Due to the gender characteristics of gold mining activities, the
studied group and the control group only includes male people:
- Group 1: Hair and blood samples were collected from the control
group of 50 students living in the city of Hanoi, ages from 18 to 22.
- Group 2: The amalgam worker group includes 40 workers who
directly use mercury to make amalgam with gold in gold mining and
processing in Than Sa commune, Vo Nhai district, Thai Nguyen
province. Both blood and hair samples of this group were collected.
- Group 3: The gold miners group includes 24 workers directly
mining ore in the gold mine in Than Sa commune, Vo Nhai district, Thai
Nguyen province. Due to religious difficulty, only blood samples were
collected from this group, but no hair samples were collected.
Total mercury in blood and hair samples was determined by CVAAS, methyl mercury was determined by the developed analytical
method for biological samples. The results of mercury and methyl
mercury exposure assessment in hair are presented in Figure 3.26
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Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang tài liệu Research on the development of analytical method for methyl mercury in biological and environmental samples in than sa gold mine, Thai Nguyen, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
1.7.2. Gold mining activities in Than Sa commune, Vo Nhai district,
Thai Nguyen province
2.1. Instrument, chemicals
2.1.1. Instrument, apparatus
- Automatic trace mercury analyzer Model VAST-HG 01(Upgraded,
designed and built by Institute of Chemistry).
- Gas chromatography with electron capture detector (GC-ECD,
Shimadzu- GC 2010).
- High performance liquid chromatography - Inductively coupled
plasma - Mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS) by Perkin-Elmer Model
Nexion 2000.
- Analytical balance with accuracy of 10
g (Satorious).
- Hot plate: Stuart SB300
- Vortex mixer: Fisher brand Whirli Mixer
- Bottle-top dispenser: Socorex Calibrex 520/530
- Centrifuge: Heraeus Multifuge 3SR, Thermo Fisher Scientific.
- Oven: Memmert UN55 (Germany).
- Centrifuge tube: 50 mL, 15 mL
- Volumetric flasks: 50mL, 100mL, 500mL, 1000mL.
- Sample digestion flask (quartz): 50 mL
- Pipettes, glass beakers
Because Hg in the samples has trace levels, the instruments and
apparatuses must be cleaned carefully to avoid maximum contamination
by soaking in KMnO4 0,5% + H2SO4 1N solution, and then washing and
rinsing by distilled water.
2.1.2. Chemicals
Due to strict requirements of analysis, distilled water and reagents
must be of high purity. During the research, the following chemicals and
reagents had been used:
1. Acid HNO3 65% Merck, PA
2. Acid H2SO4 98% Merck, PA
3. Acid HClO4 72% Merck, PA
4. Acid HCl 36% Merck, PA
5. Acid HBr 48% Sigma-Aldrich, PA
6. SnCl2.2H2O Merck, PA
7. KMnO4 Merck, PA
8. Hydroxylamine (NH2OH.HCl) Merck
9. Na4EDTA (C10H12N2O8Na4.4H2O) Merck
10. Dithizone (C6H5N:NCSNHNHC6H5) Merck
11. Stock solution Hg
1000 mg/L Merck
12. Methyl mercury salt (CH3HgCl) Merck
13. Toluene Merck
14. Hexane Merck
15. Acetic acid (CH3COOH) Merck
16. NaOH Merck
17. CuCl2.2H2O Merck
18. L-cysteine hydrochloride Merck
2.1.3. Chemical preparation and standard solutions
1. NaOH 10M: Dissolve 400g NaOH (analytical grade) in 1 L of
distilled water.
2. NaOH 0.1M: Transfer 1 mL of NaOH 10M solution into a 100 mL
volumetric flask and add distilled water to the mark.
3. HCl 1M: Transfer 82 mL of HCl 36% into a 1000 mL volumetric
flask which already has 500 mL distilled water, add distilled water to
make a final volume of 1000 mL.
4. H2SO4 20N: Gradually add 600 mL of H2SO4 98% into a volumetric
flask of 1000 mL which already has 350 mL distilled water. Cool down
to room temperature and then add distilled water to the mark.
5. HBr 5M: Transfer 271.5 mL concentrated HBr 48% into a
1000mL volumetric flask and add distilled water to make a final volume
of 1000 mL.
