The Communist Party of Vietnam’s leadership in tourism development from 2006 to 2015

Tourism for ethnic minorities in Sa Pa district by Pham Thi Mong Hoa and Lam Thi Mai Lan (2000); Tourism development associated with poverty reduction in Lao Cai by Pham Ngoc Thang (2010); Developing Tay Nguyen tourism to 2020 to meet the requirements of international economic integration by Nguyen Duy Mau (2011); Tourism economics in the North Central provinces in international economic integration by Nguyen Thi Hong Lam (2013); Developing Vietnam's sea and island tourism in a new situation by Ha Van Sieu (2014); Assessment of the impact of tourism on economic growth in Vietnam through the inter-sector balance sheet by Nguyen Thi Huong (2016); Developing border tourism contributes to national defense and security by Ngo Hoai Chung (2016); Cultural heritage management and tourism development in the ancient town of Hoi An, Quang Nam province by Nguyen Thi Thu Ha (2016); The impacts of tourism on the economy, society and environment of Phu Quoc District through the perception of local people by Nguyen Trong Nhan (2017).

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ietnam is a country rich in tourism resources, in which, the outstanding natural and humanistic tourism resources are plentiful and diverse, facilitating the development of many types of tourism and tourism products. Other advantages from socio-economic conditions The economic growth and stability; Positive diplomatic relations of Vietnam; The cultural and social fields have gained many important achievements; The people's material and spiritual life has been markedly improved, creating favourable conditions to promote tourism development. Technical facilities and tourism equipment such as: transportation system, electricity and water supply and drainage systems, etc. Although these factors are not really adequate, they basically can meet the tourism development requirements. Difficulties and challenges of Vietnamese tourism Economic development is not sustainable; quality, efficiency, low competitiveness, not commensurate with the potential. The fields of education and training, science and technology, culture and society are still weak. These things bring difficulties to economic development, society in general and tourism development in particular. The current situation of the Party’s leadership in tourism development before 2006 Advantages: The Party has formed and gradually supplemented a system of views, undertakings and policies; pay attention to and direct tourism development, consider tourism as an important and integrated economic sector; Vietnam's tourism has a good growth rate, making an important contribution to economic growth and solutions to cultural and social problems. Shortcomings: The Party's policies and guidelines on the role tourism development have not been adequately paid attention to. The 7th Congress of the Party determined that tourism development is necessary and important in order to promote the industrialization and modernization of the country; however, from 1991 to 1994, it has not been implemented, until 1995. , newly built and implemented tourism development planning in Vietnam for the first time. In 2001, the Party determined to develop tourism into a spearhead economic sector, but there was no implementation plan; the effectiveness of directing some tourism development content is inadequate. 2.1.2. The Party's policy on tourism development (2006-2010) The policy of tourism development in the 2006-2010 periods is clearly shown in the socio-economic development strategy 2001-2010 passed by the National Congress (2001); Document of the X Congress (2006) and Central Conferences of the Party in the 2006-2010 periods. The content of the Party's policy on tourism development in the 2006-2010 periods is shown in the following points: The target It aims at making tourism into a spearhead economic sector and the country with developed tourism in the region. The direction First, expand and improve tourism quality and development Second, improve the quality and efficiency of tourism on the basis of exploiting advantages of natural, ecological, cultural and historical traditions. Third, promote tourism to meet domestic tourism needs and international tourism development. The tasks and solutions First, attach importance to building strategies and planning for tourism development. Second, encourage investment in tourism development; promote cooperation and association with other countries. Third, diversify different products of tourism. Fourth, strengthen the promotion and promotion of international and national tourism. Fifth, train and foster human resources for tourism 2.2. The Party’s direction on tourism development (2006 - 2010) 2.2.1. Build the schedule and the plan for tourism development According to the spirit of the 10th Congress (2006) of the Party, to strongly reform the formulation of tourism development strategies, plans and plans in the direction of paying special attention to economic and literary indicators and measures. social and environmental, to maximize comparative advantages, national resources, of each region and each locality, closely link