Giao an tieng anh 10 unit 12 music

IV. Post-speaking:

- Ask Ss to write a short paragraph about themselves by answering these questions:

a. What kind of music do you like best?

b. Why do you listen to music?

c. What is your favorite band/ musician?

d. What is your favorite song?

e. When do you listen to music?

* Homework:

-Review the lesson.

-Prepare new lesson: Listening


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Week:26 Period: 73 UNIT 12: MUSIC D. Language focus I. Aims: - Pronounce the sound /s/ and /z/ correctly. - Use to-infinitive to express purpose, and to make Wh- questions appropriately II. Teaching aids: - Pictures, posters III. Procedure: Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities A. PRONUNCIATION: 1. Warm-up: - Ask Ss to read to read this sentence: To relax, Susan listens to jazz music. - correct Ss’ pronunciation of /s/ and /z/ 2. Presentation: - Demonstrate the sounds /s/ and /z/ by pronouncing them clearly and slowly. - Explain to Ss the position of the lips, tongue and the open of the mouth. - Ask Ss to pronounce and repeat the sound several times. 3. Practice: - Read the minimal pairs, ask Ss to repeat. - Read the sentences. - Ask Ss to underline the words containing the sounds /s/ in the given sentences - Tell Ss to practice in pairs. - Tell some Ss to read the words and the sentences loudly, correct their pronunciation. 4. Further Practice: - Hang a poster, ask Ss to choose the word pronounced differently from the others 1. peas zoo relax prize 2. Susan spring sad solve 3. fiction listens wishes mission 4. missing jazz kiss message 5. music finish option depression B. GRAMMAR: I. TO + INFINITIVE: Ex: To feel relax, I listen to classical music - Ask Ss to give more examples II. WH- Questions - Introduce the pattern of WH questions: Ex: When do you listen music? Who wrote this book? Ex: Who are you? Ex: Where will he go? * Homework: - Review the lesson - Do exercises in Work book, Lg Focus - Read the sentence -Listen to know the pronunciation of /s/ and /z/ - Listen and repeat - Read the word in columns and then in minimal pairs - Read the sentences - Underline the word containing /s/ in the stns - Practise in pairs - Some Ss read aloud - Read and choose the word that are pronounced differently Answer Keys: 1. relax 2. Susan 3. listens 4. jazz 5. music - Read the example and find out what “to feel relax” is used for - Take notes. Usage: To- infinitive is used to express a purpose. * Form WH + aux + S + V…? WH + be + S … ? WH + modals + S + V..? - Work in pairs. - Write their answers on the board. IV. Feedback: Week: 26 Period: 74 UNIT 12: MUSIC A. Reading I. Aims - Ss know the importance of music in our daily life - Read for matching new words and answering questions II. Teaching aids: - Pictures, posters III. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up: - Ask Ss to tell some kinds of music. music - - Ask Ss some more questions: + Do you like listening to music? + What band do you like best? +What singer do you like best? + What sort of music do you often listen to? II. Pre-reading: Matching: -Ask Ss to match the two columns 1. b 2.e 3.d 4.c 5.a Picture telling: - Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the textbook and answer: + What kind of music does she play in the first picture? + What band is there in the second picture? What kind of music do they play? + What kind of music do they play in the third picture? - Help Ss to pronounce the words in textbook. - Introduce some more. + Anger (n): nổi giận III. While-Reading: Task 1: - Explain what to do in this task - Ask Ss read the text to find out and underline the words given in task 1, guessing their meanings. - Ask Ss to read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the suitable part of speech. - Collect Ss’ feedback. Task 2: - Ask Ss to read the questions and then the text to find out the answer. - Ask Ss to work individually, then in pairs IV. Post-Reading: - Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer the questions. + Five roles. It makes humans different from all other animal. It can express ideas, thought and feelings. It sets the tone for all important events and occasions. It lulls babies to sleep at night. It entertains. + I think it is the most important that music makes humans different from all other animals… * Homework -Review new words -Read the text again -Prepare new lesson: Reading - Answer, e.g.: pop, jazz, classical, rock’n roll Suggested answers: + Yes, I do / No, I don’t + I like ( the Beatles) the best. + I like ………..the best + Like to listen to classical music. - Work in pairs, discuss and match each of the descriptions to a type of music. - Look at the pictures and answer. Answer Key: 1. Folk music 2. The Beatles. Rock’n roll. 3.Classical music - Listen to T - Read, underlined the given words. - Read the sentences and fill in the blanks. - Work individually, then in pairs - Give feedback. Answer Key: 1. communicate 2. lull 3. delights 4. integral part 5. solemn 6. emotion 7. mournful - Read the text and answer. Answer Key: Language and music It can express ideas thought and feeling. It adds joyfulness to the atmosphere of the festival and makes a funeral more solemn and mournful. It makes people happy and excited. It is considered as the most popular form of entertainment. -Answer T’s questions - Take notes the homework. IV. Feedback: Week: 26 Period: 75 UNIT 12: MUSIC B. Speaking I. Aims: - Talk something about their favorite music. II. Teaching aids: - Pictures, posters. III. Procedure: Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities I. Warm-up: - Ask Ss to listen to