Adhoc networks consists of a number of mobile devices that come together to form a network as needed, without any support from any existing
Internet infrastructure or any other kind of fixed stations. Most of wireless Adhoc network architectures are currently based on the random access
method of IEEE 802.11 EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access )
in CSMA/CA. In addition, the EDCA’s performance of voice and data
traffic based on the type of access in IEEE 802.11e EDCA can be adjusted
Content window (CW), Transmit Opportunity (TXOP), Arbitration interframe spacing (AIFS) are parameters to change the priority level of each
kind of flow. However, this method is still fixed, merely changing the values
of these parameters compared to the default setting in EDCA
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Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang tài liệu Improving the performance of throughput and fairness in ieee 802.11 edca wireless ad hoc networks, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
ns for wireless adhoc networks, each with dif-
ferent expressions, but all of the basic features of adhoc networks are in-
dependence and self-connectivity.
1.1.1. The features of adhoc networks
Besides the advantages, wireless adhoc networks have properties that
make them face many challenges when applying to practice. [51, 45, 52].
(1) Dynamic topology
(2) Limited energy
(3) Liminted bandwidth and short boardcasting radius
(4) Many security challenges
(5) Unreliable transmission
1.1.2. Application of adhoc network
(1) Civil field: A variant of the adhoc network is the VANET network
[35, 15] which is developed to be applied in Intelligent Transport System
(ITS). Automation Guided Vehicle is a typical example of VANETs in
which the system will automatically connect, contact, and independently
perform actions, such as detecting road lanes, identifying obstacles. In re-
search [CT3] author conducted an experiment on automation guide vehicles
with the aim of managing multimedia database processing that serves in
driving automation guided vehicles. This is also a contribution in the di-
rection of the research to improve the performance of the adhoc network
applications implemented and published by the graduate student at [CT3]
[CT4] [CT8].
(2) Military field:In most military operations it is usually fast. There
isn’t an available infrastructure network. Because of that, wireless ad hoc
5networks meet the demand for flexibility, quick deployment, mobile con-
nection. A variant of wireless ad hoc networks is Flying Adhoc Networks
(FANET)[44] which are developed for connection with drones (UAV). Each
vehicle can exchange information with each other and collect controlling
data from network nodes to the ground to perform missions such as col-
lecting information on forest resources, water resources, climate change,
intelligence, and building up area maps.
1.2. The method evaluation of performance adhoc network
There are three common methods used to evaluate network perfor-
mance: experimental evaluation, evaluation methods by analytical models,
and evaluation methods by simulation models.
1.3. Approach to solving problems for improving performance
adhoc network
There are currently many approaches to solve the problem of perfor-
mance improvement in adhoc networks, in which there are three main
approaches: Approach of routing protocols [30, 80, 70, 32, 53]; Approach
of the process queue [12, 61, 63] ,and Approach of the media access [32,
13, 18, 50, 34, 57].
1.3.1. Approach of routing
Finding the optimal route through the establishment and maintenance
of routing information at network nodes.
1.3.2. Approach of the process queue
Focus on solutions to control inbound and outbound queues so that
traffic flows between the flows and nodes appropriately
1.3.3. Approach of the media access
Focus on solving the concurrency problem at the MAC layer. In which,
improving distributed access protocols (DCF, EDCA) and improving pa-
rameters in 802.11 EDCA.
1.4. Approach and research orientation
On the basis of analyzing the main approaches, the thesis chooses the
method of transmission medium access control for improving the perfor-
mance adhoc network in IEEE 802.11 EDCA. This approach has been
6selected based on existing issues in establishing IEEE 802.11 EDCA.
(1) Problems of fixed parameters in IEEE 802.11 EDCA
Many researches [19, 20, 21] are shown that that the IEEE 802.11e
standard has partly met QoS assurance for the multimedia data type, but
in terms of fairness, this standard is still limited very much because it only
gives fixed values for the control parameter set in EDCA.
(2) Problems of Fairness index in EEE 802.11 EDCA
The competition for transmission medium by different priorities presents
challenges with increasing fairness in IEEE 802.11 EDCA adhoc networks.
