Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 9: Undersea world - Period 55: Reading

II. Pre- reading

1. Vocabulary:

1.1. New words:

- gulf (n)

- submarine (n)

- investigate (v)

- marine plants and animals (n)

- water currents (n)

- organism (n)

1.2. Structures:

- divide into (vph)

- tobe at stake (vph)

- fall into (vph)

- depend on (vph)

- carry along (vph)

- thanks to (vph)

- totbe able to (vph)


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Date of preparing: 25th December, 2017 Date of teaching: 03rd January, 2018 UNIT 9: UNDERSEA WORLD Period 55: Reading I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: Get the general information about the undersea world. Use new words and phrases related to the topic “undersea world” and “oceans in the world” to make sentences by using the present tenses. 2. Skill : Reading skills: reading for general, specific and detailed information about the topic “undersea world” 3. Attitude: Active to broaden and percept the knowledge. II. Knowledge: Ss learn more about the lexical items related to the topic “undersea world”. Ss know more about the life bottom of the ocean in the world, know some strategies to do the gap- filling, and answer the questions tasks. Ss know how to read for summarizing a text by doing the task of filling the blanks with the given words. II. Method and Teaching aids 1. Method: Communicative approach: teacher and students, students and students, students and teacher. Work in groups, work in individually, work in pairs. 2. Teaching aids: Poster (the world map), word cards, pictures, textbook (English 10), posters for lucky animals game, hand-outs IV. Procedure: 1. Organization: - 10A16 ( ) Ask Ss to sing a song before learning new lesson. 2. New lesson: Content T’s and Ss’ activities 05 05 04 03 02 01 I. Warm-up: 1. Oceans in the world: *Poster (The map of the world) 01 There are 5 different parts: Pacific Ocean: Thái Bình Dương Atlantic Ocean: Đại Tây Dương Indian Ocean: Ấn Độ Dương Antartic Ocean: Nam Băng Dương Arctic Ocean: Bắc Băng Dương 2. Sea animals: Answers: Seal Jelly fish Turtle Shark 3. Lead in the new lesson: Questions: Can you guess the topic today? Today, we will study the topic “Undersea world”. Open the book on page 94, reading part. Unit 9: Undersea world Period 55: Reading II. Pre- reading 1. Vocabulary: 1.1. New words: - gulf (n) - submarine (n) - investigate (v) - marine plants and animals (n) - water currents (n) - organism (n) 1.2. Structures: - divide into (vph) - tobe at stake (vph) - fall into (vph) - depend on (vph) - carry along (vph) - thanks to (vph) - totbe able to (vph) 2. Reading passage: (The passage on the textbook or handouts at the end of the lesson plan) Task 1: Gap- filling Some plants and animals are referred to as... organisms because they are extremely small. Thanks to modern technology, scientists have been able to ...... . the life of plants and animals that live under the sea. A .. Is a large area of sea that is partly surrounded by land is a term that refers to the existence of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced environment. These scientists have collected different .. to analyze for their experiment. Answers: 1.tiny 2.investigate 3.gulf 4.biodiversity 5.samples III. While- reading: Task 2: Answering questions Playing game “lucky animals (Poster and animals flashcards) (Using 4 questions in class, 2 of them will be done at home as homework) Answers: What percentage of the earth’s surface is covered by seas and oceans? 75% of the earth’s surface is covered by the seas and oceans How do scientists now overcome the challenges of the depth? By using modern devices What can submarine do to help scientists know about the undersea world? They help them to investigate the seabed and bring samples of the marine life back to the surface for further study What can we learn from the satellite photos? We can know a wide range of information including water temperature, depth and the undersea population What are the three groups of marine plants and animals? Some of them live on or depend on the bottom (like the starfish.) Some are swimming animals (fishes, sharks that move independently of water current) Others are tiny organisms What would happen if the sea biodiversity were not maintained? The marine of life would be at stake if the sea biodiversity was not maintained IV. Post- reading: Talking and describing about life in the ocean: Using given picture to describe and talk about the life undersea. *Suggested structures and vocabulary: - This a picture is about...... - this picture reminds me of... - There is/ there are....... - In the photo, I can see..... - The picture shows...... - I find it (this picture)+ adj - Using some useful nouns and adjectives: colorful fish, school of fish, bottom of the sea, starfish, coral (san hô), crowded, undersea life, interesting and lively life. V. Consolidation: Revise the knowledge related to the topic “undersea world” Revise the skills and strategies how to do a answering questions and gap- filling tasks. VI. Homework: Learn by heart the new words Do the “after you read” task. Prepare the next lesson “Unit 9: Undersea world_Speaking part” - T asks Ss to look at the