The leadership in mountainous area

1.1.4. Research limitations

Which types of typical qualities form communal leadership

in mountainous areas? How do they influence to the local socioeconomic development? What are differences from qualities of

leaders of organizations/enterprises, especially qualities in the

original research by Suri Surinder, 2012?

1.2. Theoretical bases

The thesis uses the theory model of Leadership Quotient: LQ

= IQ + EQ + XQ (Surinder, S., August 2012). According to the

model, IQ (Intelligence Quotient) is the ability to consider and

directly link with knowledge, sharp-wittedness and decisions making

ability; EQ (Emotional Quotient) is the emotional capacity to

suppress emotions, self-control, understanding; XQ (eXecution

Quotient) is the ability to gather supports and the ability to influence

and inspire of the leaders.

1.3. Hypotheses and research model

Hypothesis 1: IQ of communal officials in mountainous

areas has a proportional relation to the communal leadership’s socioeconomic development.

Hypothesis 2: EQ of communal officials in mountainous

areas has a proportional relation to the communal leadership’s socioeconomic development.

Hypothesis 3: XQ of communal officials in mountainous

areas has a proportional relation to the communal leadership’s socioeconomic development.


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rind er , S . , A ug u st 2012) . T able 1 .2 p resents th e o v erview of E m otio n al Q u otient -EQ . 1 .1 .1 .3 . O ve rview of ability to execute a nd p e rfo rm effectively to g ain supp o rts (eX ecutio n Q u otient -XQ) Th e term of “eX ecutio n Q u otient -XQ ” h as recently fam iliar . XQ is initially k n o w n as an integ ral p art of leading cap ability in 2001 . XQ is th e ability to en co u rag e and g ath er reso u rces to achiev e a p red eterm in ed g o al (K o shim a H . , 2001) . B esid es , XQ is also co n sid ered th e ability to create b o nd s and relatio n ship s , influ en ce , d eb ate , p ersu ad e , select and accu m ulate supp o rts to achiev e p referable results (S u rind er , S . , A ug u st 2012) . M any research es h av e also b een carried o ut to discu ss this field . T able 1 .3 p resents th e o v erview of eX ecutio n Q u otient -XQ . 6 Table 1.1. Indication of Intelligence Quotient-IQ in researches No. Indication Researchers 1 Knowledge and learning capacity Tran Thi Van Hoa (2011); Le Quan & Nguyen Quoc Khanh (2012); Trung Vo (2016); Azmi, I. A. G., (2010); Le Quan & et al., (2015). 2 Vision, orientation and strategically thinking Horton, S., et al. (2002); Horton, S. (2002); Boyatzis, R. E. (1982). 3 Understanding, comprehension capacity & problem-solving skills Nguyen Manh Hung (2012); Trung Vo (2016). 4 Intelligence and intellectual capacity Lord & et al. (1986); Smith & Foti (1998); Trung Vo (2016). 5 Renovation Michel Robert (1991). 6 Reaction and flexible thinking Denison, et al. (1995); Barach & Eckhardt (1996); Trung Vo (2016). 7 Cogitating ability, logical and critical thinking Tran Van Dau (2001); Tran Nhat Duat (2009); Hoang Xuan Luong (2013); Morela Hernandez, et al. (2011). Trung Vo (2016). 8 Judgment and decision making Dang Ngoc Su (2011); Wright & Taylor (1994); Tran Ngoc Hien (2012); Bui Huy Khien & Thai Van Ha (2013); Horton, S., et al. (2002). Source: By the author 7 Table 1.2. Indication of Emotional Quotient-EQ in researches No. Indication Researchers 1 Self-control, self-adjustment and non-verbal communication Wright & Taylor (1994); Barach & Eckhardt (1996); Tran Nhat Duat (2014); Peter Salovey & John Mayer (1990). 2 Self-control Tran Nhat Duat (2014); Le Quan & partners (2015). 3 Emotional intelligence Marlowe (1986); Zaccaro., et al. (2004); Goleman, D. (1998). 4 Attitude, morality and characteristics Nguyen Manh Hung (2012); Le Quan & Nguyen Quoc Khanh (2012); Boyatzis, R. E. (1982); Azmi, I. A. G. (2010). 