Giáo án dạy chuyên đề hè dành cho học sinh lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh

TIẾT 16-18. BUỔI 6.


I – Read the answers and complete the questions in the following conversation.

1. A: Where_______________? B: I live at 215 Le Loi Street.

2. A: What time_______________? B: I get up at six o’clock every morning.

3. A: What_______________ then? B: Then, I brush my teeth and do morning exercise until 6.30.

4. A: When_______________? B: I usually leave for school at quarter to seven.

5. A: How_______________? B: I walk to school. My house is only two blocks from my school.

6. A: Where_______________? At home or at school?

 B: I usually have breakfast at home, but sometimes at the school canteen.

7. A: How long_______________? B: School last from haft past seven to eleven o’clock.

8. A: How many lessons________ in the morning? B: I usually have three lessons in the morning.

9. A: How often_______________? B: I have English lesson three times a week.

10. A: Which subject________ best? B: I must say it’s Math. I like it best of all the subjects.



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/ 1 1. ever / ’evә / 1 2. annual / ’ænjʊәl / 1 2. hardly / ’ha:dli / 1 3. concave / ’kɔnkeiv / 1 3. never / ’nevә / 1 4. cozy / ’kәʊzi / 1 4. often / ’ɔ:fn / 1 Except for: Ngoại trừ các trường hợp Verbs Transcriptions Others Transcriptions 1. borrow / ’bɔrәʊ / 1 1. afraid / ә’freid / 2 2. bother / ’bɔdә / 1 2. across / ә’krɔs / 2 3. broaden / ’brɔdәn / 1 3. around / ә’raʊnd / 2 4. enter / ’entә / 1 4. canal / kә’næl / 2 b. Đối với những từ có mang tiền tố, hậu tố, trọng âm chính của từ đó thường rơi vào âm tiết gốc.. Như bảng sau: Prefixes Transcriptions Suffixes Transcriptions 1. become / bi’kLm / 2 1. threaten / ’θretәn / 1 2. react / ri’ækt / 2 2. failure / ’feiljʊә / 1 3. foretell / fɔ’tel / 2 3. daily / ’deili / 1 4. begin / bi’gin / 2 4. treatment / ’tri:tmәnt / 1 Ngoại trừ: unkeep / ’Lnki:p/ Chú ý: Đối với những từ có nhiều chức năng từ vựng khác nhau, trọng âm chính thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2 đối với động từ, rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất đối với các từ loại còn lại.. Như bảng sau: Verbs Transcriptions Others Transcriptions 1. rebel / ri’bel / 2 1. rebel / ’rebәl / 1 2. progress / prә’gres / 2 2. progress / ’prɔgres / 1 3. suspect / sәs’pekt / 2 3. suspect / ’sLspekt / 1 4. record / ri’kɔ:d / 2 4. record / ’rekәd / 1 2.2. For words with more than two syllables: Đối với các từ có hơn 2 âm tiết. Đối với các từ có hơn hai âm tiết thông thường trọng âm chính thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ ba kể từ âm tiết cuối. Như bảng sau: Words Transcriptions Words Transcriptions 1. family / ’fæmili / 11. biology / bai’ɔ:lɔdʒi / 2. cinema / ’sinәmә / 12. democracy / di’mɔ:krәsi / 3. regular / ’regjʊlә / 13. satisfy / ’sætisfai / 4. singular / ’siŋgjʊlә / 14. dedicate / ’delikeit / Đối với các từ có tận cùng như “ian”, “ic”, “ience”, “ient”, “al”, “ial”, “ual”, “eous”, “ious”, “iar”, “ion”, trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết liền trước của các tận cùng này – thứ 2 kể từ âm tiết cuối. Như bảng sau: Endings Words Transcriptions Words Transcriptions 1. ian physician / fi’ziksәn / musician / mjʊ’ziksәn / 2. ic athletic / eθ’letik / energetic / enә’dʒetik / 3. ience experience / iks’priәns / convenience / kәn’veniәn / 4. ient expedient / iks’pediәnt / ingredient / in’gri:diәn / 5. al parental / pә’rentәl / refusal / re’fjʊzәl / 6. ial essential / i’senʃәl/ confidential / kәnfi’denʃәl / 7. ual habitual / hæ’bi:tʃʊәl / individual / indi’vi:dʊәl / 8. eous courageous / kɔ’rægәʊs / spontaneous / spɔn’tænәʊs / 9. ious delicious / de’li:ʃiәʊs / industrious / in’dLstriәʊs / 10. ion decision / die’si:zn / communication / kәmjʊni’keiʃn / 11. iar familiar / fә’mi:liә / unfamiliar / Lnfә’mi:liә / Trừ: television / ’televizn / Đối với các từ có tận cùng “ese”, “ee’, “eer”, “ier”, “ette”, “oo”, “esque”, trọng âm thường rơi vào chính các âm tiết chứa các tận cùng này. Như bảng sau: Endings Words Transcriptions Words Transcriptions 1. ee refugee / refjʊ’dʒi: / employee / implɔi’i: / 2. eer volunteer / vɔlLn’tiә / engineer / endʒi’niә / 3. ese Portuguese / pɔtjʊ’gi:s / Vietnamese / vietnL’mi:s / 4. ette ushrette / Lʃ’ret / cigarette / sigә’ret / 5. esque bamboo / bæm’bu: / picturesque / piktʃә’res / 6. oo kangaroo / kæŋ’gru: / cukoo / kʊ’ku: / 7. oon saloon / sæ’lu:n / typhoon / tai’fu:n / Đối với các từ có tận cùng là “ate”, “fy”, “ity”, “ize”, trọng âm chính thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ ba kể từ âm tiết cuối. Như bảng sau: Endings Words Transcriptions Words Transcriptions 1. ate dedicate / ’dedikeit/ communicate / kә’mjʊnikeit/ 2. fy classify / ’kla:sifai / satisfy / ’sætisfai / 3. ity ability / ә’bi:liti / responsibility / respɔsi’bi:liti / 4. ize recognize / ’rekɔgnaiz / urbanize / ’ɜ:bәnaiz / 5. ety society / sәʊ’saiәti / anxiety / æŋ’zaiәti / Một số trường hợp đặc biệt cần lưu ý: on the first syllable on the second syllable Words Transcriptions Words Transcriptions 1. internet / ’intәnet / 1. important / im’pɔ:tәnt / 2. interest / ’intәrist / 2. remember / ri’membә / 3. interested / ’intәristid / 3. deliver / di’livә / 4. interesting / ’intәristi ŋ / 4. september / sep’tembә / 5. character / ’kæriktә / 5. october / ɔk’tәʊbә / 6. characterize / ’kæriktәraiz / 6. november / nәʊ’vembә / 7. different / ’difәrәnt / 7. december / di’sembә / 8. difference / ’difәrәns / 3rd syllable words Transcriptions 9. differently / ’difәrәntli / 1. magazine / mægә’zi:n/ 10. difficult / ’difikәlt / 2. understand / Lndә’stænd/ 11. difficulty / ’difikәlti / 3. recommend / rikә’mend/ 12. difficultly / ’difikәltli / 4. comprehend / kɔmpri’hend/ Notes: chú ý: Trên thực tế không có một qui tắc bất biến cho việc xác định vị trí trọng âm của từ. Việc xác định trọng âm cần thực hiện cùng cách phát âm, dựa nhiều vào kinh nghiệm. __________KẾT THÚC BUỔI 3__________ TIẾT 10-12 BUỔI 4. BÀI 2. BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Exercise 1: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group. 1. A. afloat B. superior C. passenger D. contribute 2. A. chemistry B. original C. tribute D. emphasis 3. A. sentimental B. commonplace C. mathematics D. information 4. A. pronounce B. American C. soldier D. prefer 5. A. muscular B. instrument C. dramatic D. argument 6. A. magnetic B. radiation C. unpleasant D. equipment 7. A. distraction B. considerable C. recommend D. description 8. A. probability B. attitude C. technological D. entertainment 9. A. emergency B. encourage C. shortage D. distraction 10. A. natural B. surplus C. dynamite D. decision 11. A. legacy B. illuminate C. humanity D. commemorate 12. A. numerous B. recent C. telescope D. forever 13. A. behavior B. predict C. occurrence D. environmental 14. A. mishap B. evacuate C. vigorous D. moderate 15. A. unspeakable B. accomplish C. emotional D. tendency 16. A. expression B. response C. psychologist D. vehicle 17. A. development B. prevent C. common D. avoid 18. A. supply B. reliever C. effective D. remedy 19. A. familiar B. repellent C. antiseptic D. survive 20. A. ingenious B. device C. enormous D. dangerous Exercise 2: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group. A. paper