From the analysis and synthesis of data, MH2 (Growing under plum plant
canopy in Van Ho commune, Van Ho district, Son La province) and MH4 (planting
under forest canopy in Quyet Tien commune, Quan Ba district, Ha Giang) gave the
highest tuber yield and glucomannan content of 91.22 kg / ha, 46.1% glucomannan
and 91.24 quintals / ha, 46.5% glucomannan respectively. The yield of these two
models is highest due to the fact that they are grown in two cool climates with
elevations of 918 and 874m. Moreover, these two areas are shaded under forest
canopy and plum garden.
Following is the formula MH3, intercropped Ngo in Quyen Tien Commune,
Quan Ba District, Ha Giang Province with yield of 74.51 quintals per hectare and
glucomannan content of 43.1%. The two formulas with the lowest glucomannan yield
were MH6 (Planted under forest canopy in Ngoc Son commune, Lac Son district,
Hoa Binh province), MH5 (Planted in sacks under canopy in Sub-district 10, Hoa
Binh, respectively, 19.11 quintals per hectare, 37.2% glucomannan and 12.86
quintals per hectare, 33.6% glucomannan.
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Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang tài liệu Study on the composition, distribution of amorphophallus spp. tubers containing glucomannan and selection of species which has the potential to be grown in some northern provinces in Vietnam, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
environment conditions, PBQ4: Put inside sand, PBQ5: Put inside ground. Method of multiplication research of Amorphophallus konjac with tissue
culture technology
To conduct the thesis topic, 7 experiments must be carried out with the following
1. Effect of chemicals and time of sterilization to in vitro clean sampling ability
Make use of chemicals: 0,1% of HgCl2 within the sterilization time between 4 to
8 minutes and 60% of NaClO (javel) within the sterilization time between 6 to 18
minutes, then clean for 4 to 5 times with sterile distilled water. The experiment is
done with 6 formulars including KT1, KT2, KT3, KT4, KT5, KT6.
2. Effect of nutrient environment to reproductive ability of shoots of in vitro
Amorphophallus konjac
By this experiment, taking shoots of cultivar in vitro to transplant into different
fundamental nutrient environments, includes: Environment ½ MS; MS (Murashige
and Skoog medium); WPM (Woody Plant Medium); B5 (Gamborg Medium); N6
(Chu medium), these environments are complemented with 0,5 mg/l BAP + 8 g/l
agar + 30 g/l of sucrose, to determine the suitable nutrient environment to reproduce
shoots of in vitro Amorphophallus konjac. The experiment includes 5 formulas
including MT1, MT2, MT3, MT4, MT5.
3. Effect of BAP concentration to reproductive ability of shoots of in vitro
Amorphophallus konjac
For Amorphophallus konjac, we study the effect of BAP concentration to
reproductive ability of shoots in the range of between 0,5 and 3,5 mg/l. The
experiment is conducted with 7 formulas in which each formula is carried out on the
fundamental nutrient environment defined in the experiment 2, complementing 8 g/l
agar + 30 g/l sucrose and growth promoting factors in different concentrations. The
experiment includes 7 formulas including CT0, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6.
4. Effect of BAP and Kinetin concentration to reproductive ability of shoots of in
vitro Amorphophallus konjac
Maximum BAP concentration for reproductive ability of shoots in vitro is used to
research the effect of BAP and Kinetin to reproduct shoots quickly. Environment formula
MS + 8 g/l agar + 30 g/l sucrose + BAP concentration is suitable in the experiment 3 and
kinetin is complemented in different concentrations between 0,2 and 1,0 mg/l. The
experiment includes 5 formulas including CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11.
5. Effect of nutrient environment to rooting ability of in vitro Amorphophallus
Shoots which are created with the huge quantity and meet the standard (with the
size of between 3 and 5 cm), are cut and transferred to the rooting environment:
Environment formula MS (1962) and ½ MS (macro and micro-mineral substances
reduce ½) + 8 g/l agar + 0,5 mg/l IBA + 1g/l of activated carbon, complementing
sucrose with different contents between 12 and 20g/l. The experiment includes 8
formulas including CR1, CR2, CR3, CR4, CR5, CR6, CR7, CR8.
