Giáo án giảng dạy môn Tiếng Anh 10 học kì II - Ban cơ bản


Planning date: / ./ . Teaching date: / ./ .

I. Objectives:

 1. General knowledge: Information about Pele, the most famous footballer in the world.

 2. Language: - Vocabulary on football. - The simple past tense.

 3. Skills: - Listening: Listen and fill in the table, and answer the questions.

 - Speaking: Talk about important events in Pele's life.

II. Anticipated problems: name of Pele.

III. Teaching aids: - Tape, cassette player, textbook, chalk, board.


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ess the meanings of the words in the context of the reading. - Call on 7-8 sts to read and explain their answers aloud in front of the class(1 st/ 1 time/ 1 sentence). - Feedback and give remarks. + Task 2: Questions answering. - Ask sts to work in pairs to read the passage more carefully and find the answers to the questions given. - 5-6 sts from 5-6 groups are required to give answers in front of the class(1 st/ 1 time/ 1answer). - Listen and help the students to give correct answers. 4. After you read:( 9 mins) + Questions – Answers Aims: Students' summary about the roles of music. - Ask sts to work in pairs to give answers to the questions given in the part. - Go round to help sts with their work. - Listen and help sts to give correct answers. 5. Homework:( 1 min) - Write about the roles of music and which role is the most important. - Listen to the tape and guess. - Stand up and say aloud the names of the types of music. ......... - Work in pairs to match. - Give answers orally. 1- b 2- e 3- d 4- a 5- c - Others listen - Listen and read after the T. - Write down these words into their notebooks. - Listen and repeat. - Read these words and check for their partner. - Read the words aloud. - Listen to the T. - Work individually. - Report their answers sentence by sentence. 1. Communicate 2. Lull 3. delights 4. integral part 5. solemn 6. emotion 7. mournful - Listen to the T 1. Language and music. 2. It can express ideas, thoughts and feelings. 3. It adds joyfulness to the atmosphere of a festival and make a funeral more solemn and mournful. 4. It makes people happy and excited. It delights the senses. 5. It is a billion-dollar industry. - Self-correct the work - Work in pairs orally. - Some pairs report while others listen. 1. Students tell 5 roles. 2. Students give their own ideas. - Listen to the T. PERIOD 76 LESSON 2: B. SPEAKING Planning date: /../.. Teaching date: /../.. I. Objectives: 1. Education aims: - Students know about some favourite kind of music. 2. Knowledge: a. General knowledge: - Students can talk about their favourite kinds of music. b. Language: - The simple present tense. - Vocabulary about music. 3. Skills: - Asking and answering questions about music. - Talking about favourite kinds of music II. Anticipated problems: Sts may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic. III. Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, board, pictures. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Warm- up: ( 5 mins) Aims : get used to the topic. - Give sts some pictures of singers and ask sts about their names. - Ask sts what they know about these singers and name some of their songs. 2. Before you speak: ( 10 mins) Aims: : focus sts on the topic and introduce the words and phrases used in the task. + Task 1: Answering questions based on the reading text. - Introduce the situation: You are going to read what Ha Anh says about music. - Give sts some new words: + keep sb happy: make sb happy + cheer sb up: make sb happier/more cheerful - Ask one st to read the passage aloud. - Ask sts to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. - Go around to observe sts working. 3.While you speak: ( 13 minutes ) Aims: Sts can talk about their favourite kind of music. + Task 2: Asking and answering about music taste. - Tell sts that they are going to ask your partners questions to get information to complete the table below. - T. may introduce some adj. and expressions to talk about music: + make sb excited/relaxed. + help sb forget troubles and worries + relaxing/ peaceful...... - Go around to help sts and collect the mistakes. 4. After you speak: (15 mins) Aims: Sts make group report. + Task 3: Reporting on the information - Ask sts to report what they have got from their friends to the whole class. - Before sts report T asks sts to look at the example and elicits some structures they can use: - Ask sts to prepare in one minute. - Ask some sts to report what they have found out about their patners in front of the class. - Correct the Ss’ mistakes. 5. Homework: (2 mins) - Write a short paragraph about their friends' music taste. - Look at the pitures and give the names of some foreign singers. - Talk about these singers. - Listen to the T. - Take notes - Listen and read the text . - Work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. - Some sts present. 1. She likes pop music. 2. Because it keeps her happy. 