1.1. Literature review. 16
1.2. Concept of ion beam mixing . 20
1.3. Atomic collisions in solids . 22
1.3.1. Kinematic of elastic collisions . 22
1.3.2. Differential cross-section . 24
1.3.3. Energy loss process . 25
1.4. Low-energy ion modification of solids and IBM process . 27
1.4.1. Recoil mixing . 29
1.4.2. Cascade mixing . 30
2.2. Ion implantation . 34
2.3. SRIM calculation . 39
2.4. Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) – an IBA method. . 41
2.5. Ellipsometry Spectroscopy (ES) method. 46
2.5.1. Light & Materials. 47
2.5.2. Interaction of Light and Materials . 48
2.5.3. Ellipsometry Measurements . 50
2.6. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) method. . 53
108 trang |
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ctromagnetic waves are aligned or have a certain recurring pattern known as polarized
light as shown in Fig. 2.7. The light that results when two orthogonal light waves are in
phase is linearly polarized. The resulting light is circularly polarized if the orthogonal
waves are 900 out of phase and equal in amplitude. The most typical polarization is called
"elliptical", and it consists of orthogonal waves with any amplitude and phase. This is
the origin of the name ellipsometry.
Fig. 2.7. Schematic of non-polarized light (a) and different polarized light forms: linear
(b), circular (c), and elliptical (d) polarized light [89].
The process by which incident light changes direction on the interface of two
optically different media is known as refraction. This phenomenon is linked to the
differences in propagation velocity between media. The only exception to this process
occurs when light arrives at an angle perpendicular to the surface. The degree of
refraction is determined by the refractive index n, defined by 𝑛 = 𝑐/𝑠, where, 𝑠 defines
the phase velocity of light in a medium and 𝑐 the speed of light in vacuum.
The absorption of light in materials is characterized by the extinction coefficient
(𝑘). In transparent mediums, no absorption of light occurs and 𝑘 corresponds to 0. In
absorbing medium, 𝑘 > 0. The amount of wave energy lost to the material is indicated
by the extinction coefficient, related to the absorption coefficient 𝛼 as follows
𝛼 =
. (2.3)
Light that propagates in a medium can be characterized using the complex refractive
index 𝑁 defined by: 𝑁 = 𝑛 – 𝑖𝑘, with 𝑛 is the refractive index, and 𝑘 is the extinction
An electromagnetic wave influences the material by generating polarization within the
material. This is described by the dielectric constant 𝜀 and is closely related to the
complex refractive index 𝑁. From Maxwell’s equations for conductors, 𝑁 ≡ 𝑛 − 𝑖𝑘 is
defined as 𝑁² ≡ 𝜀.
2.5.2. Interaction of Light and Materials
When light hits a surface separating two materials with different refractive
indexes, or oblique incidence, different phenomena occur. The direction of the
propagation of light may change due to either refraction or reflection. The most
important phenomena for ellipsometry are transmission (refracted wave) and reflection
(reflected wave). Snell’s law proves that the angle of the refracted light is dependent of
the refractive index of both media. Snell’s law is described by the following equation:
𝑁𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃𝑖 = 𝑁𝑡𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃𝑡, where, 𝑁𝑖 and 𝑁𝑡 represent the complex refractive indices of the two
media i and t, and 𝜃𝑖 and 𝜃𝑡 the angle of incidence and angle of transmitted light
respectively (Fig. 2.8a).
(a) (b)
Fig. 2.8. Reflection and refraction of light according to Snell’s law (a), and the plane of
incidence (b) [93].
In ellipsometry, the electric field vector is expressed in the (s, p, z) coordinate
system, rather than the three dimensional Cartesian (x, y, z) coordinate system. This
coordinate system simplifies the notation used to describe incident light. The z-axis
describes the direction of the incident wave, while s-polarized light has the electric field
vector perpendicular to the plane of incidence, p-polarized light parallel to the plane of
incidence. (German: s = senkrecht = perpendicular; p = parallel). This is illustrated in
Figure 2.8.b. When light reflects off or refracts on a sample surface at oblique incidence,
the p- and s- polarized light behave differently upon interacting with the sample. The
electric field vector is split into a p- and s- electric field vectors for incident, reflected
and refracted light, respectively notated as: Eip, Eis, Etp, Ets, Erp and Ers. The amplitude
coefficients for p- and s-polarized light is defined by Fresnel equations consist of rp, rs,
rp, rs. Where rp(s) is the reflection coefficient and tp(s) the transmission coefficient for
p(s) polarized light. These values are utilized to characterize light reflection and
transmission in terms of amplitude and phase variations.