6. CuCl2 2M: Dissolve 342 g of CuCl2.2H2O in 1 L of distilled water.
7. NH2OH.HCl 10%: Dissolve 10g of NH2OH.HCl in 100 mL of
distilled water.
8. EDTA 10%: Dissolve 10 g of Na4EDTA (C10H12N2O8Na4.4H2O)
in 100 mL of distilled water.
9. Dithizone 0.01% in toluene: Dissolve 0.01 g diphenylthiocarbazone
(C6H5N:NCSNHNHC6H5) in 100 mL of toluene.
10. Purify Dithizone solution: Transfer 100 mL Dithizone 0.01%
into 200 mL separatory funnel, add 50 mL of NaOH 0.1N and shake
briefly for 5 minutes, discard toluene organic phase. The aqueous phase
will be acidified with HCl 1N so that the solution will become green and
re-extracted with 100 mL of toluene, discard the aqueous phase and store
Dithizone-toluene solution in a brown color glass container. Prepare a
fresh solution for each analysis.
11. L-cysteine 0.1%: Dissolve 10 mg of L-cysteine hydrochloride
C3H7O2S.HCl.H2O in 10 mL of NaOH 0.1N. Prepare a fresh solution for
each analysis.
12. Methyl mercury stock solution: Weight out and dissolve 12.5 mg
of CH3HgCl in a 100 mL toluene, 1 mL of this solution contains 100 µg
of Hg.
13. Methyl mercury standard solution: Dilute stock solution 100-fold
with toluene to obtain a methyl mercury standard solution, 1 mL of this
solution contains 1.0 µg of Hg.
14. Methyl mercury-cysteine solution: Transfer 0.5 mL of the
methyl mercury standard solution and 5 mL of the L-cysteine 0.1%
solution into a 10-ml conical centrifuge tube fitted with a glass stopper.
Shake for 3 minutes with a shaker to extract methyl mercury into the
aqueous phase. Centrifuge at 1200 rpm for 3 minutes and draw off and
discard the organic phase (upper phase). The obtained solution contains
0.1 µg Hg/mL, seal the tube and store in a cool dark place. Prepare a
fresh solution monthly.
15. SnCl2 10%: Dissolve 10 g of SnCl2.2H2O in 9 mL of HCl and
dilute to 100 mL with distilled water.
16. KMnO4 0.5%: Dissolve 0.5 g KMnO4 in 100 mL distilled water.
2.2. Validation of the analytical method for the determination of
total Hg by CV-AAS
2.2.1. Calibration curve construction for total Hg determination
2.2.2. Analytical method for the determination of total Hg in soil and
2.2.3. Analytical method for total mercury in water
2.2.4. Analytical method for total mercury in fish, hair and blood
2.3. Validation of the analytical method for the determination of Me-
Hg in sediment by GC-ECD
2.3.1. Calibration curve construction for Me-Hg determination by GC-
2.3.2. Analytical method for Me-Hg in sediment by GC-ECD
2.4. Research, development of analytical method for the determination of
Me-Hg in biological samples by CV-AAS
2.4.1. Calibration curve construction for Me-Hg determination by CV-
2.4.2. Analytical method for Me-Hg in biological samples by CV-AAS
2.5. Subjects and research methods
2.5.1. Research subjects
- Research samples:
Environmental samples (sediment, water) and fishery collected in
rivers and streams in the gold mining area in Than Sa commune, Vo
Nhai district, Thai Nguyen province.
Human biological samples including hair, blood directly working
in the exploitation and processing gold in Than Sa commune, Vo Nhai
district, Thai Nguyen province.
- Analytical method for mercury speciation in biological and
environmental samples:
Validation of the analytical method for the determination of total
Hg by CV-AAS.
Validation of the analytical method for the determination of Me-
Hg by GC-ECD.
Research, development of analytical method for the determination
of Me-Hg in biological samples by CV-AAS.
2.5.2. Research method Literature review method Measurement, quantitation
a. Atomic absorption spectroscopy - cold vapor CV-AAS
b. Gas chromatography with electron capture detector (GC-ECD)
c. High performance liquid chromatography - inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS) Data analysis
The experimental results are processed by the software: Microsoft
Excel 2010.
