In Thi Nai lagoon: %OC in seagrasses reaches from 26.63 ± 2.32% to
40.64 ± 0.45%, the lowest in Halophila beccarii and highest in Thalassia
hemprchii. The average %OC is 34.30 ± 1.82% (table 3.16, figure 3.26).
- In Nai lagoon: %OC in seagrasses reaches from 26.7 ± 1.9% to 44.7 ±
2.7%, the lowest in Halophila ovalis and the highest in Enhalus acoroides.
The average %OC is 36.32 ± 4.1% (table 3.16)
- The average % OC in seagrasses in the three lagoons is 32.8 ± 1.3%,
showing that the default conversion factor of 0.47 (47%) of IPCC (2006) is
used to estimate reserves organic carbon (Corg) in seagrass is not yet
There is correlation (R2 = 0.51, r = 0.71) between biomass and %OC
(figure 3.27), however, there is almost no correlation between shoots
density and %OC (R2 = 0,06) (figure 3.28).
On the basis of the determination of organic carbon content (%OC) of
each species, biomass (g.dry/ m2) and distribution areas (ha). The results
- In Tam Giang - Cau Hai lagoon: a total of Corg in seagrasses is
10,068.8 tons, equivalent to 36,952.5 tons.CO2. The Zostera japonica has
the highest in Corg (5.9 tons.Corg/ha, equivalent to 21.6 tons.CO2/ ha). On
average of seagrasses is 4.9 tons.Corg/ ha (table 3.16)
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Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang tài liệu Tóm tắt Luận án The study on seagrass communities and carbon storage capacity of them in some typical coastal lagoons in the central of Vietnam, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
as used to interpret and analyze
the spatial distribution of the ecosystems in GIS software.
2.4.6. Data analysis
Microsoft Excel and packages of SPSS 20 softwares were used to
statistical all of data.ANOVAstatistical was performed to determine the
variation of different environments conditions.
3.1. Seagrass composition and morphological characteristics
3.1.1. Species composition
Results of this study showed that a total of 09 species of 6 genera, 4
families in 3 study areas were identified, out of 15 of Vietnam. In
particular, Tam Giang - Cau Hai lagoon has 6 species, Thi Nai lagoon has
7 species, and Nai lagoon has 6 species, different species composition in
different lagoons (Table 3.1). Supplementing the Halodule uninervis for
seagrass species composition in Cau Hai lagoon (Tam Giang - Cau Hai
lagoon), the Halophila major for seagrass species composition in Nai
The sorresson homology coefficient among the communities in Tam
Giang - Cau Hai lagoon and Thi Nai lagoon is the highest, reaching 0.92.
Table 3.1.Status of species composition in 3 study areas
STT Taxon
Distribution of species composition
TG-CH Thi Nai Nai
Hydrocharitaceae Juss.
Enhalus L.C. Rich.
1 Enhalus acoroides (L.f) Royle +++ +++
Thalassia Banks ex Koenig
2 Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb. ex Solms) Asch. + + + +
Halophila Du petit Thouars
3 Halophila beccarii Ascherson ++ ++ + +
4 Halophila ovalis (R. Br.) Hooker f. + ++ + + ++ ++
5 Halophila major (Zoll.) Miquel +
Ruppiaceae Horaninov
Ruppia Linnaeus
6 Ruppia maritima Linnaeus ++ ++ ++ ++ + +
Zosteraceae Domortier
Zostera Linnaeus
7 Zostera japonica Ascherson & Graebner +++ +++ ++ ++
Cymodoceaceae N. Taylor
Halodule Endlicher
8 Halodule pinifolia (Miki) den Hartog + + ++ ++ + +
9 Halodule uninervis (Forssk.) Ascherson + + +
Seasonal species 6 5 7 7 6 6
Total of species 6 7 6
Note: (+): Less; (++): Many; (+++): Very much; TG-CH: Tam Giang-Cau Hai lagoons;
SW: southwest wind season (rainy season), NE: Northeast monsoon season (dry season).
