In the aspect of infrastructure, Vietnam has pretty high spending for this field in
comparison with other emerging and developing economies in Asia. In Vietnam,
infrastructure is mainly invested by the state sector. For instance, public capital
currently undertakes about 2/3 of the investment for hard infrastructure (Luyen Vu,
2019). It is noted that convenient infrastructure is one of factors that attract private
Besides, it is impossible not to mention the positive effects of public expenditure
whenever the economy falls into uncertainties, especially during the recession
accompanying inflation in 2008-2009.
In the opposite direction, public sector sometimes crowds out private one,
especially dominating investment opportunities of private sector through barriers to
access investment opportunities. However, on a general level, public capital has
fulfilled its role as creating the initial infrastructure for the investment. Those
crowding-in effects are larger than crowding-out effects, so generally, public
expenditure tends to have the same direction with private investmen
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s and Vietnam
Chapter 5: Conclusions and policy implications for Vietnam
2.1. Public expenditure
2.1.1. Definition of public expenditure
In scope of this thesis, the term “public expenditure” is based on the view of
International Monetary Fund (IMF). It consists of total expense and the net acquisition
of non-financial assets (such as acquisition of fixed capital assets, strategic stocks, land,
and intangible assets). These are all government expense financed by the state budget;
including the expenditure of different levels of government (local and general
government), from maintaining the public sector to supplying public goods and
2.1.2. Role of public expenditure
Public expenditure plays an instrument to allocate resources effectively; creating
socio-economic infrastructure, supplying public goods and services; guaranteeing a
safe society. Adding gaps which private sector can not invest. Redistributing income,
ensuring social benefits. Maintaining macroeconomic stability and accelerating the
2.1.3. Characteristics of public expenditure
1- Public expenditure activities are associated with the state apparatus. 2- Having
public characteristics, toward the common benefits of the community. 3- Complying
with the principal of non-refund or non-direct refund. 4- Being related to policy lags,
including internal and external lags.
2.1.4. Classifying public expenditure
Categorization is based on many different criteria such as similarity of specific
spending items, classification goals, benefits received by sectors in society, main
function of the government, transferable feature, economic feature, so on.
2.2. Private investment
2.2.1. Definition of private investment
According to WB (2019), private investment covers gross outlays by the private
sector, including private nonprofit agencies on additions to its fixed domestic assets.
More detail, it can be seen as private sector’s purchase of fixed asset with the
expectation to produce more income and value in the future.
2.2.2. The impact factor on private invesment
Interest rate: When the interest rate goes up, the lending cost will become more
expensive, making it difficult for investors in accessing capital, so limiting investment.
Capital source of other economic sectors
- Public expenditure: Public expenditure is a special factor as both crowding in
and crowding out investment of private sector.
- FDI: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): FDI can have positive or negative
spillover effect on investment.
Credit for private sector: The scarcity in funding sources is considered to be one
of the elements hindering private investment. Hence, the more credit fund is, the more
easily financial providing for investment occurs.
Economic growth. The growth of the economy will bring higher income for
people, leading to increase goods demand, thereby stimulating investors to expand
production and provide more capital.
Some other macroeconomic factors: Inflation. Human resources. Trade
openness. Political stability.
2.3. The impact of public expenditure on private investment
2.3.1. The crowding out effect
“The crowding out effect” is an economic item describing that rising
intervention to the market by government spending drives down or negatively affects
private sector investment.
In economic schools, Keynesian economics researches the crowding out effect
in closed and open economy while classical theory studies in short term and long term.
The way that the crowding out effect occurs includes two categories: (1)- Direct
and indirect channels, and (2)- impact through accessing production resources.
2.3.2. The crowding in effect
Public expenditure can adversely affect private investment, creating the
crowding out effect as mentioned above. However, this trend can also occur in the
opposite direction, meaning that raising of public expenditure drives expanding of
private investment. This phenomenon is called “the crowding in effect”.
