Integrated teaching in geography 9 in secondary school

Information technology improves the efficiency of strengthening the learned

knowledge: IT supports teachers to design and organize activities to consolidate

knowledge by diagrams, multiple choice exercises, crossword games, . Overtime

In the main course, extra-curricular activities also need the support of IT as the

contest: Vibrating the golden bell; Road to Olympia; Geography gala .

Information technology assists teachers in setting up opinion surveys and

gathering feedback from students using Google Forms. The implementation is

very easy, just 3 - 5 minutes, teachers can build the Surveys for students. The

answer results are statistically automated and immediately integrated in the

surveyor's Driver. This means you can collaborate with others to create surveys,

or share finished products with selected people, and then use the power of a

spreadsheet for analysis. feedback.

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ns in textbooks, teaching objectives, characteristics of cognitive objects and direction in the general education program in general and in teaching Grade 9 Geography in particular, the author propose a number of integrated / intergrated addresses according to three levels: total integration, department integration or integrated integration, contact. In the integrated teaching process, teachers need to pay attention to rationally exploit opportunities to implement integrated integrated education, avoid omission as well as avoid constraint or make the reception of subject content The students themselves are more serious. 2.2.2. Identify some integrated topics in teaching Geography 9 Identify some topics of internal integration in teaching Geography 9 Integrating the subject is integrated within the subject area. In this form, teachers gather knowledge contents in different parts of the subject to build them into topics. These contents are aggregated based on the nature or meaning, when they address a class of issues related to each other. Based on the content of the curriculum and textbooks of Grade 9 Geography in secondary school, teachers and professional teams / groups conduct a review of the program content, can determine the knowledge contents related to each other shown in some current articles / lessons, thereby building a common problem to form a monastic subject. On that basis, the thesis suggests some specific internal integration topics: The situation of population development and distribution in our country; Vietnam agricultural geography; Northern Northern region; North Central region; Mekong River Delta Region; To comprehensively develop the economy and protect marine and island resources and environment ... Identify a number of interdisciplinary integrated topics in teaching Geography 9 ` 9 Teaching interdisciplinary integrated subject is a design of teaching process with the application of active teaching methods, with content related to many subjects, and teaching activities associated with practical requirements. Students must apply the knowledge and skills of many subjects to solve practical problems in the subject. On the basis of reviewing the standard of knowledge, skills, attitudes according to the current program and learning activities, it is expected to organize for students according to active teaching methods, identify possible abilities and qualities form for students in each topic developed. In the framework of the thesis implementation, we propose and develop a number of interdisciplinary integrated topics: Labor and employment; Vietnam's economy on the path of innovation and integration; Protection of marine and island resources and environment; Civilization of Red and Cuu Long rivers; Learn about water sources around you; ... 2.3. Process of organizing integrated teaching in Geography 9 in secondary school On the basis of studying issues of theoretical basis of case study, principles and requirements for the organization of integrated teaching, based on the content of the textbook program and psychological and cognitive characteristics of students Grade 9 and practical teaching in high school, PhD student proposed the process of integrated teaching in Geography 9 in secondary school including 3 stages and 10 steps: Figure 2.2. Diagram of the process of organizing integrated teaching in Geography 9 in secondary school State 1. Develop teaching plans Step 1. Survey, learn students' objects Step 2. Determine the objectives, content, methods, forms and means of teaching Step 3. Design learning activities Step 4. Planning assessment Phase 2. Teaching organization integrated Step 1. Transfer learning tasks to students Step 2. Organize learning activities of integrated lessons / topics for students Step 3. Student organization reports learning results Step 4. Comment and evaluate the learning results of students Phase 3. Evaluate Step 1. Evaluate the process Step 2. Periodic evaluation ` 10 2.3.1. Develop teaching plans The development of teaching plan is the first stage with a very important role, deciding the success of the organization of integrated teaching. During this period, teachers need to take the following basic steps: Step 1. Investigating and learning about students on existing knowledge and skills; need for lessons; students' abilities, strengths or attitudes about issues raised in the integrated lesson. This is an important basis for teachers to identify knowledge and skills that need to be accumulated, to select and design appropriate learning tasks, promote their strengths and abilities. For example, when teaching the topic "Civilization of Red River and Mekong River", teachers rely on KWLH questionnaire to survey students' understanding of issues related to integrated lesson/topic, survey the desire and interest of students. Based on the students' awareness level, skill knowledge standards, local practical situation, teachers determine the content to be specifically integrated in Geography lessons; Based on the length of the lesson, select the appropriate integrated form. For the selection of integrated topics, teachers in the subject and teachers of the subjects need to review and make statistics in the program and textbooks to find nearly similar content related to each other in