3.1.2. The identification keys
1a. Leaves differentiated into a sheath and a blade, without a ligule...........2
1b. Leaves differentiated into a sheath and a blade, with a ligule................3
2a. Flowers dioecious, sometimes monoecious, with a trimerous
2b. Flowers monoecious, without a perianth............................Ruppiaceae
3a. Leaves without tannin cells; each longitudinal vein with several
fibrous strands; one xylem lumen........................................Zosteraceae
3b. Leaves with tannin cells; each longitudinal vein with several fibrous
strands, but with several xylem lumen..........................Cymodoceaceae
HỌ HYDROCHARITACEAE Juss. 1789, Gen. Pl. 67; nom. cons.
Typus: Hydrocharis L.
1a. Very coarse plants with a thick rhizome and strap-shaped leaves; leaf
margins with very coarse nerves, after decay remaining as persistent
strands.............................................................................................. Enhalus
1b. Moderately coarse or even very delicate plants with more slender
rhizomes...................................................................................................... 2
2a. Leaf-bearing branches arising fromthe rhizome at distances of several
internodes; each internode covered by a scale. Leaves distichous, linear;
nerves parallel...............................................................................Thalassia
2b. Leaf-bearing branches arising from the thin rhizome at each node.
Leaves petiolate, in pairs, in pseudo-whorls or distichously arranged; with
a pinnate nervation.......................................................................Halophila
ENHALUS L. C. Richard. 1812. Mem. Inst. Paris 12(2): 64, 71, 74.
Type species: Enhalus koenigi Rich. (=E. acoroides (L. f.) Royle).
Enhalus acoroides (L.f.) Royle, 1839; Phamh., 1993; N.V.Tien, 2002;
N.T. Do, 2005; Wang, Q. et al., 2010.
_Stratoides acoroides L.f., 1781;_Enhalus koenigi Rich., 1812;
_Valisneria sphaerocarpa Blanco., 1937; _Enhalus marinus Griff., 1951.
Descriptions: robust dioecious species. Rhizome 1.5 – 1.8 cm in
diameter, covered with black long persistent fibrous strands of decayed-
leaves and numerous, cord-like, fleshy, thick roots 1.5 – 5 mm in diameter,
8 - 20 cm long. Leaf blades 30 - 150 cm long, 12 – 1.8 cm wide, apex
rounded, with longitudinal veins nerves parallel, two sides of the leaf
border have 2 long veins, etc. (figure 3.1).
Loc.class.: Habitat inter Insulas Zeylonicas, König. Lectotypus:
[illustration in] Rumphius. 1750. Herb. Amboin. 6: 179, t. 75, fig. 2.
Figure 3.1. Enhalus acoroides – 1. vegetative morphology; 2.a form; 3. habitat form
THALASSIA Banks ex Konig., 1805
Leccotype species: Thalassia testudium Banks & Sol. ex Koenig
(designated by Rydberg, 1909. Fl. N. Amer. 17: 73).
Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb.) Aschers, 1871; Phamh., 1961; Ernani G.
Menez, R.C. Phillips, Hil. P. Calumpong, 1983; Phamh., 1993;
N.V.Tien, 2002; N. T. Do, 2005; Wang, Q. et al., 2010.
_Schizotheca Ehrenb., 1834.
Descriptions: Rhizome 3 – 5 mm in diameter. Internodes 4 – 7 mm
long. Each node with a root, 1,5 mm in diameter. Leaf blades 10 – 40 cm
long, 4 – 11 mm wide, with 7 - 17 longitudinal veins,... (figure 3.2)
Loc.class.: Eritrea: Massouar. Ehrenberg, C.G., Typus: #s.n. (LT: BM;
IT: LE).
1 2 3
Figure 3.2. Thalassia hemprichii – 1,2. a form and leaf apex; 3. habitat form
HALOPHILA Thouars. 1806. Gen. Nov. Madag. 2: 2.
