Management implication is based on the difference in business
performance between business type and size
For firm size, when comparing business results, research confirms that between
different sizes of businesses also exist a difference in results. Business
performance now tends to decrease for enterprises with 100 employees or
more, which poses requirements for businesses to change management's way
and process, corresponding to the business scale's growth.
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search issues
Research to limit the concept of business performance is the manager's
perception and judgment about the enterprise's business performance. The lean
management concept is limited to the application of lean methods to enterprise
management. Research is limited to assessing the concept of enterprise IT is the
general level of IT application in the enterprise and does not aim to evaluate the
level of application or deployment of a specific IT system.
From the perspective of IT and lean management, as mentioned above, are new
technology systems applied to businesses, the factors that impact IT, and lean
management is limited to theory's independent factors—acceptance and Use of
Technology (UTAUT).
1.5 Research Methodology
The suitable method selected and used in this study is the mixed method.
Combining qualitative and quantitative in the research process will promote
strengths, and at the same time, limit the shortcomings of each method in the
research process.
1.6 Contribution of research
1.6.1 The theoretical contribution of the study
New approach to the concept of lean management
With a lean production approach, lean management focuses on cost reduction
and waste reduction (Womack et al., 1990; Martı´nez-Jurado and Moyano-
Fuentes, 2014). The service approach to this concept again focuses on
improving service quality at a constant cost (Shah and Ward, 2003; Shah and
Ward, 2007). The thesis introduces a new concept of lean management,
combining both complementary approaches to this theoretical limitation.
New approach to the concept of information technology
While most research on IT usually does a case study for an application of an
information system or a specific information system, research focuses on IT
research in the enterprise in terms of the level of general IT application level.
Determine favorable conditions for IT application in enterprises
To identify two new components of the factor favorable conditions. The study
also adds two corresponding components to this factor scale. Specifically, add
the question "Employees are willing to use IT applications for work" and
"Senior management is committed to the organization's computerization," this
is an important addition and contribution to the thesis in terms of theory.
Applying technology adoption and adoption theory (UTAUT) to identify
factors affecting lean management.
Through the assertion of the thesis's point of view on the concept of technology
and the lean management presented, the research simultaneously affirms seeing
lean management as a technology used for management purposes. This
approach creates a premise for the thesis to apply the theory of technology
acceptance and use (UTAUT), which is used to determine the factors affecting
information technology to determine the prefix of lean management.
Simultaneously evaluate the role of information technology and lean
management for performance.
Considering simultaneously two factors of information technology and lean
management in a whole affecting business performance of enterprises has not
yet been implemented. The thesis identifies the role as well as the mechanism
of influence of two factors on the enterprise's results, achieving an important
contribution of the thesis to science.
1.6.2 Practical contribution of research
Considering two factors of information technology and lean management
affecting enterprises' business performance has not yet been implemented. The
thesis identifies the role and mechanism of influence of two factors on the
enterprise's results, achieving an essential contribution of the thesis to science.
1.7 The structure of the thesis
The main content of the thesis is arranged into five separate chapters.
Chapter 1: Overview of research issues
Chapter 2: Theoretical basis and research model
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
Chapter 4: Research results and discussion
Chapter 5: Conclusion and governance implications
2.1 Overview of previous studies
2.1.1 Summary of studies on lean management
In general, the studies on lean management that the author conducted the study
focus on the polarity relationship of lean management to enterprises' business
performance in many different aspects. In many different studies, lean
management is mentioned as a method, strategy to improve an enterprise's
business performance. Studies evaluate the degree of lean management
implementation at different levels based on viewpoints and approach points.
However, there is little research to explore factors that influence to support lean
2.1.2 Summary of research on information technology
The role of IT applications in enterprises' management and business
performance has been confirmed in each research context. For each context, IT
is represented by a different system/technology. On the other hand, business
management applications based on the IT platform are diverse across all
management areas. The fragmentation and lack of focus in this approach do not
create a universal theoretical system about IT's role and impact on the business;
this is a research gap that needs to be filled.
2.1.3 Synthesize limitations and further research directions on the
impacting factors of information technology and lean management
Overview of previous studies on prefixes determined by the theory of
technology adoption and use, the factors identified in the relevant model and
influence on technology adoption and use New users are mainly focused on IT
systems. In other words, the UTAUT theory is used a lot in the context of
research related to IT, so other technology systems have not been tested with
this model, in this sense, making the concept of technology attached and
default to IT. The expansion of other types of technologies in this model
research is necessary to broaden the model application's scope and explain and
clarify the role of factors that have been much confirmed in theory for other
technology types. In the research context, lean management is also considered a
type of management technology, which serves to hypothesize the relationship
between the UTAUT model's factors for this type of management.