2.5.3. Ellipsometry Measurements
Ellipsometry measures the change of polarization of light for each wavelength by
thin films and determine the ψ and Δ values. Through a proper optical dispersion model,
these angles are modeled to obtain the optical constants and thickness of thin films. In
ellipsometry, Δ is considered as the difference in phase difference between the phase
difference of p and s incoming waves and of the outgoing wave, and Ψ is the relative
amplitude ratio.
The fundamental equation of ellipsometry was given by
tan(ψ) 𝑒𝑖Δ =
. (2.4)
In a real situation, multiple mediums should be considered and multiple interfaces
influence the reflected light measured by ellipsometry. As a result, ellipsometry offers
information on all media. The ratio of the resultant reflected wave to the amplitude of
the incident wave can be calculated by the total reflection coefficient for p-parallel
polarized light (𝑅𝑝) and (𝑅𝑠)
𝑅𝑝 =
, 𝑅𝑠 =
, (2.5)
where 𝑟𝑥 (𝑥 + 1) is the Fresnel coefficient for media 𝑥 and 𝑥 + 1, calculated from the
Fresnel equations, and 𝛽 is the thickness factor describing the influence of the thickness
on the polarization state of the electromagnetic wave. 𝛽 is calculated using:
𝛽 = 2𝜋𝑁2𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃𝑟/𝜆, (2.6)
where d is the thickness of the medium, with λ the considered wavelength, 𝑁 the complex
refractive index and 𝜃𝑟 the angle of the refracted wave.
Fig.2.9. Reflection and refraction of light at each interface leading to multiple beams in
a thin film [93].
It should be notice that Eq. 2.4 describes the sample homogeneous isotropic
environment, flat layer with two opposite parallel walls and homogeneous isotropic
substrate. In a real situation, multiple mediums should be considered and multiple
interfaces influence the reflected light measured by ellipsometry. As a result,
ellipsometry offers information on all media. The following are the main equipment
needed to gather ellipsometry data: light source, polarization generator, sample,
polarization analyzer, and detector. Common ellipsometer configurations include
rotating analyzer (RAE), rotating polarizer (RPE), rotating compensator (RCE), and
phase modulation (PME) [92]. In the present study, the RAE configuration was used.
Fig. 2.10 is an overview of an RAE operation.
Fig. 2.10. The rotating analyzer ellipsometer (RAE) configuration [93].
Light from the source is polarized in the PSG by a linear polarizer oriented to
provide both p- and s-electric fields. The light reflects from the sample, changing the
polarization to generally an elliptical state. The elliptically polarized light travels through
the rotating analyzer to the detector. Detector transforms light into an electronic signal
to ascertain the polarization of the reflected light. To determine the polarization change
caused by the sample reflection, this data is compared to the known input polarization.
This is how Psi (Ψ) and Delta (Δ) are measured in ellipsometry.
In the present study, the ES experiments were conducted at the Institute of
Electron Technology in Warsaw, Poland using the RAE configurations. The ellipse of
the angles Ψ(λ) and Δ(λ) was measured with the light wavelength from 250 nm to 1100
nm, with the step of 1 nm at six different incident angles (i.e., the angle between direction
of incident light beam and the normal of the sample surface), namely 70.00, 72.00, 74.00,
76.00 78.00, and 80.00. Once all these SE experiments had done, all the measured angles
Ψ(λ) and Δ(λ) were used as input to calculate the spectra of Ψ(λ) and Δ(λ) using the
Multiple-angle-of-incidence Ellipsometry (MAIE) method [90]. In order to analyze the
optical parameters of the irradiated TiO2/SiO2/Si systems, a four-layer optical model was
constructed. It consists of a Si substrate, a SiO2 layer, TiO2 layer, and an interface layer
between SiO2 and TiO2. It was assumed that all layers are homogeneous, and the
boundaries between the materials are sharp. The thickness, and concentration of the
compounds of the material layers are free parameters, whose values were determined by
fitting to the experimental Ψ(λ) and Δ(λ) spectra. Knowing the values of all the parameter
models, the refractive index 𝑛, and extinction coefficient 𝑘, of the investigated samples
were deduced using the effective medium approximation (EMA) method [91].