Type species: Halophila madagascariensis Steudel (=H. ovalis (R. Br.)
Hook. f.), validated by Doty and Stone. 1967.
1a. Leaf blades are needle-shaped, without cross veins, but with 3
longitudinal veins........................................................... Halophila beccarii
1b. The leaves are oval or ovoid, with cross veins ..............................2
2a. Leaf blades 10 - 12 mm long, 7 – 9 mm wide, with 12 – 16 cross
veins angle ranged 45 – 550 with midrib...Halophila ovalis
2b. Leaf blades 15 – 18 mm long, 9 – 12 mm wide, with 16 – 18 cross
veins angle ranged 60 – 750 with midrib ..............Halophila major
Halophila beccarii Ascherson, 1871; Phamh., 1993; N.V.Tien, 2002; N.
T. Do, 2005; Wang, Q. et al., 2010.
Descriptions: Dioecious. Thin rhizomes 1 – 2 cm long, with 2 scales
covering the base of the erect stem bearing a group of 6 - 10 leaves at the
top. Blades lanceolate, up to 3 cm long, 1 - 2 mm wide, with no cross
veins, but with 3 paralleled veins in paralleled, apex pointed, etc. (figure
Loc.class.: Indonesia: Borneo: Sarawak, near mouth of Bintula River.
Typus: Beccari 3666 (IT: S).
1 2 3
Figure 3.3. Halophila beccarii – 1.a form; 2. leaf, 3.habitat form
Halophila ovalis (R.Br.) Hook. f., 1858; Phamh., 1993; N.V.Tien, 2002;
N. T. Do, 2005; Wang, Q. et al., 2010
_Caulinia ovalis R. Brown, 1810;_Kernera ovalis Schult., 1829;
_Halophila madagascariensis Steud., 1840;_Diplanthera indica Steud.,
1840;_Diplanthera sp. Griff., 1851;_Lemnopsis major Zoll., 1851;
_Halophila major (Zoll.) Miq., 1855;_Halophila euphlebia Makino,
1912; _Halophila linearis den Hartog, 1957_Halophila hawaiina Doty
and Stone., 1966;_Halophila australis Doty and Stone., 1966.
Descriptions: Dioecious. Thin rhizome, 1.0 – 1.5 mm in diameter,
internodes up to 10 cm long; erect shoot at each node, bearing a pair of
petiolated leaves; leaf blades lanceolate to obovate or elliptic, 10 – 12 mm
long, 7 – 9 mm wide, margin entire, apex obtuse, base rounded, petiole 2.2
– 3.0 cm long, midrib prominent with 12 - 16 cross veins angle ranged 45 -
550 with midrib, etc. (figure 3.4).
Loc.class.: Australia: Tasmania. Typus: R. Brown 5816 (BM).
Figure 3.4. Halophila ovalis; 1.a form; 2. leaf, 3.habitat form
Halophila major (Zoll.) Miq., 1855; X.V.Nguyen, et al., 2013.
_Lemnopsis major Zoll., 1854; _Halophila ovalis var. major (Zoll.)
Ascher., 1868;_Halophila euphlebia Mak., 1912.
Descriptions: Dioecious. Thin rhizome, 1 – 1.5 mm in diameter,
internodes 1 - 5 cm long; erect shoot at each node, bearing a pair of
petiolated leaves; leaf blades lanceolate to obovate or elliptic, 15 – 18 mm
long, 9 – 12 mm wide, margin entire, apex obtuse, base rounded, petiole
2.2 – 3.0 cm long, midrib prominent with 16 – 18 (25) cross veins angle
ranged 60 – 750 with midrib, and distance from intramarginal vein to
lamina margin 0.20–0.25 mm, etc. (figure 3.5).
Loc.class. Indonesia: Sumbawa: Kambing. Lectotype: H. Zollinger
1 2 3
Figure 3.5. Halophila major; 1.a form; 2. leaf, 3.habitat form
RUPPIACEAE Horaninov., 1834.
