The price of rice that Vietnamese farmers sell at the farm ranges from 282.7 USD /
ton - 315.8 USD / ton. Rice prices were quite stable in the period 2015-2018. Compared
with other countries around the world, the price of rice sold by Vietnamese farmers on
their farms has increased in recent years. If in 2010, the price of rice that Vietnamese
farmers sold on the farm was 289.5 USD / ton, ranked 51st in the world, in 2018, the price
of rice that Vietnamese farmers sold on the farm decreased to 282.7 USD / ton, ranking
37th in the world. Compared with the top 5 rice exporting countries in the world shown in
Table 3.15, the price of rice that Vietnamese farmers sell on farms is quite high. In the
period 2010-2011, the price of rice that Vietnamese farmers sold on the farm stood at 2/4,
after Thailand and the US. In 2012, the price of rice sold by Vietnamese farmers on the
farm fell to 4th place in the group of 5 countries. In the period 2014-2016, Vietnam's rice
price rose to the 2nd position in the group of 5 countries. In 2017 and 2018, the price of
rice sold by Vietnamese farmers on the farm was the highest among 5 countries
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tion capacity of the industry is
also reflected in the product quality of that industry [94]. The quality of products highly
appreciated by consumers shows that the production capacity of the country is high. In
other words, it reflects that the country's rice industry is highly competitive compared to
other competitors in the market.
2.3.2. Production cost
Production cost is also one of the important factors to assess the competitiveness
of an industry. Production costs include fixed and variable costs. In which fixed costs are
expenses whether in production or not, farmers, traders or businesses still have to pay such
as interest payable, office rental, land rental, and other expenses, registration fees The
second cost is variable costs, which are expenses depending on production or production
activities, such as: farmer's input costs including seeds, fertilizers, plant protection products;
expenses related to machinery and services include: pumping, irrigation, renting earth-working
machines, renting reaper, threshing; Labor costs include: sowing/transplanting, weeding,
spreading fertilizers, spraying drugs; payments for family workers; and other expenses ...
2.3.3. Selling price
Real price fluctuation is a criterion measuring the change of the average price of
the rice industry over time compared to the general consumer price. Price is one of the
important factors to determine the industry's competitiveness in the market. The prices of
products in the world market are formed based on the law of international goods supply
and demand.
2.3.4. Export market share
One of the bases for assessing the competitiveness of an industry is its share of its exports
in the market. To assess the export market share (ESij) of an industry between country i
and product j we will evaluate by the ratio of the export turnover (Xij) of product j by
firms in country i to the total value of those products exported worldwide. The export
market share is calculated by the following formula:
ESij = 100*(Xij / ∑iXij)
In which:
ESij is the export market share of industry j in country i
Xij is the export value of industry j in country i
∑iXij is the total value of industry j exports worldwide.
In addition, the export market share is calculated for each commodity in the rice
industry such as rice in rice husks, brown rice, unbroken milled rice, and broken milled
2.3.5. Competitive advantage in international market
Competitive advantage in the international market plays an important role in product
development of any country. This index is to measure the competitive advantage of a
product in the international market. According to Balassa (1965) [10] this index reflects
the difference in factor resources between countries, their competitiveness in the
international market. Specifically, the RCA index is calculated as follows:
In which:
- RCApi is the competitive advantage of product p of country i
- Xpi: export value of item p of country i
- : total exports of country i
- Xwi: export value of p products of all countries of the world
- : total exports of all countries in the world.
According to Balassa (1965) [10], The RCA index can be identified as follows:
- 0 < 1 : commodity p of country i has no comparative advantage.
- 1 < 2 : commodity p of country i has low comparative advantage.
- 2 < 4 : commodity p of country i has moderate comparative
- 4 < : commodity p of country i has a high comparative advantage.
2.3.6. Degree of export diversification
The disversity of exported goods shows the competitive capacity of the rice
industry in the large market, meeting the diverse needs of consumers. To evaluate the
diversification of exported products, the author uses the formula of Herfindahl-Hirschman
as follows:
In which: DP is an diversification index of exported goods. Xp is the export value of
the p item, and X is the total of export value.