2.2 Research gaps and research directions
In studying IT's role in lean management, IT systems are seen as a component
of the lean scale in many cases. On the contrary, there is a proposition that
considers IT-based applications as a new lean method. From an overview
perspective, the lean methods in the current period are gradually shifting from
simple philosophies such as continuous improvement, cell production, 6 Sigma
to the application of information systems.
In contrast, building complex information systems derives from process
optimization, data storage, and the elimination of redundant steps in the
operational process, which are part of the philosophy. Learn logic. The role and
the nature of the two management methods seen in this respect are similar. The
mix between these two concepts raises questions about the role of lean
management and whether the relationship between lean management and other
factors is similar to the role and relationships of IT. Information technology
prefixes should also be considered about lean management when considering
this management approach as a new type of technology applied in businesses.
On the other hand, IT is often studied in the general IT application; this
technology segment's complex components have not been interested in
exploiting. Other components such as applications, solutions, systems, data
science are not interested. Besides, empirical studies focus on solving IT's role
in the business performance of enterprises, while the nature of technology is to
support management activities to create impetus. The pressure on the results,
efficiency, and performance of the business is the indirect relationship of
technology to business performance. In particular, business management in
general and lean management, which has not been concerned by many studies,
should be tested by future studies.
2.3 Research concepts related to the thesis
2.3.1 Concept of business performance
In this thesis, the definition of business results used is Zin and Manaf (2019)
opinion and Ahmad and Seet (2009) due to its relevance to the research
context. Accordingly, business performance is understood as a set of
assessment criteria and procedures as a basis for managers to pursue the
organization's goals. Business performance is measured through subjective
perception/evaluation and based on two financial and non-financial criteria.
2.3.2 Lean management
The thesis gives a view on lean management that the best management
principles and methods are used to implement the lean philosophy and create
consensus in an organization towards this philosophy. from there, the lean
management assessment will be based on criteria related to the level of lean as
well as the lean orientation that the organization is pursuing.
2.3.3 Information Technology
Workforce (1998) thinks IT is the research, design, development, deployment,
support, or management of computer-based information systems, especially
computer hardware and software applications. In the research context, the IT
concept is used to evaluate the enterprise's IT applications. Melián-Alzola
(2020) also has the same point of view with this approach. Accordingly, IT in
the enterprise consists of IT capacity and the use of IT applications used.
2.3.4 Facilitating Conditions
Facilitating Conditions is an essential factor in predicting actual human
behavior using technology (Isaac et al., 2019).
2.3.5 Performance Expectancy
Performance Expectancy is the extent to which an individual believes using the
system will help them achieve work results (Venkatesh et al., 2003).
2.3.6 Effort Expectancy
Effort Expectancy is the user-assessed ease of use for a technology system
(Venkatesh et al., 2003).
2.3.7 Social Influence
Social Influence is defined as the degree to which individuals perceive other
important people to believe that they should use the new system (Venkatesh et
al., 2003).
2.4 Research Model
Figure 21: Proposed research model
(Source: Proposed author)
2.5 Research hypothesis
Table 1: Summary of research hypotheses
STT Hypothetical content Expectation
The level of application of information technology in
enterprises increases or decreases; it will increase or
decrease enterprises' business performance.
The level of application of lean management methods
in enterprises increases or decreases; it will increase or
decrease the business's business performance.
The increase or decrease in the application of
information technology in enterprises will increase or
decrease the application of lean management methods
in the enterprise.
The favorable conditions that increase or decrease will
increase or decrease the application level of
information technology in enterprises.
Expectations for results to increase or decrease will
increase or decrease the enterprise's adoption of lean
management methods.
The expectation of efforts to increase or decrease will
increase or decrease the level of lean management
methods in enterprises.
Increasing or decreasing social influence will increase
or decrease the level of lean management methods in
(Source: Proposed author)
3.1 Select research methods
The suitable method selected and used in this study is the mixed
method. The mixed-method is a method that combines both qualitative and
quantitative. However, this combination is the alternation between two
methods to solve each specific problem and goal that the study design has set
out. In other words, these two methods will not be used simultaneously but
must be used in turn at specific stages in the research process. Combining two
specific qualitative and quantitative methods in the study is further presented
through a specific research process.
3.2 Research process
To meet the research objectives, the author performed in turn according to the
figure, including 16 detailed steps as follows:
Step 1 - Identify the research problem
Step 2 - Define the research objective
Step 3 - Literature review
Step 4 - Hypothesis and expected research model
Step 5 - Proposing scale
Step 6 - Interview the expert
Step 7 - Group discussion
Step 8 - Test scale
Step 9 - Survey of small sample size
Step 10 - Refine the scale
Step 11 - Official scale
Step 12 - Official investigation
Step 13 - Explore factor analysis
Step 14 - Analysis of the SEM measurement model
Step 15 - Modeling the linear structure of SEM
Step 16 - Conclusion and governance implications
3.3 The official scale of the factors
Table 3.1: Scale of performance factors
Encode The Scale
KQHD1 I have noticed an increase in sales of the business recently.