Typus: Ruppia L.
RUPPIA L., 1753.
Type species: Ruppia maritima L.
Ruppia maritima Linnaeus, 1753; Phamh., 1993; N.V.Tien, et al., 2002; N.
T. Do, 2005; Wang, Q. et al., 2010.
_Ruppia maritima subsp. rostellata Aschers. & Graeb.; _Ruppia maritima
var. rostrata J. Agardh;_Ruppia rostellata W. D. J. Koch ex Reichenbach.,
_Buccaferrea cirrhosa Petagna, 1787; _Ruppia cirrhosa Grande, 1918.
Descriptions: Thin-long rhizome, up to 150 cm, sheath 2 – 10 mm long,
Leaves linear 6 – 10 cm long and 0.5 – 0.8 mm wide with acute tips, and a
single nerve, leaf sheath not transparent 1.2 cm long. Inflorescence with
two hermaphrodite flowers, peduncle supporting the inflorescence not
coiled; each inflorescence had from two to eight mature fruitlets,
etc.(figure 3.6).
Loc.class.: Habitat in Europae maritimis. Lectotypus: Micheli. 1729.
Nov. Pl. Gen. t. 35. (designated by Jacobs & Brock. 1982. Aquatic Bot.
14: 329).
1 2 3
Figure 3.6. Ruppia maritima - 1.a form; 2. mature fruitlets, 3.habitat form
ZOSTERACEAE Domortier. 1829. Anal. Fam. Pl. 65, 66; nom. cons.
Typus: Zostera L. 1753
ZOSTERA L. 1753. Sp. Ed. 1: 986.
Type species: Zostera marina L.
Zostera japonica Aschers., Graebn., 1907 ; N.V.Tien, 2002; N. T. Do,
2005; Wang, Q. et al., 2010.
_Zostera nana Mertens ex Roth., 1868; _Nanozostera japonica (Ascherson
& Graebner) Tomlinson & Posluszny, 2010.
Descriptions: Perennial. Rhizomes with internodes 5 - 30 mm long, 0.5
– 1.5 mm in diameter, each node with roots. Leaves 5 - 35 cm long, 1 - 2
mm wide, with 2 - 4 secondary nerves on each side, apex rounded to acute,
asymmetrical, with a narrow central slit caused by the degeneration of the
apical cells; axillary scales 2, linear-lanceolate. Open sheath 2 - 10 cm
long, etc. (figure 3.7).
Loc.class.: Japan: Honshu: Miyadzu, fr., October 1901s. Typus: U.
Faurie 4889. (HT: P; IT: UC).
1 2 3
Figure 3.7. Zostera japonica – 1.a form; 2. leaf tip, 3.habitat form
CYMODOCEACEAE N. Taylor. 1909. in A. Amer. Fl. 17: 31.
Typus: Cymodocea Konig, 1805.
HALODULE Endl. 1841. Gen. Pl. Suppl. 1: 1368.
Type species: Diplanthera tridentata Steinheil (=H. uninervis
(Forssk.) Archerson).
1a. leaf tip tridentate, with 3 well-developed lateral teeth. Blades leaf 0.8
– 1.4 mm wideHalodule uninervis
1b. leaf tip rounded, more or less serrulate, lateral teeth faintly developed
or absent. Blades leaf 0.5 – 0.8 mm wide...Halodule pinifolia
Halodule uninervis (Forssk.) Aschers., 1882; Ernani G. Menez, R.C.
Phillips, Hil. P. Calumpong, 1983; Phamh., 1993; N.V.Tien, 2002; N. T.
Do, 2005; Wang, Q. et al., 2010.