strategy, planning with plans, planning work, plan, synchronous from the general to specific ones. Further effectively implement tourism development planning according to the Vietnam Tourism Development Master Plan for the period 1995 - 2010 and Decision No. 97/2002 / QD-TTg dated July 22, 2002, approved the Vietnam Tourism Development Strategy 2001 - 2010. The 10th Congress (2006) of the Party determined: Deploy the socio-economic development planning and plans to maximize all comparative advantages and resources of the country, each region and each locality. At the same time, to overcome the overlap between sector planning. On that basis, in order to further concretize the Vietnam Tourism Development Strategy 2001 - 2010, in 2006, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 121/2006 / QD-TTg dated May 29, 2006, Approval of the National Action Program on Tourism 2006-2010. The 4th Conference of the Party Central Committee, term X February 5, 2007 issued Resolution No. 08-NQ / TW, defining major policies and policies that ministries and branches must implement to achieve rapid economic development when Vietnam joins the World Trade Organization. Implementing that Resolution, the Government issued Resolution No. 16/2007 / NQ-CP dated February 27, 2007, defining the Government's Action Program to implement the Resolution of the Fourth Conference of the Party Central Committee, term X Following that, Decision No. 564/2007 / QD-BVHTTDL dated September 21, 2007, promulgating the tourism industry's action program to implement the government's action program after Vietnam joins the World Trade Organization in the 2007-2012 period. 2.2.2. Make use of the investment resources and prioritize the tourism infrastructure investment The Party directs investment in tourism development to focus on investment in tourism infrastructure systems, mountainous, remote and potential areas. Resolution No. 01/2006 / NQ-CP, dated January 16, 2006, On major solutions to direct and administer the implementation of the 2006 socio-economic plan and state budget, defining the focus for with tourism development in 2006 is to attract resources for investment in tourism development. Simultaneously, the Government has assigned the General Department of Tourism to develop a scheme to encourage foreign investors to invest in key national tourist areas, and report to the Government in the second quarter of 2006. It is vital to promote incentive policies encourage investors to invest in small and medium-sized tourist sites and resorts, reporting to the Government in the fourth quarter of 2006. In order to direct unified and coherent investment in economic development and tourism development, on September 12, 2006, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 210/2006 / QD-TTg, On promulgating the principles, criteria and norms for the allocation of development investment expenditures with the State budget for the 2007-2010 period. It is decided that the capital allocation mechanism for tourism infrastructure, including supported audience, content, guidelines, and levels of supporting. On September 26, 2007, Decision No. 1290 / QD-TTg, On promulgating the list of countries calling for foreign investment in the 2006-2010 periods, clearly state the list of tourism projects calling for water investment. In addition, including a total of 22 projects to build national tourist resorts across the country. Next, the Action Program of the tourism industry when Vietnam joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) period 2007 - 2012, defines a specific target for tourism development investment in this period. The Party's direction on tourism development investment has obtained significant achievements. 2.2.3. Promote diversification of various tourism types and products The Party focuses on directing the development of diversified forms and tourism products including; develop tourism products in tourist areas, national tourist resorts, tourist routes and improve the quality of tourism products. Deploy the policy of diversifying and improving the quality of types and tourism products identified by the Party Congress X (2006), the National Tourism Action Program 2006-2010 specifies, one of the topic issues. The main factors to develop tourism in the 2006-2010 periods are: Diversifying and improving the quality of tourism products, building unique tourism products that can compete with other countries in the region and the world. During the years 2007 - 2008, the Government continued to implement the orientation to diversify types of tourism, giving priority to the development of ecological, cultural, and island tourism products. Resolution No.03/2007/NQ-CP dated 19/01/2007, On the main solutions to direct and execute the 2007 socio-economic plan and state budget, affirms: In 2007 The General Department of Tourism, relevant ministries, branches, and provincial People's Committees focus mainly on developing ecotourism, resort tourism and high-quality tourism. In the years 2008-2010, diversifying types, SPDL continues to be considered by the Government as one of the important implementation issues. Resolution No. 02/2008 / NQ-CP dated 19/01/2008, On the main solutions to direct and administer the implementation of the socio-economic development plan and the 2008 State budget estimate, affirming: To combat degradation of historical and cultural monuments associated with tourism development to promote effectively the value of the national cultural heritages. Resolution No. 03 / NQ-CP dated 15/01/2010, On the main solutions to direct and administer the implementation of the socio-economic development plan and the 2010 state budget estimate further emphasize : Diversifying types of tourism, tourism products, linking tourism with culture, beliefs, and sense of origin. 