B. tonight C. lecture D. story A. money B. army C. afraid D. people A. enjoy B. daughter C. provide D. decide A. begin B. pastime C. finish D. summer A. abroad B. noisy C. hundred D. quiet A. passion B. aspect C. medium D. success A. exist B. evolve C. enjoy D. enter A. doctor B. modern C. corner D. Chinese A. complain B. machine C. music D. instead A. writer B. baker C. builder D. career A. provide B. adopt C. happen D. inspire A. result B. region C. river D. robot A. constant B. basic C. irate D. obvious A. become B. carry C. appoint D. invent A. engine B. battle C. career D. rabies A. interesting B. surprising C. amusing D. successful A. understand B. engineer C. benefit D. Vietnamese A. applicant B. uniform C. yesterday D. employment A. dangerous B. parachute C. popular D. magazine A. beautifully B. intelligent C. redundancy D. discovery Exercise 3: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group. A. comfortable B. employment C. important D. surprising A. variety B. irrational C. industrial D. characterize A. colorful B. equality C. dictionary D. vegetable A. elegant B. regional C. musical D. important A. difference B. suburban C. internet D. character A. beautiful B. effective C. favorite D. popular A. attraction B. government C. borrowing D. visit A. difficulty B. individual C. population D. unemployment A. biology B. redundancy C. interviewer D. comparative A. conversation B. isolation C. traditional D. situation A. continue B. disappear C. imagine D. inhabit A. altogether B. capacity C. eventually D. particular A. professor B. digestion C. mechanic D. engine A. mathematics B. biology C. experiment D. philosophy A. evolution B. development C. discovery D. philosopher A. another B. energy C. centigrade D. gravity A. evaporate B. temperature C. impossible D. experiment A. gravity B. professor C. pyramid D. remedy A. abandon B. discover C. imagine D. satisfy A. activity B. epidemic C. philosopher D. significance __________KẾT THÚC BUỔI 4__________ TIẾT 13-15. BUỔI 5. BÀI 5. TENSES OF VERBS - THÌ CỦA ĐỘNG TỪ I. The present tenses: Các thì hiện tại 1. The simple present tense: Thì hiện tại thường 1.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - V ( - ) S - don’t/ doesn’t - V ( ? ) Do/ Does - S - V? 1.2. The usage: Trường hợp sử dụng - To denote actions that happened repeatedly. Diễn tả những hành động được lặp đi lặp lại, thường đi với các trạng từ chỉ tần suất như: always, usually, often, sometimes, etc. e.g. She never comes late. They walk to school every day. He does not often fishes on Sundays. Do you usually get bad marks? - To denote long lasting events. Diễn tả hành động tồn tại lâu dài như một điều tất yếu. e.g. We live in Concord street. He works for a factory near his house. We go to the school in the morning. They watch stars at night. - To denote a true fact. Diễn tả những sự thật hiển nhiên. e.g. The earth moves around the Sun. The Sun rises in the east. There seems to be more rain in summer than that in winter. Water evaporates. 1.3. The recognition: Các dấu hiệu nhận biết của thì này là các trạng từ chỉ thời gian và tần suất như sau: - now/ nowadays/ today/ this summer/ - always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ occasionally/ - the proof of constant truth. 1.4. Notes: Chú ý - To denote a plan/ prediction/ timetables/ Thì Hiện tại thường còn dùng để diễn tả một kế hoạch, dự đoán,hay thời gian biểu như: e.g. A: When does the first train leave? B: It leaves at 9.00. (The train does not actually leave at the time of speaking) - The division of “be”, “have”, “can, may, must”, 2. The present progressive tense: Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn 2.