The main data analysis method in the author's study is regression analysis.
Large sample sizes are required for this method of analysis. Currently there are many
grounds for determining the size of a sample:
Based on research by Hair, Anderson, Tatham and Black (1998) for reference
on expected sample size. Accordingly, the minimum sample size is 5 times the total
number of observed variables. This is a sample size suitable for research using factor
analysis (Comrey, 1973; Roger, 2006). n = 5 * m. So if based on this basis, the author
must survey at least n = 46 * 5 = 230 community tourists.
For multivariate regression analysis: the minimum sample size needed is
calculated using the formula n = 50 + 8 * m (m: number of independent variables)
(Tabachnick and Fidell, 1996). Thus, based on this basis, the author will have to
survey at least 90 community tourists
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in the
Northwest region in terms of: Climate and soil potential; Potential in indigenous
culture, specialties in the Northwest.
(iii) Analyze the current status of the community tourism development in the
Northwest of the community tourism destinations: Number of visitors and tourism
revenue; facilities for community tourism; human resources for community tourism;
and tourism promotion and promotion.
(iv) Combine the analysis of the current situation of cultural heritage
conservation with the community tourism development in the Northwest. The
accessible cultural heritages: Physical cultural heritage; heritage of historical
artifacts, landscapes’ history and culture, and intangible cultural heritages.
2.1.2 Research on community tourists’ satisfaction
Suthathip Suanmali (2014) studied the factors affecting tourist satisfaction in
the northern provinces of Thailand. The study was conducted in a northern Thai
province, Chiang Mai, where there are many natural and cultural attractions.
Influencing factors are determined using statistical techniques. Primary data was
collected through distributing random questionnaires to foreign tourists visiting
Chiang Mai. Quantitative data was then analyzed using factor analysis and multiple
regression analysis to identify important factors. Research results showed that the
most important factor affecting visitor satisfaction was the cost of stay, the next most
important factors were hospitality, natural landscape and infrastructure.
Naidoo et al. (2011) conducted a study aimed at examining the community
tourists’ assessment of natural tourism on the island of Mauritius. Research was
carried out to determine the factors influencing the satisfaction of the community
tourists for nature tourism in Mauritius. Factors mentioned to consider the impact on
the community tourists’ satisfaction include: Infrastructure, prices, indigenous
culture, safety, and natural resources on a scale developing from Parasuraman's scale
of service quality. Research methods applied to the research include: test the
reliability of the Crobach's Alpha scale, exploratory factor analysis, linear regression.
The research results were conducted through interviews with 600 community tourists
showed that the factors in the research model have statistical significance and impact
on visitor satisfaction, in which factors Natural resources have the strongest impact.
2.1.3 Researchgap
First, the community tourism’s content
- The studies have not yet analyzed and assessed the potential of developing
the community tourism based on a full approach include: The potentials on climate
and soil; indigenous cultural potentials, traditional festivals and Northwest
specialties. Because many works are only done in tourist destinations with a narrow
scope such as: Cam Thach seven-acre coconut forest, Hoi An; Bidup National Park -
Nui Ba; Garhwal Himalaya of Uttarakhand State; Nam Cat Tien National Park ...
Most of the studies are still discrete for each type and locality, each tourist
destination without going into general solutions to improve the quality of community
based tourism, contribute to the community tourism development in the Northwestern
region associated with preserving and promoting the ethnic cultural values in the
context of integration.
Second, the content of the satisfaction of tourists with community tourism
The studies of domestic and foreign scholars related to the satisfaction of
tourists with the type of community tourism are still theoretical, just stop at the level
of general and academic research. There are many detailed surveys aimed at
examining the factors influencing the satisfaction of the tourists at community
tourism destinations in the Northwest.
The number of research projects on community tourism satisfaction in the
Northwest is still small. Therefore, the studies have not almost clearly reflected the
cultural characteristics, customs and practices of each locality in the Northwestern
provinces. Studies on tourist satisfaction with the community tourism have not clearly
assessed the impact of each factor on the satisfaction of tourists, making solutions still
general, low feasibility if applicable to the community tourism in the Northwest.