Hình 1.1: Enhanced Distributed Channel Access of 802.11 EDCA [43]
The thesis studies the following main contents: Content 1: Analysis
and evaluation of the parameters in IEEE 802.11 EDCA have an effect on
the throughput of data flows adhoc network.
Content 2: The thesis propose a method for improving the QoS of the
data flows according to different priority based on dynamic TXOP param-
eter tuning mechanism in IEEE 802.11 EDCA.
Content 3: The thesis propose a novel fuzzy logic approach for enhanc-
ing the fairness of low priority data flows in IEEE 802.11 EDCA.
1.5. Consclusion
Chapter 1, The Thesis systematizes the basic theories of adhoc net-
works. The thesis is engaged in research according to the main approaches
that domestic and international researchers have achieved. The thesis presents
a research orientation to solve the chosen problems.
In this chapter, the parameters of IEEE 802.11 EDCA are analyzed
through the investigation of transmission environment access control pa-
rameters to evaluate the impact of the quality of Voice, Video, and Best-
effort flows.
2.1. Enhanced Distributed Channel Access
2.1.1. Overview IEEE 802.11 EDCA
The EDCA mechanism installed on IEEE 802.11e standard entities uses
the multiple queues to receive and process the frames that need to be
transmitted, classified according to each type of AC (Access Category).
The IEEE 802.11 EDCA applies independent sets of parameters for each
queue. The IEEE 902.11 EDCA is considered an upgraded version of IEEE
802.11 DCF using CSMA / CA and back-off function, but based on AC-
specific parameters [79, 65].
2.1.2. The format of IEEE 802.11 EDCA
The format of the information field structure for the set of EDCA
parameters is shown in Figure 2.1. In which, the field for the types AC
(AC_BE, AC_BK, AC_VI, AC_VO) uses 4 bytes, each AC includes a
set of parameters is shown in Figure 2.1.
Hình 2.1: The format of IEEE 802.11 EDCA [43]
The EDCAF function is responsible for assigning access to the medium
based on priority values set in each AC.
2.1.3. Mechanism of access channel IEEE 802.11 EDCA
The mechanism for channel access is performed by a set of parameters
set for each AC. Meanwhile, the contention window (CW), transmit op-
portunity (TXOP), arbitration interframe space (AIFS) are parameters
8for changing the priority level of each kind of flow. These parameters
are set permanently in EDCA AIFS[AC], CWmin[AC], CWmax[AC] và
(1) CWmin, CWmax parameters: are the maximum and minimum limits
of the contention window (CW), used in the back-off algorithm. In which,
CWmin[AC], CWmax[AC] are allowed to determine the factor Backoff[AC]
by equation (2.1).
Backoff [AC] = Random[0,min(2k(CWmin[AC] + 1)− 1, CWmax[AC])
Which k is the number of the collision occur.
(2) Tham số AIFS[AC]: ) is the waiting time before transmitting the
next packet or initiating back-off algorithm.
AIFS[AC] = AIFS[AC]× Te + SIFS (2.2)
Where, Te is the variable time for 1 slot time.
(3) TXOP(Tranmission Opportunity): is the maximum transmission
time when the flow gains the right to participate in data transmission.
TXOP [AC] = TDATA + 2× SIFS + TACK (2.3)
Where, the time of transmission interval covers the entire frame exchange,
such as waiting time SIFS, transmission time ACK, time of transmission
data and time to send and receive RTS/CTS if use the mechanism RT-
2.2. Simulation and analysis of the results
2.2.1. Topology and simulation environment
The thesis is evaluated the performance of the proposed method using
Network Simulator (NS-2) [6]. The simulation parameters are listed in bel-
low R=11Mbps, Antenna type=Omni directio, transmission range=250m,
Carrier sensing range=500m. MAC protocol=MAC 802.11 EDCA, Packet
siz=512bytes. Simulation time=150s, Connection type=UDP. This topol-
ogy includes two nodes, node S and node D. The source (node S) sends
three types of data (best effort, video, and voice) to node D.