_Zostera uninervis Forssk., 1775;_Diplanthera tridentate Steinheil., 1883;
_Diplanthera madagascariensis Steud., 1840;_Ruppia sp. Zoll.,
1854;_Halodule austrais Miq., 1855;_Halodule tridentate F. v. M.,
1882;_Diplanthera uninervis Aschers., 1897; F. N. Williams., 1904;
Phamh., 1961.
Descriptions: Thin rhizomes 0.5 – 0.8 mm in diameter, internodes 2.5 –
3 cm long. Leaf blades 4 – 11 cm long and 0.8 mm - 1.4 mm wide; apex
tridentate with a short central tooth and well-developed lateral teeth. Leaf
sheath 2 – 3 cm long, etc. (figure 3.8).
Loc.class.: Type: Yemen: near Al Mukha: Mocha. Typus: Forsskål (no
material found).
1 2 3
Figure 3.8. Halodule uninervis - 1.a form; 2. leaf tip, 3.habitat form
Halodule pinifolia den Hartog, 1964; Ernani G. Menez, R.C. Phillips, Hil.
P. Calumpong, 1983; Phamh., 1993; N.V.Tien, 2002; N. T. Do, 2005;
Wang, Q. et al., 2010.
_Diplanthera pinifolia Miki. 1932. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 46: 787.
Descriptions: Thin rhizomes up to 1 mm in diameter, internodes 1 – 3
cm long. Leaf blades 2 - 8 cm long and 0.5 mm - 0.8 mm wide; apex
rounded with minute serrations and two poorly developed to non-existing
lateral teeth. Leaf sheath 1 – 1.5 cm long, etc. (figure 3.9).
Loc.class.: China: Taiwan: Takao, 16 Dec 1925. Typus: S. Miki s.n.
1 2 3
Figure 3.9. Halodule pinifolia; 1.a form; 2. leaf tip, 3.habitat form
3.1.3. Variation of seagrass composition Tam Giang - Cau Hai lagoons
There are 6 species belonging to 4 genera, 4 families. Zostera japonica is
the dominant species. The supplement ofHalodule uninervis increasesthe
number of seagrass species here from 6 to 7, excluding Halophila minor. Thi Nai lagoon
There are 7 species belonging to 5 genera, 4 families. In the period of 2008-
2009, Thalassia hemprichiiwas not recorded, Halodule pinifolia is the
dominant species. Nai lagoon
There are 6 species belonging to 5 genera, 3 families. Enhalus acoroides is
the dominant species. The supplement the Halophila major increases seagrass
species composition here from 5 to 6.
* Halophila beccarii, which is is in the "Red list - Red list" (IUCN,
2010) appearstotally in three lagoons, most of which are Tam Giang - Cau
Hai lagoon.
3.2. Distribution characteristics of seagrass
3.2.1. Tam Giang - Cau Hai lagoons
The area of seagrass distribution in the period of 1996 - 2010 tended to
decrease sharply, was 2,200 ha in 1996 (Nguyen Van Tien, 2004), 1,200
ha in 2003 (IMOLA, 2007) and 1,000 ha in 2010 (Cao Van Luong, 2010).
In present, this area has increased significantly, up to 2,037 ha (figure
Figure 3.11. Distribution characteristics of seagrass in Tam Giang – Cau Hai lagoons
3.2.2. Thi Nai lagoon
Through statistics and satellite analysis of this study, the total area of
seagrass in Thi Nai lagoon is 180 ha. Meanwhile, according to N.H. Dai
(1999), N.V.Tien (2008), N.X.Hoa (2011), the area of seagrass here in
2010 was in range of 200 - 215 ha (figure 3.12).