2.4. Literature review
2.4.1. The crowding out effect
The crowding out effect on private investment by public expenditure is
discovered by many researchers (Argimon et al., 1997; Furceri and Sousa, 2011). For
instance, Furceri and Sousa (2011) figured out each increase in government spending
drove down 1.2% of consuming and 0.6% of investment from private sector. The
cumulative influence after 4 years was greater as those figures were 1.9% and 1.8%
respectively. In other words, the longer the time was, the more the crowding out effect
was. It was the same point with Argimon et al. (1997) despite changes in research
2.4.2. The crowding in effect
Some other analysts confirm that public capital will crowd in investment of
private sector. In detail, the Government provides capital to fields of basic research,
public health, education, and infrastructure in order to build socio-economic and
technical background. From the microeconomic perspective, this activity helps to
reduce the initial investment costs, creating favorable conditions in attracting private
capital. From the macroeconomic perspective, it brings long-term growth of potential
output, making investors more optimistic about prospects of development, leading
continue to invest (Aschauer, 1989; Keynes, 1936). This theory receives the support of
many empirical studies such as Blejer and Khan (1984), Ghura and Goodwin (2000),
Blanchard and Perotti (2002), Erden and Holcombe (2005), Gjini and Kukeli (2012).
However, not any research shows a unique dimension impact of government
spending on private investment. The influence of public expenditure on private
consuming and investment do exist, but there are differences depending on economic
context, development level. From view of geography, Furceri và Sousa (2011) realized
that the crowding in effect happened only in Middle East zone whereas the other
continents as Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Western India
were opposite. From view of development level, the crowding out effect was found in
both of OECD and devevloping countries.
In the context of Vietnam, the researchers find two dimensions of the impact of
public expenditure on private investment, but the crowding in effect overcomes the
crowding out effect. Dao Thi Bich Thuy (2014) recorded positive reactions of
productivity in private sector to changes in public expenditure; meanwhile the
crowding out effect by tax (which was used for finance public expenditure) rose,
making private income and investment down. However, the consequence showed that
the positive effect prevailed over the opposite effect on private investment. In other
words, it cannot be asserted certainly that public spending make negative impact on
private sector investment. Su và Bui (2016) used GMM to study panel data of Vietnam
provinces and confirmed that two dimensions but the crowding in effect was greater.
2.4.3. Research gap on the impact of public expenditure on private investment
The impact of public expenditure on private investment has been debated in
many studies. Many foreign researches directly assess the connection between private
investment and public expenditure by considering private investment as a dependent
variable in model or putting it in economic growth model. The Vietnam researchers
often study this relationship in growth model or the system of equations which are used
to evaluate the impact of policies and shocks on economic variables. So, within the
author’s knowledge, the partition into separate models to examine clearly each impact
has not been done by domestic researchers. This is also the gap which the author myself
can exploit. The author will conduct an empirical research on the influence of public
expenditure on private investment in Vietnam.
Besides, the remarkable researches in Vietnam often use time-series data. Panel
data only happens in the scope of provincial data in Vietnam (Su and Bui, 2016).
Meanwhile, if data and method are adjusted, results and analyses can change. Thus,
instead of using time-series data, in this thesis, panel data which is on 14 emerging and
developing economies in Asia will be employed; then analyzing the linkage with
Vietnam with expecting to find the new results of the impact of public expenditure on
private investment.
Within author’s knowledge, 3SLS up to now has not been much used in the study
on the impact of public expenditure on private investment in general and Vietnam in
particular. It will create a difference of this research compared to existing ones.
Furthermore, the economists argue that institution plays an important role in the
economy. The the crowding out effect can take place in the periods or economies with
less developed institution; will diminish and turn into the crowding in effect when
institution tends to get better (Everhart and Sumlinski, 2001). Government spending
even can be reversed by corruption (Mauro, 1998). So, in order to contribute to
comprehensively assess the impact on private investment, the author add variable
“Institution” to the model. This variable also has not appeared in research on the impact
of public expenditure on private investment in Vietnam, except the latest research of
Su and Bui (2017) which uses similar variable as Provincial Competitiveness Index.
3.2. Research model
3.2.1. Research model
Research model in this thesis consists of two model: (1) Equation 1 about the
impact of public expenditure on private investment; and (2) Equation 2 about the
determines of public expenditure.
priit = α0 + α1pgexit + α2pfdiit + α3pcreit + α4ririt + α5git + α6infit + α7labit + α8sch1it
+ α9ptra1it + α10polit + uit (1)
pgexit = β0 + β1pgrevit + β2lgdpr2it + β3ygap2it + β4age2it + β5inf2it + β6effe2it +
β7cor2it + vit (2)
In which: i: country, i = 1-14. α, β: estimated coefficients
t: year, t = 2000-2018 u, v: residuals of model
Table 3.1. Variables in model
Sign Variable Sign Variable
pri Private investment ptra Trade openness
pgex Public expenditure pol Political stability
pfdi FDI pgrev Budget revenue
pcre Private credit lgdpr Real GDP size
rir Interest rate ygap Output gap
g Economic growth rate age Dependent population
inf Inflation effe Government effectiveness
lab Labour force cor Mức độ kiểm soát tham nhũng
sch Human capital
Source: Author’s proposal based on literature review
3.2.2. Hypothesis of equation on the impact of public expenditure on private
- Hypothesis H1: Public expenditure has the crowding in effect (positive impact)
or the crowding out effect (negative impact) on private investment.