3. The Backstreet Boys. 4. She listens to music all the time - Listen to the T. - Listen to the T and read the information in the table. + What kind of music do you like? + Why do you like it? + Who is your favourite singer/ musician? + What is your favourite song/piece of music? + When do you listen to music? - Listen and take notes. - Listen to the T and take notes if necessary. + Both A and B like .. + A likes, and so does B. + A likes and B does , too. + A likes, but B prefers.. - Some sts report in front of the class. E.g: " Both Hoa and Binh like pop music. Hoa likes it because it makes her relaxed while Binh likes it because it is easy to listen to. Hoa's favourite band is Westlife but Binh like Lam Truong very much. ............" PERIOD 77 LESSON 3: C. LISTENING Planning date: /../.. Teaching date: /../.. I. Objectives: 1. General knowledge: - Sts know more about Van Cao and his music. 2. Language: - Vocabulary on music. 3. Skills: - Listening: choose True/ False statements and answer questions. - Speaking: discuss the one's ideas about Van Cao's music. II. Anticipated problems: - Some sts rarely listen to Van Cao's songs. III. Teaching aids: - Tape, cassette player, textbook, chalk, board. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Homework checking:(7 mins) - Ask one st to talk about what kind of music he likes best. One st presents. Others listen and give remarks. 2. Before you listen:(12 mins) Aims: focus sts on the topic and review/ introduce the words and phrases used in the listening text. a. - Focus sts on the picture in the textbook and ask sts if they know the person in it. - Introduce Van Cao, the most famous musician in the history of Vietnamese music then ask sts to work in groups and ask about Van Cao's life and works. - Possible questions: - Where and when was he born? - Was he born in a rich or poor family? - When did he start writing songs? - Can you name some of his famous songs? What is his most famous one? - Ask sts to give their answer to the question in p. 128. b. Introduce some new words - rousing (adj): - lyrical(adj): - solemn(adj): - national anthem(n): - Read the words and ask sts to repeat. - Ask sts to read the words in pairs. - Ask some sts to read the words again. 3. While you listen:( 17 mins) + Task 1: Aims: Practise listening and marking True/ False statements. - Tell sts that they are going to listen to a conversation between Lan Huong and Quang Hung about Quang Hung's opinion towards Van Cao's music. - Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs. - Check sts’ answer. - Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction. + Task 2: Aims: Practise listening for specific information by answering given questions. - Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction. 4. After you listen:(8 mins) - Ask sts to work in pairs and discuss Quang Hung's ideas about Van Cao's music. + Agreeing: - I (strongly) agree with him. - I share his opinion. - I share the same point of view with him. - I think his opinion is similar to mine. + Disagreeing: - I'm sorry but I don't think so. - I don't agree with him. - I don't share his point of view. - Move round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively. - Ask some pairs to present in front of the whole class. - Check and give remarks. 5. Homework:(1 min) Write a short paragraph about your opinion about Van Cao's Music - Work in groups to say about the person in the picture. - Listen to the teacher and then work in groups to discuss Van Cao's life and career. - Ask some pairs to ask and answer. Some sts stand up and give their answer. - Copy down the words and phrases into their notebooks. - Listen and repeat. - Read the words in pairs and correct each other’s mistakes. - Some individuals read the words aloud - Listen to the T. - Work in pairs to guess if the statements are true or false. - Listen to the tape and do the task - Compare their answer. - Give their answer. 1. F The guess is Quang Hung. 2.F He likes some Vietnamese musicians 3. T 4. F It was written in 1944. 5. F ( He always ..... ) - Compare their notes. 1. It is 'My favourite Musician'. 2. He likes the song 'Tien Quan Ca' most. 3. Because it is hard and solemn, it makes him feel great and proud of his country. - Check their answer, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer. - Work in pairs revising Quang Hung's ideas about Van Cao's music. Two sts present. PERIOD 78 LESSON 4: D. WRITING Planning date: /../.. Teaching date: /../.. I. Objectives: 1. Education Aims: - Students can write a profile. 2. Knowledge: a. General knowledge: - The life story of a famous person. b. Language: - Language used to write a profile . - The past tenses , to-infinitive and the passive voice . 