5 Ability to understand Nguyen Manh Hung (2012); Barach & Eckhardt (1996). 6 Ability to encourage and stimulate Horton, S. (2002); Surinder, S. (2012). 7 Communication and interpersonal skills Barach & Eckhardt (1996); Horton, S., et al. (2002) 8 Emotional delivery Tran Ngoc Hien (2012); Morela Hernandez, et al. (2011). Source: By the author 8 Table 1.3. Indication of eXecution Quotient-XQ in researches No. Indication Researchers 1 Ability to influence Tran Thi Van Hoa (2011); James R. Meindl, et al. (1985); Weber (1947) & Yulk (1999); Daan Van Knippenberg, Michael A. Hogg (2003); Lord & et al. (1977, 1978, 1982, 1984, 1986); Nguyen Manh Hung (2012); Wright & Taylor (1994); Dang Ngoc Su (2011); Michael D. Mumford & partners (2000); Surinder, S. (2012); Horton, S., et al. (2002). 2 Ability to encourage and stimulate Tran Nhat Duat (2009); Nguyen Xuan Te (2004). 3 Ability to create and develop relationships Phung Xuan Nha & et al. (2012); Surinder, S. (2012). 4 Negotiation and persuasion skills Phung Xuan Nha & et al. (2012); Nguyen Xuan Te (2004); Surinder, S. (2012). 5 Commitment, efficiency and responsibility Michael D. Mumford, et al. (2000); Boyatzis, R. E. (1982). 6 Goal-orientation and execution Horton, S. (2002); Boyatzis, R. E. (1982); Le Quan & et al. (2015). 7 Abilities to deliver, promote, associate, train, select and call for supports Williams, et al. (2002); Surinder, S. (2012). Source: By the author 9 1 .1 .2 . O ve rview of o utco m es of th e lead e rship of o rg a nizatio n s/ente rp rises Y o u r co ntrib utio n s w hile leading o rg anizatio n s/enterp rises can b e ev alu ated in m any different asp ects and m eth od s b asing o n different g o als and targ ets . H o w ev er , research ers h av e b een in v estig ating this m atter in th ree m ain app ro ach es: eco n o m ically , en viro n m entally; so cially T able 1 .4 p resents th e o v erview of o utco m es of th e lead ership of o rg anizatio n s/enterp rises 1 .1 .3 . O verview of th e influ en ces of lead ership o n leading o utco m es 1 .1 .3 .1 . O ve rview of influ en ces of lead e rship o n leading o utco m es of o rg a nizatio n s/ente rp rises R esearch es in th e lead ership h av e existed sin ce early ag es alo ng w ith th e d ev elop m ent of th e scien ce of leading . A m o ng th o se research es , th e relatio n ship b etw een lead ership and th e leading results play s an im p o rtant role in th e su ccess and g ro w th of o rg anizatio n s/enterp rises . T able 1 .5 p resents th e o v erview of influ en ces of lead ership o n leading o utco m es of o rg anizatio n s/enterp rises 1 .1 .3 .2 . O verview of resea rch e rs in th e influ en ce of th e lead ership o n o utco m es of lo cal lead e rship G en erally , a few research es h av e b een carried o ut in this m atter in V ietn am . H o w ev er , th o se research es still m ak e co n sid erable co ntrib utio n s th eo retically and p ractically . T able 1 .6 p resents th e o v erview of th e research . 10 Table 1.4. Researches in outcomes of leading organizations/enterprises No. Outcomes of leading Researchers 1 Economically Farrell, M.J. (1957); Banker, R.D., et al. (1984); Afriat S.N. (1972); Charnes, A., et al. (1978); Fare, R., et al. (1985); Tran Van Dau (2001); Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Quan (2011). 2 Environmentally Tran Thi Van Hoa (2011); Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K. H. (1969, May); Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K. H. (1982); Dang Ngoc Su (2011); Blake, R. R. and Mouton, J. S. (1964); Brown, M. E., Trevino, L. K., & Harrison, D. A. (2005); Luong Xuan Quy (2002); Bas A.S. Koene, et al. (2002). 