The thesis applies the concept of competitiveness from both
productivity-based view and cost-based view. Accordingly, national
competitiveness is regarded as a set of factors contributing to social
productivity; and the growth in productivity in turn determines the level
of growth and prosperity of a nation.
The thesis combines different approaches of competitiveness to
build a separate analytical framework on Vietnam’s national
competitiveness. Specifically: (i) Develop a pyramid-shaped analytical
framework on competitiveness; (ii) Relying on a productivity-based view
of competitiveness associated with development stages; (iii) consistent
with the requirements of reform towards a market economy; views,
priorities and reform efforts of the Party and the Government; (iv) Adapt
to the impact of the international context of technology transition, new
business models and Free Trade Agreements
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the GII is referred quite widely. Although these
indexes are intended to help countries identify strengths and limitations
of innovation, they do not present causes and specific policy implications.
1.1.3. Studies of ministerial/ provincial competitiveness
Most of the studies related to ministerial/provincial
competitiveness are domestic documents. Currently, there are many
different gradings of ministerial/provincial competitiveness. For
example: The Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) by VCCI; the
Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index
(PAPI); the Public Administration Reform Index (PAR-Index).
1.1.4. Studies of industrial/ enterprise competitiveness
a. Foreign studies: International studies of industrial competitiveness
that are referenced widely include the Travel and Tourism
Competitiveness Index (TTCI) by the WEF; the Logistics Performance
Index (LPI) by the WB; etc.
b. Domestic studies: There are various domestic studies of industrial
competitiveness. Some studies assess competitiveness in the sectors of
industry, agriculture, and services, but some others assess
competitiveness in a specific industry such as electronics, garment,
fisheries, etc. These studies include UNIDO (2011); IPP and CIEM
(2013); Pham M Duc et al. (2013); Nguyen D. Cung et al. (2011); etc.
1.1.5. Research gaps
Although there are many domestic and foreign studies of the
Vietnam’s national competitiveness and of its factors, there is still a lack
of research and systematic analysis of competitiveness theories, real
situation and challenges of Vietnam’s national competitiveness,
especially in the context of rapid technology changes, emergence of new
business models and economic integration. The above studies proposed
solutions that are associated with specific issues in line with the scope of
those studies, but have not yet mentioned the causes of the bottlenecks
hindering Vietnam’s national competitiveness. In addition, the policy
implications identified from the rankings are oriented solutions, but not
concrete, feasible solutions.
With the limitations from the previous studies, this thesis is to
solve the issues of Vietnam’s national competitiveness that have not been
studied. Specifically: (i) Review the theoretical views of
competitiveness; (ii) Develop an approach of assessing Vietnam’s
national competitiveness (that is a combination of various theoretical
frameworks; based on international practices and adjusted to be relevant
to the reality, development stage and reform orientations of Vietnam as
well as capture the changes of international context); (iii) Identify
challenges for Vietnam’s national competitiveness through analyzing the
ranked indicators and assessing the practical situation; and identify
causes of the challenges; (iv) Proposing solutions to overcome
bottlenecks hindering Vietnam’s national competitiveness.
1.2. Research orientation of the thesis
1.2.1. Research objectives
The thesis aims to develop an analytical framework of Vietnam’s
national competitiveness, to identify challenges and their causes; then
propose solutions to enhance the national competitiveness. Specifically:
(1) Define the concept and the analyzing framework of Vietnam’s
national competitiveness; (2) Identify the position of Vietnam through
analyzing the global rankings; (3) Identify the factors hindering the
national competitiveness, basing on assessing the indicators with low or
dropped grades and through assessing practical situation; (4) Analyze the
causes of challenges with a focus on the subjective causes; and (5)
Analyze the new international context affecting Vietnam’s national
competitiveness (the fourth industrial revolution (IR 4.0) and Free Trade
Agreements) and propose solutions for enhancing competitiveness.