3.2.3. Nai lagoon
Through statistics and satellite analysis of this study, the total area of
seagrass in Nai lagoon was estimated at 90 ha. There are 02 areas which
have hight density of seagrass, approximately tens of hectares located in
the southwest area of Tri Thuy bridge and in the ponds at Dong Khanh
bridge. According to Trong Nho (1994) and Dang Ngoc Thanh (2003),
from 2000s onward, there was about 60 ha of area of seagrass (figure
Figure 3.12. Maps of seagrass
distribution in Thi Nai lagoon
Figure 3.13. Maps of seagrass distribution
in Nai lagoon
3.3. Coverage and density of shoots
3.3.1. Tam Giang - Cau Hai lagoons
The Zostera japonica is the dominant species and has the highest density
of shoots and coverage at 9,905 ± 550 shoots/m2, 75%; Halodule pinifolia
with 6,010 ± 722 shoots/m2, 50% and lowest is Ruppia maritima with
1,112 ± 309 shoots/m2.
In comparing of density of shoots from 2009 throught 2017, there was in
different species. In 2009, the density of shoots Zostera japonica averaged
8,550 shoots/m2, but it was 9,905 ± 550 shoots/m2 by 2016, increased by
1.15 times (Nguyen Van Tien, 2013).
3.3.2. Thi Nai lagoon
Seagrass in Thi Nai is mainly distributed on sandy and muddy substrate
along shallow coastal waters in aquaculture ponds and on floating dunes
such as in the southwest of Thi Nai bridge, Ha Thanh estuary with 25 -
90% coverage. The Zostera japonica is the dominant species and the
coverage is inthe range of 31 - 75%, reaching 3,051 ± 907 shoots/m2, the
Halodule pinifoliais 20 - 60% coverage, reaching 350 – 1,500 shoots/m2.
Halophila ovalis and Halodule uninervisare sparsely distributed, the
Halophila beccarii is recorded in the rainy season only.
3.3.3. Nai lagoon
The coverage of seagrass from 50% to 80%, some transects up to 100%.
The lowest coverage was in the Enhalus acoroides in the Tri Thuy (25%).
The average coverage at the sections is about 65%, with 150 ± 5
3.4. The quantitative characteristics of seagrasses
3.4.1. Tam Giang - Cau Hai lagoons
Quantitative indicators in Zostera japonica varies strongly according
to spatio-temporal distribution. The results showed that the dry season is
suitable for seagrass growth and development. The average density,
length and biomass reached 9,905 ± 550 shoots/m2, 20,71 ± 2,15 cm and
1,779.1 ± 305,5 g.dry/m2 respectively.
The dry season is suitable for Halodule pinifolia growth and
development. The average density, length and biomass reached 6,010 ±
722 shoots/m2, 12.02 ± 1.5 cm, 831.3 ± 155.3 g.dry/m2 respectively.
The temporaldistribution does not affect the growth and development of
Halophila ovalis.The average density, length and biomass reached 3,407
± 843 shoots/m2, 3.48 ± 0.2 cm, 256.6 ± 34.7 g.dry/m2 respectively.
The average density, length and biomass of Halophila beccarri
reached 5.,25 ± 434 shoots/m2, 3.34 ± 0.1 cm, 206.6 ± 17.6 g.dry/m2
respectively. The biomass is higher than 57.7 g.dry/m2 in Nguyen Van
Tien (2006).
For the first time, samples of the Halodule uninervis were collected and
initial quantitative analysis was conducted. The average density, length
and biomass reached 1,200 ± 125 shoots/m2, 12.4 ± 1.5 cm and 294.05 ±
27.8 g.dry/m2 respectively
Figure 3.15. The quantitative correlation of
Zostera japonica Tam Giang – Cau Hai
Figure 3.19. The quantitative
correlation of Zostera japonica Thi
Nai lagoon
Evaluation of the correlation of the indicators showed that the shoot
density was a factor that strongly affected biomass rather than the length
with R2 = 0.87 (r = 0.92) and R2 = 0.55 (r = 0.74) (figure 3.15). At the
same time, the ratio of SKT/SKD also shows that, in the dry season (1.92),
seagrass grows better than the rainy season (1.07).