92.2.2. Scenario of TXOP parameter
Bảng 2.1: Scenarios of TXOP parameter TXOP
AC TXOP Case 1 TXOP Case 2 TXOP Case 3
BE 3.264(ms) 6.016(ms) 10(ms)
VI 6.016(ms) 6.016(ms) 6.016(ms)
VO 3.264(ms) 3.264(ms) 3.264(ms)
2.2.3. Scenario of CW paramete
Bảng 2.2: Scenario of CW parameter
CW Case 1 CW Case 2 CW Case 3
Min Max Max Min Max Min
BE 15 31 7 15 2 7
VI 15 31 15 31 15 31
VO 7 15 7 15 7 15
2.2.4. Simulation Analysis
Simulation results of BE throughput flow according TXOP parameter
are shown in Table 2.1 and Figure 2.2a. Simulation results of BE through-
put flow according CW parameter are shown in Table 2.2 and Figure 2.2b.
(a) (b)
Hình 2.2: (a) Throughput of BE flow for each scenario in Table 2.1; (b)
Throughput of BE flow for each scenario in Table 2.2
The fairness index evaluation for TXOP parameter are shown in Table
2.1 and Table 2.3. The fairness index evaluation for CW parameter are
shown in Table 2.2 and Table 2.4.
Bảng 2.3: The fairness index in Table 2.1
802.11 EDCA TXOP Case 1 TXOP Case 2 TXOP Case 3
0.6 0.67 0.8 0.78
Bảng 2.4: The fairness index in Table 2.2
802.11 EDCA CW Case 1 CW Case 2 CW Case 3
0.6 0.67 0.79 0.77
Some comments from the simulations:
(1) If the fairness index is raised, the throughput value will be narrowed.
These two parameters are considered to be inversely proportional.
(2) The value of TXOP (CW) parameter at least-priority flow is in-
creased, (decreased) it will lead to increased throughput, but the band-
width will break.
(3) The TXOP, CW parameter in Enhanced Distributed Channel Ac-
cess of IEEE 802.11 EDCA set to the default value given by IEEE 802.11
not suitable for adhoc networks [75, 10, 25, 49] because the network topol-
ogy is always changing in terms of bandwidth sharing with neighboring
2.3. Conclusions
In this chapter, the thesis focuses on analyzing the working mecha-
nism of IEEE 802.11 EDCA. The simulation scenarios are constructed for
two key parameters in IEEE 802.11 EDCA to evaluate the impact on net-
work performance. The TXOP and CW parameters are evaluated based
on the throughput and fairness index. The evaluation aims to determine
the specific roles of TXOP and CW parameters for Voice, Video, and Best
Effort streams according to two performance criteria: throughput and fair-
ness. The thesis proposes a method for adjusting the parameters of 802.11
EDCA with the changing network topology to ensure the fairness of low
priority flows in the case of large loads, thereby contributing to the im-
provement of QoS for applications in ad hoc network.
3.1. Introduction
The IEEE 802.11 EDCA protocol has now become the de facto standard
for media access control in the ad hoc wireless network. The parameters
in EDCA is related to the probability of accessing the channel of each
flow. The TXOP (Transmission Opportunity) parameter is the maximum
transmission time when the flow gains the right to participate in data
Although 802.11 EDCA has good support for multimedia data flows
through the access parameter set according to the priority. However, many
studies [75, 10, 25, 49] show that when the network load reaches saturation
state, the high priority flows will tend to occupy the entire bandwidth of low
priority flows, leading to unfairness in the network. The problem is how to
choose the optimal TXOP parameter. The thesis proposes a solution that
allows sharing bandwidth in a flexible manner among the different types
of data in IEEE 802.11e by adjusting the TXOP value for each flow at
the station, thereby improving the fairness index among data flows (Voice,
Video, Best effort) in 802.11e EDCA. The simulation results show that the
proposed method will help to improve the throughput, and the fairness
3.2. Proposal of a method according to dynamic TXOP param-
3.2.1. The idea of the proposed algorithm
The goal of the method is to prevent the unfairness from happening
when flows with high priority tend to occupy the entire bandwidth. In
order to divide the bandwidth according to the desired ratio of 3: 2: 1 with
priority, Voice, Video, Best-effort [14].