6. Effect of BAP concentration to rooting ability of shoots of in vitro
Amorphophallus konjac
After determining the proper nutrient environment for rooting of shoots of
in vitro Amorphophallus konjac, conduct the research the effect of growth promoting
factors IBA to the rooting of shoots. The experiment requested to use the suitable
nutrient environment is determined in the experiment 5 and complements IBA with
different concentrations between 0 and 1mg/l. The experiment includes 6 formulas
including CIR0, CIR1, CIR2, CIR3, CIR4, CIR5.
7. Effect of media to survival rate of in viro Amorphophallus konjac in nursery
To determine the effect of media components to the survival and growth rate of
in vitro Amorphophallus konjac during the experiments at the nursery garden, we do
test with 4 following formulas: GT1, GT2, GT3, GT4 with 100% of floor B ground;
100% of sand; 50% of ground: 50% of sand; 50% floor B ground: 30% of sand : 20
% of rice husk.
2.3.7. Method of research of some planting technologies of Amorphophallus konjac
Methods are applied in the research of planting Amorphophallus konjac based on
agricutural experiment allocation method by Nguyen Thi Lan and Pham Tien Dung –
Institue of Agriculture and Hanoi Publishing House 2005.
The experiments arranged on Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)
are repeated 3 times in which each time is repeated on 15m
and measuring criteria
on 40 plants per criterion. Non-critera factors are ensured consistency between
experimental formulas. Research the effect of tuber weight to the growth of Amorphophallus konjac
The experiment includes 3 following formulas: KL1: Tuber from 10 to 15g,
KL2: Tuber from 70 to 100g, KL3: Tuber from 300 to 350g. Research the effect of coverage rate to growth of Amorphophallus
The experiment includes 5 following formulas: TC1: Coverage rate of 0%, TC2:
Coverage rate of 20%, TC3: Coverage rate of 40 %, TC4: Coverage rate of 60%, TC5:
Coverage rate of 80%. Research the effect of seasons to growth of Amorphophallus
The experiment includes 4 following formulas: TV1: Cultivate on Feb 05th,
TV2: Cultivate on Mar 05th, TV3: Cultivate on Apr 05th, TV4: Cultivate on May 05th. Research of the effect of plantation density to growth of Amorphophallus
The experiment includes 3 following formulas: MĐ1: plantation density of
50x70cm = 28571 plants/hectare, MĐ2: plantation density of 50x50cm = 40000
plants/hectare, MĐ3: plantation density of 50x30cm = 66670 plants/hectare Research of the effect of NPK fertilizer to growth of Amorphophallus
The experiment includes 5 following formulas: PB1: No fertilizer, PB2: 80 kg N
+ 30 kg P2O5 + 100 kg K2O/ 1 hectare, PB3: 100 kg N + 40 kg P2O5 + 120 kg K2O/ 1
hectare, PB4: 120 kg N + 50 kg P2O5 + 140 kg K2O/ 1 hectare, PB5: 140 kg N + 60 kg
P2O5 + 160 kg K2O/ 1 hectare Research of glucomannan accumulation of Amorphophallus konjac during
growth stages
The experiment is arranged for 5 stages of analysis of glucomannan contents such
as: TL1: glucomannan content during storage, TL2: glucomannan content during
shooting stage, TL3: glucomannan content when leaves are maximumly developped,
TL4: glucomannan content when 2/3 of leaves are turned into yellow, TL5:
glucomannan content when leaves die after 1 month. Trial planting of Amorphophallus konjac in some Northern Highlands
Provinces of Vietnam.
Evaluate productivity, glucomannan contents and feasibility during planting.