2.6. Sample collection and preparation
2.6.1. Sampling location
Biological and environmental samples were collected from 2 villages
Tan Kim and Thuong Kim (Bai Mo, Ha Kim, Thuong Kim) in the North
of Than Sa commune, Thai Nguyen province.
2.6.2. Sample collection and storage Environmental samples collection Biological samples collection
2.7. Determination of mercury in environmental and biological
Based on the researched and developed analytical procedures, the
total mercury and methyl mercury content in environmental and
biological samples taken in Than Sa commune, Vo Nhai district, Thai
Nguyen province were determined.
3.1. Results of the validation of the analytical method for the
determination of total Hg by CV-AAS
3.1.1. Calibration curve for the determination of total Hg
Figure 3.1. Results of repeated
measurements of standard
concentration when constructing the
calibration curve for the determination
of total Hg (dependence of measuring
the signal on concentration)
Figure 3.2. Calibration curve for the
determination of total Hg by CV- AAS
(dependence of measuring the signal
on concentration)
Calibration curve in Figure 3.2 has the equation y = 1818.2 x +
40.698 with slope a = 1818.2 and correlation coefficient R
= 0.9994.
With a sample volume of 5 mL, the linearity is within the range of 0.1 to
1.0 µg/L, so it is suitable for analyzing trace concentration of Hg in
environmental and biological samples.
3.1.2. Limit of Detection (LOD) and Limit of Quantitation (LOQ)
Determination of Limit of detection (LOD) and Limit of
quantitation(LOQ) of the analytical method for the determination of total
mercury were performed using the following samples: sediment sample,
blood sample which has total mercury of 8.15 ng/g and 1.70 ng/g,
respectively; according to the procedure described in section 2.2.4. The
sample analysis results were repeated 10 times with , SD, LOD and
LOQ summarized in Table 3.2 and Table 3.3.
According to the results shown in the above tables, LOD and LOQ of
sediment and biological (blood) samples are 1.04 and 3.47 ng/g; 0.22
and 0.75 ng/g, respectively.
The calculated coefficient R of both samples satisfied the
requirements of AOAC (4 < R < 10) proving that the sample test
concentration is suitable and calculated LOD, LOQ are reliable.
3.1.3. Accuracy of the method Evaluation of accuracy based on certified reference materials
The replicate measurements of total mercury in certified reference
materials MESS-3, DOLT-3, and DORM-2 were shown in Table 3.4, 3.5
and 3.6.
The results show that the deviation value of the samples MESS-3,
DOLT-3 and DORM-2 are 4.34, 3.92, and 5.68, respectively which are
all less than 15%. In addition, the calculated relative errors are also less
than the maximum accepted value according to AOAC. Thus, the
analytical method for the determination of total mercury has high
accuracy and good repeatability which can be applied to determine the
total mercury in environmental and biological samples. Evaluation of accuracy based on the spiked environmental
For water samples, since there is no certified reference material for
water sample, the accuracy must be evaluated based on the recovery.
The result of total Hg in BM-III 01 water sample which was spiked with
3 different concentrations of 5 ng/L, 10 ng/L, and 20 ng/L, is shown in
Table 3.7.
The result in Table 3.7 shows that the recovery of spiked water
samples was in the range from 86.60 - 103.00 %, which satisfies the
requirements of AOAC regarding the acceptable recovery in the working
concentration of 40 - 120%. The relative standard deviation of the
samples is within 0.30 - 1.56%, which is less than the maximum
accepted value according to AOAC (30% at a concentration of 1 ppb).
The above evaluation results show that the analytical method for the
determination of total mercury in water samples has good repeatability
and high accuracy.
3.2. Results of the validation of the analytical method for the
determination of Me-Hg in sediment samples by CV-AAS
3.2.1. Calibration curve for the determination of Me-Hg by GC-ECD
Figure 3.3. Calibration curve for the determination of Me-Hg by GC-ECD
The calibration curve in Figure 3.3 is the first order linear line with a
slope of 3.4555 and correlation coefficient of 0.9992. For a sample
volume of 5L, the linearity ranges from 1.0 to 10.0 g/L.