3 Socially Daan Van Knippenberg, Michael A. Hogg (2003); Porter, M. E & Kramer, M. R. (2006); Freeman R.E, (1984); Freeman R.E (1994); Antonio Piero, et al. (2005); Nguyen Manh Hung (2012); Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai & Nguyen Hong Ha (2013); Ngo Doan Vinh (2005). Source: By the author 11 Table 1.5. Researches in influences of leadership on outcomes of leading organizations/enterprises Qualities Factors Researchers Intelligent Quotient (IQ) Knowledge and learning capacity Tran Thi Van Hoa (2011); Azmi, I. A. G. (2010) ... Vision, orientation and strategically thinking Horton, S., et al. (2002); Horton, S. (2002); Boyatzis, R. E. (1982); Tran Van Dau (2001); Tran Nhat Duat (2009) ... Renovation, reaction and flexible thinking Michel Robert (1991); Denison, et al. (1995); Barach and Eckhardt (1996); Trung Vo (2016) ... Emotional Quotient (EQ) Self-control, self- adjustment Wright & Taylor (1994); Barach & Eckhardt (1996); Tran Nhat Duat (2014); Peter Salovey & John Mayer (1990) ... Emotional intelligence, Attitude, Ability to encourage and stimulate Marlowe (1986); Zaccaro, et al. (2004); Goleman, D. (1998); Nguyen Manh Hung (2012); Surinder, S. (2012) ... Ability to understand and deliver emotions Nguyen Manh Hung (2012); Barach & Eckhardt (1996); Horton, S., et al. (2002); Tran Ngoc Hien (2012) ... eXecutional Quotient (XQ) Ability to influence Tran Thi Van Hoa (2011); Surinder, S. (2012) ... Ability to encourage, stimulate and call for supports Tran Nhat Duat (2009); Nguyen Xuan Te (2004); Phung Xuan Nha & et al. (2012); Surinder, S. (2012) ... Goal-orientation and execution Phung Xuan Nha & et al. (2012); Surinder, S. (2012); Michael D. Mumford, et al. (2000) ... Source: By the author 12 Table 1.6. researchers in the influence of the leadership on outcomes of local leadership No. Description Researchers 1 The leader’s personal capacity helps him to revolutionize and come up with improved and appropriate methods to the demand of the market economy and the integration into international economy Nguyen Ky & et al. (2006) 2 The capacity to lead have an indispensable role in the methods of leading and directly affect the results of leading local authorities Tran Nhat Duat (2009; 2013; 2014) 3 The leader’s capacity has a direct effect on the outcomes of leading local authorities Hoang Van Hoan (2002) 4 The capacities of leaders in a system is considered the deciding factor to the outcomes of leading local authorities Nguyen Minh Phuong (2013) 5 The capacities of those who are the head of a country must react quickly to changes and follow the trends effectively to help stabilize the development of that country Tran Ngoc Hien (2012) 6 The personal capacity of leaders helps them promulgate rightful, legal, practical decisions and simultaneously helps them to have better judgement and know how to deal with political-social out breaks or how to avoid those out breaks Bui Huy Khien- Thai Van Ha (2013); Nguyen Xuan Te (2004) 7 The capacities of leaders have a direct impact of the development of the local socio-economic Hoang Xuan Luong (2013) Source: By the author 13 1 .1 .4 . R esea rch lim itatio n s W hich typ es of typical q u alities fo rm co m m u n al lead ership in m o u ntain o u s areas? H o w d o th ey influ en ce to th e lo cal so cio - eco n o m ic d ev elop m ent? W h at are differen ces fro m q u alities of lead ers of o rg anizatio n s/enterp rises , esp ecially q u alities in th e o rigin al research by S u ri S u rind er , 2012? 1 .2 . Th eo retical b a ses Th e th esis u ses th e th eo ry m od el of L ead ership Q u otient: LQ = IQ + EQ + XQ (S u rind er , S . , A ug u st 2012) . A cco rding to th e m od el , IQ (Intellig en ce Q u otient) is th e ability to co n sid er and directly link w ith k n o w ledg e , sh arp -w itted n ess and d ecisio n s m aking ability; EQ (E m otio n al Q u otient) is th e em otio n al cap acity to supp ress em otio n s , self -co ntrol , u nd erstanding; XQ (eX ecutio n Q u otient) is th e ability to g ath er supp o rts and th e ability to influ en ce and in spire of th e lead ers . 