Planting model is arranged with 6 following types: MH1: Cultivate in Van Ho
commune, Van Ho district, Son La province, MH2: Cultivate under Plum shade in
Van Ho commune, Van Ho district, Son La province, MH3: Cultivate in Quyet Tien
commune, Quan Ba district, Ha Giang procvince, MH4: Cultivate in the forest in
Quyet Tien commune, Quan Ba district, Ha Giang procvince, MH5: Cultivate in bags
in Street No.10, Hoa Binh city, MH6: Cultivate in the forest in Ngoc Son commune,
Lac Son district, Hoa Binh province.
2.3.8. Tracking data and method of determination Tracking sexual multiplication by seeds
- Rate of germinated seeds (%) (the number of germinated seeds/the number of
sowed seeds), rate of surviving plants (%) (the number of surviving plants after one
month of germination/the number of germinated plants)
- Leaf height (cm) (from root to the big split point).
- Rate of pestilent insects by naked eyes, taking shots and consulting with the
experts Tracking multiplication by nurseling tuber
- Height (cm), dimension (cm), weight (g) of Amorphophallus tuber
- Rate of shooted tubers (%) (the number of shooted tubers/the number of
planted tubers), rate of surviving plants (%) (the number of surviving plants after one
month of shooted tubers/the number of shooted tubers)
- Leaf height (cm) (from root to the big split point).
- Rate of pestilent insects by naked eyes, taking shots and consulting with the
experts Tracking multiplication via plant tissue culture Tracking of planting research
(1)- Growth and development criteria of Amorphophallus
+ Time of growth (days): beginning from planting to ½ of leaves on plants is
turned into yellow
+ Height of plants (cm): measuring from the root intersection with body to
growth point of highest leaves. Randomly select 40 plants and measure their height
every 15 days from ground to the point of highest leaves after plants are arisen for 15
- Size of leaves: when leaves are comprehensively developed, measure the
length and width of leaves. Follow up 40 marked plants. Tracking pestilent insects
Diagnose pestilent insects according to Handbook of plant disease diagnosis in
Vietnam by Lester W. Burgess, Timothy E. Knight, Len Tesoriero, Phan Thuy Hien
which is published by Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research) in
2009. Evaluate pestilent instects by naked eyes, taking shots and consulting with the
experts [80].
2.3.9. Data processing
Method of experiment allocation and date processing (by calculating the
average numbers, analyzing Anova and relativeness, so on) are summarized and
handled by Statistical Product and Services Solutions SPSS 20.0, Sotware for
Agricultural Data Analysis IRRISTAT 5.0 and Excel 2010.
3.1.Species composition, distribution, and indigenous knowledge of
Amorphophallus species in mountainous area in northern Viet Nam
3.1.1. Species composition Species composition
Results of field surveys and collection of specimens for species identification in
14 mountainous provinces of Northern Vietnam, the authors found 8 species
including the following species: Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch, Amorphophallus
corrugatus NE Br. Amorphophallus krausei Engl. & Gehrm, Amorphophallus
yunnanensis Engl. & Gehrm, Amorphophallus yuloensis H. Li, Amorphophallus
paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson, Amorphophallus hayi Hett. __ N-a hay,
Amorphophallus coaetaneus S. Y. Liu & S. J. Wei. Of these 8 species, the results of
glucanannan analysis by Melinda Chua et al. (2012), with reagents of 3.5-dinitro
salicylic acid at 550 nm, are 6 species Contains glucomannan. The results are shown
in Table 3.1 as follows:
Table 3.1. Composition of Amorphophallus that contains glucomannan in
mountainous northern Vietnam
No. Common name Science name
content in dry
flour (%)
1 Amorphophallus konjac Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch 44,97
Amorphophallus corrugatus N. E.
3 Amorphophallus krausei
Amorphophallus krausei Engl. &
Amorphophallus yunnanensis Engl.
& Gehrm.
Amorphophallus yuloensis H. Li 30,07
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius
(Dennst.) Nicolson
6,53 Key to classify 6 species found in mountainous area in northern Viet Nam
From the morphological characteristics of the six species of Amorphophallus
that contains glucomannan, A. konjac K. Koch, A. corrugatus N. E. Br., A. krausei
Engl. & Gehrm, A. yunnanensis Engl. & Gehrm, A. yuloensis H. Li, A. paeoniifolius
(Dennst.) Nicolson. The thesis is designed key to classify as follows:
Key to classify 6 species of Amorphophallus that contains glucomannan in
mountainous area in northern Viet Nam
1A. Flowers with short stems.