3. Skills: - Reading: read the information about Van Cao. - Writing: the life story of Van Cao. II. Anticipated problems: Use the prompts to write a complete profile. . III. Teaching Aids: - board, textbook, chalk. IV. Procedures: Teacher's activities Students' activities 1. Homework checking :( 5 mins) - Ask one st to talk about his/her opinion about Quang Hung's ideas about Van Cao's music. - Ask other sts to listen to their friend and give remarks. - Check and give remarks. 2. Before you write:( 20 mins) - Aims: to get sts to recognise what a profile is like and to read the information about Van Cao. + Task 1: - Introduce the topic of the lesson: Writing a profile. - Introduce some new words: + 'profile (n): a report of a person ( usu. in a newspaper article) +'mixture (n) : +tune (n): + Ragtime (v) : a kind of music which is a mixture of classical European and African beats. + rag (n): a Ragtime song + beat (n): + 'talent (n): a natural skill/ ability. + 'talented (a): having talent + app'reciate (v): recognise sb's good qualities. - Ask sts to listen and repeat and then copy down these words into their notebooks. - Ask some sts to read these words again. - Ask sts to read the prompts in task 1 and to make up complete sentences about Scott Joplin by adding suitable auxiliaries, articles or prepositions and appropriate verb tenses. - Allow sts to work in pairs first to make up sentences orally and the write them down into their notebooks. - Move around to help if necessary. - Ask sts to compare their answer with other sts. - Get feedback and give remarks. - Focus sts on some points about writing a profile by asking some questions: 1. Which tense do you use? 2. What kind of information is included in a profile? + Task 2: - Ask sts to read the information about Van Cao and to work in pairs to discuss how to write a profile about him. - Ask them to refer to their writing in task 1 as a sample. 3. While you write:( 10 mins) - Aims: Sts practise writing about a life story of Van Cao. - Ask sts to write down what they have discussed into their notebooks. - Let sts write in 10 minutes. - Move around to conduct the activity. 4. After you write:( 9 mins) Aims: to get feedback and check sts' work. - Get feedback by asking some sts to read their work aloud. - If there is enough time, T can have sts exchange their writing among sts within a group so that they can check their friend's work and give remarks. 5. Homework: ( 1min) - Part D (page 73 - workbook). - Listen to their friend and give remarks. - Listen to the teacher. - Listen to the teacher carefully. - Copy down the words into their notebooks. - Listen and repeat. - Some sts stand up and read again. - Present their ideas. 1. He learned to play music when he was very young. 2. Scott learned to play the works of composers like Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart as well as to compose music. 3. He quickly became famous. 4. His tune were wonderful mixture of classical European and African beats which were known as Ragtime. 5. All in all, he wrote 50 piano rags, and was called the King of Ragtime. 6. Scott Joplin died in 1917. - Listen to the teacher. - Answer T's questions: 1. We use the past simple. 2. the date of birth/death, the place of birth, family, career, personal life. - Listen to the teacher. - Work in pairs to discuss. - Do the writing task. - Read their writing: ( a sample paragraph) "Van Cao was born on the fifteenth of November, 1923 in Nam Dinh. His parents were poor workers. However, he started composing music when he was very young. His first song was written in 1939 and it quickly became famous. The song "Tien Quan Ca", which is the national anthem of Vietnam, was written in 1944. Van Cao was also very good at other artistic works like song writing, poem writing and paintings. He died on the tenth of July,1995. He was known as a very talented musician and highly appreciated by the Vietnamese people. PERIOD 79 LESSON 5: E. LANGUAGE FOCUS Planning date: /../.. Teaching date: /../.. I. Objectives: 1. Education Aims:- Students know how to pronounce the sound /s/ and /z/ correctly. - Students revise to-infinitive and Wh-questions. 2. Knowledge: + Language: - Pronunciation: /s/ and/z/ . - To-infinitive and Wh-questions. 3. Skills: + Speaking: - Work in pairs to discuss the exercises. + Reading: - Read words and sentences aloud. - Read the sentences silently to do the exercises. II. Anticipated problems: confuse sound /s/ in English with sound / s / in Vietnamese. III. Teaching aids: - board, chalk, textbook. IV. Procedures: Teacher's activities Students' activities 1. Homework checking: ( 5mins) - Ask one st to read the passage they wrote about Eric Clapton's life aloud. - Ask another st to give remarks. - Check and give a mark. 2. Pronunciation:( 10 mins) - Aims: to introduce two sounds /s/ and /z / and help sts to practise these sounds. a. Write two sounds on the board and pronounce them clearly twice, then ask sts to repeat. - Tell sts how to pronounce these sounds accurately. / z / : a voiced sound / s / : a voiceless sound - Move around to help . - Ask two sts to read again and give remarks. b. Ask sts to look at sentences in page 130 in the book. - Ask them to work in pairs to read the sentences and then find out the words containing sound /s / and sound /z / . - Ask them to work in 2 minutes. - Ask some sts to read these sentences aloud. - Listen and give remarks. 