3.4.2. Thi Nai Lagoon
Quantitative indicators of seagrass in Thi Nai lagoon tend to decrease
when compared to previous studies, such as N.V.Tien (2004, 2002, 2006,
There is a significant change in biomass and density cause of season,
the biomass of Zostera japonica is higher in the dry season. The average
density, length and biomass reached 3,051 ± 907 shoots/m2, 22.87 ± 1.5
cm and 228.03 ± 32.69 g/m2 respectively.
The average density, length and biomass of Halodule pinifolia reached
907 ± 322 shoots/m2, 9.10 ± 1.15 cm and 81.42 ± 18.56 g.dry/m2
The average density, length and biomass of Halophila ovalis reached
505 ± 32 shoots/m2, 3.12 ± 0.07 cm and 141.21 ± 7.80 g.dry/m2
The average density, length and biomass of Halophila beccarri
reached 156 ± 11 shoots/m2, 3.40 ± 0.25 cm và 23.57 ± 1.52 g.dry/m2
The average density, length and biomass of Ruppia maritima reached
964 ± 67 shoots/m2, 42.37 ± 12.1 cm and 812.33 ± 21.95 g.dry/m2
The average density, length and biomass of Halophila uninervis
reached 925 ± 33 shoots/m2, 9.7 ± 0.8 cm and 393.0 ± 26.7 g.dry/m2
Thalassia hemprichii is distributed in a narrow range in the lagoon,
where salinity is high and stable. It has lowest shoots density but the
biomass is quite hight (86 ± 11 shoots/m2 with 156.06 ± 48.17 g.dry
The value of coefficient R2 = 0.69 (r = 0.83) showed the strong
correlation between density and biomass in Zostera japonica in Thi Nai
lagoon (figure 3.19).
3.4.3. Nai lagoon
The average density, length and biomass of Enhalus acoroides reached
150 ± 5 shoots/m2, 84.23 ± 9.85 cm and 2,791.4 ± 145.1 g.dry/m2
respectively (higher than most other areas such as Cu Mong - Phu Yen, Ba
Thin - Cam Ranh, Kien Giang), more 2.4 times then the biomass of
Enhalus acoroides on the world (464.4 g.dry/m2), more 1.5 times than the
biomass of E. acoroides in Papua New Guinea with 773.6 g.dry/m2 (figure
3.20) (Nguyen Van Tien, 2006; Nguyen Huu Dai, 2002; Duarte C. M,
1999; Brouns JE M, 1997).
There is a close correlation (r = 0.75) between the density of shoot and
biomass in the Enhalus acoroides (figure 3.21).
Figure 3.20. Comparative graph of
biomass of Enhalus acoroides
Hình 3.21. The quantitative correlation of
Enhalus acoroides in Nai lagoon
The average density, length and biomass of Thalassia hemprichii
reached 112 ± 17 shoots/m2, 18.22 ± 2.2 cm and 353.7 ± 48.7 g.dry/m2
The average density, length and biomass of Halophila ovalis reached
1,116 ± 336 shoots/m2, 2.52 ± 0.18 cm, 116.1 ± 34.4 g.dry/m2
respectively. This result is higher than some studies in other areas in
Vietnam (Nguyen Van Tien, 2006).
The average density, length and biomass of Halodule pinifolia reached
525 ± 35 shoots/m2, 17.75 ± 3.98 cm and 125.7 ± 2.4 g.dry/m2
The average density, length and biomass of Halophila major reached
975 ± 113 shoots/m2, 3.21 ± 0.13 cm, and 175.3 ± 47.5 g.dry/m2
The average density, length and biomass of Ruppia maritima reached
557 ± 12 shoots/m2, 58.32 ± 12.55 cm and 765.2 ± 128.1 g.dry/m2
3.4.3. The ratio of above and below biomass
Research on ratio of above ground and below ground biomass
(SKT/SKT) is a factor to assess the health and growth direction of
seagrass (Dumbauld, 2003).
In Tam Giang - Cau Hai lagoon, the ratio of SKT/SKD in all species is
1.01, the highest in Zostera japonica with 1.5; the lowest in the
Halodule uninervis with 0.6 (figure 3.23).