There has not been a study to comprehensively assess the impact of indigenous
culture on the satisfaction of the tourists at community tourism sites in the
Northwestern mountainous region. The studies have not synthesized the attributes of
indigenous cultures in the Northwest. Therefore, solutions to develop the community
based tourism based on indigenous cultural factors have not been mentioned.
In the Northwest mountainous region, this form of community tourism is
developing. However, although there are many studies on assessing service quality as
well as the satisfaction of community tourists, most studies focused on only one
festival or a few cultural activities in a tourist destination. In addition, indigenous
cultural factors are a characteristic feature in the community tourism in the
Northwest, but there are no studies to assess in detail and comprehensively the impact
of indigenous cultural factors on satisfaction of community tourists. Therefore, in the
dissertation, the author will go into depth research on the impact of indigenous
cultural factors on the satisfaction of the community tourists in the Northwest, this is
a new point of the study compared to other announced studies.
In summary, with gaps in the research on tourism, community tourism related
to the dissertation mentioned above, the author of the dissertation will conduct a survey
of the the community tourism data in the Northwest region, where there is a lot of
potential to develop form of the community tourism, here the components of indigenous
culture are very rich and diverse, from which the influence of these factors can be
generalized the satisfaction of the community tourists with the type of community
tourism in the Northwest of our country with the features of indigenous culture.
2.2. Theoretical basis for destination quality, community tourism and tourist satisfaction
2.2.1. Theory of customer satisfaction in the service industry
Tourists' satisfaction with community tourism services is the tourist's
emotional state about the tourism products/ service determined on the basis of
perceived actual experience compared to previous expectations using the community
tourism products/ services. Through experiencing the service at the community tourism
destination, visitors will feel the service and compare it with other destinations, thereby
making comments and reviews about the community tourism destination.
2.2.2 The quality of the destination and the satisfaction of tourists Features related to destination quality The relationship between destination quality and tourist satisfaction
The analysis of the author showed that perceived quality has a strong impact on
visitor satisfaction. However, most of the studies only approach the concept of the
overall perceived quality of tourists to destinations, but have not tested the different
components of destination quality visitor satisfaction.
2.2.3 Community tourism The concept of the community tourism
Synthesizing from many theories of organizations and researchers, within the
scope of this dissertation, the community tourism is understood as follows: Community
tourism is a type of tourism in which local communities play the main role and the
local government plays a supporting role in the effective introduction, organization,
management and exploitation of tourism resources in order to bring about economic
benefits and protect the general environment. Characteristics of the community tourism
Community tourism is a type of tourism where the local community is the
subject directly participating in activities.
2.3 Research Model
2.3.1 Inheritance research model Research model of Ismail et al (2016) Research model of Naidoo et al (2015) Research model of Mohamadia et al (2016)
11 Research model of Ly Thi Tuyet et al (2014) Research model of Hoang Trong Tuan (2015) Research model of Nguyen Hoang Phuong (2017)
2.3.2 Proposed model and research hypothesis The proposed model
Thus, based on the opinions drawn from discussions with experts and
researchers along with the inheritance of published research models, the author
proposes a research model for the dissertation as follows:
. H2
Picture 2.7: The proposed model Research hypothesis
Indigenous culture with quality of community tourism destinations
Hypothesis H1: Indigenous culture has a positive influence on the quality assessment
of the tourist destination when participating in the community tourism products.
Sightseeing environment with community tourism destination
Hypothesis H2: The sightseeing environment positively affects the assessment of the
quality of the tourist destination when participating in the community tourism products.
Natural attraction to the community tourism destination
Hypothesis H3: The attractiveness of nature has a positive influence on the
quality assessment of the tourist destination when participating in the community
tourism products.
Infrastructure with community tourism destination
Hypothesis H4: Infrastructure has a positive influence on the quality of the tourist
destination's assessment when participating in the community tourism products.