This index has a value from 0 to 1. If the export in the industry is diverse, this
index has the value of 0. Conversely, if the export is concentrated on only one item, this
index’s value is 1 which describes the concentration.
According to Bonnal (2010) [11], the index of export market diversification
developed by Herfindahl-Hirschman is as follows:
In which: Xij,t is the export value of the country to the market in the year of t, and Xt
is the total export value of the i country.
This index has a value from 0 to 1. If the export is diverse in all markets, this index
has the value of 0. Conversely, if the export is concentrated on only one market, this
index’s value is 1 which describes the concentration.
2.4. Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến năng lực cạnh tranh của ngành
According to Porter (1990) [22], the quality of the business environment is
assessed by four general characteristics, which are (a) conditions of production, (b)
conditions of demand; (c) related and supporting industries and (d) the context for
enterprises' strategy and competition. These elements form the four corners of a diamond
and are commonly referred to as the Porter Diamond Model. Besides, it is also necessary
to emphasize the role of the local government in planning and implementing economic
policies; shape the needs and set standards for competition towards improving
Graph 2.1. The Porter Diamond Model
Source: England (2011) [1]
2.4.1. Groups of internal factors Conditions of business productions of the rice industry
Geographical position, topography, land
Weather climates
Infrastructure structure
Qualification of human resources
Area of production land Enterprises’ strategies, structure and competition
In production and business activities, in addition to making good use of resource
factors to enhance the competitive capacity, the agents involved in rice production and
supply must also establish relationships with different objects. These relationships include
relationships with customers, relationships with suppliers, relationships with credit
institutions, relationships with industry players, and relationships with the government. Marketing capacity
With the rapid development of the current market, when the competition in the
global market increases, the necessary abilities to meet the requirements of domestic and
foreign customers are more important than ever to companies. Therefore, a big problem in
the growth of companies is how to convert their marketing capacity into competitive
2.4.2. Group of external factors Demand conditions
The market is a very important business environment for enterprises. The market
is a place to consume products and looking for inputs through the purchase and sale of
output goods and services and input factors. The market is also a tool to shape and guide
the business operations, through demand, price, profit to shape business strategies and
plans. Thus, the stability of the market is very important to the operation of enterprises in
general and the competitiveness enhancement of enterprises in particular. Related and supporting industries
Industries support other industries in providing inputs and related industries have
international competitive capacity. The close relationship between industries will facilitate
innovation and technological enhancement to sustain competitive advantage more
sustainably. In the value chain of the industry, the integration of the stages in the business
production process plays a very important role in creating the sustainability of the
industry. Roles of the Governement
The state regulates through the application of specific food safety standards with
different levels of safety that food products must meet and be controlled to ensure the
compliance [15, 21].
* Supporting role
In addition to the function of promulgating and controlling the compliance with
food safety regulations and standards, in developing countries, the state plays an important
role in supporting manufacturers to apply the food safety standards [14, 25]. The state's
supportive policies towards other factors in the production chain such as consumers are
also mentioned [24].
Based on the theory built above, the research model in this dissertation is as
Graph 4: Research model
Source: The author self-synthesized
2.5. Experience in enhancing the competitiveness of the rice industry in some
countries and lessons for Vietnam
2.5.1. Experience of Thailand
2.5.2. Experience of Taiwan
2.5.3. Experience of Japan
2.5.4. Experience of India
2.5.5. Experience of Korea
2.5.6. Experience of Indonesia
2.5.7. Vietnam’s lessons learned
+ Focusing on policies to support farmers, traders and enterprises
+ Focusing on investment in production lines, modern technological equipment
+ Promoting trade promotion and product marketing
+ Adjusting trade policy on agricultural products
+ Building association models in production
Chapter 3
3.1. Current situation of the development of Vietnam's rice industry in the period of
In recent years, supportive policies for rice growers such as price stabilization
and producer support policies, and general agricultural support policies such as investment
in irrigation development, and trade liberalization, exemption of irrigation fees,
agricultural extension, scientific research support, credit loans and others have created a
significant impetus to promote rice production and contribute to increasing Vietnam's rice
productivity. Preliminary output in 2019 reached about 43448.2 thousand tons.