the subject. , or between program subjects, agree on an integrated topic choice. For example, for the interdisciplinary subject of Labor and Employment, the Teacher of Geography and the Teacher of Citizenship Education should sit down to discuss and agree, propose specific forms and integrated content. Step 2. Determine the objectives, content, methods, forms and means of teaching. Identify the objectives of the integrated lesson, including the objectives: knowledge, skills, attitudes, and orientation of capacity to form in students. Ensure the right objectives in the standard of knowledge, skills of the subject and other related subjects, and identify the goals of the competence of the integrated lesson. For example: When teaching lesson 4. Labor and employment. Quality of life, teachers choose integrated / integrated teaching methods. Besides the goal of Geography, in this lesson, the teacher also integrates the goal of integrating environmental education so that students know the environment in many places is polluted, affecting people's health, reflect the low quality of life. In addition, through understanding the status of employment in our country, teachers can integrate vocational education content, impact on the sense of active learning to improve the level of students, orient their careers. Future. Determine the content of integrated lessons: Based on the expected time, objectives, psychophysical factors and regional factors to select the appropriate content accordingly. To do this well, it is possible to coordinate with teachers of subjects related to the topic to build the content to ensure the accuracy, science and abundance of topics. For many integrated topics, targeting and topic content sometimes take place simultaneously. Example: The content of the topic "Civilization of the Red River and the Mekong River" needs to be achieved: ` 11 Presenting the cultural characteristics of the Red River and Mekong River Delta through the understanding of civilization River; Analyzing the manifestations of climate change in the two regions of the Red and Mekong River deltas; Describe the impact of climate change on socio-economic development in the Red and Mekong River deltas; Proposing at a simple level some measures to cope with climate change related to the delta of the two modern plains. Identify methods, forms and means of teaching: From determining the objectives and content of teaching methods, teachers will select suitable teaching methods and teaching methods for each lesson, paying attention to the active teaching methods contributing to developing capacity for students, such as teaching review, choosing and preparing necessary tools, equipment and teaching facilities to support the process of teaching integrated lessons / topics Very important meaning, deciding the success of the teaching process. Step 3. Design learning activities: When designing an integrated lesson / theme teaching plan, teachers need to pay attention to the appropriate arrangement of time for each activity content but must ensure to provide giving students the knowledge, skills and abilities they need to develop; pay attention to techniques to attract students to learning activities. For example, when studying the Local Geography section in the Geography 9 program, teachers can build up the topic of teaching "Understanding clean water around you" with the project "I was invited to cooperate with the research team. save the situation of local water resources. I and the members of the delegation, survey, study and report the results and propose some simple measures to treat domestic water in the household scale. In order to implement this project, teachers need to first determine the specific objectives of the project: In terms of knowledge, students understand the quality characteristics of domestic water sources in the locality; On that basis, propose and test a number of measures to treat water on a household scale; In terms of skills, students improve and strengthen skills of searching, processing information, synthesizing issues related to research issues; Regarding the attitude, adding love to the homeland, improving the sense of responsibility and changing behavior in front of local environmental protection issues; In terms of capacity, through the project, it contributes to the formation and development of students' ability to solve problems, cooperation capacity, and the ability to apply the learned knowledge and skills, and the ability to understand geography (use maps, geographic images, statistics ...). On the basis of sticking to the topic, teachers identify cognitive activities, choose methods, teaching techniques and teaching facilities, allocate reasonable time. With the above project, the basis and content, objectives and local real situation, teachers can suggest organizing some basic activities as follows: Researching local water quality; Find out the causes and consequences of local water pollution; Proposing and testing a number of simple water treatment measures in households. In each activity, teachers need to develop a detailed ` 12 teaching plan. Specifically, with activity 1, research on local water quality, teachers determine: + Objectives: To understand the manifestations, causes, impacts and solutions to use rational and safe water sources. + Teaching methods / techniques: Local geographic survey. + Media: Water sampling device, camera. + Operation process: Data collection: (1) Actual survey: Students plan to propose actual points, take water samples (2) Search and collect information on the internet, local books and newspapers; Processing data analysis: Testing of collected water samples in some basic components; General analysis of documents according to the basic issues identified; Write reports, present research results; Report, present and discuss. + Assessment: Product reports and attitudes of students participating in performing tasks. Step 4. Planning assessment. Based on the objectives when building lessons and products that need to be achieved, teachers make plans to evaluate students' work results according to the capacity development orientation. In a lesson / topic, one or several specific competencies can be selected and evaluated. This assessment can be done through observation