1.2.2. Research object, scope and method of the thesis
a. Research objects: are the theoretical issues of competitiveness, related
indicators and practical situation of Vietnam’s national competitiveness.
b. Scope of research:
Contents of research: The thesis studies national competitiveness
from the theories of competitiveness, determines the position of Vietnam
in the global competitiveness map and identifies its challenges from
analyzing the global rankings and assessing practical situation in
Vietnam. The specific contents include: (1) Overview of Vietnam’s
national competitiveness with a focus on analyzing GCI; (2) Business
environment; (3) Institutional reform; (4) The quality of human
resources; and (5) Innovation.
Timing scope: The thesis evaluates the real situation of Vietnam’s
national competitiveness from 2011 up to now, with more emphasis from
2014. Recommendations are for the short-term (2020-2025) and for the
long-term to 2030 and the following years.
Space cope: The thesis evaluates the real situation of Vietnam’s
competitiveness at national level; compares it with those of ASEAN
c. Research method: The thesis applies various research methods
(including synthesis, analysis, statistics, comparison, interpolation,
extrapolation, etc.).
2.1. Concept of competitiveness
2.1.1. Definition of competitiveness from the cost/ market share- based view
The cost/market share-based view looks at competitiveness as a
location’s unit cost level, driving companies’ ability to compete
successfully on global markets. This is zero-sum view of competitiveness
that one country’s improvement is another country’s loss. This definition
is motivated by a concern about a nation’s “external balance”, i.e. its
ability to sell its products and services, defend international market share,
and thus generate the inflows needed to pay for imports.
This view has been criticized on a number of studies. The largely
zero-sum view of competition among firms misses important aspects of
the way nations relate to each other. Therefore, Krugman (1994) viewed
competitiveness as a potentially dangerous concept; It can be used to
motivate policies that lower costs and thus raise exports but in doing so
entrench zero-sum competition among locations and lower prosperity.
2.1.2. Definition of competitiveness from the productivity-based view
Overcoming the limitations of the cost/market share view of
competitiveness, the definition of competitiveness from the productivity-
based view was discussed and has an increasing consensus. Accordingly,
competitiveness is seen as a nation’s productivity level, driving the
standard of living for citizen in that nation sustainable. Scott (1985)
argues that national competitiveness is the ability of a country to produce
and distribute goods and services in competitive international market, and
in that way increase the standard of living. This definition was confirmed
and emphasized more deeply in Porter (1990, 2000), where he regards
competitiveness as factors that create wealth and increase economic
efficiency. This view also has the consensus by ECLAC (1990), Dollar
and Wolff (1993).
2.2. Theoretical backgound and the evolution of competitiveness definitions
The thesis studies the evolution of definitions of competitiveness
through reviewing the economic doctrines presenting the ideas of
classical theory, neoclassical theory, Keynesian theory, development
economics theories, new growth theory and new trade theory. The
classical economic theories suggest the definition of competitiveness: (i)
Every nation plays a certain role in the division of the work force based
on the comparative advantage. If the technology and productivity are the
same for each nation, the trade would be pointless; (ii) Even if a state is
more productive than the other in producing a certain good, it could
register a decline of this industry in the terms of free trade.
The neoclassical economic theories provide the implications of
competitiveness that: (i) Every nation has its own role in the labour
division, based on the relative proportions of the production factors. If
the proportion is the same, then the trade would be useless; (ii) The
equalisation of factor prices implies a certain degree of convergence of
incomes derived from capital and labour; (iii) In the conditions of perfect
competition, the competitiveness concept is not sustainable on long term.
The concept of competitiveness from the Keynesian theory are
recognized as follows: (i) The state may interfere successfully whenever;
(ii) The imperfect markets allow the existence of regional disparities; (iii)
The regional convergence may be acquired through economic policies;
(iv) The intensity of capital leads to economic and productivity growth.
The development economics theories suggest some features
relevant to the concept of competitiveness. Specifically: (i) The central
regions that have a productive advantage will maintain their positions
ahead of the peripheric regions; (ii) The economic policies should
consider the state of development of every region; (iii) The economic
policies should promote the “multiplication effects” of FDI.
From the endogenous growth theories, competitiveness is regarded
as follow: (i) The technological and human capital improvements
represent the engines of growth; (ii) Free trade is a determinant of growth
and technological development; (iii) The R&D are very important.