2.6. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) method.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is a surface-sensitive analytical method
that bombards a material's surface with X-rays and measures the kinetic energy of the
released electrons [92]. The surface sensitivity of this technique and its capacity to
extract chemical state information from the elements in the sample are two of its key
qualities that make it effective as an analytical method. Soft X-rays are used in the XPS
method to excite the core and valence electrons of surface atoms. If the X-ray energy is
high enough, photoelectrons are released from the substance, and the instrument
measures their kinetic energies (𝐾𝐸). The photoelectric effect, which represents this
excitation process, is shown in Figure 2.11. Based on binding energy (𝐵𝐸), which is
calculated in relation to the Fermi level (EFermi) of the individual atoms, differences
between chemical elements in the near surface region are found. The key equation of the
photoeffect mechanism that combines the 𝐾𝐸 and 𝐵𝐸 of the photoelectron is given by:
𝐾𝐸 = ℎ𝜗 − 𝐵𝐸 − ∅𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟, (2.7)
where ℎ𝜗 represents the energy of the absorbed photon, and ∅𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 is the work
function of the spectrometer. Even when the Fermi levels of the spectrometer and the
sample are lined up in electrical contact, their associated work functions are not the same.
The work functions difference, which is really the contact potential between the sample
and the spectrometer, accelerates or decelerates an electron as it travels to the analyzer.
Fig. 2.11. Schematic of the electron's energy indicating the absorption of a photon and
emission of a photoelectron 2p level [93].
The element and orbital from which the photoelectron was emitted are noted on
photoelectron peaks. For instance, "O 1s" refers to electrons that leave an oxygen atom's
1s orbital. Any electrons emitted from the sample with binding energies smaller than the
energy of the x-ray source can be seen using the XPS technique. An electron's binding
energy is a property of the material and is unaffected by the X-ray source that ejected it.
The binding energy of photoelectrons will not change when experiments are run with
various X-ray sources, but the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons that are released will
vary, as shown by Eq. 2.7. This general equation makes it obvious that the binding
energies of the released electrons affect the kinetic energies that are measured by the
spectrometer. A depiction of the number of electrons detected versus their kinetic energy
characterizes a typical XPS spectrum. This spectrum tells us how the energy of electrons
is distributed throughout a material. The Fermi energy is used as the "natural" zero
reference point for solids in actual data accumulation. Each element that exists in or on
the surface of the material creates a characteristic set of XPS peaks at distinctive binding
energy values that directly identify each element. These characteristic peaks are related
to the atom's electron configuration, such as 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, etc. XPS has been used to
analyze the surface of practically any substance from plastics to fabrics, dirt and
semiconductors. All elements with order numbers 3 and higher can be measured,
however hydrogen and helium cannot be found because their orbitals' diameters are so
small that their electrons' photoemission cross sections are nearly zero. It turns out that
the inner electrons are most susceptible to being knocked out by X-ray energies.
It is crucial to remember that XPS only detects electrons that have really escaped
into the instrument's vacuum. The photo-emitted electrons that have escaped into the
instrument's vacuum are those that came from the material's top few nanometers. All of
the deeper photo-emitted electrons, produced as the X-rays pierced the material by 1 to
5 micrometers, are inelastically lost before escaping. The probabilities of an electron
interacting with a substance is higher than that of a photon. The electron's path length is
on the scale of tens of Ångströms, but the photon's path length is on the order of
micrometers. Consider a volume element of the sample with thickness 𝑑𝑧 at a depth 𝑧
under the sample surface. The photoelectrons that are emitted at an angle θ to the sample
surface's normal enter the detector and add to the spectrum. The probability that a
photoelectron will escape from the sample and enter semi-infinite space without losing
energy is:
𝑃(𝑧) = exp (−
), (2.8)
where 𝜆 is the photoelectron inelastic mean free path. Suppose that one layer of thickness
𝑑𝑧, by photoionization produces the intensity of photoectrons 𝑑𝐼 and assuming that the
thickness of the sample is much larger than few Ångströms then we can calculate the
intensity of the electrons emitted from the depth 𝑑 by following integral:
∫ 𝑑𝐼
= ∫ 𝛼exp(−
where 𝛼 is a coefficient depending on photoemission crosssection incident X-ray flux,
angle between photoelectron path and analyzer sample axis and others. The Beer-
Lambert relationship is then used to determine the intensity of electrons 𝐼𝑑 emitted from
all depths greater than 𝑑 in a direction normal to the surface. The electrons that can leave
the surface without losing energy and contribute to the peaks in the spectra are those that
originate within tens of Ångströms below the solid surfaces. The remaining electrons
that undergo inelastic processes, suffer energy loss, and either contribute to secondary
emission or enhance the spectral background. This is the primary cause of the XPS
method's high surface sensitivity.