- Hypothesis H2: FDI has positive impact on private investment.
- Hypothesis H3: Private credit has positive impact on private investment.
- Hypothesis H4: Interest rate has negative impact on private investment.
- Hypothesis H5: Economic growth has positive impact on private investment.
- Hypothesis H6: Inflation has negative impact on private investment.
- Hypothesis H7: Human resource has positive impact on private investment.
- Hypothesis H8: Trade openness has positive impact on private investment.
- Hypothesis H9: Political stability has positive impact on private investment.
3.2.3. Hypothesis of public expenditure equation
- Hypothesis H10: Budget revenue has positive impact on public expenditure.
- Hypothesis H11: Output size and gap has positive impact on public expenditure.
- Hypothesis H12: Dependent population has positive impact on public spending.
- Hypothesis H13: Inflation has positive impact on public expenditure.
- Hypothesis H14: Institution has negative impact on public expenditure.
3.3. Research methods
3.3.1. Quantitative method
The structural equation model in this thesis is regressed by 3SLS. 3SLS
quantitative method is employed to address a part of research objective, focusing on
the second research question about the impact of public expenditure on private
investment in some Asian emerging and developing economies. This method is
performed using Stata.
3.3.2. Qualitative method
Qualitative method is conducted to analyze some characteristics and the impact
of public expenditure on private investment in some Asian economies in general as
well as in Vietnam particularly. The main methods of qualitative method in this study
cover process-tracing, deductive research, descriptive research, and case analysis.
3.4. Research data
Thesis’ data is collected from some emerging and developing economies in Asia,
including Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand,
China, Mongolia, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan. Hence, this is panel data
from 14 countries, between 2000 and 2018 (19 years), creating 266 observations. Those
are secondary data retrieved from the reports of international organizations such as
WB, IMF, etc. Besides, data of Vietnam is collected from the reports of General
Statistics Office, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and Investment, etc.
4.1. Situation of public expenditure and private investment in some Asian economies
4.1.1. Situation of public expenditure
Public expenditure in the connection with GDP in some emerging and
developing economies in Asia from 2000 to 2018 as below:
Figure 4.1. Public expenditure/GDP in some Asian countries
Source: IMF data
Most countries in Asia faced the common situation that public spending rose in
the period of 2008-2009. This is the recession in the world, marked general decline and
difficulties observed in many economies. Some countries even paid attention to
stagflation. The Governments occurred a series of solutions to support, resolve
recession, and preventing inflation. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand,
etc. were not also out of this trend.
Việt Nam Bangladesh Trung Quốc Indonesia Ấn Độ
Campuchia Lào Sri Lanka Myanmar Mông Cổ
Malaysia Pakistan Philippines Thái Lan
4.1.2. Situation of private investment
Figure 4.2. Private investment/GDP in some Asian countries
Source: WDI, WB
In general, the majority of private sector in developing countries in Asia is micro,
small, and medium enterprises in which are mainly micro and small ones. The main
problem of those enterprises is capital and technology constraints. As a result, they
have to face weakness in competitiveness. Also, the advantage of cheap labor gradually
diminishes when many businesses begin to strictly require on the professional
qualifications and skills of the employees. In addition, some countries give preference
for state-owned enterprises, that making it more difficult and unfair for the private
4.2. Empirical research results about the impact of public expenditure on private
investment in some Asia economies
4.2.1. Descriptive statistics
Table 4.1. Descriptive statistics
Variable Observations Unit Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
pri 252 9.81 2.15 4.69 15.06
pgex 252 % 21.60 5.81 11.41 40.52
pfdi 252 % 3.52 5.25 -37.15 43.91
pgrev 252 % 18.17 5.40 8.49 33.92
50% Việt Nam
Trung Quốc
Ấn Độ
Sri Lanka
Mông Cổ
Thái Lan
Variable Observations Unit Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
g 252 % 6.43 2.74 -1.55 17.29
lgdpr 252 11.72 1.92 8.18 16.20
ygap 252 % 0.35 5.21 -14.00 39.97
rir 252 % 3.94 5.00 -18.73 27.40
pcre 244 % 53.48 41.87 3.12 161.14
inf 252 % 6.17 6.32 -1.71 57.07
lab 252 8.02 1.72 4.55 11.28
sch 252 year 6.75 2.20 3.10 11.00
age 252 % 54.75 10.98 35.59 88.49
ptra 252 % 81.28 49.08 0.17 220.41
pol 252 % 29.38 21.33 0.47 88.36
effe 252 % 43.06 20.01 2.39 85.85
cor 252 % 31.05 17.04 0.47 68.69
Source: Author’s calculation
4.2.2. Correlation matrix between variables
Equation 1 describes the influence of public expenditure on private investment.