The quality of
the community
Service price at
the tourism site
characteristics of
Prices of service at tourist sites with community tourism destinations
Hypothesis H5: Service prices at the tourist destination have a positive
influence on the quality of a tourist destination's assessment when participating in the
community tourism products.
Quality of community tourism destination with community tourist satisfaction
Hypothesis H6: The quality of the the community tourism destination
positively affects tourist satisfaction when participating in the community tourism.
3.1 Research background
3.1.1 Northwest natural features
- Geographical location: The Northwest region is the western mountainous
region of northern Vietnam, sharing the border with Laos and China including 4
provinces: Hoa Binh, Son La, Dien Bien and Lai Chau. The terrain is mostly hilly
and mountainous, with high slopes.
3.1.2 Socio-economic situation in the Northwest
- This is an area where over 20 ethnic minorities live, life is still difficult. Over the past
years, the economic structure in the Northwest region has moved slowly, with low efficiency
and limited competitiveness. The conditions for socio-economic development still face many
difficulties and challenges.
3.1.3 Typical tourism products in the Northwest
Including specific types of tourism: Adventurous sports tourism, research
and discovery tourism, exploration tourism, experiencing traditional cultural
values of ethnic minorities in highland areas, ecotourism agriculture.
3.1.4 Selecting the research site
The author selected the study site including 4 provinces: Hoa Binh, Son La,
Dien Bien, Lai Chau.
3.2 Selecting the research methods
The author chooses qualitative research methods combined with quantitative
research methods. Selection of appropriate statistical analysis tools to solve the
problems posed by the study based on survey data obtained from reality in the
Northwestern region.
The dissertation used quantitative research methods to analyze and measure the
satisfaction of the community tourists. The thesis used 7-point Likert scale to analyze
and measure the factors. With the EFA test analysis tool to group variables into latent
variables and eliminate inappropriate variables, CFA tool to reconfirm the impact
relationship (one way or multidimensional) and measure the degree of this system,
groups of factors affecting the satisfaction of the community tourists. The main tool
of the factor analysis model is the quantitative assessment and the statistical
hypothesis test. Factor analysis skills supported by SPSS statistical software.
3.3 The research process
Picture 3.1: The research process
3.4 The method of data collection
3.4.1 Collect secondary data
The method of data collection is done through the collection of secondary data
from previous studies at home and abroad, reports of the Department of Culture,
Sports and Tourism, Provincial Statistical Office and Vietnam national administration
of tourism.
Linear structure
Analyse factor EFA,
Cronbach Alpha
Expert interview
Research method
Theoretical basis Aim of the study
Determine the topic
of the study
Assess the
3.4.2 Collect primary data
The author collected data by interviewing the the community tourism sites in
the Northwestern region using survey questionnaires. Before conducting the survey,
the author contacted the local community tourism destinations including: Hoa Binh;
Son La; Dien Bien; Lai Chau, the author stated that the purpose of the survey and the
confidentiality of the information provided are for the purpose of research.
The data survey period was from September 6th, 2017 to April 28th, 2018. To
conduct the official data survey for the study, the author conducted guidance for 10
plus authors on how to distribute and collect survey questionnaires, these are people
with certain communication skills and experience in the tourism field, specifically: In
Lai Chau, there are 1 tour guide and 1 city member of the Tourism Promotion Center of
Lai Chau Province; In Dien Bien, the author collaborated with 1 homestay guesthouse
owner and 1 member of the tourist promotion center of Dien Bien province; In Son La
employed 2 senior business administration students of Tay Bac University and 1
member of the tourism promotion center. In Hoa Binh, 2 tour guides and 1 homestay
business owner were used to distribute and collect survey questionnaires.
Survey locations and results are as follows:
In Lai Chau, the community tourism sites were surveyed: Ban Hon; Na Luong
village; Gia Khau village; Sin Suoi Ho village and Vang Pheo village.
In Son La, the community tourism sites were surveyed: Na Bai; Ang village;
Bo village; Na Tau village and Hum village.