Fig.2.12: The electron mean free path versus their kinetic energy for variety of metals
As indicated in Fig. 2.13a and 2.13b, XPS measurements were taken for the
present dissertation using the UHV (ultra-high vacuum) equipment at the Faculty of
Chemistry, MCSU in Lublin, Poland. Firstly, the sample is introduced through a
prechamber that is in contact with the outside environment. This prechamber is closed
and pumped to low vacuum. The sample is then placed into the main chamber, which
has an ultra-high vacuum environment. Ultra-high vacuum (10−9 mbar) was maintained
throughout the analytical process to ensure the photoelectrons traveled the farthest
distance feasible along their mean path and to prevent contamination of the sample
surface. Fluids and other outgassing materials cannot be examined under low pressure
in ultra-high vacuum, making them unsuitable for XPS characterization. An X-ray beam
is used to irradiate the sample's surface. By reflecting from a bent quartz crystal, X-rays
can be efficiently monochromatized to create so-called monochromatic X-ray sources.
Monochromatic X-rays have the advantage of having a narrower natural beam width
than the unfiltered X-ray line, which enhances the resolution of the photoelectric peaks
in the XPS spectra.
Electrostatic transfer lens transport the photoelectrons from the X-ray-excited
material to the electrostatic hemispherical mirror analyzer. An electron detector, a
hemispherical deflector with entrance and exit slits, and a multi-element electrostatic
input lens make up a traditional hemispherical analyzer. The deflector, which has two
concentric hemispheres (of radius 𝑅1 and 𝑅2), is the analyzer's main component. These
hemispheres are maintained at a potential difference of 𝛥𝑉 when the constant analyzer
energy mode is used. The functions of the electrostatic lens is deceleration and focusing
the photoelectrons onto the entrance slit. Electrons entering the analyzer with an energy
𝐸0 and a radius 𝑅0 = (𝑅1 + 𝑅2)/2 , follow a circular path with constant radius. This
energy 𝐸0 is defined as the pass energy. The chosen pass energy and the analyzer's size
determine the potentials applied to the inner and outer hemispheres. On the end of the
analyzer the electrons hit the electron detector, and their energy is measured. We can
efficiently record the photoemission intensity versus the photoelectron kinetic energy by
scanning the lens retarding potential.
In this work, XPS method was used to study experimentally influence of changes
in chemical composition induced by ion irradiation on mixing amount of TiO2/SiO2
systems as function of ion energy. XPS spectra were recorded in the energy range of 450
eV - 462 eV, this energy range represents the binding energy of the electrons Ti 2p.
Fig. 2.13. UHV ultra-high vacuum system in Faculty of Chemistry, MCSU in
Lublin, Poland (a), and the simplified schematic (b) [96].
The Thermo Scientific equipped with a monochromatic Al K radiation source
(E = 1486.6 eV). Al anodes was used because of a dominant, strong resonance in the X-
ray spectrum. For the Al X-ray, a doublet arises from the 2p1/2, 2p3/2 → 1s electronic
relaxation. These are so called Kα1,2 lines. The analyser was operated in the CAE mode
with a pass energy of 20 eV. This method provides detection limits to ~ 0.1% atomic, is
very surface sensitive (top <10 nm) and gives chemical bonding information.
3.1. Influence of ion energy and mass on mixing of TiO2/SiO2 structures with
different thickness
In this section, variation in structural properties TiO2/SiO2/Si systems induced by
noble gas ion irradiation will be investigated using RBS method. The mixing process at
the TiO2/SiO2 interface is described by shifting of borders associated to elements in RBS
spectra. Mixing amount and direction are determined by changes in thickness of TiO2
and TiO2/SiO2 transition layers. The mixing behavior will be investigated as a function
of energy and mass of the incident ions for different thicknesses of TiO2 and SiO2 thin
3.1.1. Characterization of samples and the mixing process.
Regarding modification of the irradiated TiO2/SiO2/Si structures, the RBS spectra
of the thinner-layer samples (group 1) irradiated with Kr+ ions of 100, 150, 200, and 250
keV as well as that of the virgin one are shown in Fig. 3.1 as an example. The distribution
of elemental concentrations inside a sample can be seen in the RBS spectrum, which
expresses the yield of backscattered ions as a function of their energy. In a brief, the
peaks whose position and width in corresponding RBS spectrum correlate to the element
species and location (in depth profile) inside the sample are used to represent the
presence of elements. In Fig. 3.1, vertical arrows pointing to the high-energy edges of
the corresponding peaks (also known as kinetic borders) at 530 and 1100 keV,
respectively, denote the presence of O and Ti at the near surface layer of the examined
TiO2/SiO2/Si samples. The high-energy edge positions of O and Ti are not significantly
affected by the angle between the incident ion beam and the samples since the scattering
interactions take place at the near surface layers. Actually, the detector-limited resolution
is the only factor contributing to the expansion of these high-energy edges. These edges
are shifted in accordance with the change in incidence ion angle when incident ions
interact with atoms in subsurface layers. Meanwhile, the shape of the corresponding low-
energy edges depends strongly on energy straggling and film thickness.