2A Big flowers; extra is brown-red.1.Amorphophallus paeoniifolius
2B Small flowers; extra is light yellow...............2.Amorphophallus yuloensis
1B. Flowers with long stems.
3A. Stalk shorter than flower, tube and blade are separated....3.Amorphophallus
3B. Stalk shorter than flower, tube and blade are not separated
4A. Flowers with no stem...........................................4. Amorphophallus
4B. Flowers with stem.
5A. Extra is wizen...............................................5. Amorphophallus corrugatus
5B. Extra is smooth.....................................................6. Amorphophallus
3.1.2. Distribution features Characteristics of species distribution of Amorphophallus that contains
glucomannan by height
Results of the survey on the distribution of 6 species of Amorphophallus that
contains glucomannan in mountainous areas in Northern Vietnam are shown in Table
3.2 as follows:
Table 3.2. Distribution of 6 species of Amorphophallus that contains glucomannan in
mountainous areas in Northern Vietnam
No. Name Altitude above sea level (m)
1 Amorphophallus konjac 800-1600
2 Amorphophallus corrugatus 400-1000
3 Amorphophallus krausei 600-1000
4 Amorphophallus yunnanensis 400-800
5 Amorphophallus yuloensis 800-1000
6 Amorphophallus paeoniifolius 0-300
As a result of the fieldwork, high- glucomannan content Amorphophallus species
are distributed at higher elevations than those of low glucomannan content. Five
species distributed widely in elevation from 400-1600m. Namely, Amorphophallus
konjac is distributed at the height of 800-1600m, Amorphophallus yuloensis is
distributed at the height of 800-1000m, Amorphophallus krausei is distributed at the
height of 600-1000m, Amorphophallus yunnanensis lives at the height of 400-800m,
Amorphophallus corrugatus lives in the height of 400-1000m, Amorphophallus
paeoniifolius is distributed at the lowest altitude from 0-300m above sea level. As
such, it is possible to see that there are differences in climate, terrain, ecology, etc. at
different elevations. It greatly influences the existence of species with glucomannan. Species distribution of Amorphophallus that contains glucomannan by height
by habitat
From the results of the survey on the distribution of 6 species of
Amorphophallus by habitat, we can see that the species are widely distributed in
different habitats; they occur in the forest, roadside, upland fields and home garden
These species mainly live in the canopy cover, cool climate and no flooded land. Of
the six species, the Amorphophallus konjac lives the canopy cover in the forest, along
the road, in the garden, etc. with different cover ranges usually from 20-70%
depending on the temperature of each region. Two species of Amorphophallus
yuloensis, Amorphophallus krausei are found only in areas where the canopy has a
large coverage of 40-70% in average forest and dense forest. 3 species of
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, Amorphophallus corrugatus, Amorphophallus
yunnanensis live under the thin canopy and especially for the species of
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius grows well in areas where there have canopy or no
canopy cover. Distribution of Amorphophallus that contains glucomannan by the trend to
receive sunlight
The results of the study show that the Amorphophallus paeoniifolius is
distributed in various trend to receive sunlight, indicating that it can adapt well to
changes in temperature and intensity of sunlight. The other five species have a more
characteristic orientation, mainly in the trend of exposure to less sunlight.
Amorphophallus corrugates and Amorphophallus yunnanensis has trend to receive
sunlight in 3 trends: east- south, east- north and west- south that receive less sunlight
than North-East, South-East, South-West, North-West. 3 species of Amorphophallus
konjac, Amorphophallus yuloensis, Amorphophallus krausei have only 2 trend to
receive sunlight: East-south, East- North that receive the least sunlight, so the average
temperature in these areas is also the lowest.