The new theories of trade suggest features of competitiveness,
including: (i) The labour specialisation is necessary; (ii) The investments
intensify the economies of scale.
In addition, the concept of competitiveness can be defined from
the institutional theories. Accordingly, institutions contribute to
productivity by facilitating businesses and directing companies’ efforts
toward productive activities.
2.3. The concept of competitiveness in policy related works and studies
2.3.1. Applying the competitivenss concept from productivity based view
Good examples of work concerned with the competitiveness
concept from productivity-based view are the Global Competitiveness
Report published by the WEF; the competitiveness reports of some
nations (i.e. Latvia Competitiveness Report 2013, Vietnam
Competitiveness Report 2010, Singapore Competitiveness report, etc.).
2.3.2. Applying the competitivenss concept from cost based view
Good examples of works/studies more concerned with the concept
of competitiveness from the cost-based view are Doing Business by WB,
the sectoral studies by consultants (i.e. Sirkin et al. 2014) and the reports
of the Productivity Commissions in Australia and New Zealand.
Remarks: The concept of competitiveness is a controversial issue.
Each of the concepts has validity with respect to the issue for which it
has been created, therefore assessing competitiveness of a nation can be
applied both concepts (productivity-based view and cost-based view).
2.4. Approaches of competitiveness by international organizations
2.4.1. National competitiveness
a. The WEF’s approach of global competitiveness index
The WEF published the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) on
the basis on adapting Porter’s theory of competitiveness from productivity-
based view. Accordingly, the WEF studied and benchmarked many factors
underpinning national competitiveness, consisting of: (1) Natural
endowments, (2) Macro-level competitiveness and (3) Micro-level
competitiveness; and taking the stages of development into account by
attributing higher relative weights to those pillars that are more relevant for
an economy given its particular stage of development.
b. The WEF’s approach of global competitiveness index 4.0
In the midst of rapid technological change, since 2017, the WEF
has introduced the new Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 (GCI 4.0). The
GCI 4.0 reflects the growing complexity of policy prioritization by
weighting pillars equally rather than according to a country’s current
stage of development. In essence, the index offers each economy a level
playing field to define its path to growth.
c. IMD’s approach of World Competitiveness Yearbook
IMD publishes annually the World Competitiveness Yearbook
(WCY). According to IMD, an economy's competitiveness goes beyond
measures of GDP by country and productivity because there are political,
social and cultural factors that affect competitiveness. For this reason,
IMD groups hundreds of criteria into four fundamental dimensions or
factors of competitiveness, namely: economic performance, government
efficiency, business efficiency, and infrastructure.
d. European Commission’s Regional competitiveness index
European Commission introduces the Regional competitiveness
index (EU RCI) to measure factors of competitiveness of EU’s members.
The RCI is the region's capability to create an attracting and sustainable
environment for businesses and people to live and work (Dijkstra et al.
2011). This approach is to balance the goals of business success and
citizen welfare. The RCI follows the framework adopted by the WEF for
its GCI. The RCI is composed of 11 pillars classified into three groups:
Basic, Efficiency and Innovation.
e. Approaches to competitiveness of some nations
In the world, a number of countries have also developed their own
approach to annually assess their competitiveness (such as Ireland). Some
other countries (i.e. Mexico, Brazil, etc.) base on the available approach
(mainly the productivity based view) to analyze and evaluate the factors
of their competitiveness.
2.4.2. Industrial/ business competitiveness
At business level, competitiveness is regarded as the ability to
provide products and services more efficiently and effectively than
related competitors. At industrial level, there are many different views on
competitiveness. Lall (2001) determined that industrial competitiveness
means achieving relative efficiency with sustainable growth. Martin,
Westgren and Van Duren (1991), Fischer and Schornberg (2007)
supposed that industrial competitiveness is the ability to profit and
maintain sustainable market share. A recent approach regards
productivity as the source of industrial competitiveness (Porter 1990).