1 .3 . H yp oth eses a nd resea rch m od el H yp oth esis 1 : IQ of co m m u n al officials in m o u ntain o u s areas h as a p rop o rtio n al relatio n to th e co m m u n al lead ership ’s so cio - eco n o m ic d ev elop m ent . H yp oth esis 2 : EQ of co m m u n al officials in m o u ntain o u s areas h as a p rop o rtio n al relatio n to th e co m m u n al lead ership ’s so cio - eco n o m ic d ev elop m ent . H yp oth esis 3 : XQ of co m m u n al officials in m o u ntain o u s areas h as a p rop o rtio n al relatio n to th e co m m u n al lead ership ’s so cio - eco n o m ic d ev elop m ent . [[[[[[[ ơ Fig u re 1 .3 . R esea rch m od el S o u rce: By th e a uth o r Intellig en ce Q u otient (IQ) eX ecutio n Q u otient (XQ) E m otio n al Q u otient (EQ) C o m m u n al lead ership ’s so cio - eco n o m ic d ev elop m ent 14 C H A PTER 2 R ESEA R C H M ETH O DO LO G Y 2 .1 . R esea rch m od el Th e th esis research ’s p ro cess is p resented in Fig u re 2 .4 Fig u re 2 .4 . R esea rch p ro cess S o u rce: By th e a uth o r 2 .2 . Q u alitativ e resea rch Th e q u alitativ e research ’s finding s are p resented in T able 2 .8 . R esearch p ro cess/ step s R esearch results P relim in ary q u alitativ e research O fficial q u alitativ e research Q u antitativ e research w ith sm all q u antity of sam ples O v erall research S cop e of co n stitutiv e d efinitio n s , facto rs/ elem ents O fficial q u antitativ e research R esults and reco m m end atio n s T esting and adju sting th e scale T esting hyp oth eses A ssessm ent of v alu e & reliability of scale , T esting hyp oth eses S olutio n s and reco m m end atio n s 15 Ta bl e 2. 8. Qu a lit a tiv e re se a rc h’ s fin di n gs N o . Qu a lit a tiv e re se a rc h’ s fin di n gs Qu a lit ie s IQ EQ X Q 1 Ca pa bi lit y in u n iti n g in Pa rt y, G o v er n m en t a n d Ci tiz en s x 2 Ca pa bi lit y in ac cu ra te ly th in ki n g, w ill in g to ac t a n d to ta ke re sp o n sib ili ty x 4 Ca pa bi lit y in ke ep in g cl o se w ith ba sis an d ca tc hi n g pe o pl e’ s as pi ra tio n s x 5 Ca pa bi lit y in u pd at in g, in n o v at in g le ad er m an ag em en t, se iz in g o pp o rt u n ity x 8 Ca pa bi lit y in u n de rs ta n di n g an d pe rs u ad in g pe o pl e x 9 Ca pa bi lit y in so lv in g co n fli ct am o n g pe o pl e x 10 Ca pa bi lit y in le ad in g, pr ed ic tin g an d pr ev en tin g so ci o - po lit ic pr o bl em s x 11 Ca pa bi lit y in co n tr o lli n g pe rs o n al fe el in g x 12 Ca pa bi lit y in pr ac tic in g de m o cr at ic ce n tr al ism x 13 Ca pa bi lit y in fle x ib ly ad o pt in g in lo ca l l ea de rs hi p x 14 Ca pa bi lit y in pr ai sin g, ac tin g fo llo w in g sa yi n g x 15 Ca pa bi lit y in pe n et ra tin g pe o pl e’ s cu st o m x 16 Ca pa bi lit y in ge tti n g al o n g w ith pe o pl e x 18 Ca pa bi lit y in in te gr at in g bu t n o t d iss o lv in g in pe o pl e’ s co m m u n ity x 19 Ca pa bi lit y in re ac hi n g co n se n su s am o n g pe o pl e x No te : M ar k “ x ” in ap pr o pr ia te su ita bl e bo x . So u rc e: By th e a u th o r 16 2.3. Quantitative research The process of designing questionnaires is presented in Figure 2.5 Figure 2.5. Process of designing questionnaires Source: By the author Process proposal Results Bulding up the scale in Vietnamese Overall research Determining & defining variables and scale for each variable (Preliminary & official) Qualitative research Quantitative research with small quantity of samples Draft version of the scale in Vietnamese Draft questionnaires Official questionnaires 17 CHAPTER 3 CASE STUDIES OF THE MOUNTAINOUS COMMUNAL LEADERSHIP IN SON LA PROVINCE The research of " The leadership in mountainous communes" studies about the capabilites of communal officials in general, based on researching, reviewing, assessing these capabilities in relationship with the communal socio-economic development. Despite being in the same mountainous areas, socio-economic development of different locations varies sigificantly. This