3.1.3. Distribution chart of Amorphophallus that contains glucomannan Distribution chart of Amorphophallus konjac
In the northern mountainous regions of Vietnam, the species is distributed in
Y Ty, Bat Xat - Lao Cai and Quan Ba, Pho Bang- Ha Giang. They are frequently
seen in the forest, roadside, upland fields, or home gardens, where there is cover.
This distribution may be due to the ecological characteristics of the species
suitable for cool climates, at elevations between 800 and 1600m. Distribution chart of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius is a common in the mountainous region of
northern Vietnam, provinces of Hoa Binh (Tan Lac, Lac Son, Hoa Binh city), Son La
(Van Ho, Thuan Chau, Moc Chau), Phu Tho (Tan Son), Yen Bai (Van Chan), Tuyen
Quang (Son Duong), Thai Nguyen (Dinh Hoa), Cao Bang (Nguyen Binh, Thach An),
Lang Son (Trang Dinh), Bac Giang (Luc Ngan), Bac Kan (Ngan Son). They have
wide distribution in the area with many habitats and different trends to receive
sunlights, at 0-600m altitude compared to sea level. This shows that the ecological
characteristics of the species are consistent with different habitats. On the survey line,
species is seen with large frequency. Distribution chart of Amorphophallus corrugatus
The Amorphophallus corrugatus is distributed in the provinces of Hoa Binh (Tan
Lac, Lac Son, Hoa Binh), Son La (Van Ho, Thuan Chau, Moc Chau), Phu Tho (Tan
Son), Tuyen Quang (Son Duong), Lang Son (Trang Dinh). They are widely
distributed in the area with many habitats and different trends to receive sunlights.
This shows that the ecological characteristics of the species are consistent with
different habitats. On the survey line, the frequency of encountering species is small,
due to the limited reproductive capacity of the species. Distribution chart of Amorphophallus krausei
The Amorphophallus krausei is distributed only in Son La (Van Ho, Thuan
Chau, Moc Chau), Cao Bang (Nguyen Binh, Thach An). On the survey line, the
frequency of encountering species is small. They are clustered in some locations in
the survey area. This may be due to the ecological characteristics of the species only
suitable for habitats of thick canopy cover. Distribution chart of Amorphophallus yunnanensis
The Amorphophallus yunnanensis is distributed in the provinces of Hoa Binh
(Tan Lac, Lac Son, Hoa Binh), Son La (Van Ho, Thuan Chau, Moc Chau), Cao Bang
(Nguyen Binh, Thach An), Bac Kan (Ngan Son). They are widely distributed in the
area with many habitats and different trends to receive sunlights. On the survey line,
the frequency of encountering species is not high, it can be seen in the thin forest,
bush forest, roadside, hillside or on the kaingin. Distribution chart of Amorphophallus yuloensis
The Amorphophallus yuloensis is distributed only in Son La (Van Ho, Thuan
Chau, Moc Chau), Dien Bien (Tuan Giao). On the survey line, the frequency of
encounters with species is relatively high. They clustered at some locations in the
survey area. This may be due to the ecological characteristics of the species only
suitable for habitats of thick canopy cover.
3.1.4. Indigenous knowledge on the exploitation and use of Amorphophallus in
some mountainous provinces of northern Vietnam Exploiting Amorphophallus in some mountainous provinces of Northern
- Harvest time (exploitation time) of Amorphophallus
With planted Amorphophallus, when the leaves are yellow and near the end of
the growing season, it can be exploited, the period from September to November
every year.
- Tool
With a small scale, the terrain is difficult to access, people can use the
buffalo, cow, plows and hoes with tools to hold such as basket for transport.
- Harvesting techniques
With the exploitation of tubers in the nature, Amorphophallus usually grows
under the forest canopy, on the slope, it should be used spades, hoes to dig each tree
one. Just take the big tubers, small tubers are buried for exploitation in the next year.