poster(the world map) on the board. - Ss look at the poster. - T introduces the world map. - Ss listen to the T. - T asks students the question “how many different parts of the oceans in the world? What are they?” . - Ss answer - T ask Ss to work in two big groups for finding the exact location of the oceans in the world by using the flashcards. - Ss work in groups - T calls two Ss being the group’s representattives to sticks the correct wordcard on the board to check Ss’ answers. - Student give their answers. - T gives the comments and feedback. - T asks Ss to repeat the words twice. - Ss repeat the words after the T. - T introduces the second activity of “warm-up step”. - Ss listen to the T. - T explains how to conduct the task on page 94- textbook. - Ss listen to the T. - T asks Ss to work in pairs to do the task. - Ss work in pairs. - T calls some Ss to give their answers. - Ss give the answers. - T checks Ss’ answers and gives the feedback. - T asks Ss to guess the topic of “reading part” today. - Ss give their ideas. - T introduces the new lesson. - Ss listen and take note. - T ask Ss to give the new words that they prepared before. - Ss listen to the T and copy the new words on their notebooks. - T asks Ss to repeat the new words in several times after the T. - Ss repeat the new words. - T calls some Ss to repeat the words. - Ss repeat the words. - T calls some Ss to read the passage aloud and asks other Ss listen to them. (T corrects the pronunciation, intonation, liasion, etc if necessary) - Ss read aloud. - T gives Ss a box with the words. - T asks Ss to read the definitions and match the words with the suitable words. - Ss listen to the T. - T asks Ss to do gap- filling activity in 2 minutes in pairs. - Ss work in pairs. - T calls some Ss to do the activity. - Ss do the task gap- filling individually. - T checks Ss’ answers and corrects the sentence. - T explains the meaning of the words in mother tongue if necessary. - Ss copy the answers if necessary. - T asks Ss to look at task 2 page 96 and read the requirements of the task. - Ss look at task 2 and read the requirements of the task. - T explains the way to do the task. - Ss listen to the T. - T asks Ss to read the sentences and underline the key words in each sentence and find out the relating information in the reading text to answer the question. - T gives Ss an example “in sentence 1, the key words are what percentage, earth’s surface, and covered by seas and oceans. We have to find out the information in the text. In the text, we can see in paragraph 1: altogether they cover 75 percent of thee earth’s surface (they= seas and oceans). Therefore, the answer for sentence 1 is “75% of the earth’s surface is covered by the seas and oceans” - Ss listen to the T. - T asks Ss to work in pairs to underline the key words and find out the information in the text to compare with the statements. - T goes around to help Ss if necessary. - Ss work in pairs to do the task. * Playing game “lucky animals” - T divides the class into 2 groups. - T gives the rules of the game “lucky animals” - T asks Ss to play lucky animals game. - T gives the key after getting the answer from Ss. - T congratulates the winner with Ss. - T asks Ss to look at the poster on the board and explains the way to do the description task. - Ss look at the poster and listen to the T. - T asks Ss to work in two big groups to do the task - T goes around to help Ss if necessary by giving the structures and newwords or phrases. - Ss work in groups. - T calls some Ss who are the representatives of their groups to perform their oral presentation. - T calls some Ss to gives their comments. - Ss give their comments. - T gives the comments and feedback. - Ss listen to the T. - T asks Ss to remind the new knowledge that they have just studied. - T instructs homework for the Ss. - Ss listen to the T’s instructions and take notes. Comment Handouts: Reading passage: There is only one ocean. It is divided into five different parts: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Antarctic, and Arctic Oceans. There are also many other smaller seas, gulfs and bays which form part of them. Altogether they cover 75 percent of the earth’s surface. For centuries, people have been challenged by the mysteries that lie beneath the ocean. However, today’s scientists have overcome many of the challenges of the depth by using modern devices. They send submarines to investigate the seabed and bring samples of marine life back to the surface for further study. Satellite photographs provide a wide range of information, including water temperature, depth and the undersea populations. If modern technology did not exist, we would never have such precious information. Marine plants and animals fall into three major groups. Some of them live on or depend on the bottom like the starfish. Some are swimming animals such as fishes and sharks that move independently of water currents while others are tiny organisms that are carried along by the currents like the jellyfish. Plants and animals of the sea, however small or oversized, all contribute to its biodiversity were maintained,marine life would be at stake.

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