3.2.2. Limit of detection (LOD) and Limit of quantitation (LOQ)
Limit of detection (LOD) and Limit of quantitation (LOQ) of the
analytical method for the determination of methyl mercury was
performed on sediment sample that has the methyl mercury of 0.767
ng/g and carried out according to the procedure described in section
3.2.1. The results of 10 repeated measurements and the values of , SD,
LOD and LOQ are summarized in Table 3.9.
According to the results shown in Table 3.9, the LOD and LOQ of
the analytical method for the determination of methyl mercury by gas
chromatography (GC-ECD) on sediment samples were 0.228 and 0.761
ng/g, respectively.
The calculated R coefficient (4.582) satisfies the requirements of
AOAC (4 <R <10) proving that the test solution concentration is suitable
and LOD, LOQ calculated are reliable.
3.2.3. Accuracy of GC-ECD method
The IAEA-405 certified reference material (Trace Elements and
Methylmercury in Estuarine Sediment) was used to evaluate the
accuracy of the analytical method for the determination of methyl
mercury in sediment samples by GC-ECD. The analytical results are
shown in Table 3.10.
From the results in Table 3.10, the difference of methyl mercury in
the IAEA-405 certified reference material analyzed is 6.25% smaller
than the maximum allowed value according to USFDA (15%). The
calculated relative standard deviation value is also smaller than the
maximum acceptable value according to AOAC. Thus, the analytical
method for the determination of methyl mercury by GC-ECD has high
accuracy and good repeatability, which can be applied to analyze methyl
mercury in sediment samples.
3.3. Results of developing the analytical method for the determination
of Me-Hg in biological samples by CV-AAS
3.3.1. Analytical method for Me-Hg in biological samples by CV-AAS Sample pretreatment
a. Effect of KOH concentration
Figure 3.6. Effect of KOH concentration on the recovery of Me-Hg
The results in Figure 3.6 shows that: when the KOH concentration
is low, the biodegradability of biological tissues is not complete, thus
the recovery of Me-Hg is low but when the KOH concentration
increases, the recovery increases and reaches the maximum value when
the concentration KOH is 2M. When the KOH concentration continues
to increase to 5M, the recovery does not increase. Therefore, in
subsequent studies, the concentration of KOH 2M was chosen to
dissolve the sample.
b. Effect of sample dissolving time
Figure 3.7. Effect of heating time on the recovery of Me-Hg
The results in Figure 3.7 show that when the heating time increases,
the recovery of Me-Hg increases and reaches the maximum value at 60
minutes. Therefore, in the following research experiments the heating
time of 60 minutes was chosen. Methyl mercury extraction
Figure 3.9. Effect of complexing agents and solvent ratio on the
recovery of Me-Hg
According to the above results, when the ratio of extraction solvent
(toluene) to the sample volume is equal to 1, the extraction efficiency
reaches the maximum value for both 1M HCl and 1M HBr, however in
1M HCl maximum recovery is 80.6% even when the extraction
solvent/sample volume ratio is 2. If using HBr 1M the extraction
efficiency is over 97% and when using the extraction solvent/sample
volume of 0.5, the recovery has reached 94.9%.
Higher methyl mercury extraction efficiency when using halide
chelating agent Br
compared with Cl
is explained as follows: The
stability constant of complex CH3HgBr is 10
which is higher than that
of complex CH3HgCl of 10
, therefore when CuCl2 is added, the ion
will compete to form complex with Cysteine to release methyl
mercury, but complex CH3HgBr is more stable than CH3HgCl and has
better solubility in toluene solvent so the reaction occurs completely and
the methyl mercury extraction efficiency is higher. With this extraction
procedure, methyl mercury is separated from inorganic mercury and
there are only inorganic mercury ions in the aqueous phase.
The separation of methyl mercury was proved by HPLC-ICP-MS
using 8 column with mobile phase of 0.6% 2-mercaptoethanol and 3%
methanol in Perkin-Elmer Nexion 200 instrument, the mass to charge
ratio (m/z) of mercury isotope was 202.
Figure 3.10. Chromatogram of
mercury speciation in aqueous
phase after pretreatment
Figure 3.11. Chromatogram of
Me-Hg after extraction
The chromatograms in Figure 3.10 and 3.11 show that after the
pretreatment of the biological sample there were two peaks: Me-Hg with
retention time of 0.45 min and Hg
with retention time of 1.40 min.