In Fig. 3.1, inclined arrows at the energy boundaries of 770 and 830 keV,
respectively, indicate the presence of Si in the substrate and SiO2 layers. He+ ions
backscattered from O in both the TiO2 and SiO2 layers are shown by the band having an
energy between 370 and 530 keV. Whereas, a vertical arrow pointing to the high-energy
edges of the corresponding peaks at about 1225 keV indicates the presence of Kr atoms
in the irradiated samples. O and Si concentrations dropped as a result of the implantation
of Kr+ ions, and this was associated by a significant decline in the yields of backscattered
He+ ions with energies roughly equal to 485 and 800 keV for O and Si, respectively.
Clearly, the RBS spectrum of non-irradiated TiO2/SiO2 sample lacked a Kr peak. In the
meantime, the Kr peaks of the irradiated samples shifted as the ion energy increased.
This shift can be partially attributable to variations in the Kr distribution, which also
affect TiO2 and SiO2 layer thicknesses and the degree of mixing between these materials.
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
Kr+ => TiO2/SiO2/Si
E He+ = 1500 keV
Channel number
100 keV
150 keV
200 keV
250 keV
Si SiO2 layer
Si Si substrate
400 600 800 1000 1200
Energy [keV]
Fig.3.1. The RBS spectra that were collected from the thinner-layer samples (group 1)
un-implanted and implanted with Kr+ ions at different energies.
For better understanding in structure of the TiO2/SiO2/Si irradiated material, the
elemental depth profiles (also called the RBS profiles) from the experimental RBS
spectra were determined using the SIMNRA code. Fig. 3.2 provides an illustration of the
most instructive portion of the RBS profile for the sample implanted with 250-keV Kr+.
With the 1.5-MeV He+ ion beam, all the RBS profiles were produced with an accessible
depth of up to about 609 nm and an accuracy of 0.1% for the Ti. It should be emphasized
that the SIMNRA calculations made use of the assumption that material layers were
homogeneous. The structure of the sample material can thus be inferred from the RBS
profiles, which show the relative atomic concentrations throughout the depth of the
sample. In the case of 250-keV Kr+ implantation, the sample structure is formed by Si
substrate; SiO2, TiO2 layers and a transition area between them (the latter is highlighted
by gray in Fig. 3.2). Based on the 1:2 ratios between Ti-O and Si-O concentrations, the
individual TiO2 and SiO2 layers are identified. Si and O concentrations reduced in the
deep region from 205 to 410 atoms/cm2, but the Si:O ratio remained constant at 1:2. This
fact is interpreted by the presence of Kr atoms (green triangles) in the irradiated material.
0 200 400 600 800
Depth [*1015*atoms/cm2]
Fig.3.2. The most informative part of the RBS depth profiles for 250-Kr+ implanted
TiO2/SiO2/Si sample. In standard international units, the thickness of the transition layer
determined from the RBS depth profile is 15 nm.
The transition layer is recognized due to the fact that, in this region, the
concentration of Ti (blue triangles) decreases and that of Si (red circle) increases with
depth. High concentration of Si was found for both un-irradiated and irradiated samples.
This refers to diffusion of the Si from SiO2 layer towards sample surface during
fabrication process. Means that the transition layer was form even before ion irradiation.
Using an atomic density 5.13x1022 predicted by SRIM code, thickness of the transition
layer for the virgin sample equal 9.7 nm, it broadens to 15.0 nm after implanted by 250-
keV Kr+ ions. This fact, together with variation in TiO2 layer thickness, dedicates the
approaches for mixing characterization that will be discussed in the next sections. Based
on SRIM simulation, the element displacement distribution showing in Fig. 3.3 confirms
the variations in the TiO2/SiO2 transition layer found by RBS, in which the transition
layer is likewise indicated in gray. Since Kr+ ions have low energy (250 keV), the mixing
process, which refers to the migration of displaced Ti or Si atoms across the SiO2 or TiO2
layers, is solely caused by ballistic effects. The latter implies