Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 13: Hobbies - Part D: Writing (p 151)


1, What is the name of the writer’s collection?

2, When he started his collection?

3, How he collect them?

4, How he keep them?

5, How he classify them?

6, Why he collect them?

7, What is his plan for the future?

8, T says “Finally, in order to write about collection, what should include?


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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 13: Hobbies - Part D: Writing (p 151), để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Period 84 UNIT 13: HOBBIES PART D: WRITING (P 151) Preparing date: 10/3/2018 Teaching date: /3/2018 Class: 11B2 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge: - Write students’ collection. - Vocabulary: Words and phrases related collection. - Language: It is to develop personal language to write students’ collection. 2. Skills: Develop such writing micro-skills as guess for main ideas, summarize main ideas, find specific information, and write a description. 3. Attitude& competencies: - Ss will have a positive attitude towards what they have leant. - Ss understand and actively respond to relevant matters or situations. II/ Preparations: - Teacher: handouts, text book, posters, whiteboard marker. - Students: text books, notebooks. III/ Anticipated problems & solutions: - Problem: Ss may not know much about the topic, the structure and related vocabulary. - Solution: T should be ready to give explanation. IV/ Procedure: TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS AND BOARD DISPLAY A, Warm-up (5’-Whole class): “Find your friends” game: -T gives Ss some pictures and their names (some Ss put pictures and some others put pictures’ names). - T asks Ss to find their friends by combine pictures with their names correctly. - Ss listen and play the game. -T asks Ss a question: “Do you have any collection?” (expected answer: Yes, I do) - T leads in the new lesson: “Today, we are going to learn how to write about your collection”. Coin collection Flag collection Stamp collection Book collection B, New lesson Unit 13: HOBBIES Part D: Writing (P151) I, Before you write: Act 1: Brain-storming (13’- IW) - T shows a sample writing. - Ss read it silently and try to remember the provided information in 4 minutes. - T asks some questions related contents of the sample essay. - Ss listen and answer them. - Ss present their ideas. Questions: 1, What is the name of the writer’s collection? 2, When he started his collection? 3, How he collect them? 4, How he keep them? 5, How he classify them? 6, Why he collect them? 7, What is his plan for the future? 8, T says “Finally, in order to write about collection, what should include? Sample writing: My hobby is collecting books. My hobby started when I was grade 4. I often buy some from bookshop near may house and some others from second-hand book stalls. Sometimes, my parents and may friends give me some. I classify them into different categories such as science, history, nature and human. I keep my collection on bookshelves. Collecting and reading books help me to learn many things about life, facts, human and science. I will collect more and more books and I will make a library one day. Expected answers: 1, The name of his collection is book collection 2, He started his collection when he was grade 4 3, He buys some from bookshop near his house, some others from second-hand books stalls and some from gifts of his parents and his friends. 4, He keeps his collection on bookshelves. 5, He classifies them into different categories such as science, history, nature and human. 6, Collecting and reading books help he to learns many things about life, facts, human and science. 7, He will collect more and more books and he will make a library one day. 8, Collection: - Name - How to classify - How to collect - Why to collect - How to keep - Plan for the future II, While you write (17’) Act 2: Make detailed outline (7’ – GW): -T asks Ss to look at all the ideas suggested in the text book (P. 151) -T asks Ss work in group of 8 to write about their collection, real or imaginary. -T goes around the class and gives help where needed. -T calls on two Ss to go to the board to write down their work. -T finds down mistakes and corrects them. -T gives feedback, pointing out some common mistakes made by Ss when doing this writing task. Act 3: Practice write about collection (10’- GW) -T asks Ss to write down their collection in group of 8. - Ss do the act in posters. Your collection S1 S2 Name How to collect How to keep When you start How to classify Why to collect Plan for future * Useful languages: 1. My hobby is collecting. 2. I often buy and ask my friends give me 3. I keep them in album 4. I start collecting 5. I classify them into. 6. I collectbecause I can 7. In the future, I want to collect more III, After you write: Checking (7’-Whole class) *T: Ask ss to exchange the writings to correct. - Choose 2 posters & hang on the board to correct, Remark and give marks for the best *Ss: Exchange the writing and peer-check. - Correct the mistakes and give remarks. Expected Writing: My hobby is collecting stamps. My hobby started when I was a little boy. I only collected local stamps which I got from the letters of my friends and relatives. Then my relatives went abroad so my collection of foreign stamps started to increase. I classify the stamps into categories before putting them into my stamp albums. I keep stamps of animals, flowers, birds on different pages, which makes it easier to look for them. Colleting stamps helps me to broaden my knowledge about the world around me and it is also an effective way to improve my geography. In the future, I will join the stamp exhibitions to learn from experienced stamps collectors and maybe I can expose my collection at an exhibition in the future. IV, Wrapping-up (3’- IW) Talking about Ss’ collection *T asks Ss to talk about their collection (base on their writing). - Ss prepare and express their collection in front of the class. V, Homework (1’) Complete their writing at home. Feedback: GIÁO VIÊN HƯỚNG DẪN Nguyễn Thị Nhuyn GIÁO SINH THỰC HIỆN Nguyễn Thị Kiều Oanh

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