English 10 grammar unit 4, 5

III.Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one:

1/ We haven’t seen her since 1999.

→ We last __________________________________________________.

2/ How long have you learning English?

→ When ___________________________________________________?

3/ My mother doesn’t have anyone make clothes for her.

→ My mother makes __________________________________________.

4/ They went to Paris for the first time.

→ It was ____________________________________________________.

5/ Our friends recognized that man immediately.

→ Immediately our friends knew _________________________________.


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E10 GRAMMAR U4,5 UNIT 4,5 I.Complete the sentences with “used to+V” or “didn’t use to+V”: 1/ Tom _______ a famous singer but he doesn’t sing now. 2/ They eat rice now but they _______ potatoes when they were in the village. 3/ Now most of us have a motorbike to get to work. We _______ a bike to school when we were pupils. 4/ Now there are several restaurants in this town but there _______ only one a few years ago. 5/ When my brother was a little boy she _______ play in rains but he doesn’t now. 6/ The little girl doesn’t cry now but she _______ a lot after she was born. 7/ He likes jogging now but he _______ doing it. 8/ My neighbors play with me now but they _______ with mw and my sisters. 9/ My uncle _______ but now he has given up smoking. 10/ She lives with her parents now but she _______ alone. II.Combine the sentences to make one sentence. Make any necessary changes: 1/ The bus goes up Hung Vuong street. It doesn’t stop at the hospital. → ________________________________________________________. 2/ My younger brother is lazy. This annoys his teachers. → ________________________________________________________. 3/ The fashion show went on for three hours. It was carefully prepared. → ________________________________________________________. 4/ The plant had died. We cut it down last week. → ________________________________________________________. 5/ Phong usually comes to class late. This makes his form teacher angry. → ________________________________________________________. 6/ My friend decided to choose the red motorcycle. He had wanted a red motorcycle before. → ________________________________________________________. 7/ Next Saturday my brother will have to visit the doctor again. He hates visiting a doctor. → ________________________________________________________. 8/ Oanh works very hard and always gets good marks. This pleases her parents a lot. → ________________________________________________________. 9/ They are talking about Nam. Nam is very interested in math. → ________________________________________________________. 10/ Mr. Quang has a lot of money. This puts him in trouble with his friends. → ________________________________________________________. III.Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one: 1/ We haven’t seen her since 1999. → We last __________________________________________________. 2/ How long have you learning English? → When ___________________________________________________? 3/ My mother doesn’t have anyone make clothes for her. → My mother makes __________________________________________. 4/ They went to Paris for the first time. → It was ____________________________________________________. 5/ Our friends recognized that man immediately. → Immediately our friends knew _________________________________. 6/ That policeman arrived too late, so the robber escaped. → By the time that policeman arrived, _____________________________. 7/ Do you know New York at all? → Have you ever _____________________________________________? 8/ When did you buy your laptop? → How long _________________________________________________? 9/ Her visit interrupted my family’s dinner. → My family was _____________________________________________. 10/ We last saw your sister in May. → We haven’t ________________________________________________. IV.Supply the correct form of the word in brackets: 1/ Falling house prices are (illustrate) _______ of the crisis facing the construction industry. 2/ She started writing (poem) _______ at a young age. 3/ Well, you've made a (miracle) _______ recovery since last night! 4/ She is looking for a personal assistant with good (organize) _______ skills. 5/ We walked home arm-in-arm in the (magic) _______ moonlight. 6/ He is very (invent) _______, always dreaming up new gadgets for the home. 7/ He gave me strict (instruct) _______ to get there by eight o'clock. 8/ You have to have such a lot of (patient) _______ when you're dealing with kids. 9/ The (graduate) _______ are marked on the side of the container. 10/ You say that a baby has a (health) _______ pair of lungs when it cries loudly. V/ Complete the following sentences with “yes, no, already, yet, just, once, often, recently, ago, before”: 1/ A long time _______, there lived a girl called Cinderella. 2/ If you'd say _______ to the request you'd save a lot of trouble. 3/ “Are you ready?” “Not _______ - wait a moment.” 4/ An opportunity as good as this arises _______ in a lifetime. 5/ _______ we make a decision, does anyone want to say anything else? 6/ How _______ do you wash your hair? 7/ As I have _______ mentioned, I doubt that we will able to raise all the money we need. 8/ “Would you like any more cake?” “_______, thank you.” 9/ He'd _______ got into the bath when the phone rang. 10/ Until very _______ he worked as a teacher and he still shudders at the memories. VI/ Put the verbs in the correct tenses: 1/ I'm not surprised he (shout) _______ at you! How would you like to be pushed into a wall? 2/ The wine is in the fridge - it just (want) _______ cooling for a couple of minutes. 3/ More people (now employ) _______ in service industries than in manufacturing. 4/ She (study) _______ for her doctorate for three years already. 5/ Every night when I (be) _______ a child my father used to read me to sleep. 6/ Being afraid of the dark, she always (sleep) _______ with the light on. 7/ (I know) _______ you were coming, I'd have booked a larger room. 8/ I've learned a lot about computers since I (start) _______ work here. 9/ The dinosaurs (die out) _______ 65 million years ago. 10/ Nowadays, I (bake) _______ my own bread rather than buy it. VII/ Complete the second sentences using the word given in brackets so that it has a similar meaning to the first one: 1/ The fire in the kitchen was discovered by a boy. (who) → It ______________________________________ the fire in the kitchen. 2/ These girls are too young to get married. (old) → These girls __________________________________________ married. 3/ “Do these toys interest you?” the dealer asked Oanh. (was) → The dealer asked Oanh _______________________________ those toys. 4/ My sister really wishes she could dance well. (able) → My sister regrets not _____________________________________ well. 5/ Trang said that I had broken the glass. (blamed) → Trang _____________________________________________ the glass. 6/ Nhung did not need to register for the English course. (necessary) → It _________________________________________ the English course. 7/ Her son never finishes his work on time although he works hard. (matter) → Her son never finishes ________________________________ he works. 8/ There haven’t been many changes in this school since you last visited it. (much) → Since my last _________________________ has changed in this school. 9/ Hardly did anybody apply for that job. (applicants) → There were very ______________________________________ that job. 10/ Linh does a part-time job and takes care of her grandparents too. (well) → Linh does ___________________________________ her grandparents.

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