words they have just given. II. Pre-listening: - Explain the meaning of the words in the box - Ask Ss to work in pairs and fill in each of the blanks with one word from the box. - Tell some Ss to read their answers in class. - Feedback. * Vocabulary: - Ask Ss to listen and repeat, explain the meaning: III. While-listening: *Task 1: - Let Ss to read the statements carefully - Ask Ss to listen once to decide T/F. - Play the tape once more if necessary. - Check the answers in class. *Task 2: - Ask Ss to read the task carefully and have a guess of the missing words. - Have Ss to listen to the tape and write in each blank with a suitable word. - Tell some Ss to read their answers aloud in class. - Give the correct answers: IV. Post-listening: - Ask Ss to work in groups, retell the story about the Vang Trang Khuyet Photography Club. - Suggest some questions: V. Homework: - Write a short paragraph about the Vang Trang Khuyet Club. - Work in groups, find out the words that can be derived from “photo” - Give the grammatical function of these. - Listen to T - Work in pairs - Give the answers Answers: 1.photographic 2.photography 3. photographer 4. photograph 5. photogenic - Listen and repeat. - Read the statements - Listen to the tape. - Give the answers Answer 1.T 2.F ( information not given) 3.T 4.F (The subject of the photos is about people and scenery) 5.T - Read, guess - Listen and fill in the blanks. - Give the answers Answers: 1. photographic 2. 19 3. exhibition 4. 50 5. beauty 6. simple 7. peaceful 8. chickens 9. stimulated 10. escape - Work in groups, retell the story. +Who are the members of the club? +Where are they from? +How many disabled children are there? +How many photographs are on display? +What are the subjects of the photos? +What does the passion of taking photographs help them? - Write down and do at home. IV. Feedback: Date: Week: 8 Period: 23 Unit 4: SPECIAL EDUCATIOPN D. WRITING I. Aims: - Educational aim: Ss will be able to write a simple letter of complaint. - Knowledge: a letter of complaint about the poor quality of the service at an English Center. - Skills: writing a letter of complaint.. II. Teaching aids: poster, textbooks. III. Procedure: Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities I. Warm-up: - Ask Ss to work in groups, put the following adjectives into the two headings: compliments and complaints: bad, helpful, expensive, lazy, good, careful, poor, unhappy, beautiful. - Give definition and format of a letter of complaint: it is used when you are not happy wit a service, a contract, a course,… A letter of complaint usually includes three main parts: opening, explaining the problem, suggesting a resolution. II. Pre-writing: - Ask Ss to read the advertisement. - Set the scene. *Task 1: - Ask Ss to work in pairs, complete the dialogue, and ask them to speak naturally. - Tell some Ss to read their answers aloud in class. - Feedback and give the suggested answers: . III. While-writing: *Task 2: - Tell Ss to read the letter of complaint and complete it, using the information in task 1. Notice Ss to use appropriate connectors to make the writing better. + first + second + besides + furthermore - Go around and help Ss when necessary. IV. Post-writing - Tell Ss to exchange the writing for correcting. - Tell some Ss to read their writing. - Pick up some writing to check the mistakes in class. V. Homework: - Do exercise workbook, Writing. - Prepare new lesson: E. Language Focus. - Work in groups, put the adj into two groups. + Compliments: helpful, good, careful, beautiful… + Complaints: bad, expensive, lazy, poor, unhappy… - Read the advertisement. - Rea the task. - Work n pairs, complete the dialogue. - Read the answers. 1. I’m not happy with the study at all. 2. There is only one native teacher. 3. There are more than 30 students in my class. 4. I have to pay for them. 5. The room is not air-conditioned. It is very hot. 6. Classes often start late and finish earlier - Write the letter . Suggested answers First of all, you say that there are only native teachers, but my class has one Vietnamese teacher and two native teachers. You also say that each class has no more than 20 students but there are over 30 students in my class. In the advertisement, you say we can have books and cassette tapes free of charge but in fact we had to pay for them. To make the matter worse, the classroom is not air-conditioned. That is quite different from the advertisement. Finally, what I do not like most about your centre is the time. The class time is not the same as what the advertisement says. Classes not only start late but also finish early. - Exchange the task, correct their friends’ task. - Take notes. IV. Feedback

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