the song and answer: + What song is it? + Who sings this song? + Who wrote this song? II. Pre- speaking: *Task 1: -Ask Ss to open the book, read the paragraph. - Ss work in pairs, ask and answer the questions about Ha Anh’s hobby of music *Task 2: - Hang a poster on the board, ask a S do as model - Ask Ss to work in groups, ask partners to get information to complete the table. - Tell some pairs to ask and answer in class. III. While-speaking: *Task 3: -Explain what to do in this task. - Ask some Ss to talk in class. IV. Post-speaking: - Ask Ss to write a short paragraph about themselves by answering these questions: a. What kind of music do you like best? b. Why do you listen to music? c. What is your favorite band/ musician? d. What is your favorite song? e. When do you listen to music? * Homework: -Review the lesson. -Prepare new lesson: Listening - Listen to music and answer. - Read the paragraph and answer the questions Answer: She likes pop music. Because it keeps her happy. Her favorite band is Backstreet Boys She listens to music all the time. - Ask partners to get information and complete the table. - Some pairs practise in class. - Listen to the teacher. - Report what they have found out about their partners. Ex1: Both B and C like classical music. They like it because…….. Ex 2: B likes classical music, but C prefers jazz… - Write a short paragraph Ex: I like pop music…… IV. Feedback Group leader’s signature Week; 27 Period: 76 UNIT 12: MUSIC C. Listening I. Aims: - Listen for deciding T/F and answering questions II. Teaching aids: - Pictures, posters III. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up: - Ask Ss to tell something about Van Cao’ music. + Some of his songs + When he born/ died + When he write Tien Quan Ca II. Pre-listening: - Ask Ss to work in pairs, choose the song written by Van Cao * Pre-teach Vocabulary: + rousing (adj): + lyrical + solemn - Ask Ss to listen and repeat the words - Tell Ss to decide which of these words can be used to describe Van Cao’s music and explain III. While-listening: *Task 1: - Ask Ss to scan the statements - Play the tape once - Tell some Ss to give their answers - Play the tape. - Tell Ss to work in pairs to exchange the answer then collect Ss’ feedback. - Play the tape the third time to check the answer. *Task 2: - Ask Ss to scan the questions - Play the tape twice. - Collect Ss’ feedback. - Play the tape the third time to check the answer IV. Post-listening: - Ask Ss to work in groups, discussing Quang Hung ideas about Van Cao’s music. V. Homework - Write a short paragraph of their own ideas about Van Cao’s music - Tell sth about Van Cao’s music - work in group, choose the song written by Van Cao @answer: Suoi Mo, Tien Quan Ca, Truong Ca Song Lo, Lang Toi - Listen to T’s explanation - Listen and repeat - Give their own ideas - Scan the statements - Listen to the tape and decide T/F - Give the answer if they can - listen - Exchange and give feedback. - Listen and check the answer Answer: 1. F. The guest is Quang Hung. 2. He likes some Vietnamese musicians. 3. T 4. F. It was written in 1944. 5. F. He always feels proud of his country when he heard the song - Scan the questions and guess the answer - Listen - Give answers - Listen and check the answers Answer Key: 1. It’s “ My favorite musician” 2. Tien Quan Ca 3. It’s hard and solemn, it makes him feel great and proud of his country. Some suggested questions: 1. What does QH think about Van Cao? 2. What does he do when he listens to Tien Quan Ca? 3. What does he think about Van Cao’s other songs 4. Do you agree or disagree with him? IV. Feedback: Week; 27 Period: 77 UNIT 12: MUSIC D. Writing I. Aims: - Ss will be able to write a profile based on prompts provided II. Teaching aids: - Pictures, posters III. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Warm-up: - Ask Ss to read their paragraphs about Van Cao II. Pre-writing: *Task 1: - Explain what to do in task 1: use the prompt to make up complete sentences about Scott Joplin. - Ask S to work in pairs. - Tell some Ss to write the complete sentences on the board. - Correct Ss’ task. III. While-Writing: * Task 2: - Let Ss have a look of what to write. - Ask Ss to write about the life story of Van Cao, using the prompts, divide Ss into 6 groups and ask them to write on the posters - Go around for help. IV. Post-Writing: - Ask Ss to exhibit their task on the board for others to comment. V. Homework: - Write a short paragraph about one of their favorite musician or singer - Read the paragraphs about Van Cao - Read through the task to understand what to do - Work in pairs - Write the sentences on the board Answer Key: 1. He learnt to play the guitar when he was very young. 2. He learnt to play the works of composers like Bach, Beethoven, Mozart as well as to compose music. 3. He quickly became famous. 4. His tunes were wonderful mixture of classical European and African. 5. All in all, he wrote 50 piano rags, and was called the King of Ragtime. 6. Scott Joplin died in 1917. - Go through the task to know what to write. - Work in groups - Exhibit and comment the task on the board Suggested answer: Van Cao was born in Nam Ha in 1923, into a poor worker family. He could compose music when he was very young. He composed his first song in 1939 and quickly became famous. Tien Quan Ca, the Vietnamese National Anthem, was composed in 1944. His artistic works were songs, poems, and paintings. He died in 1995. Van Cao was known as a very talented musician and is highly appreciate by the Vietnamese people. - Check Ss to give feedback. IV. Feedback:

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