3.2.2. Proposed method
The thesis propose three modules that undertake the following functions
Hình 3.1: Mô hình IEEE 802.11
EDCA với các module đề xuất
(1) TXOP-Flow module: Oper-
ating at MAC layer, which func-
tions to count the number of flows
in the transmitter domain. A flow
is determined based on the source
IP address, destination IP address,
source MAC address, destination
MAC address and AC in the be-
ginning of the frame. The symbol
of the number of flows is n, ki is
the weight for each type of data
flow. The thesis set up kV O = 3,
kV I = 2, kBE = 1. The module
gives the total weight of the flows
at the survey node according to the
W =
(ki) (3.1)
Where, ki is the weight for each type of data flow, n is the number of flows.
(2) TXOP-Flow-Active-Time module: There is a function to evaluate
the true linkage performance of a flow within the Estimation Period EP
(Estimation Period). The link performance is determined by analyzing the
time used to deliver information packets in i flow with 80% of the current
send and receive time and 20% of the previous send and receive time.
U =
In which, U is the actual linkage performance of i. TActiveT ime[i] is the
total time to send the current information packets of i flow i. TActive[i] is
the total time of sending and receiving the previous packet of i flow i.
(3) AdaptiveTXOP: Module contains algorithm to adjust TXOP pa-
rameters based on actual bandwidth sharing ratio and fair bandwidth
sharing ratio. TXOP parameter adjustment value i will be determined by
formula (3.3).
TXOP ′[i] =
× TXOP [i] (3.3)
3.2.3. Proposed algorithm
Algorithm 3.1 The fair bandwidth sharing ratio
1: Init EP = 2s,W = 0
2: Setup kV O = 3; kV I = 2; kBE = 1.
3: for (each interval time EP) do
4: //Decode the packet
5: flow = Decode(packet) ; Flows.append(flow)
6: //Call the function for sums the weight of the data flows
7: W = Flows.TXOP − Flow.Weight(flow)
8: FSR =
9: end for
10: Return FSR.
Algorithm 3.2 The Fair bandwidth sharing ratio RSR
1: Init EP = 2s,W = 0
2: Setup: kV O = 3; kV I = 2; kBE = 1.
3: for (each interval time EP) do
4: //Call the function for Calculate the link utilization
5: TActiveT ime[i] = Flows.TXOP − Flow.Active− Time(flow)
6: RSR =
TActime−T ime[i]
7: end for
8: Return RSR.
Algorithm 3.3 Thuật toán điều chỉnh tham số TXOP
1: Init EP = 2s,W = 0, RSR = 0, FSR = 0
2: Setup: kV O = 3; kV I = 2; kBE = 1.
3: for (each interval time EP) do
4: //Call the function for FSR
5: FSR[i] = Fair_Share_Ratio : Get(flow)
6: //Call the function for RSR
7: RSR[i] = Real_Share_Ratio : Get(flow)
8: //Caculate the new TXOP parameter
9: TXOP ′[i] =
× TXOP [i].
10: end for
11: Return TXOP ′[i].
3.3. Simulation
3.3.1. Single hop topology
The throughput results between Voice, Video, and Best Effort flows in
Figure 3.2a and Figure 3.2b.
(a) (b)
Hình 3.2: (a) Throughput of 802.11 EDCA with standard parameters; (b)
Throughput of flows with proposed method.
The graph of comparing the total throughput in Figure 3.3b. The fair-
ness index between the flows is shown in Figure 3.3a.
(a) (b)
Hình 3.3: (a) Comparing the fairness index of the two methods; (b) Com-
paring the total throughput of the two methods
3.3.2. Multi-hop topology
Simulation results of total throughput between data flows between the
proposed method and the method of fixed TXOP parameter according to
802.11 EDCA are shown in Figure 3.4a and Figure 3.4b. Figure 3.5a is
shown the total throughput of the two methods. Figure 3.5b is shown the
fairness index of the two methods.