KQHD2 I have noticed an increase in corporate profits recently.
I have noticed that the market Joy stock company of the business
has increased recently.
I realize that businesses have more social responsibility in recent
I have noticed that the number of satisfied customers with business
has increased recently.
Please indicate the level of application of the business according to
the following criteria:
QLTG1 1. Standardization
QLTG2 2. Specialization
QLTG3 3. Continuous workflows have no downtime
QLTG4 4. Reduce inventory
QLTG5 5. Continuous improvement
The critical functions of the IT application are tailored to my work
CNTT2 The intuitive interface of IT applications is suitable for users.
CNTT3 IT applications support information sharing at work.
CNTT4 IT applications support teamwork.
CNTT5 Trusted IT application.
The enterprise has organized training courses on IT application in
Encode The Scale
DKTL2 Enterprises have the necessary resources to use IT applications.
DKTL3 Enterprises have the infrastructure to support the IT application.
DKTL4 Employees are willing to use IT work applications.
Senior management is committed to achieving organizational
computerization goals.
KVKQ1 I think lean management is useful for the company.
KVKQ2 Applying lean management helps me work faster.
KVKQ3 Applying lean management helps me work more efficiently.
KVKQ4 Applying lean management makes work more convenient.
KVKQ5 Applying lean management makes it easier for me to work.
I apply lean management because the company is applying this
AHXH2 The managers are applying lean management at work.
AHXH3 Experts recommend me to apply lean management.
AHXH4 The media is encouraging me to adopt lean management.
AHXH5 My colleagues advised me to apply lean management.
KVNL1 Applying lean management to work does not stress me.
We are applying lean management to work that does not require a
lot of technical expertise.
KVNL3 Apply lean management to your work in no time.
KVNL4 Applying lean management to work does not take much effort.
KVNL5 Applying lean management does not make me difficult in my work.
3.4 Sample used in research
Due to the time and cost constraints, the study could not carry out a
comprehensive investigation; the study's sampling method was convenient. A
study performed with an official sample size of 556 observations is appropriate
because the larger the sample size, the more suitable it is for SEM analysis.
4.1 The statistical results describe the survey sample
Table 4.1: Sample characteristics
STT Business characteristics Amount Percent
Type of
Private 287 51.6
Government 16 2.9
Limited liability company 209 37.6
Joy stock company 44 7.9
Business size
<10 Employee 213 38.3
10 -49 Employee 147 26.4
50 – 99 Employee 77 13.8
>=100 Employee 119 21.4
Years of
< 5 years 211 37.9
5 - 10 years 44 7.9
10 - 15 years 219 39.4
> 15 years 82 14.7
(Source: Results of processing data from the survey)
In general, the sample structure is suitable for the study, ensuring the
representativeness, accuracy, and universality of the research results.
4.2 Verify the reliability of official scales with Cronbach's Alpha
With the sample size of 556 and the number of observed variables is 35, the
scales in this study are tested using Cronbach's Alpha tool. All scales are tested
before performing EFA. Detailed results show that the scales are required.
4.3 Findings factor analysis (EFA) results
The results show that business performance includes five observed variables;
the lean management factor includes five observed variables; IT includes five
observed variables. The factors favorable conditions, effort expectation, results
in expectation, and social influence all include five observed variables. The
study has extracted seven interrelated factors.
4.4 Results of confirmation factor analysis (CFA)
CFA analysis shows the results of evaluating the conformity indexes of the
detailed model as follows:
Table 4.2: Summary of CFA test results
Index Standard Result Conclude
Chi-square/df 1-3 1.743 Accept
CFI > 0.9 0.966 Accept
GFI > 0.9 0.960 Accept
TLI > 0.9 0.962 Accept
RMSEA < 0.05 0.037 Accept
(Source: Results of processing data from the survey)
4.5 Analysis results of linear structural model (SEM)
Results of evaluating the model's conformity indexes are shown in the
following table:
Figure 4.1: SEM analysis with standardized research model
(Source: Results of processing data from the survey)
Table 4.3: Summary of model conformity test results
Index Standard Result Conclude
Chi-square/df 1-3 1.923 Accept
CFI > 0.9 0.957 Accept
GFI > 0.9 0.950 Accept
TLI > 0.9 0.954 Accept
RMSEA < 0.05 0.041 Accept
(Source: Results of processing data from the survey)
SEM analysis confirms that all the proposed hypotheses are accepted. At the
same time, the analysis results also present standardized estimates, showing the
impact level, the strength of the complex relationships in the following table:
Table 4.4: Regression coefficients of normalized relationships
STT Correlate Estimates
1 Information Technology Business performance 0.170
2 Lean management Business performance 0.484
3 Information Technology Lean management 0.344
4 Facilitating Conditions Information Technology 0.558
5 Facilitating Conditions Lean management 0.247
6 Effort Expectancy Lean management 0.327
7 Social Influence Lean management 0.361
(Source: Results of processing data from the survey)
4.6 Test average difference of factors
4.6.1 Test the average difference by type of business
With the survey data, including 556 collected observations, the type of
state-owned enterprise only collected 16 observations, the study compared the
differences between the three types of enterprises. The sample used for this
analysis has a sample size of 540 observations.