However, after complex formation and extraction into toluene phase, on
chromatogram (Figure 3.11), there was only one peak of Me-Hg
appeared with the retention time of 0.45 min. Therefore, it is possible to
completely separate methyl mercury from other forms of mercury this
extraction technique.
In order to determine the methyl mercury in the toluene phase by
atomic absorption spectroscopy, methyl mercury needs to be extracted
into the aqueous phase and then digested with HClO4-HNO3 and H2SO4
and then measured by CV-AAS. .
Table 3.14 summarizes the results of experiments to study the effect
of factors on the sample pretreatment to determine methyl mercury in
biological samples by CV-AAS following steps (1) to (3).
Table 3.14. Summary of the effect of factors on the sample pretreatment
when determining Me-Hg in biological samples by CV-AAS
No Factors Parameters
Effect of KOH concentration (M) on the recovery
of Me-Hg
Effect of heating time T (min) on the recovery of
Effect of solvent volume ratio toluene/aqueous
phase on the recovery of Me-Hg
Effect of complexing agent on the recovery of Me-
HBr (1M)
3.3.2. Construction of calibration curve for the determination of Me-
Hg by CV-AAS Calibration curve for the determination of Me-Hg
Figure 3.13. The results of
replicates of concentration when
constructing the calibration curve
Figure 3.14. Calibration curve for
the determination of Me-Hg by
The calibration curve in Figure 3.14 has a linear equation: y = 1454.6
x + 34.771 with a slope of a = 1454.6 and correlation coefficient R
0.9998. For a sample volume of 5 mL the linearity was obtained over the
concentration range of 0.05 - 1.00 µg/L which is suitable for the
determination of trace Hg in the environmental and biological samples.
15 Limit of detection (LOD) and Limit of quantitation (LOQ)
Table 3.16. LOD and LOQ
No Replicate Weight (g) mHg (ng)
Me-Hg in biological
sample (ng Hg/g)
1 1 1.0003 3.5279 1.6880
2 2 1.0035 3.3336 1.5950
3 3 1.0012 3.4506 1.6510
4 4 1.0015 3.4590 1.6550
5 5 1.0045 3.3273 1.5920
6 6 1.0053 3.4694 1.6600
7 7 1.0011 3.1308 1.4980
8 8 1.0035 3.3336 1.5950
9 9 1.0005 3.2729 1.5660
10 10 1.0002 3.3127 1.5850
Mean ( ) 1.6085
Standard deviation (SD) 0.0559
LOD 0.17
LOQ 0.56
R 9.58
The results in Table 3.16 show that: Limit of detection of the
developed analytical method LOD=0.17ngHg/g, Limit of quantitation
LOQ=0.56 ng Hg/g, when 1 g of certified reference material of fish was
used for the analysis.
The obtained HR was: 4 < HR = 9.58 < 10 which satisfies the
requirement of AOAC, thus the obtained LOD, LOQ are accepted. Accuracy of the method
- Accuracy evaluation based on certified reference material (CRM)
Table 3.17. The results of Me-Hg found in the certified reference
material DOLT-3
Found (ng/g)
∆ (%)
1 1.0003 1.6880
1,59 ±
Min: 0.83
Max: 7.54
2 1.0043 1.6703
3 1.0012 1.6512
4 1.0025 1.4890
5 1.0004 1.5974
6 1.0015 1.5685
According to the results in Table 3.14, the values of ∆ = 0.83 -
7.54%; RSD = 4.64 which satisfy the requirement for evaluating the
accuracy of the method.
3.4. Results of the determination of total Hg and Me-Hg in
environmental and biological samples
3.4.1. Analytical results of environmental samples Sediment samples
Figure 3.15. Total mercury and methyl mercury in sediment samples
The methyl mercury in sediment samples in the research area has an
average value of 3.41 ppb. The minimum and maximum concentration
of Me-Hg was 0.31 ppb and 33.71 ppb, respectively. In particular, the
highest mercury methyl was observed in the Ha Kim area which was in
the downstream of the mining area. To assess the transformation of
methyl mercury, the total mercury, the methyl mercury and the Me-
Hg/T-Hg ratio were assessed in three areas. The results are shown in
Figures 3.16, 3.17, 3.18 and 3.19.