cards, questionnaires or practical questions, exercises, and situations for students. Assessment in integrated teaching should pay attention to the following contents: The purpose of assessment is to help both teachers and students have a basis and orientation to adjust teaching activities more effectively; comprehensively evaluate both knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies; the content of integrated lesson / topic assessment in teaching Geography 9 in secondary school focuses mainly on assessing the ability to apply general knowledge to solve specific situations; Evaluation method: combining process evaluation and evaluation of performance results; Audience participants: individual students, classmates, teachers, families and society. Example: After completing the lesson, integrate lesson 4. Labor and employment. Quality of life, to assess the level of awareness of students, teachers organize for students to do a test including a system of multiple choice questions and essays. In particular, to assess the ability to apply knowledge into practice of students, teachers make a request to observe images Comparison of hourly labor productivity in 2012 among countries. According to the report of the General Statistics Office, in 2015, Vietnam's labor productivity at current prices reached 3,660 USD, only 4.4% of Singapore. Thus, every Singaporean works with the productivity of 23 Vietnamese people combined. Do you have any assessment on the above problem? As the future owner of the country, what will you do to contribute to increasing the productivity of your country? 2.3.2. Integrated teaching organization On the basis of the content of integrated lessons / topics, teachers conduct teaching and learning, which means implementing the previously-oriented ` 13 teaching plan. The process of organizing the implementation of integrated teaching lessons / topics in Grade 9 Geography - Secondary has just the basic general steps for all learning topics and has its own characteristics based on the content of lesson study / topic, implementation time, product requirements and specific conditions of each school, each region and student objects ... Organization of integrated lesson / topic teaching is carried out through the following basic steps: Step 1. Transfer learning tasks to students. The task of learning is clear and consistent with the ability of students, reflected in the requirements of products that students must complete when performing tasks; forms of lively and attractive tasks, stimulating students' interest in awareness; ensure all students receive and are ready to perform their tasks. To transfer learning tasks to students, teachers can use a number of ways such as games, learning situations, using a practical problem, a literary work or an historical event .. Since then teachers skillfully lead students to perform learning tasks, creating excitement for learners. Step 2. Organize integrated lesson / topic activities for students. Based on the process of organizing the designed activities, teachers organize for students to perform tasks and corresponding cognitive processes. In the process of performing tasks, teachers need to encourage students to cooperate with each other when performing their learning tasks; timely detection of students' difficulties and appropriate and effective support measures; No students are "forgotten". For example, when teaching the subject of Geography in the agricultural sector in the Geography 9 program, teachers organize for students to perform the tasks of studying with the grafting technique with the expert group and puzzle pieces, thereby completing a diagram showing the impact of natural and socio-economic factors on the distribution and development of the agricultural sector. Step 3. Student organization reports academic results. Guidance for students to present / report results greatly contributes to the success of the integrated teaching lesson / topic in Geography 9 - Secondary school. Based on the time (at the previous stages) and the process of monitoring the individuals / groups of students performing the learning tasks, teachers build the reporting method. The form of reporting is consistent with the active learning content and teaching techniques used; Encourage students to exchange and discuss learning content; handle pedagogical situations that arise logically. Step 4. Review and evaluate students' learning results. In this step, teachers base on the practical situation of the organization of integrated teaching, based on the attitude of participation and the level of accomplishing students' cognitive tasks in order to have appropriate assessment and use The results of the evaluation tools have been selected and built, ensuring fairness, objectivity and accuracy. Depending on the specific situation of each school, depending on the ` 14 organizational capacity of the teacher, there is flexibility in organizing different integrated lessons / topics. 2.3.3. Evaluate - Assessing the process: In integrated teaching of Geography subject 9 in junior high school, periodic assessment is shown in the process of teachers using a variety of tools to assess students' cognitive ability, observe, evaluate student's capacity development after learning integrated lessons / topics. The progress of students must be expressed through the learning process, undergoing the process of affecting perceptions and changing learners' behaviors. The evaluation process focuses on finding out the factors that affect students' educational results in order to have timely, timely solutions to improve and improve the quality of education and teaching. - Periodic assessment: usually held in the middle of the semester, the end of the semester and the end of the school year. In addition to the periodic assessment of learning, the quality of students' competencies is shown in the question of applying knowledge to solving practical problems. The results of periodic reviews will also reflect the degree of impact of the process assessment. Experiencing the process of designing and organizing cognitive activities in integrated lessons, assessing the appropriateness of teaching methods and means, ensuring the objectives or cognitive characteristics of students; Since then the teacher has to make