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - am/ are/ is - V-ING ( - ) S - am/ are/ is - not - V-ING ( ? ) Am/ Are/ Is - S - V-ING? 2.2. The usage: Cách sử dụng - To denote happening actions at the time of speaking. Diễn tả những hành động đang diễn ra tại thời điểm nói, thường đi với các trạng từ: now, right now, at the moment, at this time, etc. e.g. She is teaching Maths now. He is watching a football match at the moment. - To denote the interruption/ intention/ prediction/ plan/ Diễn tả những dự kiến, dự đoán, những sự việc sắp diễn ra. e.g. She is coming soon. (In fact, she has not come yet). Be quiet! The baby is sleeping. We are going to Hanoi tomorrow. Be quicker! The train is leaving. 2.3. The recognition: Dấu hiệu nhận biết của thì này căn cứ vào các trạng từ sau: - now/ right now/ at present/ at this time/ at this moment/ e.g. Right now, they are working in the factory. - follow a command, request, e.g. Be quiet! I am trying to listen to some important news. 2.4. Notes: Điểm cần lưu ý - The ING-forms – Gấp đôi phụ âm cuối khi tạo present participles với các động từ sau: getting, running, having, writing, dying, lying,) e.g. She is running in the park now. - The omission of the verbs of awareness or sensation as - một số động từ không dùng cho thì hiện tại tiếp diễn như: be/ see/ hear/ understand/ know/ like/ want/ glance/ feel/ think/ smell/ love/ hate/ realize/ seem/ remember/ forget/(use the simple present instead - mà thay vào đó ta dùng thì hiện tại thường để diễn tả). 3. The present perfect tense: Thì hiện tại hoàn thành 3.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - have/ has - P.P ( - ) S - haven’t/ hasn’t - P.P ( ? ) Have/ Has - S - P.P? 3.2. The usage: Cách sử dụng - To denote actions that happened in the past but having results, relating, or still happening at present. e.g. We have lived here since 1990. They have learned English for 5 years. - To denote actions that happened right before the time of speaking, using “just”. e.g. She has just come from New York. They have just bought a new house. - To denote unfulfilled actions with “yet”. e.g. He hasn’t come yet. Have you met him yet? - To denote past actions; no certain time expression, using “already”. e.g. We have already seen that film. She has already been to Paris. 3.3. The recognition: - just = recently = lately.- ever/ never e.g. We haven’t gone to the theatre recently. - already/ yet/ since/ for/ so far/ until now/ up to now (present). e.g. He has written ten books so far. 3.4. Notes: - Past participles: (regular verbs adding “ed”./ irregular verbs “learn by heart”) - The differences between the present perfect and the simple past tense. 4. The present perfect progressive tense: Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn 4.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - have/ has - been - V-ing ( - ) S - haven’t/ hasn’t - been - V-ing ( ? ) Have/ Has - S - been - V-ing? 4.2. The usage: Cách sử dụng - To denote actions that happened in the past but having results, relating, or still happening at present. e.g. We have been living here since 1990. They have been learning English for 6 years now. 4.3. The recognition: Dấu hiệu nhận biết since/ for/ with verbs as: live, work, wait, e.g. She has been waiting for 6 hours now. They have been playing since 3 o’clock. __________KẾT THÚC BUỔI 5__________ TIẾT 16-18. BUỔI 6. BÀI 6. PRACTICE EXERCISES – BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH I – Read the answers and complete the questions in the following conversation. 1. A: Where_______________? B: I live at 215 Le Loi Street. 