2.4.3. Competitiveness identified from specific factors (indicators)
a. The World Bank’s Doing Business: measures and ranks 10
indicators of doing business according to business cycle.
b. The WB’s Worldwide Governance Indicator: measures and ranks
governance efficiency of nations.
c. Index of Economic Freedom developed by the Heritage
Foundation and the Wall Street Journal: assesses the government
intervention in business activities.
d. The Property Rights Alliance’s International property rights
index: measures the degree of property rights protection.
2.5. Selected concept and approach to Vietnam’s national competitiveness
The thesis applies the concept of competitiveness from both
productivity-based view and cost-based view. Accordingly, national
competitiveness is regarded as a set of factors contributing to social
productivity; and the growth in productivity in turn determines the level
of growth and prosperity of a nation.
The thesis combines different approaches of competitiveness to
build a separate analytical framework on Vietnam’s national
competitiveness. Specifically: (i) Develop a pyramid-shaped analytical
framework on competitiveness; (ii) Relying on a productivity-based view
of competitiveness associated with development stages; (iii) consistent
with the requirements of reform towards a market economy; views,
priorities and reform efforts of the Party and the Government; (iv) Adapt
to the impact of the international context of technology transition, new
business models and Free Trade Agreements.
3.1. Overview of Vietnam’s national competitiveness
3.1.1. Some achievements
Since the early 2000s, the Government has paid attention to
enhance national competitiveness. Since 2014, the Government has
officially chosen to improve Vietnam’s competitiveness according to
international practices; recognized the ranking results on competitiveness
published by prestigious international organizations to identify problems
and to do reform. The Government's efforts are mainly focused on
enabling business environment and on institutional reform. Thanks to
that, the score (the quality) of Vietnam’s competitiveness has been raised.
In the period of 2012-2017, although the GCI grades for Vietnam
change unsustainably, but its scores have continuously improved. The GCI
rank for Vietnam in 2017 (55th) exceeded 20 levels compared to 2012
(75th). Since 2015, Vietnam's business doing scores have continuously
improved; its rank in 2019 (69th) increased by 21 places compared to 2015
(90th). Vietnam's GII rank has also improved continuously (its position in
2019 increased by 29 places compared to 2014).
3.1.2. Improvements of competitiveness indicators and the impacts
on productivity
a. Impact on productivity: Productivity (GDP/number of labors)
increased in terms of both value and growth rate.
b. Improving quality of growth: Total Factor Productivity (TFP)
contributes increasingly to GDP growth. The efficiency of inputs and the
improvement of business environment contribute to the growth of TFP.
c. Attracting more resources: This is reflected in the increase of the
number of newly registered enterprises and increased registered capital;
the number of enterprises returning to operation; etc.
d. Improving trade balance: The trade balance has improved
considerably, from a deficit of 9.8 billion USD (in 2011) to a surplus of
6.8 billion USD (in 2018).
e. Improving capital efficiency: A decrease in ICOR represents an
increase in the efficiency of investment capital.
f. Some other positive impacts: The Purchasing Managers' Index
(PMI) for Vietnam always presents an expansion, showing an optimistic
business psychology.
3.2. Identifying challenges for Vietnam’s competitiveness
3.2.1. Identifying challenges from the WEF’s Global competitiveness index
The WEF’s GCI for the period 2006 to present shows five (05)
problems that constraint Vietnam’s competitiveness. Namely:
(1) Institution: Challenges are reflected in the indicators of Judicial
independence, Burden of regulations, Corruption, Property rights;
(2) Skills: Challenges are reflected in the indicators of Quality of
vocational training, Skillset of graduates, Critical thinking in teaching;
(3) Product market: Challenges are reflected in the indicators of non-
tariff barrier (specialized inspection procedures);
(4) Business dynamism: Challenges are reflected in the indicators of
starting a business, Insolvency;
(5) Innovation capability: Challenges are reflected in the indicators of
R&D expenditures, Patent applications; etc.