In Hoa Binh, the survey was conducted at the community tourism sites: Giang
Mo village; Lac village; Ai group; Ke group; Da Bia group.
In Dien Bien, the survey was conducted at the community tourism sites: Him
Lam 2 village; Men village; Na Ten village; Nam Can village; Noong Chun village;
Che Can village and Chi Luong village.
Table 3.3. Survey results
Lai Chau 168 116 15 101
Đien Bien 256 198 23 175
Son La 185 138 17 121
Hoa Binh 203 169 21 148
Total 812 621 76 545
Source: The author summarised
Survey results are collected as follows:
Total number of survey questionnaires emitted: 812
Total number of questionnaires collected: 621
Total number of questionnaires not included in analysis due to lack of many contents: 76
Total number of questionnaires included in the analysis: 545 (The number of
these samples will be explained in detail in section 3.6.5)
3.5 Methods of analysis and data processing
3.6 Design of quantitative research
3.6.1 Quantitative research objectives
3.6.2 Design of quantitative research
The research process of the dissertation is done according to the steps
summarized in the table below.
Table 3.4. The order of implementation the quantitative research
Steps Contents
1. Construct the
- Through the research review process, choose the appropriate scales
for variables, for the Likert scale, choose the scale with the most
suitable indicators for each variable, each research context.
- Most scales are inherited from previous studies in English, so the
scale is translated into Vietnamese, then asked someone fluent in
English to translate back into English, then asked someone else to
compare. These 2 translations are to ensure that the content is not
misplaced, causing confusion in the translation process.
2. Evaluate the
- Ensure the validity
Conduct discussions, interviews with experts (lecturers, managers, ...
knowledgeable about the research content) to ensure that the
respondents do not misunderstand, understand not all the content of
the question, remove or correct some of the rare questions that are
mentioned, which can be misleading.
- Ensure the reliability
+ After ensuring "validity", issue questionnaires for experimental research.
+ For each variable, it is necessary to ensure Cronbach Alpha index> 0.7 to
ensure that the scale is stable and reliable through the measurements.
+ If not ensure, it is necessary to review steps (1) overview of the
scale, (2) translation, (3) expert discussion, (4) remove a few
indicators of inappropriate.
3. Formal
- Complete questionnaire for official distribution.
- Choose a delivering pattern and collect data
4. Data analysis - Using software SPSS 20 and AMOS 20 to analyze data, analyze
Source: The author summarised
3.6.3 Build scales of variables
Include 7 scales: Destination quality scale (CLDD symbol); Scale of visitor
satisfaction (Symbol SA); Scale indigenous culture (Symbol of VHBĐ); Scale of the
visiting environment (Notation of MTDL); Scale of infrastructure (Symbol of
infrastructure); Natural gravity scale (Symbol HDTN); The scale of service prices at the
destination (GC symbol) is measured through comments and uses the 7-point Likert
Scale to measure.
3.6.4 Evaluate the reliability of the scale
Measurements with Cronbach Alpha coefficients of 0.63 or more are
considered acceptable. Measurements with Cronbach Alpha coefficients from 0.7 to
0.8 are usable. Many researchers believe that a reliable measure of 0.8 to nearly 1 is a
good measure (Joseph F Hair et al., 1998).
3.6.5 Sampling method
The main data analysis method in the author's study is regression analysis.
Large sample sizes are required for this method of analysis. Currently there are many
grounds for determining the size of a sample:
Based on research by Hair, Anderson, Tatham and Black (1998) for reference
on expected sample size. Accordingly, the minimum sample size is 5 times the total
number of observed variables. This is a sample size suitable for research using factor
analysis (Comrey, 1973; Roger, 2006). n = 5 * m. So if based on this basis, the author
must survey at least n = 46 * 5 = 230 community tourists.
For multivariate regression analysis: the minimum sample size needed is
calculated using the formula n = 50 + 8 * m (m: number of independent variables)
(Tabachnick and Fidell, 1996). Thus, based on this basis, the author will have to
survey at least 90 community tourists.