2. A: What time_______________? B: I get up at six o’clock every morning. 3. A: What_______________ then? B: Then, I brush my teeth and do morning exercise until 6.30. 4. A: When_______________? B: I usually leave for school at quarter to seven. 5. A: How_______________? B: I walk to school. My house is only two blocks from my school. 6. A: Where_______________? At home or at school? B: I usually have breakfast at home, but sometimes at the school canteen. 7. A: How long_______________? B: School last from haft past seven to eleven o’clock. 8. A: How many lessons________ in the morning? B: I usually have three lessons in the morning. 9. A: How often_______________? B: I have English lesson three times a week. 10. A: Which subject________ best? B: I must say it’s Math. I like it best of all the subjects. II – Turn these sentences into negative and interrogative. 1. We go to school every day. 2. Lan plays badminton every weekend. 3. Hoa lives to read story books. 4. Lien and Lan are in the same class. 5. Ba’s father works in a factory. 6. Nam has breakfast at 7 o’clock. 7. Tam studies English every Tuesday. 8. They enjoy watching television. 9. His mother cooks dinner for the family. 10. Hoa’s mother goes shopping every Sunday. III – Writhe complete sentences in Simple Present tense, using the cues given. 1. Hoa / often / play / badminton/ afternoon. 2. Lan / usually/ read/ book / recess. 3. Ba/ seldom/ go/ school/ bus. 4. Her father/ ride/ his motorbike. 5. Lien’s mother/ teach/ Math/ our school. 6. Hoa and Lan/ be/ same class/ this year. 7. Nam/ have/ short black hair. 8. Lan/ introduce/ Hoa/ many new friends. 9. Tam/ often/ write/ letters/ her grand-parents. 10. They/ sometimes/ go fishing/ their friends. IV - Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. 1. We (be) in Grade 11 this year. 2. Hoa and Lan (buy) some books yesterday. 3. Our friends (watch) a game on T.V at the moment. 4. Ba’s teacher (give) him a lot of homework last week. 5. Our class (go) to the zoo next week. 6. Their grandmother (tell) them a lot of stories last year. 7. Look! Lan (wear) a new dress. 8. We (visit) our grandparents this weekend. 9. All the students in our school (receive) new books yesterday. 10. Listen! The birds (sing) beautifully. V – Combine the following sentences, use the structure “ENOUGH TO” 1. Ba is tall. He can play volleyball. 2. Lan is intelligent. She can do that test. 3. Hoa is skillful. She can make her own handkerchief. 4. His parent are rich. The can buy a new car. 5. Phong and Thu aren’t tall. They can’t play basketball. 6. Tam is old. He can ride a motorbike. 7. Phu is very strong. He can carry those heavy bags. 8. The children are tired. The go to bed early. 9. He is hungry. He eats three loaves of bread. 10. We are thirsty. We can drink a lot of water. VI – Put the words in the correct form. 1. She is a (beauty) singer and she sings (beauty) 2. My parents enjoy the (peaceful) of the countryside. 3. Everybody words (quiet) in the library. 4. Nguyen does everything (differently) from his classmates. 5. Nga felt (extreme) upset about losing her job. VII – Put the words in correct orders. 1/ Brown/ has/ eyes/ he/ big. 2. She/ a/ man/ short/ married/ fat. 3. My/ teacher/ long/ straight/ dark/ has/ hair. 4. Car/ big/ black/ it/ is/ a. 5. She/ a/ beautiful/ girl/ is. __________KẾT THÚC BUỔI 6__________ TIẾT 19-21. BUỔI 7. BÀI 8. TENSES OF VERBS - THÌ CỦA ĐỘNG TỪ II. The past tenses: các thì quá khứ 1. The simple past tense: Thì quá khứ thường (+) S – p.V (-) S - didn’t - V (?) Did - S - V? Examples: (do yourself) 2. The past progressive tense: Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn 2.