In Thi Nai lagoon, the ratio of SKT/SKD of all species is 1.46, Zostera
japonica is at an average of 1.48 (figure 3.24). The lowest in Halophila
beccarii with 0.77, highest in Ruppia maritima with 1.95 showing a
sweetening in the place where they are distributed.
Figure 3.23. Ratio of
SKT/SKD of seagrasses in
Tam Giang – Cau Hai
Figure 3.24. Ratio of
SKT/SKD of seagrasses in
Thi Nai
Figure 3.25. Ratio of
SKT/SKD of seagrasses in
In Nai lagoon, the SKT/SKD ratio of seagrasses is 0.84; Enhalus
acoroides is 0.75; Thalassia hemprichii is 1.0 and lowest in the Ruppia
maritima with 0.48 (figure 3.25). The results show the development of
underground of seagrasses in Nai lagoon.
3.5. Cacbon storage in the seagrass
3.5.1. Biomass of seagrass
With the total area of sea grass covered (100%) is 1,276.3 ha, which
converted from 2,307 hectares of mixed seagrass. The reserve of seagrass
is estimated in 03 lagoons in turn reached: Tam Giang - Cau Hai lagoon is
10,153.7 tons.dry, in Thi Nai lagoon is 132.1 tons.dry và Nai lagoon is
281.1 tons.dry.
If using the default conversion factor of 0.47 of IPCC (2006) to convert
into Corg from biomass, the calculation result is 4,966.4 tons.Corg,
respectively, equivalent to 18,226.7 tons.CO2
3.5.2. Organic carbon content in seagrass
The results of organic carbon content (%OC) in seagrass in 3 lagoons
are summarized in table 3.16:
Table 3.2. Stock of organic carbon in seagrass and value evaluation
Site Area (ha) Specices
Stock of
of CO2
OL3 5 H.p 631.3 ± 31.5 27.4 ± 0.6 0.86 3.2 214
OL4 30 R.m 1,963.8 ± 18.0 22.3 ± 1.5 13.14 48.2 3,229
OL5 15 Z.j
1,779.1 ± 305.5 32.7 ± 4.4 9,017.3 33,093.5 2,217,265
CT 70 Z.j
DS1 5 Z.j
DS2 10 Zj
TG4 1.450 Z.j
TG5 45 H.u 294.1 ± 27.8 26.8 ± 2.1 35.4 129.9 8,703
TG5 17 H.p 831.3 ± 155.3 35.8 ± 1.2 50.6 185.7 12,442
CH1 61 H.u 294.1 ± 27.8 29.1 ± 2.2 52.2 191.6 12,837
CH2 105 Z.j 1,779.1 ± 305.5 39.4 ± 0.9 735.9 2,700.8 180,954
CH3 37 H.b 206.6 ± 17.6 21.7 ± 0.5 16.6 60.9 4.080
CH4 187 H.o 256.6 ± 34.7 30.6 ± 1.7 146.8 538.8 36,100
Total 1 10,068.8 36,952.5 2,475,824
TN3 5 H.p 77.6 ± 5.04 28.5 ± 1.8 1.25 4.6 308
TN4 20 Z.j 162.8 ± 46.1 38.1 ± 2.1 12.41 45.6 3,055
TN5 4 H.u 64.2 ± 6.3 28.1 ± 2.5 0.72 2.6 174
TN6 30 H.p 130.9 ± 7.4 37.7 ± 0.4 14.82 54.4 3,645
TN7 13 H.p 59.1 ± 10.1 40.6 ± 5.9 3.12 11.4 764
TN10 2 H.p 48.2 ± 7.2 27.5 ± 1.7 0.26 1.0 67
TN11 2 H.b 55.1 ± 13.1 26.6 ± 2.3 0.29 1.1 74
TN14 50 Z.j 256.7 ± 14.3 41.2 ±
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