3.1.1. Vietnam's rice production by regions
3.1.2. Vietnam's rice production by harvests
3.2. Situation of competitive capacity of the rice industry in Vietnam
3.2.1. Production capacity
* Regarding the area
Through the data table, the rice area in the study period from 2010 to 2017 tended
to increase. In the four years from 2010 to 2013, the rice area was continuously expanded,
increasing from 7489.4 thousand hectares to 7902.5 thousand hectares; the annual average
growth rate is 2.72% / year. However, from 2014 to 2019, the rice area tends to shrink. In
2019, the rice area was 7470.1 thousand hectares. This was also the lowest rice area in the
country during the study period.
* Regarding productivity of rice production
According to the statistics of the productivity of Vietnam's rice industry shown in
chart 3.9, it can be seen that the productivity of Vietnam's rice industry tended to increase
steadily in the 2018-2019 period. However, considering the whole period, Vietnam's rice
productivity has many fluctuations showing instability in rice cultivation and production.
The unstable productivity also reflects the limited competitive capacity of Vietnam's rice
In general, Vietnam's rice productivity is quite high compared to other countries
in the world and the group of 5 largest rice exporting countries. However, considering the
current development of technology and science, the growth rate of Vietnam's rice
productivity is not really adequate. This shows that the exploitation of technology and
scientific development in rice cultivation as well as the enhancement of the competitive
capacity of Vietnam's rice industry are ineffective.
* Regarding product quality
Most customers rated Vietnam's rice to be good and high-class, especially in
terms of the amount of vitamins and minerals in the rice. However, compared to other
countries in the region, Vietnamese rice is not really appreciated. A comparison of the
evaluation results between Vietnamese and Thai rice shows that Thai rice is highly
appreciated by consumers for vitamins, minerals, design and aroma. This shows that
although Vietnam's rice has been highly appreciated, it has not really captured the
advantage in the eyes of consumers.
3.2.2. Production costs
According to a report by the United States International Trade Commission
(USITC) on production costs in the rice industry of countries, Vietnam is the country with
the lowest total costs in which, the majority of Vietnam's production costs are variable
costs such as fertilizers (23%), labor (19%), other chemical materials (13%), machinery
(13%). According to USITC’s estimates, on average, Vietnamese farmers use 35.79
USD/1 ton of rice. Compared to other countries in the top five, Vietnam's cost of fertilizer
procurement is the second highest, only after Thailand.
Currently, the expenses of chemical materials and fertilizers of Vietnamese
farmers are still high. This shows that the shift from traditional farming to organic farming
has not been strongly promoted. This is also one of the causes of reducing the competitive
capacity of Vietnam's rice industry in the market when the current market demand is
strongly shifting to the use of clean and organic products.
The expenses of hiring labor accounts for a large proportion of the total
production cost while the rice productivity tends to decrease, this shows the limitation in
the quality of human resources in Vietnam.
3.3.3. Price
The price of rice that Vietnamese farmers sell at the farm ranges from 282.7 USD /
ton - 315.8 USD / ton. Rice prices were quite stable in the period 2015-2018. Compared
with other countries around the world, the price of rice sold by Vietnamese farmers on
their farms has increased in recent years. If in 2010, the price of rice that Vietnamese
farmers sold on the farm was 289.5 USD / ton, ranked 51
in the world, in 2018, the price
of rice that Vietnamese farmers sold on the farm decreased to 282.7 USD / ton, ranking
in the world. Compared with the top 5 rice exporting countries in the world shown in
Table 3.15, the price of rice that Vietnamese farmers sell on farms is quite high. In the
period 2010-2011, the price of rice that Vietnamese farmers sold on the farm stood at 2/4,
after Thailand and the US. In 2012, the price of rice sold by Vietnamese farmers on the
farm fell to 4
place in the group of 5 countries. In the period 2014-2016, Vietnam's rice
price rose to the 2
position in the group of 5 countries. In 2017 and 2018, the price of
rice sold by Vietnamese farmers on the farm was the highest among 5 countries.