Figure 3.16. The average of T-Hg
in sediment samples collected in
different sampling locations
Figure 3.17. The average of Me-
Hg in sediment samples collected
in different sampling locations
The chart in Figure 3.16 shows that the average value of total
mercury in sediment samples in Bai Mo area (7.93 ppm) was the largest,
followed by Thuong Kim (4.91 ppm) and Ha Kim (3.31). This was due
to the fact that mining and processing activities are all carried out in
Thuong Kim and Bai Mo areas, leading to a larger amount of mercury
used and discharged to this area than in Ha Kim.
However, the results obtained from Figure 3.17 show that the
highest methyl mercury was in Ha Kim area (8.26 ppb) which was
followed the Bai Mo area (1.90 ppb) and Thuong Kim (1.89 ppb).
Therefore, it can be noticed that there was a transformation from
inorganic mercury species to methyl mercury in sediments in the lower
region of Ha Kim. The Me-Hg in Ha Kim area was 4 times higher than
that in Thuong Kim and Bai Mo areas, while the total mercury in Ha
Kim area was 2.4 times lower than that in Bai Mo area and 1.5 times
higher than that in Thuong Kim area.
Figure 3.18. Percentage ratio of
methyl mercury to total mercury in
sediment samples collected at
different sampling locations
Figure 3.19. Ratio of the average
of T-Hg to the average of Me-Hg
in sediment samples collected at
different sampling locations
The results obtained from Figure 3.18 show that the average ratio of
methyl mercury/total mercury in sediment samples in Ha Kim (0.25%)
was 6 to 12 times greater than that in Thuong Kim (0.04%) and Bai Mo
(0.02%). Similarly, Figure 3.19 shows that the highest ratio of total
mercury/methyl mercury in sediment samples was in Thuong Kim,
followed by Bai Mo and Ha Kim. Water samples
Water samples were collected in 3 areas including Bai Mo, Thuong
Kim, and Ha Kim. The sample was filtered with a 0.45 µm membrane
filter and acidified to pH < 2. The total mercury was determined by CV-
AAS. The analytical results of total mercury in water samples are
presented in Figure 3.20.
Figure 3.20. Total mercury (T-Hg) in water samples
The chart in Figure 3.20 shows that the total mercury in water
samples was very small, the mean was 0.086 µg/L, the maximum was
obtained in Ha Kim with concentration of 0.668 µg/L which is lower
than the allowable value of 1.0 µg/L according to the National technical
regulation on surface water quality (QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT). Because
the total mercury in surface water samples is very small, in this study it
is not possible to assess the level of methyl mercury transformation in
water in the study area.
3.4.2. Analytical results of biological samples Fishery samples
Figure 3.21. Total mercury and methyl mercury in fishery samples
The results presented in Figure 3.21 show that: 16/24 (66.67%)
samples had the total mercury higher than the allowable limit (0.5 ppm)
of that and 15/24 (62.50%) samples had the methyl mercury greater than
the allowable limit (0.5 ppm) of that specified in specified in the
National technical regulation on the limits of heavy metals
contamination in food (QCVN 8-2:2011/BYT).
The average of total mercury, methyl mercury and the correlation
between Me-Hg and T-Hg in fishery samples were assessed in three
l0cations. The results are shown in Figure 3.22, 3.23 and 3.24.
Figure 3.22. The average of total
mercury in fishery samples
collected in different sampling
Figure 3.23. The average of methyl
mercury in fishery samples
collected in different sampling
The charts in Figures 3.22 and 3.23 show that the average value of
the total mercury in the fishery samples in the Ha Kim (1.13 ppm) is the
largest, followed by Thuong Kim (0.79 ppm) and Bai Mo (0.59) is the
lowest. Similarly, the methyl mercury in fishery samples has the same
trend as the total mercury, the methyl mercury gradually increases from
Bai Mo (0.52 ppm) to Thuong Kim (0.69 ppm) and Ha Kim (1.04 ppm).
Figure 3.24. The percentage ratio of methyl mercury to total mercury in
fishery samples collected in different sampling locations.
The correlation between the total mercury and methyl mercury in
fishery samples in Thuong Kim, Ha Kim, and Bai Mo is shown in Figure
Figure 3.25. Correlation between total mercury and methyl mercury in
fishery s
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