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - was/ were - V-ING ( - ) S - was/ were - not - V-ING ( ? ) Was/ Were - S - V-ING? 2.2. The usage: Cách sử dụng - To denote past happening actions. e.g. She was watching T.V at 8.00 last night. Ann was walking to school at 6.00 yesterday. Nga was fishing at 9.00 last Sunday. - To denote past interrupting actions. e.g. She was watching T.V when I came. While he was playing on the swing, it started to rain. 2.3. The recognition: Dấu hiệu nhận biết - at 8.00 last night/ at that time/ at that moment/ e.g. At 3.00 yesterday, the Jones were driving home. He was sleeping at that time. - time clause with “when”, “while = as”. e.g. As I was walking home, a stranger stopped me to ask for help. When we arrived, they were fighting. 2.4. Notes: Những điểm cần lưu ý actions that alternatively happened, use the simple past only. e.g. When I heard a knock at the door, I came to open it. When I opened the door, I saw my mum.)- This is a timed action. 3. The past perfect tense: Thì quá khứ hoàn thành 3.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - had - P.P (P2) ( - ) S - had not (hadn’t) - P.P (P2) ( ? ) Had - S - P.P (P2)? 3.2. The usage: Cách sử dụng To denote past finished actions that happened and finished before a certain point of time or another past event (the past of the past tense). e.g: She had sold all the baskets before 9.00 yesterday. She had sold all the baskets when we came there yesterday. 3.3. The recognition: Dấu hiệu nhận biết - when-clause/ after/ before/ already/ since/ for/ e.g. Before he left for home, he had turned all the lights off. After he had gone, she didn’t fall in love with any one. - The past perfect progressive “S + had been + V-ING” 4. The past perfect progressive tense: Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn 4.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - had - been - V-ing ( - ) S - had not (hadn’t) - been - V-ing ( ? ) Had - S - been - V-ing? 4.2. The usage: Cách sử dụng To denote past finished actions that happened and finished before a certain point of time or another past event (the past of the past tense). e.g: She had been waiting for us since 9.00 yesterday. She had been playing long when we came there yesterday. 4.3. The recognition: Dấu hiệu nhận biết - when-clause/ after/ before/ already/ since/ for/ e.g. After he had been waiting for a while, he felt annoyed. She had been working since dawn. - The past perfect progressive “S - had been - V-ING” __________KẾT THÚC BUỔI 7__________ TIẾT 22-24. BUỔI 8. BÀI 8. PRACTICE EXERCISE – BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH I – Rewrite the following sentences, using “neither nor”. 1. The students can’t ride motorbikes. The students can’t drive cars. 2. They couldn’t talk so loud in class. They couldn’t laugh noisily class. 3. She doesn’t like to watch television. She doesn’t like to listen to music. 4. Ba didn’t do his homework. Ba didn’t learn his lesson. 5. Thu won’t go swimming. Thu won’t play sports. 6. He can’t speak Chinese. He can’t write Chinese words. 7. Her father doesn’t drink wine. Her father doesn’t smoke. 8. Their parents don’t leave him home alone. They don’t let him go out by himself. 9. Tam couldn’t play the piano. Tam couldn’t sing songs. 10. We won’t go to school late. We won’t come back home late. II - Use the correct form in the parentheses. 1. Alexander Graham Bell (success) demonstrated his (invent) in the public. 2. You needn’t shout because I am not (deafness). 3. Alexander Graham Bell was born in (Scottish). 