3. Grammar: ( 29 mins) Aims: to revise to-infinitive and Wh-questions and have sts do Ex1,EX2 and EX3. a. to-infinitive: - Recall the use of to-infinitive by giving an example: e.g.: A: What did you buy this cassette player for? B: I bought this cassette player to study English. e.g.: To keep fit, you have to do morning exercises every day. - Ask sts to tell the T the use of to-infinitive in these sentences. Note: - We can put to-infinitive at the beginning or at the end of the sentence. - We can also use in order to or so as to to show purpose. - Ask sts to give some examples. + Exercise 1: - Ask sts to look at Ex1 and to do the task. - Ask sts to do the exercise in pairs and then compare their answers with other pairs. + Exercise 2: - Ask sts to do Ex 2 individually and then share the answers with their friends. - Move round to help if necessary. b. Wh-questions: - Ask one st to name some question words they have already known. + Note: - The question element generally comes first in the sentence. - There is no S - operator inversion in the Wh - question asking about the S. e.g.: Who gave you that present? + Exercise 3: - Ask sts to do Ex 3 individually and then share the answers with their friends. - Move round to help if necessary. - Ask two sts to write their answers on the board. - Check and give remarks. 5. Homework ( 1 min) - Part B( page 71 - workbook) - One st reads his/her writing aloud in front of the whole class. - Give remarks. - Listen to the teacher. - Write down two sounds. - Listen to the teacher and repeat. - Look at the book , listen and repeat. / s / / z / Sue zoo sip zip piece peas ........................... - Answers: /s/ /z/ Susan music classical jazz sound records ............................... - Read the sentences. - Listen to the teacher - Read the example and tell the whole class their ideas. + Use: - to show purpose. - Listen to the teacher and take note. 1. I phoned her to tell her good news. 2. I'm saving money to buy a cassette player 3. She practise singing all day to win the singing contest. ................................... - Listen and correct their work if necessary. - Do the Ex individually. EX 2: Each st writes three sentences 1. to read 2. to buy 3. to send 4. to invite 5. to learn - Listen to the teacher. - One st answers: Who, where, when, what, which ..... - Listen to the T and take note. - Two sts write their answers on the board: 1. What will you do if it rains? 2. What sort of music does your father enjoy listening to? 3. When did he leave for Ho Chi Minh City? 4. Who wants to talk to you? UNIT 13: FILMS AND CINEMA PERIOD 80 LESSON 1: A. READING Planning date: /../.. Teaching date: /../.. I. Objectives: 1. Education aims: - Students know more about the history of films. 2. Knowledge: a. General knowledge: - Knowledge about films and cinema. b. Language: - The past simple tense. - Vocabulary concerning music: scene, camera, character...... 3. Skills: - Speaking : talk in pairs and in groups. - Reading comprehension questions and identifying the main idea. II. Anticipated problems: Knowledge and words/phrases about films and cinema. III. Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk, some pictures. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Warm-up:(5 mins) - Show sts some pictures of famous film stars or scenes in famous films in Vietnam amd in the world. - Ask sts to say the names of these films and film stars. - Get feedback and check. 2. Before you read:( 12 mins) Aims: To introduce the topic and provide sts with words/phrases about films and cinema. a. Answering questions: - Ask sts to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions in Before you read. - Go round to help if necessary. - Ask some sts to give answers. - Listen and check. Sts may give different answers. b.Vocabulary. - Provide sts with the new words/phrases: + 'sequence (n): + motion (n): + movement (n): + 'decade (n): 10 years + au'dience (n): + spread (v): - Read each word/phrase 3 times and ask sts to repeat it. - Leave sts 1 minute to self-practice. - Ask 4-5 sts to read all the word/phrases aloud in front of the class( 1 st/ 1 time) 3. While you read:( 18 min) Aims: Read for information to find the word meaning in contexts, to answer the questions and to find the best title for the passage. + Task 1: Finding the words in the passage - Ask sts to read the passage indepently then read the definition given in task 1 and scan the passage to find the suitable words. - Call on 6 sts to read their answers aloud in front of the class. - Get feedback and give remarks. + Task 2: Answering questions. - Ask sts to work in pairs to read the passage more carefully and find the answers to the questions given. - Listen and help the students to give correct answers. + Task 3: - Ask sts to read the passage again individually and choose the best title for the passage. - Ask one or two sts to give answer and to explain why they choose A, B or C. - Listen and check. 