can be explained by many reasons, but one of the main reasons is the disparities in capabilities of different communal leaders. In order to explain the above matter, the author selected 03 typical communes, which respectively represents the communes with good socio-economic conditions; the communes with medium socio- economic conditions and the communes with weak socio-economic conditions in Son La province, and conducted qualitative research through in-depth interviews. The results show that all 03 hypotheses stated in the thesis are well supported. Hypothesis 1: Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of communal officials in mountainous areas has a proportional relation to the communal leadership’s socio-economic development. Hypothesis 2: Emotional Quotient (EQ) of communal officials in mountainous areas has a proportional relation to the communal leadership’s socio-economic development. Hypothesis 3: eXecution Quotient (XQ) of communal officials in mountainous areas has a proportional relation to the communal leadership’s socio-economic development. CHAPTER 4 QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH RESULTS OF THE MOUNTAINOUS COMMUNAL LEADERSHIP IN SON LA PROVINCE 4.1. Sample description statistics The total of 95 communes were selected to conduct the survey with 1,140 questionnaires. The results of the questionnaire survey showed that there were some unsatisfactory votes, so the author conducted an additional survey. After that, all 1,140 questionnaires were fully collected, ensuring that useful information was available for the research. Features in research samples are as follows. About professional positions: Communal officials account for 33.33%; Village leaders account for 33.33%; Local people account for 33.34%. About genders: 68.25% are male; 31.75% are female. About age groups: 35.52% are ≤ 35 years old; 51.32% are from 36 to 54 years old; 13.16% are ≥ 55 years old. About education level: Those with vocational or college degrees account for 42.11%; those with university degrees account for 24.12%; those who received no training account for 33.77%. 4.2. Testing the scale All 78 observed variables are in 4 scales that ensure reliability, and have a total variable correlation of > 0.3. Namely, Intelligence Quotient (IQ) scale: measured by 20 observable variables with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient equal to 0.920; Emotional Quotient (EQ) scale: measured by 20 observational variables with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient equal to 0.850; eXecution Quotient (XQ) scale: measured by 18 observable variables 19 with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient equal to 0.884; Communal socio- economic development scale: measured by 33 observation variables; after the elimination of 13 variables which did not satisfy the condition of total variable correlation > 0.3, there remained 20 observational variables had Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of 0.905. 4.3. EFA analysis After the first and second EFA, the author eliminated many variables whih were not extracted into factors. In the third EFA, KMO = 0.938; sig = 0.000; proving that analytical data was appropriate for EFA; 69 observational variables were extracted into 14 factors at Eigenvalues = 1.057; total variance extracted is 57.11%. In which, 03 independent variables: IQ; EQ; XQ are divided into 10 basic capacity groups (IQ.N2; IQ.N3; IQ.N4; EQ.N9; EQ.N10; EQ.N11; EQ.N13; EQ.N14; XQ.N1; XQ.N6) and 01 dependent variable "Communal leadership’s socio-economic development" is divided into 4 main categories of criteria for assessing communal socio-economic development (KQ.N5, KQ.N7, KQ.N8, KQ. N12). The observational variables were extracted into the factors, and the Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient of the tested scales was satisfactory. 