The relationship between variables in the model and private investment, in general,
have statistical significance, but variable of economic growth. Nevertheless, only 5
variables have the same correlation as expected in research hypotheses. Public
expenditure, which is the most important in the model, has positive impact on private
investment. The sign of private credit, interest rate, inflation, and human resource also
exist as predicted.
Equation 2 shows the impact factors on public expenditure and most of those
relationship have statistical significance. It is predicted that there is no multicollinearity
since the correlations between those variables are quite low. The temporary absence of
multicollinearity in both equations - up to this step - will help the model avoid errors,
increasing the reliability and exactness of regression results.
4.2.3. Regression result of the model about the impact of public expenditure on
private investment
After testing and robusting some errors of the system of equations, regression
result observes p-value of F-test at 0,000, which is smaller than α = 1%, proving model
has statistical significance when explaining the influence of independent variables on
private investment and public expenditure. The regression results of OLS and 2SLS
are added for references.
Table 4.2. Regression result of equation 2
Dependent variable 3SLS OLS 2SLS
pgex (b/se) (b/se) (b/se)
pgrev 0.9399*** 0.9406*** 0.9406***
(0.040) (0.040) (0.040)
lgdpr 0.2043* 0.1714 0.1714
(0.117) (0.119) (0.119)
ygap -0.0147 0.0026 0.0026
(0.032) (0.033) (0.033)
age 0.0785*** 0.077*** 0.077***
(0.020) (0.021) (0.021)
inf 0.0337 0.0289 0.0289
(0.028) (0.028) (0.028)
effe -0.0967*** -0.1036*** -0.1036***
(0.028) (0.021) (0.021)
cor 0.1519*** 0.1585*** 0.1585***
(0.022) (0.022) (0.022)
Constant -2.9272 -2.3891 -2.3891
(2.336) (2.384) (2.384)
Observations 266 266 266
F-test (p-value) 0.000 0.000 0.000
R-squared 0.7922 0.7924 0.7924
Note: * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
b/se: beta coefficient / standard error
Source: Author’s calculation
Table 4.3. Regression result of equation 1
Dependent variable 3SLS OLS 2SLS
pri (b/se) (b/se) (b/se)
pgex 0.0397*** 0.0195*** 0.0197*
(0.0115) (0.0093) (0.0118)
pfdi 0.0236*** 0.0294*** 0.0294***
(0.0075) (0.0089) (0.0090)
pcre 0.0123*** 0.0125*** 0.0125***
(0.0016) (0.0016) (0.0016)
rir -0.0084 -0.0072 -0.0073
(0.0092) (0.0096) (0.0098)
g -0.0138 -0.0136 -0.0135
(0.0160) (0.0166) (0.0167)
inf -0.0315*** -0.0304*** -0.0305***
(0.0071) (0.0072) (0.0073)
lab 0.8856*** 0.9023*** 0.9021***
(0.0386) (0.0393) (0.0400)
sch 0.2824*** 0.2975*** 0.2974***
(0.0214) (0.0213) (0.0217)
ptra -0.0106*** -0.0098*** -0.0098***
(0.0013) (0.0013) (0.0013)
pol -0.0072** -0.0063** -0.0064**
(0.0030) (0.0031) (0.0032)
Constant 0.5916 0.6587 0.6583
(0.3991) (0.4101) (0.4104)
Observation 266 266 266
F-test (p-value) 0.000 0.000 0.000
R-squared 0.9205 0.9206 0.9206
Note: * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
Source: Author’s calculation
From the regression result, the most crucial variable “Public Expenditure” (pgex)
happens as expected when the estimated coefficient has p-value = 0,000 < α = 5%,
hypothesis H1 is accepted, so positive impact of this variable on dependent one Private
Investment can be confirmed. This conclusion once again affirms complementary
effect of public expenditure on private investment like the previous researches on
developing in Asia (Greene and Villanueva, 1991; Furceri and Sousa, 2011; Erden and
Holcombe, 2005; Gjini and Kukeli, 2012; Dao Thi Bich Thuy, 2014). Also, this result
looks like the consequence of preliminary review of the general trend of 14 countries
in the sample. At the same time, most of the remaining hypothesis turned out to be as
expected; but variable of Economic Growth, Trade Openness, and Political Stability.