4. After you read:( 9 mins) Aims: Students' summary about the history of cinema. - Ask sts to look at the cues given and work in groups to talk about the history of cinema basing on the cues. - Go round to help sts with their work. - Some presentatives of the groups are required to report in front of the class. - Listen and help sts to give correct answers. 5. Homework:( 1 min) - Write a summary of the reading text basing on what they have discussed in After you read. - Look at the T's pictures . - Stand up and say aloud the names of the films and film stars. ......... - Work in pairs to ask and answer. - Give answers orally. 1. I want to see a film on T.V because it is cheap and I may feel more comfortable. - I want to see a film at the cinema because I can see the latest film there. ................................... - Others listen - Listen and read after the T. - Write down these words into their notebooks. - Listen and repeat. - Read these words and check for their partner. - Read the words aloud. - Listen to the T. - Work individually. - Report their answers one by one. 1. cinema 2. sequence 3. a decade 4. rapidly 5. scene 6. character - Listen to the T - Students do the work in pairs - Some pairs report their answers while others watch. 1. It began in the early 19th century. 2. They dicovered that when a sequence of still pictures were set in motion .............. 3. No, they didn't. 4. Audiences were able to see long films in the early 1910s. ................................. - Self-correct the work - Read the passage again and choose the best title. Answer: B ( A brief history only) - Listen to their friends and the T. - Work in groups orally. - Some sts report. - Listen to the T. PERIOD 81 LESSON 2: B. SPEAKING Planning date: /../.. Teaching date: /../.. I. Objectives: 1. Education aims: - Students know about some kinds of film. 2. Knowledge: a. General knowledge: - Students can talk about some favorite kinds of music. b. Language: - The simple present tense. - Vocabulary to describe films. 3. Skills: - Asking and answering questions about film. - Talking about favourite kinds of music. - Expressing attitudes, preferences II. Anticipated problems: vocabulary to talk about the topic. III. Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, board, pictures. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Warm- up: ( 5 minutes ) Aims : to get used to the topic. - Give sts some film posters on the board: + Names of the films: Shrek (1) The adventures of Sherlock Holmes. (2) The Lord of the Rings (3) Pearl Habour ( 4) - Ask sts to match the films with the correct types of films - Listen and check. 2. Before you speak:( 8 minutes) Aims: :to focus sts on the topic and to introduce the words and phrases used in the task. + Task 1: - Ask sts to study the table on p. 134 and tick the boxes that suit their preferences for a particular type of films. - Listen and give remarks. 3.While you speak: ( 20 minutes ) Aims: Sts can talk about their favourite type of films.. + Task 2: Find out what your friends feel about each kind of films. - Give sts some new words: + violent (adj): + horrifying (adj) + moving (adj): + find + O + Adj - Ask sts to read the new words orally and individually - Introduce sts some expressions of agreement and disagreement. + Agreement: + Disagreement: I agree I don't think so. Yes, exactly Yes, but ........... Right / Sure ! I don't quite agree with you. - Ask some sts to read the model conversation in the textbook. - Divide the class into small groups of 3 and ask sts to find out what the others of their group feel about the given types of films. - Go around to help sts if necessary. - Call on some groups to practise the dialogues. - Listen and give remarks. + Task 3: Find out the preferences of your friend for films. - Introduce the structure “prefer st to st” , which can be used to talk about one’s preferences. - Go around to offer help. - Ask some pairs to practise the dialogues. - Listen and correct their mistakes. 4. After you speak: (10 min ) Aims: Sts can talk about the film they have seen. + Task 4: Talk about a film you have seen. - Ask sts to work in groups to ask and answer about a film they have seen using the suggestions given in the textbook. - Ask some sts present in front of the class if the permits 5. Homework: ( 2 min ) - Write a short paragraph about a film they have already said about. - Look at the posters and match the film with the correct types. - Some sts give the answers. + Key: 1- cartoon 2- detective film 3- action film 4- war film - Look at the table and tick . - Compare with their partner’s. - Some sts report: S1: I like science fiction films very much. S2: I don't like c

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