4. Nga is one of my (friendly). She always talks to everyone in a (friend) way. 5. He told this fairy story to his daughter (count) times. III – Put the verb in brackets. 1. Someone (knock) at the door. Shall I answer it? I (come) in a minute. I just (wash) my hands. 2. You (do) anything this evening? No, I’m not. Well, I (go) to the cinema. Would you like to come with me? 3. We (have) breakfast at 6 tomorrow because Lan (catch) an early train. 4. Nga usually does the shopping, but I (do) it today because she isn’t fine. 5. Philip (go) to Dalat with his friends next week. 6. Bad driving (cause) many accidents. 7. Nga and Hoa (see) a movie tonight. 8. Sue can (speak) Vietnamese very well. 9. Mozard (write) more than 600 pieces of music. 10. “How you (learn) to drive?” “My father (teach) me. 11. We usually (go) to the library three times a week, but last week we (go) twice. 12. Alexandre Graham Bell (introduce) the telephone in 1876. 13. Yesterday, I (be) busy, so I (not have) time to phone you. 14. “What you (do) next summer vacation?”. “I (visit) my grandparents in NhaTrang. 15. Would you like (come) to dinner tomorrow? IV – Complete the sentences using “Will” or “Going to”. 1. Look at those black clouds. It (rain). 2. I fell terrible. I think I (be) sick. 3. Tom (probably/ get) here at about 8 o’clock. 4. I think Sarah (like) the present we bought for her. 5. We (visit) my grandparents this evening. 6. This cheese looks horrible. I (eat) it. 6. “Gary phoned you while you were out”. “OK, I (call) him back. 7. Tom (not/pass) the exam. He hasn’t studied hard enough. 9. “Are you going out this morning?” “No, I (tidy) my room. 10. (you/watch) television this evening? V – Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition. 1. The post office is not far____ my house. 2. Let’s meet the City Theater____ 7 o’clock. 3. She was born____ May 16th, 2001____ NhaTrang. 4. He worked___ deaf-mutes___ Boston University. 5. Mrs. Lien said you could reach her____ 8 603 312. 6. Snow is falling all____ the country. 7. Will you pick me____ after the party? 8. The secretary took a message____ her boss. 9. He emigrated____ Canada____ 1870s. 10. We all agreed____ their request for a full investigation. __________KẾT THÚC BUỔI 8__________ TIẾT 25-27. BUỔI 9. BÀI 9. TENSES OF VERBS - THÌ CỦA ĐỘNG TỪ III. The future tenses: các thì tương lai 1. The simple future tense: thì tương lai thường 1.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - will/ shall - V ( - ) S + will/ shall - V ( ? ) Will/ Shall - S - V? - “shall” is restrictedly used only for I/We with the formal senses. - The negative forms “will not = won’t”, “shall not = shan’t”. 1.2. The usage: Cách sử dụng - To denote future actions. e.g. They will build more hospitals. We shall go to your party. He won’t win the match, I think. - To denote future plan/ idea/ timetable/ e.g. The car will start in-time. We shall finish the course in June. 1.3. The recognition: Dấu hiệu nhận biết - someday, tomorrow,/ e.g. She will be rich someday. Tomorrow, there will be a new schedule for us. - next week/ month/ year/.. e.g. He won’t leave next month. There will be no rain next week. 1.4. Notes: Điểm cần lưu ý “shan’t” is not used in conditional sentences./ “ shall” is used as a suggestion/ invitation/. e.g. A: Shall we meet tonight? B: Yes, let’s. C: I am going to the country this weekend, will you go with me? D: Certainly, I will. 2. The future progressive tense: thì tương lai tiếp diễn 2.1. The form: Công thức cấu tạo ( + ) S - will be - V-ING ( - ) S - won’t be - V-ING ( ? ) Will - S - be - V-ING? 2.2. The usage: Cá

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