4.4. Regression analysis The regression equation for standardized variables has the formula: LQ = 0.419 IQ + 0.289 EQ + 0.414 XQ. Accordingly, IQ has the strongest influence on communal leadership’s socio- economic development with 0.419; XQ has quite a strong influence on the MB with 0.414. In the last place, EQ has the least influence with 0.289. The synthesized result of regression model with three independent variables and one dependent variable showed that all three hypotheses H1; H2; H3 stated in the thesis were accepted. 4.5. Testing research model The results of the official (standardized) SEM model show that: Chi-square/df = 1.507; GFI = 0.931; TLI = 0.946; CFI = 0.958; RMSEA = 0.051, indicating that the theoretical model is consistent with the thesis data. At the same time, the results of checking the causal relationship between the concepts in this model also show that IQ, EQ, XQ has statistical significance sig. < 0.05. Specifically: IQ which has the strongest influence on the leadership’s socio-economic development, had Beta equal to 0.510. Next is XQ, which has quite a strong influence, had Beta equal to 0.388. In the last place is EQ with Beta equal to 0.271. CHAPTER 5 RESEARCH RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1. Research results 5.1.1. Qualitative research results The results show that the capacity framework of communal leaders in the mountainous areas or leaders of organizations/enterprises all includes three basic types (Intelligence quotient-IQ; Emotional quotient-EQ; eXecution Quotient-XQ). It also shows the positive relationship between these capacity types with leadership’s socio-economic development. In particular, each type of capacity has different roles and levels of importance depending on each specific leadership objectives. 5.1.2. Quantitative research results Cronbach’s Alpha results The scales of Intelligence quotient-IQ; Emotional quotient- EQ; eXecution Quotient-XQ guarantee reliability. As for the scale for communal socio-economic development, there are only 20 observed variables that could ensure reliability, which proves that the 21 capabilities of the communal officials does not completely affect all the indicators of local socio-economic development. EFA results After Cronbach's Alpha and EFA, the results of the remaining 69 observed variables were extracted into 14 factorial groups belonging to four groups of researching factors. Therefore, this study has identified the capabilities of communal officials in mountainous areas as well as groups of criteria that reflect local leadership’s socio-economic development. Results of regression analysis and testing research model Firstly, the results show that Intelligence quotient-IQ has the most influence on leadership’s socio-economic development, which is consistent with Suri Surinder's statement about new research contexts, where socio-economic conditions are still underdeveloped, with low literacy. The next is eXecution Quotient-XQ, which has quite a strong influence; and Emotional quotient-EQ, which has the least influence. Differently, eXecution Quotient-XQ has surpassed Emotional quotient-EQ in the context of mountainous communes in Son La province. Secondly, the regression equation for variables written with non-standardized coefficients is taken from the table ‘The meaning of the regression coefficients in the model – Coefficientsa is as follows: LQ = 0.759 + 0.335 IQ + 0.229 EQ + 0.304 XQ, in which the independent coefficient of 0.759 has indicated that there are many other factors that also influence the communal socio-economic development. However, this study has quantified the relationship between (Intelligence quotient-IQ; Emotional quotient-EQ; eXecution Quotient-XQ) and the communal leadership’s socio- economic development. Thirdly, there are no conflict among results of regression analysis and SEM results as well as results

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