Among the variables that meet the expectation, only 4 out of 6 variables are statistical
significance including FDI, Private Credit, Inflation, and Human Source.
4.3. Situation of public expenditure and private investment in Vietnam
4.3.1. Public expenditure in Vietnam
Figure 4.3. Situation of public expenditure in Vietnam
Source: Annual budget settlement report, Ministry of Finance
Total budget expenditure has increased, starting at VND 130.8 trillion in 2001.
By 2017, this spending got slower than the same period last year, although it was higher
than estimation. Nevertheless, government spending as a share of GDP was still deeply
high compared to many other countries, about 27.9% in 2018 while the average of
observed sample at 23%; only lower than China (32.8%), Mongolia (34.4%),
approximately India (27.5%); those figures were below 24% in the rest of other
Nghìn tỷ đồng
Tổng chi ngân sách (nghìn tỷ đồng) Tốc độ tăng chi ngân sách (%)
Besides, structure of public expenditure almost did not change in porportion
while current expenditure still dominated being over 50% almost year. The burden of
current spending mainly comes from both salary payments (including pensions) and
administrative management payments which account for about 30% of total budget
expenditure, more than half of total current spending. Another problem is the
expenditure for the state-sponsored mass organizations.
Meanwhile, though being considered as main funding for basic infrastructure,
the porportion of spending on development investment is quite modest. In 2001, this
spending made up 30.8% of total budget expenditure, being the highest of the whole
period of 2000-2017. After that, this figure kept decreasing gradually. This decline is
related to the restructuring of public investment in the direction of continuously
reducing the rate of state investment. Limited budget spending capacity pluses
uncertainty in effectiveness of this expenditure will hardly meet the needs of economic
development. Thus, borrowing is unavoidable. Moreover, if the entire loan is not used
to offset the budget overspending but instead being provided to development
investment expenditure, the gap in public expenditure structure could be partially
improved, in spite of still very low compared to the demand for development of the
4.3.2. Private investment in Vietnam
Private economic sector plays a crucial role on a series of aspects as contributing
to the socio-economic development, promoting to establish business ecosystem,
creating jobs, etc.
The aggregate capital and GDP of private sector are pretty good as consistently
leading in the economy. Nonetheless, the deatail value is not so optimistic. Firstly,
business size is not large. Secondly, the labor productivity of the non-state sector tends
to fairly bleak. Thirdly, difficulties come about in accessing capital. Fourthly, the level
of technology is still low. Last but not least, business costs such as wages,
transportation costs, pressure on capital costs, barriers to market entry, so on. cause
rather obstacles for private capital.
Figure 4.4. Capital and GDP structure by economic sector in Vietnam
Source: Vietnamese Statistical Yearbook
4.3.3. The impact of public expenditure on private investment in Vietnam
Preliminary review for the Vietnam case, public expenditure has positive impact
on private investment; but when public expenditure exceeded 30% of GDP, it starts to
take place effects which hinder private investment. In fact, this above ratio only existed
for a few years when the economy turned down, inflation surged in the period of 2009-
2010, 2013. Hence, public expenditure, in the general trend, still positively affect
private investment in Vietnam.
Figure 4.5. The relationship between public expenditure and private investment
in Vietnam
Source: Author’s model analysis results
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Nghìn tỷ đồng
Vốn nhà nước Vốn ngoài nhà nước
Vốn FDI %GDP Khu vực nhà nước
%GDP Kinh tế ngoài Nhà nước %GDP Khu vực FDI
22 24
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