- Preserve
Có hai phương pháp thường được nông dân sử dụng là vùi trong đất ẩm mát
ngay ở trên nương hoặc bảo quản trên giàn thoáng mát. Sau khi khai thác những củ
đủ tiêu chuẩn làm giống, được chọn lựa, r sạch đất mang củ giống về nhà, xếp nơi
thoáng, để vài ngày cho Nưa khô vỏ thì để lên giàn che có mái che trong điều kiện ít
ánh sáng. Trong thời gian bảo quản thường xuyên kiểm tra và loại bỏ những củ bị
- Pre- processing
After harvesting, soil and roots are removed and stored for storage. Before
processing, tubers are prewashed to remove soil, dirt and microorganisms. Amorphophallus processing in some mountainous provinces of northern
In Quan Ba, Ha Giang Province; Y Ty, Lao Cai province; Nguyen Binh, Cao
Bang province, Amorphophallus is processed into dishes like tofu, fried noodles,
mixing rice. The process of making is very simple and manual. From the slices of the
dried Amorphophallus tubers, the people crushed the flour by machine or mill. The
flour is then drenched and filtered with ash. After filtering with the ash, depending on
the food is beans or noodles, it it continues to be processed.
3.2. Amorphophallus with glucomannan have potential for growth in some
northern mountainous provinces of Vietnam
From the field survey, studying the literature on growth characteristics and
glucomannan content of Amorphophallus in the mountainous region of North
Vietnam, some basic characteristics are summarized in below Table 3.11:
Bảng 3.11. Characteristics of growth and development of 6 Amorphophallus species
contain Glucomannan in northern mountainous region of Vietnam
No. Name
period in
1 year
Volume of
3- year-
old female
tuber (g)
of 3
content in dry
flour (%)
158-175 600-1000 5-7 0 44,97
150-160 200-400 0 0 28,6
153-162 600-800 0 0 29,2
145-162 200-300 0 0 25,97
147-158 200-300 0 0 30,07
154-169 400-600 5-6 0 6,53
From the results of Table 3.11, the Amorphophallus Konjac has the best growth
and development ability. After 3 years of growing the tubers, volume of female
tubers is 600-1000 g, the tubers produced from this female tubers are 5 -7 tubers. So,
Amorphophallus Konjac species is a promising plant growing, with volume of female
tubers after 3 years growing is 600-1000g, tubers born from female tubers at this age
of 5-7 tubers and content 44.97% glucomannan.
3.3. Research on breeding species of Amorphophallus Konjac in Vietnam
3.3.1. Native breeding species of Amorphophallus Konjac
17 Effect of harvesting time on seed germination rate
The results show that there is a clear difference between the rates of germination
at different harvesting times from when the fruit is green, the fruit is ripe and the fruit
is very ripe.The results showed that at the time of harvesting ripe fruit, with CTH2
fomula, it gave highest seed germination rate of 64.67%, CTH3 formula of very ripe
fruit, it gave second rate of germination germination of 49.33%, in the CTH1 formula
the green pods, it gave the lowest germination rate of 17.33%. Effect of seed preservation on grain germination
The results showed that there was a significant difference in germination rate of
Amorphophallus Konjac in two cold storage methods at 5
C (BQ1) and dry
preservation by jar. Specifically, with the number of seeds germinated in the cold
preservation method, the number of seed germination was 33.33 seeds at the rate of
66.67%, in addition to the method of dry preservation with jar, the rate of germination
only reached 34% with 17 seeds germinated. From this data can be seen with the cold
storage method at 5
C for better efficiency with preservation method of
Amorphophallus konjac seeds in jar condition. The cause may be due to the origin of
the Amorphophallus konjac lives in tropical climates, through cold weather, the seed
preserved under jar conditions is vulnerable to low humidity or extreme cold. Influence
the development of seed embryos. Effect of seed preservation time on germination rate
There were significant differences in germination rates with different seed
preservation time, indicating that preservation time of Amorphophallus Konjac
influenced the germination rate of the seed. In the table, three months of storage for
the highest germination rate was 72.77%, the storage time of 6 months was reduced
to 68.33%, after 9 months of preservation seed germination is reduced rapidly to
45%. The longer the storage time, the quality seed will be less and especially after 6
months of preservation. Effects o
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