3.3.4. Market share of rice exports
Vietnam always ranks high in rice export value worldwide. In 1997, Vietnam's
rice export value ranked 4
worldwide, behind Thailand, the US and India. In 2010,
Vietnam has risen to second place in the world after Thailand. However, in the following
years, Indian rice took the position of Vietnam and pushed Vietnam down to third place.
This result shows that, compared with the rice of neighboring countries Thailand and
India, the competitiveness of Vietnam's rice industry is still weak.
The main export rice item of Vietnam is unbroken milled rice. The main export
products with large market share such as unbroken milled rice and broken milled rice have
many fluctuations and are on a downward trend. This shows that Vietnam's rice exports
are not stable, not able to maintain their market share in the international market.
3.3.5. Competitive advantage in international market
The author's calculation results show that Vietnam's rice industry has a high
competitive advantage in the international market with the number of RCA in all years
greater than 4. Competitiveness of Vietnam in the rice industry is high but tends to
decrease during the study period. In terms of commodities, Vietnam's competitiveness is
highest in non-broken rice, followed by broken rice, and the lowest is in rice husk.
However, compared with the market share of total exports of rice, unbroken rice and rice
in rice husks, the competitiveness of Vietnam is not really adequate.
3.3.6. Export diversification
Vietnam has a very high HI index which indicates that the diversification of
Vietnam's exports of rice products is very low. The fluctuations in Vietnam's rice HI index
indicate that Vietnam's rice export trend is gradually shifting from diversification to export
in certain markets. This also implies that Vietnam's rice industry competitiveness in the
international market tends to decrease. In some products such as unbroken milled rice,
Vietnam's rice husk has a sizable market share, but the diversification is not high, showing
potential risks and limited competitiveness of Vietnam. In addition, Vietnam's HI index
fluctuates a lot, showing that Vietnam's rice export performance is not stable and affected
by many external factors.
3.4. Factors affecting the competitiveness of Vietnam's rice industry
3.4.1. Statistical analysis results describe the factors
Through the assessment of the actors participating in the rice supply chain, based
on the actual situation and based on the diamond model of porter, the PhD. student
assesses the rice industry's competitiveness based on porter's diamond model as follows:
Diagram 3.1: The current situation of factors affecting Vietnam's rice
industry competitiveness according to Porter's diamond model
Source: compiled by author
3.4.2. Evaluate impacts of factors on the competitiveness of Vietnam's rice industry Exploratory factor analysis Multivariate regression analysis
+ Good communication infrastructure.
+ Farmers' qualifications are gradually improving and more
experience accumulated. The intercropping model
achieves higher efficiency than in other rice growing
+ Favorable climate and soil help improve rice yield and
+ Administrative infrastructure is well developed.
+ Trade in rice products is strongly developed.
- Lax market linkage.
- Trading activities through many intermediaries has
increased costs.
- Supporting institutions are not strong, especially financial
- The majority of labors are unskilled, lack of specialized
human resources.
- Knowledge source (R&D base) is developing day by day
but still at a weak level.
- Small field scale, high farming costs.
- Infrastructure does not meet the requirements.
+ There are many preferential policies to develop
the rice industry such as tax, interest, labor.
+ Strong competition between domestic and
foreign businesses.
+ The variety of product groups is development
opportunities for businesses, especially in the
direction of integration.
+ Transparency of the administrative background.
- Enterprises have not built material sources yet.
- State agencies have not yet estimated capacity
to supply raw materials in parallel with
investment attraction policies.
- High input costs.
- The standards for the quality of rice products
are few and the enforcement of management is
+ Supporting institutions: Associations,
universities, research institutes, State
institutions have recently developed and
have gradually received necessary assistance.
- The supplier is not strong enough.
- Poor market and brand promotion support
- The related industries are not strongly
+ Demand for rice products is very
positive, many new rice products have
high added value.
+ Vietnamese rice products are now known
to many countries around the world.
- The domestic market is dominated by
imported rice products.
- The export market is increasingly
demanding on quality, requiring
international standards such as GAP.
- (+) is advantage.