(a) (b)
Hình 3.4: (a) The total throughput of data flows with standard EDCA
parameters; (b) Total throughput of data flows with proposed method
(a) (b)
Hình 3.5: (a) Comparing the total throughput of the two methods; (b)
Comparing the fairness index of the two methods
3.4. Analysis of the results
3.4.1. Evaluation of Throughput
(1) Single hop topology: Comparing the throughput results in Figure
3.2a and Figure 3.2b, the thesis see that the throughput of Best-effort
flow according to the proposed method is significantly improved while the
throughput of Voice flow and Video flow is not degraded compared to the
802.11 EDCA standard.
(2)Multi-hop topology : The comparison of the results in Figure 3.4a
using the 802.11 EDCA standard and the result in Figure 3.4b by the
proposed method, the total throughput of flows obtained from the proposed
method makes the ratio among flows more balanced.
3.4.2. Evaluation of Fairness
(1)Single hop topology: The fairness index between the flows is shown
in Figure 3.3a. When the network load is small, the fairness of the two
methods is equivalent, but when the network load is large, the fairness of
the proposed method is better than 802.11 EDCA standard.
(2) Multi-hop topology: The fairness between the flows is shown in Fig-
ure 3.5b, the results show that the proposed method gives a higher fairness
than 802.11 EDCA standard.
3.4.3. Evaluation of delay
(1) Single hop topology: The delay Độ trễ between the flows is shown in
Figure 3.6a for 802.11 EDCA and Figure 3.7b for proposed method. The
results show that the dynamic proposed TXOP parameter method gives a
higher delay than the fixed TXOP parameter setting method.
(a) (b)
Hình 3.6: (a) Delay of data flows with standard EDCA parameters; (b)
Delay of data flows with proposed method
(2) Multi-hop topology: Total delay of data flows from S2 to D by pro-
posed method and 802.11 EDCA is shown in Figure 3.7a. The results show
that the proposed method is better than 802.11 EDCA standard.
(a) (b)
Hình 3.7: (a)Total delay of data flows between 802.11 EDCA and pro-
posed method; (b) Total delay of data flows in the Multi-hop topology
3.5. Comparison of published results
The thesis use two researchs [8]1, [56]2 for comparing the two methods.
(1)The throughput: the Table 3.1 is shown the result of research [8],
[56], the authors are compared between IEEE 802.11 EDCA and proposed
Bảng 3.1: Table the result of low priority data flows [8], [56]
Throughput in [8] Throughput in [56]
802.11 EDCA In [8] 802.11 EDCA In [56]
0.06 (Mbps) 0.07 (Mbps) 0.3 (Mbps) 0.4 (Mbps)
Table 3.2 is compared the throughput between the research [8], [56] and
proposed method. The result is shown that the proposed method is better
than 802.11 EDCA standard.
Bảng 3.2: Comparison result of ratio throughput of low priority data flows
Ratio throughput
Proposed method In [8] In [56]
36.7% 16.6% 33.3%
(2) The comparisons of fairness index: Table 3.3 is compared the fair-
ness index between the two methods. The fairness index of the proposed
method of Fuzzy logic is higher than the IEEE 802.11e EDCA.
Bảng 3.3: The comparisons of fairness index
Fairness index
Proposed method In [8] In [56]
0.8 0.6 0.6
3.6. Conclusions
The important contribution of the thesis is to propose a method to
adjust TXOP parameters according to dynamic mechanism based on actual
bandwidth sharing, to improve the fairness between multimedia data flows
suitable for ad hoc networks.
1Alam et al, "Enhancements of the Dynamic TXOP Limit in EDCA Through
a High-Speed Wireless Campus Network," Wireless Pers Commun, vol. 90, p.
1647–1672, 2016.
2Namazi, Mohammad, and Moghim, “Dynamic TXOP Assignment in
IEEE802.11e Multi-hop Wireless Networks Based on an Admission Control
Method”, Springer Science Business Media New York, vol .8, pp.6–17, 2017
4.1. Introduction
Adhoc networks consists of a number of mobile devices that come to-
gether to form a network as needed, without any support from any existing
Internet infrastructure or any other kind of fixed stations. Most of wire-
less Adhoc network architectures are currently based on the random access
method of IEEE 802.11 EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access )
in CSMA/CA. In addition, the EDCA’s performance of voice and data
traffic based on the type of access in IEEE 802.11e EDCA can be adjusted
Content window (CW), Transmit Opportunity (TXOP), Arbitration inter-
frame spacing (AIFS) are parameters to change the priority level of each
kind of flow. However, this method is still fixed, merely changing the values
of these parameters compared to the default setting in EDCA.