adjustments and changes if necessary in specific steps such as defining the goals, content, methods, forms and teaching facilities; redesign the process of organizing activities or organizing learning activities to better suit the perceived subjects, with the objectives of integrated lessons and practical practices of high schools 2.4. Measures to organize case study in Geography 9 in secondary schools 2.4.1. Applying positive teaching methods and techniques in integrated teaching of Geography 9 in secondary schools - Applying a variety of teaching methods on the basis of carefully studying the physiological characteristics of students, consistent with the content of the integrated lesson / topic: teaching the whole class, individual teaching, group teaching, classroom teaching. - Flexible and flexible application of teaching methods and techniques in accordance with integrated teaching in Geography 9 at junior high school. Through theoretical research and based on teaching experience in high school, in order to effectively integrate integrated teaching to meet educational objectives, the PhD student selects some of the most effective teaching methods and techniques in teaching integrated learning Geography 9 at junior high school, specifically as follows: Method of using visual media; Methods of problem-solving teaching; Method of teaching by station; Project teaching method; Methods of survey and investigation; Webquest method; Piece technique; Technical tablecloths; The technique of using thinking diagrams; ... ` 15 Each teaching method and technique has its own strengths, so teachers base on specific lesson objectives / integrated topics, using flexible coordination. activities and techniques to achieve the highest efficiency, creating the best opportunity for students to participate in cognitive activities, promoting their activeness, initiative and creativity. Application of IT in the design of integrated lessons / topics In the process of designing lessons / integrated topics, teachers need the support of IT in information search activities for research work, improve professional knowledge and get materials to support lecture preparation through Internet; use programs, software to capture, cut, design documentary, chart, knowledge mapping, select pictures like Paint, Photoshop, Window Movie Maker, SnagIt, Total video Converter, autoshape, smartAr, Chart ...; Application of some utility software to exploit and design channels such as Mapinfo, Excel, Google - earth, Encarta, Mindmap ... to design maps, schemas, charts, images, mind maps. In addition, teachers can use the software to support lecture preparation to create electronic lectures such as MS Powerpoint, Violet, iSpring Presenter and software for making movies, music ... IT application in the process of organizing integrated lessons / topics Information technology to support teachers in organizing the teaching process in class: Teachers use Projecto to express the prepared teaching tools, an important support tool in organizing receiving activities knowledge for students, such as lectures, science films, pictures, diagrams, diagrams, charts, tables of data ... related to the content of lesson knowledge; Train skills, develop students' capacity under the help of IT: Under the support of IT, teachers organize cognitive activities, thereby contributing to the formation and development of necessary capabilities for people learn. Information technology supports group collaboration: One of the main benefits of project teaching is to link lesson content with practical ideas of life to attract students into teaching activities. Through the implementation of projects, students can work in groups, exchange, discuss and cooperate to work together outside of class time, through IT to help students share more documents and work more effectively. in the learning process. Through tools such as Google Driver, Office 365 teachers can check student results and study participation. Information technology helps students complete the cognitive tasks assigned by teachers: While organizing the lesson / integrated topic, teachers often assign tasks and learning projects to students. Based on the task, students can use the support of IT to fulfill the requirements of teachers. For example, when teaching integrated topics Understanding clean water sources around you, teachers can use the optional station type to organize for students at each station to display information with different sources of materials on the content. understand the problem of using domestic water in the locality. In order to complete the task, the groups must have the support of IT to find relevant ` 16 information on the internet, using ProShow Producer software to create videoclip; Use Power Point to complete the presentation; Look up the internet channel to complete a propaganda poster and use Mindjet MindManager to draw a mind map. Information technology improves the efficiency of strengthening the learned knowledge: IT supports teachers to design and organize activities to consolidate knowledge by diagrams, multiple choice exercises, crossword games, ... Overtime In the main course, extra-curricular activities also need the support of IT as the contest: Vibrating the golden bell; Road to Olympia; Geography gala ... Information technology assists teachers in setting up opinion surveys and gathering feedback from students using Google Forms. The implementation is very easy, just 3 - 5 minutes, teachers can build the Surveys for students. The answer results are statistically automated and immediately integrated in the surveyor's Driver. This means you can collaborate with others to create surveys, or share finished products with selected people, and then use the power of a spreadsheet for analysis. feedback. Strengthen IT application in the process of organizing the examination and evaluation of integrated lessons / topics When organizing old lessons with the help of IT, teachers should combine multiple choice and essay questions, which can include pictures to comprehensively evaluate the student's previous lesson study. This measure will help students get excited and bring more efficiency. Using software to support the exam/test and evaluate the l

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