- (-) is disadvantage
After the regression of the factors affecting the competitiveness of the rice
industry with control variables including Age, Gender of the actors involved in the rice
supply process obtained the following results:
Table 3.41: Regression model
Model Unstandardized
t Sig. Collinearity
B Std.
Beta Toleran
(Constant) -2,369 0,309 -7,664 0,000
BC 0,214 0,072 0,252 2,986 0,003 0,984 1,017
CO 0,096 0,032 0,106 2,972 0,003 0,955 1,047
MS 0,488 0,040 0,440 12,283 0,000 0,954 1,049
IEI 0,362 0,032 0,397 11,182 0,000 0,972 1,029
MK 0,166 0,073 0,190 2,281 0,023 0,964 1,038
SS 0,289 0,034 0,314 8,477 0,000 0,894 1,118
Gender -0,143 0,058 -0,088 -2,492 0,013 0,984 1,016
Age 0,008 0,003 0,097 2,710 0,007 0,962 1,040
a. Dependent Variable: SC
Adjusted R
Source: Analysis of survey results
i) Verifying the appropriateness of the model
Explanation level of the model: The regression of the model to obtain adjusted R2 results
which is 0.608. Thus, 60.8% change in rice sector competitiveness is explained by independent
variables of the model. In other words, the model of the topic can explain 60.8% of the change in
the competitiveness of Vietnam's rice industry
Appropriateness level: According to the statistical result, F = 62,091 with Sig. =
0.000 <0.01 it can conclude that the given model is consistent with the actual data. In other
words, the independent variables are linearly correlated with the dependent variable and
99% of confidence level.
ii) Test the multi-collinearity phenomenon
According to the regression results table, the last column (VIF) on the
multicollinearity test between the independent variables indicates that all VIF coefficients
are <2, so there is no multicollinearity between the independent variables.
iii) Regression coefficient test
* Group of internal elements
The group of internal factors includes business strategy, structure and
competition (IEI), production and business conditions of the rice industry (BC) and
marketing capacity (MC).
The standardized beta coefficient of “rice production and business conditions”
(BC) is 0.418 and is statistically significant at 0.001 indicating that production conditions
have a positive impact on competitiveness of Vietnam's rice industry.
The beta standardized estimation coefficient of the "business strategy, structure
and competition" variable (IEI) has a positive impact on competitiveness at the statistical
significance of 0.001, showing the importance of strategy and structure of businesses in
enhancing competitiveness. Accordingly, when business strategy, structure and
competition increase by 1 standard deviation, the competitiveness of Vietnam's rice
industry increases by 0.397 standard deviation. Pricing strategies, product designs,
developing relationships with customers, relationships with suppliers, ... help rice
enterprises to have more favorable conditions in production and trade as well as improving
"Marketing capacity" (MC) also has a positive impact on the competitiveness of
businesses with the standardized beta coefficient of 0.190 and statistical significance at
0.001. This shows that, when the marketing capacity of enterprises increases by 1 standard
deviation, the competitiveness of Vietnam's rice industry increases by 0.190 standard
deviation. The higher the marketing capacity of enterprises is, the faster the ability to
develop new products and improve existing products in response to market diversification
is. The price tactics to compete with competitors are more flexible, helping businesses
easily dominate the market.
* Group of external factors
The group of external factors includes domestic and international demand
conditions (MS), Related and Supportive Sectors (CO), and Government Role (SS).
The standardized beta coefficient of “demand conditions” (MS) is 0.440 and is
statistically significant at 0.001. It is estimated that when domestic and international demand
conditions increase by 1 standard deviation, Vietnam's rice industry competitiveness
increases by 0.440 standard deviations.
The beta standardized coefficients of the variable 'related and supporting industries'
(CO) have a positive effect on competing capacity at the statistical significance of 0.001,
indicating the importance of supporting industries and stakeholders. is important in
enhancing the competing capacity of Vietnam's rice industry. Accordingly, the supporting
and related industries increase by 1 standard deviation, the competing capacity of
Vietnam's rice industry increases by 0.16 standard deviation. In the current globalization
trend, the d
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