Table 4.5: Summary of difference testing for type of enterprise
Business performance
0.170 0.000 Significant
Lean management 0.986 0.000 Significant
Information Technology 0.836 0.007 Significant
Facilitating Conditions 0.374 0.806 Non-significant
Performance Expectancy 0.028 0.000 Welch test
Effort Expectancy 0.731 0.339 Non-significant
Social Influence 0.495 0.001 Significant
(Source: Results of processing data from the survey)
4.6.2 Test the average difference by the number of years of operation of
the business
Similarly, test the difference in the mean value of the factors between groups of
enterprises with different years of operation.
Table 4.6: Summary of difference testing for years of operation
Business performance
0.091 0.100 Non-significant
Lean management 0.050 0.604 Non-significant
Information Technology 0.099 0.104 Non-significant
Facilitating Conditions 0.972 0.307 Non-significant
Performance Expectancy 0.270 0.841 Non-significant
Effort Expectancy 0.370 0.784 Non-significant
Social Influence 0.815 0.724 Non-significant
(Source: Results of processing data from the survey)
4.6.3 Verify the average firm size difference
Similarly, test the difference in the mean value of the factors between different
groups of enterprises.
Table 4.7: Summary of difference testing for firm size
Business performance
0.000 0.000 Welch test
Lean management 0.110 0.000 Significant
Information Technology 0.208 0.000 Significant
Facilitating Conditions 0.331 0.283 Non-significant
Performance Expectancy 0.163 0.034 Significant
Effort Expectancy 0.026 0.978 Welch test
Social Influence 0.419 0.675 Non-significant
(Source: results of processing data from the survey)
4.7.Discuss the results
Regardless of the lean philosophy approach, relevant studies worldwide
support the view that lean management on corporate performance is a positive
and improved impact. The criteria evaluated the results. The research results
claim to be entirely plausible.
The study's main difference compared to previous studies in the world is the
approach and measurement of lean management. In contrast, most previous
studies focused on lean management for each method, the specific
implementation of lean corresponding to each industry context. This study
focuses on evaluating the application of lean methods in operational
management. Leanness scale is designed in general, eliminating technical
terminology so that it can be used to assess the lean level of systems outside the
manufacturing field.
Previous studies have mostly affirmed IT's role in business performance
through intermediaries related to operations by creating a good premise for
integrating activities—business (Sanders, 2007). Throughout related previous
studies, IT has always been identified as a premise, a capacity to improve
better, improve functions and operations to increase businesses'
competitiveness, and improve results, business performance
Research confirms the role of IT in the business performance of businesses.
This result is consistent with the views from previous studies related to these
two factors, and at the same time, fills the theoretical gap related to the
relationship between two factors when considering the direct relationship
instead of indirect influence. Research results show that the close positive
linear relationship between these two factors is entirely reasonable in both the
theoretical and practical context.
5.1 Concludtion
Based on research results from the quantitative and qualitative phase, the study
concludes the following issues:
The application of IT has a positive impact on the business's business
(accept hypothesis H1). The higher increase in IT in the enterprise will
improve the business performance of the business. The increase in the
adoption of the management system's lean methods when applying the lean
philosophy also improves business performance.
The impact factors of IT and lean management are also proven to affect
these two factors positively.
The proliferation of related favorable conditions also has an impact on
increasing IT in the enterprise.
The application of lean management methods will also be increased as
Performance Expectancys, effort expectations, and social influence increase.
5.2 Administrative implications
5.2.1 The implication of governance affects the business performance
As a result of the research, while businesses' primary goal is to increase profits
through improved performance in all aspects, operating problems cause the
costs of businesses to increase. Therefore, the moderate operational change
ensures to maintain the increase in sales, market Joy stock company, social
responsibility, and customer satisfaction while ensuring cost reduction and
wastage of the business. Those are the calculated objectives of the application
of lean management (Rafique et al., 2017; Ballard and Tommelein, 2012) and
information technology in enterprises (O'brien and Marakas, 2011).
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