2.2.4. Promotion and propaganda of tourism The Party has directed comprehensively on tourism promotion and tourism policy from regulations, contents and methods of implementation, from promoting promotion and tourism on newspapers, magazines, television, on the internet, cultural events, sports, tourism, and international TV channels. Tourism promotion and tourism management in the 2006-2010 periods have been actively deployed, making practical contributions to attracting tourists, creating a lever for tourism development. Further implement tourism promotion and tourism services identified in the Vietnam Tourism Development Strategy 2001 - 2010 in the direction of: promoting tourism promotion, propaganda and promotion with flexible forms; close coordination between related levels and branches, etc. In the years 2006-2010, tourism promotion and tourism management are one of the main contents that the Government, ministries, departments and branches focus on implementing. Resolution No. 01/2006 / NQ-CP, dated January 16, 2006, On the main solutions to direct and administer the implementation of the 2006 socio-economic plan and state budget, identify one of the key tasks for tourism development in 2006 are: Promoting propaganda, advertising and tourism promotion. Resolution No. 03/2007 / NQ-CP, dated January 19, 2007, On the main solutions to direct and administer the implementation of the 2007 socio-economic plans and state budget, clearly stating: 2007, ministries, branches, agencies and provincial People's Committees focused mainly on promoting Vietnam tourism. In 2009, Decision No. 122/2009 / QD-TTg, dated October 9, 2009, On promulgating regulations on the development and implementation of the National Tourism Promotion Program for the period 2009 - 2010, and identified promotion programs. Funding assistance is provided for QBDL. In 2010, Resolution No. 03 / NQ-CP, dated 15/01/2010, On major solutions to direct and administer the implementation of the socio-economic development plan and the 2010 state budget estimate, continue to promote tourism. Decision 2323 / QD-BVHTTDL, dated July 5, 2010, Approving the 2010 National Tourism Promotion Program, clearly identified the promotion content in 2010. 2.2.5. Improve the quality of training and human resources for tourism development In the spirit of the X Congress (2006) of the Party, the training and development of tourism human resources focuses on developing tourism training institutions, innovating training programs, content and standard-oriented training methods. At the same time, develop a contingent of teachers, trainers, and trainers in tourism, provide training according to social needs, and develop tourism professional standards and international cooperation for tourism training. Resolution No. 01/2006 / NQ-CP, dated January 16, 2006, On major solutions to direct and administer the implementation of the 2006 socio-economic plan and state budget, defining the focus for with tourism development in 2006 is the training and development of tourism human resources. The National Action Program on tourism 2006 - 2010 emphasizes that one of the main tasks for tourism development is to train and develop human resources for tourism. The Action Program of the tourism industry after Vietnam joined the World Trade Organization for the period 2007-2012 affirms: The key task to develop tourism is to strengthen the capacity of the workforce in the Industry. Accordingly, the specific task is determined to build and organize the implementation of the Tourism Human Resource Development Program to 2015 with a vision to 2020. Simultaneously, it also indicates the tasks and the specific time for construction and implementation of the Development Program of Human Resource for Vietnam Tourism. Conclusion chapter 2 During the years 2006 - 2010, the world and the region had many complicated and unpredictable developments, with both advantages and challenges for tourism development. Our Party has step by step perfected the guidelines and policies for tourism development, of which the Party's overall goal is to develop tourism into a key economic sector in line with promoting the country's potentials and strong points. The Party has identified directions, tasks and solutions for tourism development in the 2006-2010 period, at the same time focusing on directing in the fields of: Tourism development planning and planning; investment in tourism development; tourism promotion; tourism products development; developing tourism human resources, etc. Vietnam tourism has witnessed rapid growth, making important