3.2.2. Identifying challenges of business environment
Business environment is an important pillar of national
competitiveness. In Vietnam, although the business environment has
improved, its rank is still slower than other countries in the region.
a. Starting a business: The regulations for starting a business in
Vietnam have not yet created favorable conditions for businesses. The
reasons include: (i) inadequate regulations on business registration; (ii)
there are gaps between regulations and implementation; (iii) lack of
coordination among agencies in implementation.
b. Dealing with construction permit: This procedure is currently
creating a major barrier, causing difficulties and frustrations for
businesses and people (the time lasts 166 days). The reasons are
explained as follows: (i) The adjustments of legal documents make more
difficulties; (ii) There is a gap between the regulations and the
implementation; (iii) Attitude and responsibility of officers.
c. Trading across border: This index of Vietnam stands at a low
position and has continuously decreased in the last 4 years; lags behind
ASEAN 4. High time and costs for customs clearance in Vietnam are
mainly due to specialized inspection procedures, which negatively affects
investment and business activities, and thus the economy’s productivity.
The reasons are: (i) There are many unpredictable legal documents on
specialized inspection; (ii) The principles according to international
practices (such as risk management, post inspection, etc.) have not been
paid attention by ministries; (iii) There is a fact of adding items to the list
of goods in Group 2; (iv) Scope of items under inspection is too wide;
and (v) The applications of online procedures are not substantial.
3.2.3. Identifying challenges of institution
The theoretical schools and pactices show that a market economy
institution brings more prosperity to the economy. The Index of
Economic Freedom measures institutional quality that represents market
efficiency. However, this index of Vietnam is ranked very low and
considered “mostly unfree”.
a. Property rights: According to the International property rights
index 2018 published by the Property Rights Alliance, Vietnam was
placed at 76th. Vietnam’s Physical Property Rights Subindex was placed
at 82/125, of which its registering property with score and ranking were
lower than all ASEAN countries ranked in the list. This is similar to the
survey results conducted by the WB in Doing Business. It can be argued
that property rights in Vietnam have not been protected.
The causes can be explained as follows: (i) The legal framework
on property rights protection is not comprehensive; (ii) There are
inadequacies in regulations and implementation of land use rights; (iii)
Some regulations are not transparent, which leads to ineffective
implementation or inconsistent interpretation; (iv) There are overlaps and
inconsistencies between regulations; (v) The procedures of registering
property are cumbersome, time consuming and costly.
b. Enforcing contracts and Resolving insolvency: These are under the
responsibility of the judiciary and have been slowly improved over the
years. There are many shortcomings in regulations and the judicial
administrative procedures are lacking a transparency. Therefore, over the
past 5 years, the indicator of Enforcing contracts decreased by 15 places;
Resolving insolvency decreased 29 places (standing at the bottom of the
ranking). The reasons can be explained as follows:
Regarding enforcing contract: (i) The dispute resolution
procedures at court are complicated, unpredictable and difficult to
implement. Simple proceedings for the settlement of small value cases
disputes have not been implemented in practice; (ii) The mechanism for
resolving disputes through arbitration is still difficult; (iii) Weak judicial
administration; slow judicial reform; poor implementation; (iv) Low rate
of successful judgment execution; (v) The limited capacity of judges,
judicial officers, and lack of transparency in judicial status.
Regarding Resolving insolvency: The shortcomings of the Law on
Bankruptcy and related legal documents, the inconsistencies between the
laws are the major bottlenecks in resolving insolvency.
c. The situation of legal quality in Vietnam
One of the challenges for Vietnam’s national competitiveness is
the institutional barrier, especially the burden of regulations. This
situation is explained by many reasons, for example: (i) Policies and laws
are unstable, untransparent and unfair, and unpredictable; (ii) Limited
capacity in drafting legal documents; (iii) Policy advocacy for the
interests of a small group or part of society; and (iv) There are many
shortcomings in the way of making and implementing laws.
d. The situation of corruption and informal costs in Vietnam
In general, international organizations have pointed out that
corruption is one of the bottlenecks for Vietnam’s national
competitiveness. This assessment is also consistent with VCCI's survey
on PCI, where informal costs tended to decrease in the last two years, but
remain high. This is due to poor regulatory quality and implementation.
e. Barrier of business conditions: In fact, business conditions are still
creating a heavy barrier, leading to risks and increasing costs for
investment and doing business. They create room for corruption and
hinder innovation.
3.2.4. Challenges of human resource
Industry Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0) poses req
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