4.2. Relevant theory
4.3. Proposed method
4.3.1. The idea of the proposed method
The thesis propose a method for adjusting the CW, TXOP parameter
based on fuzzy logic with the changing network topology to ensure the
fairness of low priority flows in the case of large loads, thereby contributing
to the improvement of QoS for applications in ad hoc networks.
4.3.2. Fuzzy logic for control TXOP parameter
Fuzzy processing includes three sequential steps: fuzzification, process-
ing (inference system), and defuzzification. The center of the fuzzy con-
troller is the fuzzy rule base. The fuzzy logic decision system is shown in
Figure 4.1
U [V I] U [BE]U [V O]
Inference System
Membership Functions
Fuzzy Rules
Hình 4.1: Fuzzy Logic Controller for TXOP
(1) Fuzzification: The fuzzy logic system specifies the three inputs
U[VO], U[VI], U[BE] corresponding to the real link utilization for Voice,
Video và Best-effort. The value domain of the real link utilization ratio
among flows is 100%. (U[VI] + U[VO] + U[BE] = 100%). The fuzzy logic
is used to specify three outputs, TXOP[VO], TXOP[VI] và TXOP[BE] for
Voice, Video và Best-effort, where 0 ≤ TXOP [i] ≤ 8, which i is the data
U =
TActime−T ime[i]
(2) Inference system: The rules are designed to keep the real link uti-
lization approximately ratios in order of priority 3: 2: 1 between Voice,
Video, and Best Effort flows. The mechanism of increase and decrease at
the input variables is applied to the output variables in a ratio of 3: 2: 1.
In case of low priority flows, if the real link utilization is low, the TXOP
parameter is increased that helps better the channel access. With high
priority flows, if the real link utilization is high, the TXOP parameter is
decreased that helps other flows increase channel access. The output of
each rule is combined to generate the fuzzy decision.
(3) Defuzzification: The fuzzy outputs for all rules are finally aggregated
to one fuzzy set. To obtain a crisp decision from this fuzzy output, the fuzzy
set must be defuzzified. There are several defuzzification methods. In this
thesis, the weighted average method is applied for less complex and smaller
computational cost.
4.3.3. Fuzzy logic for control CW parameter
(1) Fuzzification: the three inputs and outputs were divided into “low,”
“medium,” “high” states and “very near,” “near,” “far” states, respectively.
(U [i]) = 100% (4.2)
Where U [i] is the actual linkage performance of i, n is the number of flows.
The value domain of SF (Shift Factor) 0 ≤ SF [i] ≤ 1, where SF is shift
factor (SF), i is the number of data flows. SF parameter make suitable
adaptation decisions for CWs based on shift factor (SF) using (4.3).
CWnew = SF × (CWcurr − CWmin) + CWmin (4.3)
Where, CWnew is the new CW.
(2) Inference system: The rules are designed to keep the real link uti-
lization of the voice, video, and best-effort flows in the approximate ratio
of 3 : 2 : 1, respectively. For low priority flows, if the real link utilization is
low, the SF is increased to raise the CWmin value, thereby improving the
channel access. For high priority flows, if the real link utilization is high,
the SF is decreased, thereby improving the channel access of other flows.
The output of each rule is then combined to generate the fuzzy decision.
(3) Defuzzification: Finally, the fuzzy outputs for all rules were aggre-
gated to a fuzzy set. To obtain a good decision from the fuzzy output, the
fuzzy set must be defuzzified. There are several defuzzification methods.
4.3.4. Simulation Analysis
(1)Single-Hop Topology: The figure 4.2 shows a comparison of the fair-
ness index between the two methods. When the offered load is small, the
fairness index of the two methods is the same. When the offered load is
large, the fairness index of the proposed method is better than that of
IEEE 802.11 EDCA.
(a) (b)
Hình 4.2: (a) The fairness index between the proposed method and
IEEE 802.11 EDCA of TXOP; (b)The fairness index between the proposed
method and IEEE 802.11 EDCA of CW.
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