contributions to the country’s industrialization and modernization. However, the reality of tourism development in the 2006-2010 periods reveals some shortcomings which need further addressing in the coming time. Chapter 3 THE PARTY’S LEADERSHIP IN TOURISM DEVELOPMENT (2011 - 2015) 3.1. New affecting factors and the Party's policy on tourism development (2011 - 2015) 3.1.1. New factors affecting tourism development in Vietnam (2011 - 2015) The impacts of the world and regional situation Positive impacts: First, peace, cooperation and development continue to be a big trend; science and technology continued to strongly develop; Second, tourism continues to be a fast-growing economic sector in the world, tourists tend to gradually shift to Asia-Pacific; Third, cooperation within Association of Southeast Asian Nations is increasingly strengthened, creating opportunities for cooperation within intra-regional tourism. Negative impacts: First, the world situation continues to evolve quickly, complicatedly and unpredictably, political instability, sovereignty disputes, etc. take place in many places; second, the world economic growth is slow, the negative impacts of the international economic globalization process; Third, the dispute over sovereignty over borders, seas and islands in Asia-Pacific and Southeast Asia has been increasingly complicated. The impacts of the situation in the country The advantages: First, the economy and politics are stable, people's lives continue to be improved; second, foreign relations and international cooperation have been increasingly expanded and deepened; Third, the achievements in tourism development in the years 2006-2010 create strong momentum for the coming time. The difficulties and challenges In the period 2011 - 2015, the macro economy was basically stable, but recovery was slow, growth did not reach the set target; Growth quality in some areas is still low. Shortcomings and weaknesses in the fields of education and training, science and technology, culture, society, and health. Disputes over sovereignty of sea and islands, especially in the South China Sea, creating tensions in international relations, threaten peace, stability and negatively affect the socio-economic development of the country, including tourism. 3.1.2. The Party's policy on tourism development (2011 - 2015) The Party's tourism development policy as shown in Document XI Congress (2011) and documents of the Central Party conferences in the period 2011 - 2015. The Party's tourism development policy in the period 2011-2015 is shown in the following aspects: The target To make tourism become a spearhead economic sector. The directions First, promote tourism development and create resources for tourism development. Second, give priority to development and modernization of tourism. Third, form big tourist centres in the country. The tasks and solutions First, renew the work of developing strategies, planning and plans for tourism development. Second, mobilize diversified investment resources for tourism development. Third, diversify tourism types and products. Fourth, promote tourism in accordance with cultural values ​​and foreign affairs. Fifth, further train and promote human resources for tourism. 3.2. The Party's direction on tourism development (2011 - 2015) 3.2.1. Build up the scheme and the plan for tourism development Carry out the implementation of Directive No. 01-CT / TW dated 17/3/2011 of the Politburo on learning, grasping and implementing the resolution of the XI National Congress of the Party, Decision No. 2473 / QD-TTg, dated December 30, 2011, approved "Vietnam tourism development strategy to 2020, vision to 2030", clearly defined the viewpoints and goals of tourism development in the period of 2011- 2015. Implement the Vietnam Tourism Development Strategy to 2020, with a vision to 2030, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism directs the entire tourism industry to focus on implementing specific objectives. On February 6, 2012, Decision 297 / QD-BVHTTDL, Approving the program to coordinate, direct and organize the implementation of the "The strategy for Vietnam Tourism Development to 2020, Vision to 2030". Next, Directive No. 18 / CT- BVHTTDL, dated February 6, 2012, on organizing the implementation of "Vietnam tourism development strategy to 2020, vision to 2030", global requirements tourism industry, the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism focuses on implementing the Strategy for Vietnam Tourism Development to 2020, with a vision to 2030. On March 7, 2012, Resolution No. 06 / NQ-CP Promulgating the Government Action Program for the term of 2011-2016 clearly defines the guiding contents to promote tourism development. In implementing this Resolution, on March 29, 2012, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism issued Decision No. 1183/QD-BVHTTDL, The implementation plan of the Government's Action Program in various fields about culture, family, fitness, sports and tourism for the tenure 2011-2016. The plan has identified the specific jobs of the tourism industry and tourism development planning in the period 2011 - 2015. At the end of 2012, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism completed the master plan project for tourism development in Vietnam and reported to the Government. On that basis, on January 22, 2013, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 201 / QD-TTg, approved "Master plan for tourism development in Vietnam to 2020, with a vision to 2030". The plan has supplemented and adjusted the goals of tourism development, orientations and solutions. In the period 2011 - 2015, the direction of planning construction, tourism development plans has a strong breakthrough compared to the 2006-2010 period; it is evident in the proactive implementation of construction and organizes the implementation of the Vietnam Tourism Development Strategy and Master Plan to 2020, with a vision to 2030. The interdisciplinary has been clearly shown in the plans, plans, in particular the work of Ministries, branches and agencies are very detailed and specific, thereby overcoming the overlap between the planning of the tourism industry with other sectors, overcoming the lack of linkage in the planning. Upon completion of construction, very specific and strict decisions, directives, plans, action plans and implementation plans were issued from the central to local levels, which are very convenient to deploy to the ministries, branches and related agencies. However, tourism development planning remains some certain shortcomings. 3.2.2. Further mobilize investment resources for tourism development In the period 2011 - 2015, investment direction for tourism development is conducted proactively, flexibly, with high efficiency, focusing on investment in infrastructure to promote tourism development. Since 2010, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has developed report No. 146 / TTR-BVHTTDL, dated 20/7/2010, On increasing support for investment in tourism infrastructure in 2011- 2015, to synchronously develop tourist resorts infrastructure. Next, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 60 / QD-TTg dated September 30, 2010, Promulgating principles, criteria and norms for allocation of development investment capital from the state budget period 2011 - 2015. It is set to determine the target, principles, content and level of support for tourism development from the state budget in the period 2011 - 2015. The strategy for Vietnam’s tourism development to 2020, with a vision to 2030, clearly states: Mobilizing all domestic and foreign resources for investment in tourism development, the investment focus is on developing the lower system floors and technical facilities for tourism. The master plan on Vietnam’s tourism development to 2020, with a vision to 2030, identifies priorities for investment, areas of investment concentration and total investment for each tourist area, tourist area, and solution. The 2011-2015 periods needs a total investment of 372 trillion dong (equivalent to 18.5 billion USD). The priority investment contents include: Investment in technical facilities is USD 6,475 million (35%); infrastructure investment is 5,180 million USD (28%); promotion, branding is 2,775 million USD (15%); human resource training is 1,295 million USD (7%), etc. From 2011 to 2014, attracting foreign investment in tourism development continued to comply with the Prime Minister's Decision No. 1290 / QD-TTg, dated September 26, 2007, On the countries calling for foreign investment in the 2006-2010 periods. On April 29, 2014, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 631 / QD-TTg, Promulgating the list of countries calling for foreign investment to 2020, replacing Decision No. 1290 / QD-TTg dated September 26, 2007. The decision has clearly identified tourism projects calling for foreign investment in the period 2014 - 2015. The efficiency of directing investment in tourism development has a strong development compared to the 2006-2010 period. The total investment capital for tourism development increases sharply compared to the 2006-2010 period. Total investment in accommodation and Food and drink in the period 2011 - 2015 is 126,704 billion VND, 1.97 times more than that of the 2006-2010 periods. 3.2.3. Further develop and diversify products and types of tourism The 11th Congress (2011) of the Party continued to set the orientation to diversify types of tourism, in which, prioritizing the development of marine and island tourism, cultural tourism, ecotourism to promote tourism development. Implement the Party's policy; the Vietnam Tourism Development Strategy to 2020, with a vision to 2030 affirms that one of the goals of tourism development is to create high quality tourism products, with national cultural identity, competing with other countries in the region and the world. Plan on tourism development in Vietnam to 2020, vision to 2030 clearly states the development direction of all types and tourism products. The National Plan of Action on tourism for the period 2013 - 2020, defines: By 2015, building and transferring the management and exploitation of about 20 typical, specific, high-quality tourism products, improving the quality of tourism products for 30% of tourism products of tourist sites and destinations in the whole

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