According to Burns and Bush (1995), there are three factors that need to be
considered when considering sample size:
- Number of changes in the population;
- Accuracy desire;
- Allowable confidence level in estimating the overall value.
Therefore, the formula for estimating the sample size to achieve 95% accuracy
at 95% confidence is: N = Z2 (pq) / e2 = 1.962 (0.5 * 0.5) / 0.052 = 385
- N is the sample size;
- Z standard deviation with allowable confidence level (95%);
- Estimated value of change in population (50%) (according to Burns and
Bush, 1995, the number of changes in the population of 50% is often indicated in
social studies, so studies in practice often choose 50% of the p-value because this is
the value that guarantees the safety level in determining the sample size);
- q = 100 - p;
- e permissible error (level of error): + - 5%.
Thus, according to the author, to ensure the analysis requirements, the
minimum sample size must reach 385. In the study, the author conducted a survey in 4
provinces: Dien Bien, Lai Chau, Son La, Hoa Binh to ensure that the number of
questionnaires collected is enough for the study, the author conducted a survey of 812
community tourists by distributing the questionnaires directly to each of the community
tourists with the support and assistance of the community collaborators at local
community tourism sites. At the end of the survey, the author collected 621 survey
questionnaires, of which 76 questionnaires could not be used (due to the lack of content
and lack of content), the remaining 545 questionnaires were put in the analysis.
3.6.6 Data analysis method
This study aims to evaluate socio-economic statistics in which a number of
methods are used: Descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmation
factor analysis (CFA), tissue analysis, linear structure configuration (SEM).
Descriptive statistics are used to exploit basic information about the variables
in the observed sample. Thereby, we can test the normal distribution of observed
variables to apply for the next analysis.
The author used exploratory factor analysis (EFA), which is a statistical
method to reduce the set of variables used into a set of variables (called factors) less
(after remove the garbage variables), to make them more meaningful but still contain
the information of the original set of variables. In the preliminary study used (EFA)
and continued to apply in official research to check study consistency.
Factor analysis confirms that CFA is one of the techniques of SEM linear
structure model. CFA allows us to test how well the observed variables represent
factors. CFA is the next step of EFA, CFA is used to reconfirm the univariate,
multivariate, convergence value and differentiation of the scale.
In hypothesis testing and research model, the SEM linear structure model allows us
to combine implicit concepts with their measures and can consider measurements
independently or in combination with theoretical model at the same time. Therefore, the
SEM analysis method has been widely used in the social sciences in recent years and is
often referred to as the second generation data analysis method (Hulland, 1996).
4.1 Research results of the current situation
4.1.1 Current situation of community tourism development in the Northwest
4.1.2 Current situation of cultural conservation combined with regional community
tourism development in the Northwest
4.2 Research results of factors affecting tourist satisfaction with the type of the
community tourism in the Northwest
4.2.1 Descriptive statistics of the survey object
4.2.2 Evaluation of scale reliability Verify the reliability of the scale with Cronbach-alpha
In general, the results showed that the scales are highly reliable, when the
Cronbach-alpha coefficients are all greater than 0.7 in the first test with each scale, the
variable-total correlation of the observed variables representing a concept are greater than
0.4, showing that these variables correlate well with the overall scale, and these variables
are suitable to represent each concept of the sightseeing environment , infrastructure,
prices, indigenous culture, natural attraction, satisfaction. With reliability, the scales are
suitable to use to represent the concepts of each scale in factor analysis and regression. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) scale of independent variables
According to the analysis results, the coefficient KMO = 0.892 ensures
reliability for factor analysis, the coefficient of variance extracted = 65.37 shows the
variation of 5 factors, representing 65.37% of the variation bias of the whole. This is a
high percentage that shows the obtained data converges quite well, representing well
for the 5 factors given from the analysis. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) scale of dependent variables Confirmation factor analysis
The results of CFA confirmed factor analysis show that the standardized
critical model has 686 degrees of freedom, the criteria measuring the suitability of the
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